Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu CCCLXXXIX Botanika – Steciana , , - www.up.poznan.pl/steciana ISSN - MACROPHYTES, CYANOBACTERIA AND ALGAE OF THE “BRODZKIE LAKE” IN THE MAŁOPOLSKA UPLAND SOUTHERN POLAND PRELIMINARY STUDY BOŻENNA MACIEJCZAK, JOANNA CZERWIK-MARCINKOWSKA B. Maciejczak, J. Czerwik-Marcinkowska, Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences, Świętokrzyska , - Kielce, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] (Received: September , . Accepted: April , ) ABSTRACT. The present paper provides the results of study on the macrophytes, cyanobacteria and algae of the “Brodzkie Lake” in the Małopolska Upland in southern Poland. In total, taxa (including cyano- bacteria, algae – Heterokontophyta, Dinophyta, Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta and vascular plants) have been recorded in the study area. Qualitative samples were collected in a period from March to October . All taxa were briefl y described and some water quality parameters were also analysed. KEY WORDS: lake, cyanobacteria, algae, macrophytes, bioindicators INTRODUCTION whole basin is mostly uplandish) have contributed to establishment of the Kamienna Valley Protected Land- The “Brodzkie Lake” is one of eight reservoirs con- scape Area. The most important ecological function of structed on the Kamienna River and located within this area is the protection of surface and ground wa- borders of the Staropolski Industrial District (Fig. ). ters and restoration and conservation of an ecological The Kamienna River is the second largest river of the corridor function of the Kamienna River Valley. The Świętokrzyskie Province (following the Nida River). It is Staropolski Industrial District (SID), situated in the Vis- . km long and its catchment area is . km. The tula-Pilica-Nida intefl uve, is the oldest Polish historical Kamienna River is a left tributary of the Vistula River region of industrial development with the dominating and fl ows into it on . km of its course at m role of mining and iron smelting industry based on tra- altitude near the town of Solec. The Kamienna River ditional technology, i.e. using water power and charcoal basin has been the location of water-consuming mostly (SZCZEPAŃSKI , ). smelting and metal industry plants since the times of The present plant cover of the study area has been Stanisław Staszic. A large assembly of valuable natural developing under pressure of extraction industry (ore objects, like interesting and rare vascular plant species mining, rock extraction, etc.) and a smelting indus- (MACIEJCZAK ) or unique topographic features (the trial complex developed along the river, that utilized K a N Adamów mienna Krynki Kamienna Lake Brody 42 Stryków 0 1 km 42 FIG. Localization of study area and general view of the “Brodzkie Lake” B. Maciejczak, J. Czerwik-Marcinkowska its waters as a hydropower source and transportation till the present. Now, this reservoir fulfi lls an important means. At the end of th century (), a railway role of water retention and regulation, and alleviation was built close and parallel to the river channel, that of consequences of fl ood-wave on the Kamienna River. linked industrial towns under development at that time: Owning to its location, it is also used for recreational Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Starachowice, Wąchock and and touristic purposes. Characteristics of the reservoir Skarżysko-Kamienna. The “Brodzkie Lake” is a multi- (the morphometric features) are listed in Table (TKA- purpose retention reservoir, used mostly for fl ood con- CZUK and WOJTASIEWICZ ). trol, which can be used for electrical power production and for recreational purposes. The above-mentioned historical facts and contempo- TABLE . The morphometric features of the “Brodzkie Lake” rary human activity in the Kamienna Valley produced enormous changes in its plant cover. First data about Total surface area hectares vascular plants of this region originated from th century (ROSTAFIŃSKI , EJSMOND , BŁOŃSKI Surface area at incom- hectares plete fi lling , PURING ). However, studies of fl ora and for- est communities (GŁAZEK ), and fl ora of urbanized Gross capacity . mln m areas of the Kamienna River Valley (FIJAŁKOWSKI and Flood-control capacity . mln m CIEŚLIŃSKI , MACIEJCZAK , , , , a, b, MACIEJCZAK and ROSTAŃSKI ) were com- Total length . km menced as late as in the second half of th century. The Depth Average .