US 201200 1 6420Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2012/0016420 A1 NARAGHI (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 19, 2012 (54) DEVICES, SYSTEMS, AND METHODS FOR (52) US. Cl. ....................................... .. 606/250; 606/279 INTER-TRANSVERSE PROCESS DYNAMIC STABILIZATION (57) ABSTRACT Systems and methods are positioned between left and right (76) Inventor: FRED F‘ NARAGHI’ San transverse processes of adjacent vertebrae in a spine to pro Franclsco’ CA (Us) vide dynamic inter-transverse process distraction and stabi liZation and indirect expansion of both anterior and posterior (21) Appl' NO‘: 13/091’600 spaces of the spine. The systems and methods employ a left _ support component siZed and con?gured to be mounted (22) Flled: Apr‘ 21’ 2011 between the left transverse processes of the adjacent verte _ _ brae and a right support component and con?gured to be Related U‘s‘ Apphcatlon Data mounted betWeen the right transverse processes of the adja (60) Provisional application No. 61/399,585, ?led on Jul. Cent Venebrae- The left and right SUPPOYt Components exert a 14, 2010 dynamic separation force betWeen the left and right trans verse processes generally longitudinally along the spine to _ _ _ _ distract and stabilize space betWeen the adjacent inferior and Pubhcatlon Classl?catlon superior vertebrae and indirectly expand both anterior and (51) Int, Cl, posterior spaces of the spine. The systems and methods A61B 17/70 (200601) relieve pain associated With, e. g. disc herniation, disc degen A61B 17/88 (200601) eration, facet arthropathy, and spinal stenosis. Cervicai \Q‘ vertebrae (1 C1 - C7 Lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 Sacral vertebrae $51-55 Coccygeai Vertebrate Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Fig, i Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 //"“‘\~--~ Spinai Nerve Ram /"~ Spinous Pmcess -»—~»-—' L3 5%VmT‘v 9imw_AC%,mmc5S /\Ema\. ..\\/ \ N/ memmmnkmumWC P.mmh //’" Superior Articuiar m%wm%n“.raa Facet of L4 /.\ , “W L4 "‘““"~“ inferior Ar'ticuiar Fate? 0? L4 \\\\—»~ SaQraE VEi't?bféQ Si Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 / Transverse Procesx »\\ intervertebrai ’F~~-~-\ 'Spinai Men/Q Disc Root Process _/»~ Superior Articuiar Facet 01“ L4 //*inferier Articuiar ,// Tra nsverse Process Transverse - Prscess Spinous ~/” Process Fig. I)? Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spirwus Process 4/ Lam ina vertebra} / Vertebrai Transverse Prmiess --~~\. / Spine! Nerve M/ \Spirrai Nerve D 551: A n n u E u s “New” F2", Sprrrous Procesg Lamina / vertebra:i Bpdy 1 Transverse / Transverse Process ~\ Spinai~ Nerve 1" // , Disc Nucieus ~'/ Disc Annuius--/’ ‘~--— Herniated Disc impinging an Spinai Nerve Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Craniai (Superior) \ 16S 12L “M m 161 =, ( m \ Caudai 44 42 ‘\ , (infericr) Mi Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinal News Transverse Left Process Tran svmse Process --~\ ‘ #113111 65; _/ 2a Superior ‘ vertebra " x/M'“ inferior vertebra Spimusm Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 7 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinai Nerve Right Tranaverse /» Precesg Left Tl VI. a nu S V € .5 E Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinai Nerve Rom‘ ~~~~ \\ Right Tra n sverse ‘ /-< Pmcess ‘ 46 “m / Left ‘ Tra n averse "“ {/4 6S pi'?cess _ ........ .5 \\ ~~~ Screw [?riving Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 9 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinai Nerve RGG'E“\\ f\I// gvc 2 mpS Rnurl ESQ Neemm“ 1..u. /rQO / 4 iT.m R Spinaus ‘ Frocesgw/ Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 10 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinal NEH/f3 Right Transverse; ///- Prccess SpinousPmcessw/ ‘ ,1,» ‘ \H Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 11 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinai Nerve ROO'E\\\\ w i / Right l/ Tran sverse //~» Pmcess 12ft TransversePmcessw/~~\ 49'“‘\ ‘ i 2 Screw /"'~ Driving Tomi Spinous '//’ ~\ “ _g 1 Process \w,// \ ‘ \, b2 Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 12 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Spinai Nerve 46 Left an: rrli11C 3_.LE w,»mc64 M2232“WM»,,A... 084.1025~ ,1Nil./_MO/2‘ PM“can 5 Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 13 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 25 NC:wmh"9.35 mwmupnnml.\ “Exam.wimz poem M,g“if m3EL“,,/r q 330$fail; Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 14 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 mmwuord “Exammiwz Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 15 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Bone Graft Materiai Deiivery Sysném Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 16 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 Anmrior Craniai __ ‘ , ”122 (Superior) w ‘ - ,r1555 H /--12s ‘1 ' 2,130 24L Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 17 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 t4 Left 3H,... em Transverse 1132 /G1 TamS nmn.e4. hWS/ Process\ 46.P /ggs 1, 1.1 O 0 p“ ,.