MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 3. PORTLAND, ME., MAY 15, 1891. Ng. 16. Reports of Grand Officers and committees 7 William G. Fuller, Unity.* Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, 8 George E. Johnson, Belfast. occupied the morning session. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. 9 Levi Morse, Thomaston. Grand Master Chase delivered a long and Twelve cts. per year in advance. 10 William A. Richards, Waldoboro. able address, giving an account of the dis- 11 William J. Landers, Gardiner. Established March, 1867. 25th year. charge of his duties and the condition of the 12 J. Eugene Lewis, Winthrop. 13 George A. Gower, Solon. fraternity. He reported the craft in a pros- Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for 14 Judson Bangs, Sabatis. half an inch for one year. perous condition. The number of members 15 William F. Lord, Auburn. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, is 20,968, against 20,675 last year, an in- 16 J. Ferd King, South Paris. or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in 17 William N. Howe, Portland. good standing. crease of 293. The initiates are 835; the 18 Melville Gould, Hiram. deaths, 302 ; number of lodges, 192. 19 Horace Mitchell, Kittery Point. At noon the Grand Lodge called off until 20 Harrison Piper, Lincoln. The Ould Plaid Shawl. 21 Benjamin L. Hadley, Bar Harbor. 2 p. M. 22 Charles E. Vickery, Pittsfield. Not far from ould Kinvara, in the merry month Afternoon. 23 Frank H. Hargraves, West Buxton. of May, Grand Chaplains—Revs. Oliver H. Fer­ When birds were singing cheerily, there came The Grand Lodge met at 2 o’clock. The naid, Castine ; Daniel Greene, Cumberland across my way. hour before election was spent in routine As if from out the sky above an angel chanced to Centre; Charles Whittier, Dennysville; fall. business, and distributing it to appropriate J. H. Barrows, Tenant’s Harbor. A little Irish Cailin in an ould plaid shawl. committees. The following officers were G. Marshal—Joseph A. Locke, Portland. I courteously saluted her—“ God save you, miss,” elected: S. G. Deacon—Herbert Harris, E. Machias. says I ; J. G. Deacon—Charles W. Jones, China. “ God save you, kindly, sir,” said she, and shyly Gr. Master—Henry R. Taylor, Machias. passed me by ; G. Stewards—Edwin K. Smith, Lewiston ; D. Gr. Master—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. Off went my heart along with her, a captive in Albert S. Farnsworth, Pembroke ; J. Robert her thrall, S. G. Warden—Geo. R. Shaw, Portland. Emery, Bucksport; Albert W. Clark, East­ Imprisoned in the corner of her ould plaid shawl. J. G. Warden—S. L. Miller, Waldoboro. port. Gr. Treasurer—Frederick Fox, Portland. I’ve heard of highway robbers that with pistols Gr. Sw. Bearer—W. Scott Shorey, Bath. and with knives Grand Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. Gr. St. Bearer—G. A. Callahan, Lewiston. Made trembling travelers yield them up tlieir Committee of Finance—M. F. King, Port- money or their lives, G. Pursuivants—J. Burton Roberts, Good­ land ; Edward P. Burnham, Saco; Albro E. win’s Mills; William O. Fox, Portland. But think of me that handed out my heart and Chase, Portland. Gr. Lecturers—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis ; head and all Trustees Charity Fund for Three Years— To a simple little Cailin in an ould plaid shawl. George E. Raymond, Portland. Edward P. Burnham, Saco; Archie L. Tal- Gr. Organist—Charles F. Jones, Portland. Oh ! some men sigh for riches, and some live for bot, Lewiston. fame, Gr. Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Portland. And some on history’s page hope to win a glori­ The Grand Lodge then called off until At 11:30 the Grand Lodge closed. ous name; My aims are not ambitious and my wishes are but Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. small — NOTES. You might wrap them together in an ould plaid Wednesday Afternoon, May 6th. shawl. On the retirement of Grand Master Albro The afternoon session of the Grand Lodge E. Chase, District Deputy Grand Master I’ll seek her all through Galway, and I’ll seek was mostly occupied with an exemplification her all through Clare, Wm. N. Howe, on behalf of Portland Lodge, I’ll search for tale or tidings of my traveler of the Third degree by York Lodge of Ken- everywhere, presented him with a gold Past Grand For peace of mind I’ll never find until my own I nebunk, John C. Lord, Master. call Master’s jewel. That little Irish Cailin in her ould plaid shawl. Evening. The Grand Secretary is now the oldest —[New York Tribune. The Grand Lodge met at 7 o’clock. A Grand Secretary in office in the country, hav­ charter was granted to Aroostook Lodge at MASONRY IN MAINE. ing served since 1855, in the Grand Chapter, Blaine, and its dispensation