Wennant Race Speaker Slumps with Bat Huston Has Laugh These. Players Are Keeping the Yanks in the M Bf Sl Bl ED B on Baseball Critics Hornsby Trailing Daubert vas out. Witb an even break in tbe Ty Cobb Gains Three Cardinal Shortstop Vanks a "Dead Horse," laeh the ciub might have come baek Boosts still in the lead instead flf being ap¬ Points on Cleveland Average to .324. Writer Told "Cap" When parently out of it. There might have Davey -.-en h difTereiit story, e\en. if Ray Centre Fielder. Robertson Fourth. He Them. ;.Idw ell had behaved. Bought Sam York made the American I banner vear possible through ei.gue's and l Mmbhr.g a club of such ability Ty Cobb picked up three on Any one of half a doren or one saffron pointa more Na, FOR BUNCH iptlit Had there been Tris the laat week ln tional League ba.ten '$500,000 Ifl anv quarter the sponj*r would Speaker during may carry 0f OF L1ABILIT1ES" have been in the ring tre this. New the duel for the batting championahip that league's batting crown this season. York. the best attraction now in the of the major leagues. Within the Jake Daubert, the disab'.ed wouid havo f.r.t bu- whole eireuit, heefl eauntad stven Sir Triatram fell away man of the anxi out tht- for y.-ars. days Robins, _u«ly num_ fai y-ar possibly to The Peach Bul the teaava grit, as well as ability, from .389 .384. Georgian his lead with his charley-hor»o ao »». the ' "Wait Until 1916" Was ha-- WOfl for it host of new friends slumped also, but only two pointa other week swfr.gs around. For first time in I'aubert ji r.-id admirera. the from .356 to .3*>4. Cobb, the habitual setting the pace in his New Retort. I Yankees now are cstah- inactirity wkm Magnate's is sum liahel is the hearta and affertions of champion, therefore, only thirty the round of .32.'), but thtrt tra Now He's Chuckling. fandom as strongly as ever were points behind Cleveland's miracle man, one or two others who have hia |W the t',:.< with six weeks to go. no doubt. MeGraw once yet worried, "A baseball team." Joe Jackson, of the White Sox, how¬ the brilliant aid,' <. itraaaar than its aubati- Hornsby, young infloli*. B|] W. J- MACBETH. There you have another anawer ever, seems bent on having something developed by the St. Louia has able Cardinala T. l- Hafltaa was atadidiag to Yankee success. Doaeraa to say about this year's batting crown. this year, is giving Jhko tha icaro of Captain substitutes or he never could have kept A Jackson tenaciously to the coat his life just now. is over 'he fcSthre board. partnership m> ,-lose te the Red Sox ifl the faee of clings Horn.oy only ono shown scant -n him and Colonel Jacob Rup- so many injuriev He mny not have tails of the Georgian. He has percentage point bfllfla the e»o- has had been formed to t«ke the the brrt BUBfltitutfla the game Jf] for the season against Cobb's .354, tain of the Robins. He has boosted hii pert juflt known. But one at all record to and franchise off the every ia willing and Joe ahowa further no dispoaition battiBg .324, seems to go lf timea ta do V.s level best wnerarer stronger with the season. FarrelL The gaad cap placed. No one should expect more. to eraek under the strain. Thc ancrent ar.d the man of honorabU Hsbi so that hi* Charley Mullen, handy Wagner now ataada thil .'. Biraagad thfl diaaar Paddy and Charley. Donovan'* liilield, who seems aitk ...i;, be properly Bill He has maintained thii app'oxitnato haaiacaa aaaaciata might In the present wor.dorful stand about to establish himself permanent- speed for several w.-ks, BBd it N.w York Chapter is the best hitter of would ICOd to the againal mppoaedly atronger Weatern ly at second base, surpnse no one if thfl grand old man himself c has the Yankeea the Yankees. Mullen's .321 for forty- unlimber a ra, -Cp" ubs a itand that m ahould rally that ¦ .r.ore in a'.l no two gives him fourth rating the crown latradhaetlaa. He had been feared i.uartcrs games .300 hit laad bai t tee, bav.r ¦asflWd nfl two bave done more than Paddy Bau¬ his company. He is the only Robertaoa, of the Giaata, standi major league pasturcs Baumann tcr of the Yanks. High, thir¬ mann snd Charley Mullen. Hu-jhie for fourth, with .315. MeCarty, of Brook- rn the outfield, but gave teenth in rating, has hit is at ard ( for l always league Alex¬ iyn, dflh, .311, haaa is sixth nt the the beat that waa la him. He la ein* .295. Nunamaker is hitting .291, with JtOt. Wh*-at, of said Irvin S. Cobb. **.