University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-11-1927 Sandspur, Vol. 28, No. 19, February 11, 1927 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 28, No. 19, February 11, 1927" (1927). The Rollins Sandspur. 2555. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/2555 The Rollins Sandspur Published b:, Studenta of Rollin ■ Colleae Winter Park, Florida, Friday, February 11, 1927 Ne.19 HOLT SPEAKS ON JAPAN Major Morgan Rants 2nd Preliminaries For LEADERS T-0 BE HONORED PLAYS NATIONAL ANTHEM Against Non-Voters R. J. Sprague Contest ON INAUGURATION DAY Monday, February 7, being the oc- Ten more years till national ruin Friday morning, February 4, the Each year at its annual commence, asion of the funeral of the late Mika­ unless the younger generation does chapel exercises were exceptionally in­ ment Rollins College lects one or do of Japan, the chapel exercises were something to avert it, was the time teresting. All the students of Mrs. two outstanding men or women. who. turned over to President Holt that he given thi country by Major Morgan Grey's public speaking classe , who accordin to the judgment of the fac, might make some remarks about the last Thursday morning in his address ha.cl passed with honor the first pre, ulty and trustees, have because of Japanese and their emperor. before the Rnllins student body. The liminary tryouts for the Dean Sprague their records of service and achieve:, Dr. Holt's great admiration of the theme of his address was that the old, oratorical contest, had the opportuni, ment meritoriously contributed to the Japanese wa readily evident. In con, er people have succeeded in getting ty of entering the second preliminaries welfare and d velopment of American ci e manner he told of the way they this country into a perilous condition by giving a speech in chapel. Thir, civilization, and bestows upon these were superior to Americans and also from which they are unable to extri, teen students spoke and each speaker leaders the highest recognition of the how the Americans surpa them. The cate it; and that the young people held the attention of the audience and academic world that of the honorary points of contrast were that the Jap­ must do something to stop the spread student body to the very finish. degree, which authority t granted anese were better in matters of cour, of murder, robbery and the crimes of After a few introductory remarks Rollins by its charter that has passed age, alertness, thoroughness, courtesy, lust or there is no use in going on. by Mrs. Grey the affair was left in by the Florida Legisulture forty,one cleanliness, art and landscape garden, Major Morgan has made a careful charge of the Chairman, Rnbert Pep­ years ago. ing. They are inferior in democracy, study of the present conditions in law, per, who announced each speaker in As Florida•s oldest institution it has· industrial system and music. breaking in this country and is fully turn. The secretary and time keeper behooved Rollins to establish a prece, In conclusion Dr. Holt told of his able to discuss the subject from a prac, was Ted Berquist. The judges were dent for this tate in the granting of audience with the grandfather of the tical and sane point of view. He is Dr. Campbell, Mr. Ha,rris and Mr. honorary degrees, and true to the present Mik do. He then recited the now giving his entire time to travel, Weinberg. Prizes of fifteen, ten and ideals and traditions of the old,line, translation of the Japanese national ing over the country, making speeches five dollars are to be given to the three conservative institutions of liberal arts, anthem, the words of which seem to and trying to arouse the people of this speakers who win in the final contest Rollins has given such honors very be: "May the imperial line continue land to the truly grave state of affairs. to be held at the Woman•s Club dur- rarely, some times not at all, and only for ten thousand times ten thousand "There is no nation on earth," he ( Continued on Page 5) when the proposed recipients had years, till pebbles grow into boulders said, "that has as many lawbreakers stood out for years as illustrious lead, and the boulders are covered with as do we. We have always looked ers. down on the Italians, but they are the HISTORICAL SOCIETY moss. Dr. Holt closed by rendering According to an announcement only people on earth who have any, on the piano the music for the an, made recently by Irving Bacheller, one where near as many murders as we HAS 25th ANNIVERSARY them. of the ranking members of the Rollins do. We have twice as many as they The first feature of Founders, College Board of Trustees, there will do, four times as many as the next be a number of honorary degrees con, country in line and thirty-six times as Week, which commences on Thurs, NOTED MEN TO ATTEND day, the seventeenth of February, will ferred on the occasion of the formal many as one of the other countries. inauguration of President Hamilton ··During the four years of the be the meeting of the Florida Histori­ ROLLINS ALUMNI DAY cal Society. This is the 75th anniver, Holt on February 21. Mr. Bacheller World War," continued Major Mor, has not made public the names of the gan, "we had nine thousand more sary of that organization and special Rex ,Beach, George E. Merrick and attention is to be paid to this fact. The men and women to be honored on this other illustrious sons of Rollins will murders in this country than we lost occasion, but the list is understood to men in the war. And during the last program is to be as follows: return to the campus in Winter Park 10:00 A. M., address of welcome, be composed of a number of pre.sent on Alumni Day of Founders' Week, ten years we have had more people day leaders in this and other states. killed by murderers than during all Hamilton Holt, Litt.D.,LL.D., presi, aturday, Feb. 19, according to J. K. dent of Rollins College. Dorn, general irman of the reunion our foreign wars. Murder in the last ten years has increased over one thous, 10:15 A. M., response, Arthur T. committee. celebration immedi, Williams, pre ident Florida Hi torical THEJAS DEFEAT CHASE tely precedes the inauguration of and per cent and those crimes to which women are peculiarly fitted Society. Hamilton Holt, Litt.D., LL.D., as 10: 30 A .M., The French Colony ON BASKETBALL COURT ighth president of Rollins College. over two thousand per cent. One of every one hundred sixty murderers in Florida, Baron Paul d·Estournelles At a meeting of the social commit, eighty-three are caught, thirty-seven de Constant. · The basketball game between the tee of the Alumni Association held are brought to trial and one is hung. 10 :45 A. M., Florida History, a Theta Kappa Nu and Chase Hall this past week, Mrs. H. K. Kelly, This is truly a deplorable state of af, Field of Colorful Original Sources, teams last Thursday was the most ex, chairman, and her associates, outlined fairs and one to which every young Carita Doggett Corse, Author of citing game played on the campus this "Andrew Turnbull and the New a full day's program for the "old man and young woman ought to give year. If this is a sample of what we grads" who return on this occasion. much serious thought or else this fair Smyrna Colony. may expect in the remainder of the The first event will be a golf tour­ land of ours is doomed.,, 11 :00 A. M., The History of Flori­ games, we are going to have some da that is to be written, Jeannette nament on the new Alamo links in Major Morgan closed with a strong warm titnes when the gym is opened. Winter Park, open only to former Thurber Connor, author of "Colonial appeal to every man and woman to Records of Spanish Florida,., etc. The game was fast and furious students of the college. It will be a use his power to vote. Especially did from the first to the last whistle. The blind bogey tournament, 18 holes, 11 : 15 A. M., Problems Confront­ he appeal to the good women to use ing the Historian of Florida, James A. shooting was not of the best, bQ.t the medal play. Each player will name their privilege or else give it back. guarding was smothering. The soft, his or her own handicap. After the Robertson, L.H.D., author and re, "For,,, said he, "there is not a bad search authority on Latin American ness of the court enabled the guards tournament is over the numbers 69 woman in this country who does not to cover their opponents so deep with to 7 5 inclusive will be placed in a box History. vote every chance she gets." 11 : 4 5 A. M., Democracy, Fore and a sand screen that their shooting was and one of them drawn.
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