continued until and since 1856 in the Grand Lodge, Grand the lodge is constituted under its charter. Annual Meetings. Council and Grand Commandery. Routine business occupied the rest of the GRAND LODGE. evening until 10:30, when the Grand Lodge Tuesday Morning, May 5,1891. called off until 9 o’clock Thursday morning. GRAND CHAPTER. The Grand Lodge of Maine met a'C Ma- Tuesday Evening, May 5th. Thursday Morning, May 7th. sonie Hall, Portland, at 9 o’clock, Albro. E. The Grand Royal Arch Chapter met at 7 The Grand Lodge met at 9 o’clock. Va- Chase, of Portland, Grand Master, presid­ o’clock, Charles I. Collamore, of Bangor, rious committees reported and routine busi- ing. Ten Past Grand Masters were present Grand High Priest, presiding. Twelve of ness was transacted. The Grand Officers —Hiram Chase, J. H. Drummond, David the 16 Past Grand High Priest were present, were installed by Past Grand Master Drum­ Cargill, Albert Moore, Edward P. Burnham, and 40 of the 49 chapters were represented. mond, the following appointments being Charles I. Collamore, M. F. King, W. R. G. The Grand High Priest, in his annual ad­ made : Estes, Fessenden I. Day and Frank E. dress, reported a prosperous year, which Cor. G. Sec.—Charles D. Smith, Portland. Sleeper—with many other prominent Past was confirmed by the reports of the visiting distRict deputy graNd masters. Officers and a large portion of the delegates, 1 James Archibald, Houlton. officers. while others arrived on later trains. The 2 Emilius W. Brown, Lubec. The report on returns showed 49 chapters, venerable Grand Secretary, Ira Berry, near- 3 Henry H. Smith, Machias. 4,969 members, a gain of 279, and 408 candi­ ly 90 years old, although feeble, was present 4 Walter J. Creamer, Penobscot. 5 Frank M. Briggs, Guilford. dates. at the opening. 0 Charles York, Bangor. The following officers were then elected; 122 MASONIC TOKEN. MAY 15, 1891. G. H. Priest—Chas. I Collamore, Bangor. Westbrook, to be called Westbrook Council, Dispensations. D. G. H. Priest—A. M. Penley, Auburn. and Presque Isle, to be called Aroostook On March 13th, Grand Master Seymour Grand King—Judson B. Dunbar, Portland. G. Scribe—Seward S. Stearns, Norway. Council, and their dispensations continued issued a dispensation to Oliver A. Cobb, and G. Treas—Rufus H. Hinkley, Portland. until constituted under their charters. eight others for a new Council of R. & S. Grand Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. At five o’clock the Grand Council closed. Masters at Cumberland Mills, to be called Committee of Finance—Josiah H. Drnm- mond, Portland ; Nathan Woodbury, Lewis- Westbrook Council—and ton ; Joseph A. Locke, Portland. On March 16tb, another to Wm. R. Pipes GRAND COMMANDERY. The Grand Chapter then called off until and eight others for a new Council at Presque 9 A. M. Wednesday. Thursday Afternoon, May 7th. Isle, to be called Aroostook Council. The Grand Commandery of Knights Tem­ These have now been voted charters. Wednesday Morning, May 6th. plar met at 2, Edwin M. Fuller, of Bath, The Grand Chapter met at 9. Grand Commander, presiding. Eighteen of Notes. The petition for a new chapter at Pitts- the 19 commanderies were represented. Presentation.—Mt. Moriah Chapter of field was refused. The Grand Commander made a long and Bangor presented a jewel to its Past High The following appointments were made : able report of the condition of the order in Priest, J. H. Kerr, April 2d. District Deputy Grand High Priests— the state, showing it to be active and pros- Scottish Rite.—Dickey Rose Croix Fifth District, Ahnon C. Waite, Portland; Chapter, at Auburn, worked the 17° and 18° Sixth District, Winfield S. Hinckley, Thom- pcring. Other Grand Officers reported at aston; Seventh District, Henry S. Webster, length. The report on returns, (not fully March 26th on 23 candidates, the officers of Gardiner. completed), showed 19 commanderies, 2,471 Dunlap Chapter, of Portland, doing the G. Chaps.—Rev. James Vincent, Calais ; work. A large number of masons were Rev. Chas. Whittier, Dennysville ; Rev. C. members, 197 knighted, 23 deaths. The S. Leffingwell, Bar Harbor. membership last year was 2,324. present. A supper was given at Hotel At­ G. C. Host—Albro E. Chase, Portland. The following officers were elected : wood after the work. G. Prin. Soj.—Wilford J. Fisher, Eastport. G. R. A. Capt.—Harrison Piper, Eastport. Gr. Com.—Arlington B. Marston, Bangor. Bangor Chapter of Rose Croix gave the G. M. 3d V.—William C. Mason, Bangor. Dep, Gr. Com.—Thos. P. Shaw, Portland. degrees to fourteen candidates April 16th, Gr. Gen.— Horace H. Burbank, Saco. G. M. 2d V.—Chas. K. Tilden, Hallowell. the officers of Dunlap Chapter, of Portland, G. M. 1st V.—L. M. Kenniston, Camden. Gr. Capt. Gen —W.
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