-%* Walters .280. Noth¬ Brooklya, la tho* address, Bg himself at third base. He's ander .290 and Al oniy other National League p.ayer of :-ion of an impromptu Home Ran Baker. hut he's a Alberf- ing better than this could be expectci thfl greater city la I cia_». for you and the Haumann, and that'.; pretty rlLL from a catehmg staff. Zach ia JM. ..] rc:, :ry Paddy PecRz of hitting Here. aftar waaka in which nearly as good as they come. Tipazrgji Following are the records piayer FoUoartag are the BTeragei of play- several times tried. G*c£t.ey jeKV/ce batted .200 or better in I. ..rs who have hit for or of time to d-.sappear, Mullen, dieap- who have J00 bflttflf ia Bul he did not allow him.-clf teen or more games up to and includ¬ fteen or more games tfl his col- pointed. np ar.d in- you have let Brn Johnson and to become discouragc.l. He was a dead ing those of Thursday last: cluding those of Thursd.iy last: oad a dead hsrflfl at your d hitter. He p'ugg'-d away BB- thousand dol¬ aiduouala until he had maatered the tep. Five handrad trick of hitting to right field. lt will AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL TEAGUE a bunch of iland Fritl Ufliael and take some tail by Joe (Iedeon Gran lars foi hustling to drive that fellow off second. And BATTING AVERAGES BATTING AVERAGES to Gcdeon it must hc aaid la b s rail- ia justice Cobb did r.ot ap-aractata, he has been a very sic/ bail player vlay«e teat twa, G. ab it h sb selat on the CPORT Da rt, Bro. I ¦ j nail Rice the he stuck to * how fairly ha hit most of the year. Often the '. i: * flt. .:_.__;.. 4 lery. never his whAi should have been l-l 411 : lll flfl'afl.r. ritt_.fcur_h .114; :' the captain guns ha V Chttaae '' Certainly M.i.,i.. S-* v rk. « IM 'I 1*;' AIJ *\ I, \ V 1 *. 4 bc in bed. w M£ H i so much philosophy could Hoth. f,..,-l.:,l .1 ttt M IU |1 < 7 jm dreanud At the start of the senson Hughie kiard ar. Boaton Itl 4-' 3 Itt 11 M * 4 JM * l .'¦.1f* flfl i. - )n Sonu- months later came as a t - ,. ir t lt 'J i 4 leal. , .,1 Jeat High into calculation only i" ii 1'iit. « and !.:..; | .*,;. .-.' iii ut, ..107 ..ut after day BUbatitute. The to Marsel 0 . 4 00 US 4.< s. f .1 Um truth secped home. Day injariea , !..__. j*i War- gave him his chance. 47 u m n _M Jack Gilhooley High Light 4.1 U 1 -i .-:., Datrolt 113 ly l? 'ifll ia thi beat outfleldei on the club to-j After all this discussion as to whether Boston, Chieago ... MllUr. B'Uyn 45 131 .i 1 *M and - Calaa - in the 1! :*, ,1 -- . Ifarty McHalafl, Klag day and one af the very best Alexander. or St. Louis would bound away with the pennant, what Hlflh N-» V.rr M IT M W to boot. coyly st umUj im «aaftt ia. itt fll na I'aakart, Pblla »a1 on the hill against league. He is a .1100 hitter one of Bhotioo. J ' Kaatinga re- Pitchers may come or pitclUrs go; a little ifl left for Detroit to operate Naaa. fchU-aeo II IM M M It ia the af the Yankees tidy opening » PhUa .¦, Sl *- l, Woods, Johnsons, spirit Ruth. Bofltori U 14 M I.conards. fleeted in H-.ph. Haumann and, have a way like tha'; those September folflhafl ar.d upset the entire pail of dope! N*. T.. M ¦'¦ " 5! lll iu 41 Mullen, For pitchers Nunamaker. -'_ ? ,, s. in i. Bushes ar.d tha Ma*. the other men who were carried as sub- that no one naa *¦.¦¦¦ '¦' ¦' I'l.utiufljh But whether or whether slow, The best tip in Detroit's favor is picKed IUee. «. 141.ii 11ii a? 1 ( Justified. atitutea that ha.i mailo of the club the fast WflBhtafton. ,41 ,J ,} aflaj or Jennings to win. 1-1 4.0 61 IM N ... giory that it is ifl the hcarts of iocal Or whether thin whether fat, wo . Ed Swflfl* I.---. M lll IJ r, Phll« ... he saw the fandom. Hohitt_.ll -* r -n.i' ir . When it comes down lo one alone Uharriu Waals M IJfl . m . 4 the »he recent visit of Cleveland ZTtrSan N Y M IM,11 ' 4 4 1 |«h plttad agaiast Ray Durinp trjrncfre-r- Can Haumann.
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