© General Radio News 'Published by the employees of the General Radio Co., Cambridge, Mass. Vol.2 NOVEMBER, 1939 No. I CREDIT UNION meeting held Tuesday, November 21, at 4:30 P.M. and, if the vote is favorable, AMENDMENT said vote must be submitted to the Bank Due to the fact that a few questions Commissioner. When his approval is have arisen regarding the proposed received the By-laws stand amended. amendment.to the By-laws of the G. R. Therefore, it may be a matter of a few Credit Union regarding joint accounts, weeks after the annual meeting before a general explanation would seem to be accounts may be changed over and new in order at this time. signature cards will be available to those It should be understood that taking wishing to have joint accounts. advantage of this amendment is entirely optional and no one is required to do so. (Copied from a recent issue of the This amendment would permit deposits - ntBoston Globe) being received in the names of two per Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frederick Buff of sons, payable to either or to the survivor. Brookline, formerly of Beacon Street, an Such deposits or any part thereof or any nounce the engagement of their daugh dividends thereon may be paid to either ter, Miss Laura Edith Buff, to Mr. Arthur such person or his assignee whether the Eastham Thiessen of Cambridge, son of other is living or not, provided they are Maj. and Mrs. Alfred H. Thiessen of not then attached at law and no written Arlington, Va. assignment has been received from either Miss Buffis a graduate of the Brimmer person. The main advantage of having School and the University of Wisconsin. a joint account and our primary reason Mr. Thiessen is a graduate of Johns Hop for proposing this amendment is, so that kins University and is a memberof Alpha in case of the death of a member (there Tau Omega fraternity. being no legal claims as stated above) the A recent study made of 163 of the survivor may withdraw the shares in the country's larger companies showed that account without having the estate pro they employed in 1938 an average of bated, which action generally withholds 2,854,382 persons. For each one of these payment for a considerable length of time. employees there was a tax of $576 The joint holders of the account have assessed by the various governmental mutual privileges of deposit or withdraw agencies ranging from municipalities to al except that no withdrawal may be made Federal Government. without presentation of the pass book. This enables the holder of the pass book The junior partner had been on a visit to control withdrawals. Only members to a distant branch office, and was §pr'mg who are employees of the General Radio his father a full account. "The manager Company may apply for loans. there," he said, "is apt to take too much Since the new joint holder is not con on himself. I gave him plainly to under stand he must get authority from here sidered a member of the Credit Union instead of acting too much on his own." in the true sense of the word but, as stated in the amendment, merely has the "Yes," said the senior dryly. "So I privilege of deposit or withdrawal, the gather. Here's a telegram from him." share limit will remain as at present, i.e., The telegram ran: "Office on fire. $4000.00. A joint account may be held Please wire instructions." by an employee and a minor. Two little boys were bragging about There will be no charge made for their fathers. Finally little Billy said, changing an account and duplicate pass "Why, my father is an Eagle, Elk, a books will not be issued. Moose and a Lion." It will be necessary for the members "Yeah," said his pal skeptically, "what to vote on this amendment at the annual does it cost to see him?" GENERAL RADIO NEWS PERSONALS mer Barbara Taylor, secretary to Mr. Some of the mustaches sported by Richmond. our co-workers are curious things. We Although the article in last month's have most types represented somewhere news regarding Dollars and Sense was in the plant. A few are true mustaches very interesting and all that, it has created while the others might better be called quite a disturbance among some of the mistakes. Let us be charitable with these boys. They want a transfer to the de latter, however and assume that the wear partment in which there are two pays ers never look in a mirror. There is also in the pay envelope! the possibility that they are the result of With all due apologies to John Park losing a bet. If this is so, the owners and any other Maine worshippers, the have paid their bets in full and have National Park Arcadia was unintention learned their lessons. ally omitted. This park is the only one The First Annual Outing of the G. R. situated on the seacoast. Electrical Inspectors was held on Colum A few nights ago, Ray Searle, the bus Day at the young Fred Howland bowling flash, was in the groove, the left ranch in Bedford, Mass. The Wade and hand groove (gutter to you). Henuset families attended; and everyone Bill Hart has-been teaching Ray Searle enjoyed the mammoth hot dog and ham- some of the fine points of Ping Pong at burg barbecue. his home in Lexington. Ray is doing L. B. Arguimbau becomes the 1939 fairly well according to Bill, but seems G. R. Golf Champion by virtue of his to be having difficulty hitting the ball. win over E. H. Locke. Dan Hunt won He hits the air and the table and every the consolation flight after a close victory thing within swatting distance but not over Chet Newell. And finally, Warren the elusive ball. Good old patient Bill. Newell became the number one scape Ken Pratt gaveus a fine treat by show goat by losing all his matches in the ing his books of the New York Fair match-play handicap elimination. pictures taken this summer. The pic Warren Webster and Horatio Lamson tures showed very good balanceand care had quite a squabble in the Lab the ful planning of the subject matter. other day. On Horatio's questionnaire To encourage contributions by our the majority favored a caterer and home readers, we are offering a subscription to talent while Warren's favored a night the News (delivered in the usual man club for the winter party. Both men ner) for the best article accepted each claimed the other used coercion, or filled month. The board of editors will be in all the check marks himself. the judges and their decisions will be The report is that Dave Martin and final. Herman are still working on their tele Lincoln Hatch has joined the produc scopes. tion office staff. Merrill Hobart wishes to thank the What "Scotchman" from Dept. W News for publishing that crack about was introduced by the master of cere his new car in the October issue. Marg monies of a Boston Night Club recently let him drive it again just to disprove as 50 years old and direct from Scotland? the article. As we go to press the Morey twins Carl Woodward sent his rifle to Win have pertussis (whooping-cough). We chester to have his new telescopic sight hope they make a rapid recovery. mounted. He wants to go hunting next Ann Werner spent the week-end of week so he wants his rifle. He hopes Oct. 11 in New York and while there that Winchester meets their promise dates attended the World's Fair. better than our Service Department. November is the month in which six Clint says, "Any one who wishes to girls in the office have birthdays. There see his 'misplaced' must furnish their will probably be the customary birthday own microscope." celebration. Announcement has been received of Renewing acquaintances around the the birth of a daughter, Barbara Lou, to plant recently were Jack Lamson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eastman. Mrs. Ferd. Schaller. Jack is general manager Eastman will be remembered as the for of a large dairy farm in Conn, and Ferd. GENERAL RADIO NEWS is located with a prominent x-ray con BUSINESS cern in Baltimore. r The last three months have certainly Ken. Pratt has a good detail picture shown a variety of business weather. of the new overpass on the Drive show First, we had August which was a record ing construction underway. Ken's hobby month for recent years, with new orders is taking snaps and has a very nicecollec totaling $131,700. In addition to Sep tion also of the New York World's Fair. tember being a poor month, it was neces What is there to this rumor we have sary to cancel $15,000 of orders that had heard about a certain well known fore been written up during August. This man on the first floor? cancellation was due solely to war con Anyone having an old furnace not in ditions, and all cancellations were for use please see Bid. Allen. foreign shipments. After these cancella Paul Boucher, employed in the In tions we only had a net of new orders spection Department, was married Octo booked of $55,000, the swing between ber 12 to Miss Jeanette La Pointe of Man August and September being one of the chester, N. H. They are making their most violent since the war days of 1918.
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