University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1967 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 10-25-1967 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 23, 10/25/ 1967 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1967 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 23, 10/25/1967." 71, 23 (1967). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1967/90 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1967 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ------ -- ------ --~· ----~ --· ··---- ·-·~--~- '- -----------~----~------------- ---- • ------­Page 8 NEW MEXICO LOBO Monday, October 23, 1917 \ 3 7'?. 71? .. ' .. , ' ' ul13&~-l Earth's Birthday TodciY? v. 7 /'M·;}3 EW . '" Phosphorescence exhibit, a sp~­ EXICO I Today, Oct. 23, marks the teeth, fish fossils imprinted in ~·~ 5,971st anniversary of the crea­ rock, the cast of an amphibian cial display case containing rock, l tion of the world according to skull preserved in a rock, and the miperal, ·and ore samples, demo!J­ studies made in the Middle Ages skeleton of a frog. strates chemical traits of certain I by a Catholic archbishop. The chronological series includes mineral ingredients. Different The .Archbishop of Ussher not descriptions of Mesozoic Era rocks take on various eecy tints only was precise enough to say tmammals - dinosaurs, saber­ when ordinary: white. light, long­ I that the earth was formed on toothed tigers, and mammoths. wave ultra-violet light; or short­ I' Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. but in addition Models have been reconstructed wave ultra-violet light are shown ~ on them. : I he said creation took place at of dinosaura and other reptiles, I 9 a.m. and there are samples of a saber­ Prof. Stuart Northrop;- chair­ I Evidence on display in the toothed tiger's canine tooth, a man of the UNM geillO'gy"depart­ SNCC I ment, is curator of the Museum, Representative Predicts mastodon's jaw, 11nd a wooly More UNM Geological Museum shows the archbishop to have miscalcu­ mammoth's tooth. which is located in room 10'1 of tlie By C. REYNOLDS' ganization. We are interested in for the white man in his move­ lated by more than one billion The Museum's Fluorescence- geology building. "By next year white people colored. people around the world, ment. "We will work with any. years. will be praying for another De­ and we will achieve victory by one who wants to overcome our Scientists still have not fixed a troit." any means," he said. oppressors," he answered, definite year-or even a definite Willy Ricks, Atlanta SNCC ·When asked what he meant by "We're going to move anything millenium-for the creation of the representative, told this to The victory, Ricks replied, "complete that gets in our way from LBJ earth, but the oldest fossils on dis­ WANT ADS Lobo in an interview Saturday liberation from our oppressors.'' to Lurleen Wallace. We do not at the Civic Auditor.ium, site of The ·Lobo asked Ricks whether abide by the white man's laws; play at the Museum indicate that CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES:· USED CYCLES: 1964 BMW $450; 1967 life existed on earth 1.5 billion 4 line ad., 66'-4 times, ,2.00. Insertions 150cc Suzuki $295 : 1964 Bianchi $100. the Alianza Federal de Pueblos he thought there was any place we didn't make them," he said. must be submitted by noon on day before Cycle Sport, 1820 Lomas NE. 10/19, 20, Libres convention. years ago. publication to Room 159, Student Publica­ 23, 25. These fossils are nondescript tions Building, or telephone 277-4002 or H. The two-day convention involv­ 277-4102. LOVELY white brick front home. S b4. Student Governments hunks of rock-like material found rm,, dining room, 1'l4 bntha, den. Near ed former members of the Feder­ freeways~ 15 min, to Univ. Many ex­ al Alliance of Land Grants, sev­ in Michigan, Montana, and Min­ tras. w/w carpets, drapes, heated over... ..,. nesota, and are remnants of Pre­ TRANSPORTATION WANTED size 2 car garage. Fully landscaped, I eral other Southwestern Spanish­ front & hack sprinklers. Listed nt FHA American civil rights groups, and Cambrian lime-secreting algae or MORNING ride wanted from vicinity of appraisal. Owner leaving N. Mex. Cull ! I 9 N M Schools to Attend Rio Bravo and Isleta SW daily or oc­ 299-5866. 10/18 contd. .. black power organizations from seaweed. casionally. Call 877·8172. 