isostatically compensated trough which is underlain by a considerably thi crust. Available results of geophysical investigations show that the basement derneath the Benue Trough is irregular in shape and folded and uplifted in pl mapping out several basinal structures in which sediments of varying thick have been laid down. Sedimentary thickness in the trough averages from a 0.38 km 'to,an estimated maximum ob about 7.00 km, These sediments have been in preted as being folded and cut across by numerous faults, 5 - 160 km in le whose trends are mostly anti-parallel to the axis of the trough. Geophys,ical investigations further suggest the existence of igneous intrusi I I of basic to intermediate composition within the Benue Tcough. These intrusives cur at depths which vary from as shallow as 0.005 km to depths of 8.0 km or mo On the bas'is of geophysical studies, the Benue Trough can be described as an, el gated' rift of subsidence in Which a thick succession of sedimentary rocks, ,eva Kites and intrusives have been emplaced. Results of geophysical studies so . carried out support the fact that the evolution of the Benue Trough invol asthenospheric up-doming, crustal thinning and stretching, emplacement of igneou bodies and block faulting. Magnetotellurics in the Senegalo-Mauritanian Basin West' Af-rica A ST 0 M. 60nd s Bocu ment ai re: Cote 5 8;:; The deep geologic structure o€ the onshore Mesozoic-Cenozo c Senegalo-Mauri'tania basin (West Africa) has been studied using the magnetotelluric (MT) method alor three approximately linear traverses, with a limited amount of information prc vided by deep drilling. The interpretátion o€ the MT data, given in terms of two- dimensional (2-D) resistivity stfuctures, indicate that the main gross lithologic- al boundaries of Senega1,can be readily followed by using calculated resistivities der-ived f rom the 2-D Mt modelling. The resultant interpretive cross sections de- pict three important layers in the electpica1 stratigraphy (post-Senonian, pre- Senonian, basement). Conductive horizons not indicated in the borehole logs are also observed and are probably caused by saline water-f illed fracture zones. The basin is characterized by water-saturated, unconsolidated, low-resistivity sedi- ' ments. In the southern part of the basin, there are relatively conductive (10-30 ohm-m) formations below the Mesozoic which are interpreted to indicate very frac- tured sandstones of Ordovician-Devonian age. However, delineation OE the boundary between Jurassic limestones and basement rocks is somewhat uncertain due to the low electrical resistivity.contrast. With the details provided by the MT data, a geologic model has been developed. This indicates that the basin is a westward- sloping, 'open hbmocline in which the structure i$ controlled by basement faults that portray a more.,or less staircase structural style. .? i La chaîne des Mauritanides au Sénégal Oriental: '& Interprétation de deux profils magnétotelluriques M. Ritz et 8. Robineau (Dakar, Sénégal) Des mesures récentes du champ électromagnétique (méthode magnéto-tellurique),' le long de deux traverses au Sénégal Oriental, depuis le bassin côtier jusqu'au cra- ton ouest africain à travers la chaîne des Mauritanides, ont permis d'établir des ./ I, I I li - 152 - thinr: 8 m'ent U modéles géo-électriques 5 deux dimensions (1) dans lesquels des inhomogénéités n plac térales de conductivité électrique sont mises en évidence dans la croûte et hickne manteau supérieur. Ces inhomogénéités indiquent une diminution importante, suiv 'm ab0 une direction N-S, de l'épaisseur crustale 5 l'ouest du craton ainsi qu'un chan n inte ment brutal de l'épaisseur de la lithosphère au droit de l'accident de Bissau- 1 leng dira. Les coupes géo-électriques indiquent également des changements de résistì I té liés aux différentes unités lithostructurales de la chaîne des Mauritanides, leur extension en profondeur. Ces résultats permettent de confirmer le modèle g dynamique proposé par Villeneuve (2) et de l'affiner: l'unité "Bassaris' 2 vol nisme basique, représentant l'ouverture d'un bassin plus ou moins océanisé, chevauchée au Panafricain par l'uniti! 'Koulountou' h volcanisme calcoalcalin. plan de suture, a plongement ouest, est masqué par le bassin molassique de Y kounkoun. L'unité de la Koulountou est pincée et redressée vers le Nord par 1' tion de l'accident lithosphérique de Bissau-Kidira (3), dont le jeu transform Panafricain semble confirmé. REFERENCES 1. Ritz & Vassal, Geophys.Jour. Royal Astronom.Soc., in press. 2. Villeneuve, Thèse Sciences, Université d'Aix-Marseille III (1984). 3. Ritz & Robineau, Tectonophysics, 124 (1986). anian Results of magnetotelluric and seismic investigations along in the High and Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco pro- two- G. schwarz and P.J. Wigger (Berlin, F.R.G.) 2gic- ities : de- The field measurements were carried. out in 1983 along a profile running f Ire- Erfoud to NNW crossing the High and Middle Atlas mountains. As signal source are the two seismic profiles the blasts of the lead mine Zaida have been used. At The profile which crosses the Middle Atlas in NW direction at a depth of 17 km an edi- teacrustal discontinuity was found. Between this discontinuity and the Crust m 3-3 O tle bouhdary a low velociky layer has to be stated. The total crustal thicknl :ac- reaches nearly 30 km. On the other profile which crosses the High Atlas in SE I la rjr rection an intracrustal discontinity.was discovered, tool but at a depth of 10 ki the ,a :4agnetotelluric measurements and 'geomagnetic depth sounding have been done at d- recording sites. On the profile section from the High Atlas mountains to the !4 Its dlc Atlas the middle crust is well conducting from site to site at differ1 depth, with specific resistivities much leSS than 10 0hm.m. To the south, t conductor ends at the border to the Anti Atlas, where normal resitivities wD found in crust and mantle. The southern border of this conductor is well be SI in the results of geomagnetic depth soundings, too. From these results one has assume a conductivity structure within the high mountains' crust, which is ml more complicated, as it results from the first interpretation of magnetoteiiu measurements. The anomalous conductivity structures may point towards a high fi\ content in the middle crust, as well as towards planes of overthrusting. Part melts may not be excluded at this depth range. .e First results OE more extended Crustal seismic measurements which have been d, - in 1986 in the above mentioned region will be introduced, too. S Chrhtfan MOREA U DCpnrtement de GEologie FacultC des Sciences Universird - Dakar-Fano . 14th COLLOQUIUM OF AFRICAN GEOLOGY 14e COLLOQUE DE GEOLOGfE AFRlCAfNE Technische UniversitGt Berlin 1b-22 August4 987 /li i organized by , (( Special- Research Project Arid Areas )) (Sonderforscbungsbereich 69) PUBLICATION OCCASIONNELLE I ,9b7,,72 OCCASIONAL PUB LI CATION Il' I CIFEG - 103: rue de Lille - 75007 PARIS, FRANCE - Tél.: (1) 45.50.32,22 I I .
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