\. /1".=1,_= / »~ SuperiorVe-rtebra Transverse Proaess of L4 infarior Vertazbra 23 his nous PE'OCéZ-FiS Right 'E'ransverse Process of! I Right Superier PEACE-110m?‘ ef infaricr vertebra L5 Right -~Transverse Pmcess Patent Application Publication Jan. 19, 2012 Sheet 18 0f 18 US 2012/0016420 A1 .1.,_,4 .- 1: .. AU Me’.jM\,,4, m.p.u\WWM. .i 8 m 3 r5.4!F. mmM5621... 8%_.v \TD:Rm»...Mv1! ASmrswmy.2 /Dnq?c.yIV5 a.»R u~.iwHQ.wueO a/U! 9....m... b /g ._._S , .in \\.w A \\112.4\1".N/a; 1.1..J. 1 ... .2a..,., :3 4hw\.%.8\a >~ w. u. “Min...m//s\N .I08“.11IL. 1..E. i R.T: /.1v.h i. M,r,..5R2SSL1.. 1n!Tom. .I.m _._2 Iand\.f1!\ wm».11.1..21 .\ .p.\ 1, F. cm\ .1R a;20080.‘Ln? 1. .0.j.m.g_1..n ia. .............. 1z. 1... pr‘275 no.4 N1_ . SP464106O A1mHwN.ns2 l!. /i,1u.1...A N88?831.. .I 1.. 2 .l/ /&\\.\\, 2AU.11:1!.1:1!.,1... Fig. 26A US 2012/0016420 A1 Jan. 19, 2012 DEVICES, SYSTEMS, AND METHODS FOR spinal stenosis results in loW back pain as Well as pain or INTER-TRANSVERSE PROCESS DYNAMIC abnormal sensations in the legs, thighs, feet or buttocks, or STABILIZATION loss of bladder and boWel control. [0009] Disc herniation and spinal stenosis can sometimes RELATED APPLICATION be treated Without surgery, e.g., through the use of medica tions, steroid injections, rest or restricted activity, or physical [0001] This application claims the bene?t of US. Provi therapy. sional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/399,585, ?led 14 Jul. [0010] In cases When non-surgical treatments are not effec 2010, and entitled “Devices, Systems, and Methods for Inter tive, surgical treatments can be performed. Lumbar spine Transverse Process Dynamic Stabilization,” Which is incor surgeries are performed for treatment of disc herniation and porated herein by reference. spinal stenosis on several hundred thousand patients each year to alleviate back pain and leg pain. The traditional treat FIELD OF THE INVENTION ments for disc herniation and stenosis to alleviate pain symp [0002] The invention generally relates to devices, systems toms have involved discectomy and decompression Which and methods for treating conditions of the spine, and, in usually involve removing bone from lamina partially (lami particular, systems and methods for distending the spine for notomy), or completely (laminectomy), and removal of the treating, e.g., disc herniation and spinal stenosis. herniated disc portion. [0011] If there is a structural instability, typically the treat BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ment Would also include fusion. Fusion consists of applica tion of bone or cage implants either in the interbody space or [0003] The spine is made up of bones (vertebrae) cushioned to the posterolateral portions of vertebral bodies With or With by intervertebral discs. The intervertebral discs are respon sible for the attachment of vertebral bodies to each other, out application of pedicle screW instrumentation, to stabiliZe the vertebrae and alloW for fusion to occur to treat the insta providing ?exibility and load-sharing for the spinal column. bility. An intervertebral disc consists of a tough outer layer (annu [0012] Recent studies have questioned the effectiveness of lus) and a soft inner layer (nucleus). discectomy, suggesting that discectomy may at best only [0004] With aging, a disc can undergo signi?cant changes offer a modest short-term bene?t in patients With sciatica due in volume and shape as Well as in biochemical composition to disc extrusion. According to these recent studies discec and biomechanical properties. The disc can become herni ated, Which is sometimes colloquially called a “slipped” disc tomy does not appear to provide a different outcome than non-surgical treatment. The advantage of discectomy is a or a “ruptured” disc. Other terms that are closely related include disc protrusion, bulging disc, pinched nerve, sciatica, more rapid resolution of the radicular leg symptoms. HoW ever, the disadvantages are numerous, including scar tissue, disc disease, disc degeneration, degenerative disc disease, instability requiring further surgeries, nerve injury, acceler and black disc. ated disc degeneration. e.g., decompressive laminectomy, [0005] When a herniated disk occurs, a small portion of the laminotomy, foraminotomy, cervical discectomy and fusion, nucleus pushes out through a tear in the annulus into the spinal canal. The annulus tears usually at the back of the disc, cervical corpectomy, and laminoplasty. Which is right next to the nerves of the spine. The nucleus SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION starts to shift into the torn area, Which causes a bulge. The bulge applies pressure to the nerve.
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