-. m in the middle, newest fl oristic investigations were conducted in the Iłża maximal near the dam about m Foreland (NOBIS and PIWOWARCZYK , NOBIS ). Watershed area . km Algological studies of the Kamienna River have been continued from and aim to establish the structure Normal water level . m a.s.l. in northeastern part and ecology of algal and cyanobacterial communities Location . km of the Kamienna River inhabiting the river. In addition, the need for constant monitoring of the Kamienna River has been emphasized Dam height . m (CZERWIK-MARCINKOWSKA et AL. ). Dam length . m Considering our present knowledge of plant cover of the Kamienna Valley, its synanthropization and increas- ing anthropogenic pressure, it is absolutely necessary to continue fl oristic and bioindicative studies of aquatic In -, water of the reservoir (STAN ŚRODO- habitats in this area. The aim of this work is to provide WISKA... ) did not comply with any classes of wa- information about macrophytes, cyanobacteria and al- ter quality standards, neither in spring nor in autumn. gae in the “Brodzkie Lake”. The studies, conducted in In spring, standard values were exceeded by nitrites and the reservoir provided its preliminary ecological evalu- Escherichia coli titer. In autumn, many physicochemical ation (some aspects of species ecology). parameters, like nitrites, total phosphorus, phosphates, BZT and pH exceeded the standard values. Sanitary state improved and indicator values of bacteriological STUDY AREA contamination, i.e. E. coli titer were classifi ed into class II. Dam water contamination was caused by wastewaters According to physical-geographic division of Poland transported by the Kamienna River, which waters did (KONDRACKI ), the reservoir “Brodzkie Lake” is sit- not meet water quality standards in . The reser- uated in the Iłża Foreland mesoregion, Małopolska Up- voir’s bottom is clayey, loessial, abundant in sediments, land province, whereas from geobotanical standpoint, particularly in the old river channel and in the lower the study area is located in the northeastern part of the part of the “Brodzkie Lake”. Areas surrounding dam’s Konecki District, in the Świętokrzyskie Region (SZAFER backwater and water fl ow border are wet sometimes , in ATPOL system, it is located in the quadrants marshy. Besides the Kamienna River, several streams EE and EE ). Administrative division locates it as and creeks fl ow into the reservoir near villages: Styków, a part of Brody Iłżeckie municipality belonging to the Krynki Małe, Górki Brodzkie. Reservoir’s southwestern Świętokrzyskie Province. “Brodzkie Lake” (equivalent banks are overgrown by pine, fi r and mixed forests, name: Brodzkie Reservoir) is situated close to the south- while its eastern and northern sides are mostly urban- eastern border of the town of Starachowice and was con- ized. Its contour is usually smooth, while numerous structed as a result of industrialization of the Kamienna bays are located principally in the area of southeastern River Basin, according to the concept developed by Sta- backwater and border of water fl ow. Fertilizers leaching szic (there was a plan to build “a continuous series” of into the reservoir and sewage discharged into it increase iron manufacturing plants on the Kamienna River). The water richness in nutrients. It was observed that during reservoir was built in the fi rst half of the th century hot summer, reservoir’s surface is covered by a mats of () to satisfy the industrial needs of the Staropolski algae, while windless weather, lack of water mixing and District, and had operated till . Destroyed by fl ood inadequate oxygenation leads to oxygen defi cit and fi sh in the middle of th century, it was rebuilt in and oxygen starvation. Based on hydrochemical and biologi- used by mines and industrial plants of new generation, cal parameters, the present state of the “Brodzkie Lake” then it was modernized in - and has operated can be defi ned as eutrophic. Macrophytes, cyanobacteria and algae of the “Brodzkie Lake” in the Małopolska Upland ... MATERIAL AND METHODS TABLE – cont. Field studies aimed to investigate water of the res- ervoir and the section of the Kamienna River within Bidens frondosa L. the Brody Iłżeckie municipality, littoral vegetation near Bidens tripartita L. the shoreline, sluice with the channel linking reservoir Butomus umbellatus L. with river channel, and area surrounding the reservoir Callitriche cophocarpa Sendtn. located no more than . km away from the shore- line. They were conducted in three vegetative seasons Callitriche hamulata Kutz. ex W.D.J. Koch between and . We used a : map in Caltha palustris L. which -km segments along the shoreline were marked. Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br Irregularly-shaped areas were used for detailed listing of Carex gracilis Curtis vascular plant species (inventory tables) on both sides of the reservoir. Carex nigra Reichard Samples for phycological studies were collected every Crepis paludosa (L.) Moench week from May to October and from July till No- Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. vember from previously defi ned
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