10/20, 23, 25, "A fossil is the remains of a ~0. PLAYBOY Student Rate $6.50, save $3.00. around the country and the Carib­ plant or animal, or the record of Orc!er several Christmas gift subscrip. bean area. TRANSPORTATION tiona now. Call student rep. 247-9082. Ruidoso Leadership Meet its presence, ;preserved from the 10/19, 20, 23, 25. -· Ricks silid he was in Albuquer­ que in support of the "National CARLOS MONTOYA, world-famous ma~;s1~te;~r:i&~o~f1=~~~~~~ geologic past in the rocks of the WANTED: A passenger, in light single MUST SELL-1966 BSA Mark' ll Spitfir~ Student government represent­ grams directly related to stu­ engine airplane to go to Los Angeles on $900. Call 242·6919. - . • ' , Liberation Front in New Mexico warms up in the Green Room of the Concert Hall for his perform­ earth," a Museum display ex­ Oct. 25 or Oct. 26 and return Oct. 29. atives from nine New Mexico col­ dents," he said. ance Saturday night. The concert, co-sponsored by the Cultural Pro­ plains. Fossils are classified ac­ 40 round trip. Call 247-4085 after 4 p.m. SERVICES and Texas." He added that SNCC leges and universities will meet Lieutenant Governor E. Lee gram Committee of the Associated Students and tl)e Concert Hall, cording to their mode of preserva­ 4 p.m. Chairman H. Rap Brown had hop­ at the New Mexico Association Francis, G. Y. Fails of the Albu­ TYPEWRITER Sales & S~rvlces, aU ed to attend the convention, but saw about 900 people turn out to hear what Concert Hall Director tion, and examples of each type LOST makes. 20 percent discount "With this a<t of College Student Governments querque Chamber of Commerce, William J. Martin described as "a beautiful performance, which was are displayed. Free pickup and delivery. Open until 8 was unable to receive permission convention in Ruidoso Nov. 3-5, and Bernalillo County State Rep­ just what we expected." (Photo by Pawley) LOST: Men's black wullet between chem­ p.m. on Monday & thursdB)I. E & E from authorities to leave New The relat~onship between black power anrl chicano power was tJw The Museum's fossil exhibits Istry bldg. and College Inn. Reward of· Typewriter Service, 2217 Coal SEl, Phon~ the assoeiation's president, Tom resentative J. M. "Mel" Eaves are are divided into two series: a fered. Call 247·2578. 10/18, 19, 20, 23. 243-0588. - ' York. Joule of UNM announced I as t among the planned speakers at topic of discussion in a KUNM special program Friday night. Shown here in KUNM studios, from left, are Willy Ricks, SNCC Atlanta paleontologic or biologic series PERSONAX.S "Detroit was a holiday. It's go­ week. the convention. FOR SALE Union Foreign Film Series based on biological classifications ing to be a long, hot winter; by Representatives from UNM, Discussion of state government, representative, Mary Barela, SNCC field secretary, and Felix Martin• PERSONALITY POSTERS, PSYCHA~ ez, member of the Federal Alliance of Free City States. A "peace I• of geologically -significant plants FOR SALE: 100% human hnir hand tied DELlC POSTERS & BUTTONS. If we next year white people will be New Mexico State University, Chamber of Commerce involve­ and animals, and a stratigraphic fall Very close to blonde. Excellent con­ don't have them" then you don,t want praying for another Detroit," ment in student affairs, the Na­ treaty'' to prevent violence in the future between Afro-Americans { dition. Make olfer. Phone 255-4207 after them. Send for samPles and list, MA• Eastern New Mexico University, and Spanish-Americans was signed over the weekend at the conven­ or chronological series surveying 5 p.m. 10/18, 19, 20, 23. DAM BUTTERFLY'S Gift Shop, 4609 Ricks said. Western New Mexico University, tional Student Association's in­ 'Gospel' Termed Realistic, the continuous history of living E. Colfax, Denver, Colorado. 80220. : "We are a human rights or- Highlands University, College of temational travel programs, and tion of the Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres at the Civic Auditorium. 1960 SUNBEAM ALPINE roadster. New earth forms. top, interior, and paint. Complete en­ BEST FOOD on camptis, Eat at Th~ Santa Fe, University of Albuquer­ the establishment of a student One display in the biologic gine overhaul. also transmission. Two College Inn. Limited number of meal que, New Mexico Tech, and the lobby at the state legislature in new tir..,, wire wheels. After 5 p.m. tickets now available. Priced "" low 1111 866 Votes Cast Santa Fe were cited by Joule as Lacks l-leston, l-luge Cast series includes fossils, models, call 255-8474. 10/18, 19, 20, 2S. $2.75 per daY. Phone 243-2891. · ·" : College of Artesia, will be present l and information about members at the convention. primary concerns of the conven­ By YVONNE LOPEZ heard, the black and white pre­ of the Phylum Chordata, subphy­ "Breaching the communications tion. Revolution- Seen sentation gave the viewer an op­ lum Vertebrata. The display in­ 4 Elected to Fill UNM will send a delegation of Playing to a primarily post­ ·~ gap between our state govern­ Ferlinghetti audience, "The Gos­ portunity to compare this religi­ cludes a shark jaw one foot in • ment and our college and univer­ eight to the convention.
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