NSFVolume2 6/24/03 3:24 PM Page 1 2 NOTABLE SPORTS FIGURES NSFVolume2 6/24/03 3:24 PM Page 3 2 NOTABLE SPORTS FIGURES Dana Barnes, Editor VOLUME 2 • F-L NSF FM 7/8/03 2:17 PM Page iv Notable Sports Figures Project Editor Editorial Support Services Product Design Dana R. Barnes Charlene Lewis, Sue Petrus Jennifer Wahi Editorial Editorial Standards Manufacturing Laura Avery, Luann Brennan, Frank Castronova, Lynne Maday Evi Seoud, Rhonda Williams Leigh Ann DeRemer, Andrea Henderson, Kathy Nemeh, Angela Pilchak, Tracie Ratiner, Permissions Bridget Travers Lori Hines Research Imaging and Multimedia Content Gary J. Oudersluys, Cheryl L. Warnock, Randy Basset, Dean Dauphinais, Leitha Kelly Whittle Etheridge-Sims, Lezlie Light, Dan W. Newell, Dave G. Oblender © 2004 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale age retrieval systems—without the written per- National Archives and Records Administration Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. mission of the publisher. (Jim Thorpe). 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Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7876-6628-9 (Set Hardcover) -- ISBN 0-7876-6629-7 (Volume 1) --ISBN 0-7876-6630-0 (Volume 2) -- ISBN 0-7876-6631-9 (Volume 3) -- ISBN 0-7876-7786-8 (Volume 4) 1. Sports--Biography. 2. Athletes--Biography. 3. Sports--History. I. Barnes, Dana R. GV697.A1N68 2004 796'.092'2--dc21 2003011288 Printed in the United States of America 10 987654321 NSF FM 7/8/03 2:17 PM Page v Contents Introduction ..........................................................vii Advisory Board........................................................ix Contributors ..........................................................xi Acknowledgments ....................................................xiii Entry List ..........................................................xxiii Timeline ..........................................................xxxvii Entries Volume 1 ..........................................................1 Volume 2 ........................................................467 Volume 3 ........................................................977 Volume 4 .......................................................1579 Appendix of Sports Abbreviations ......................................1833 Cumulative Geographic Index .........................................1839 Cumulative Occupation Index .........................................1849 Cumulative Subject Index.............................................1863 v NSF FM 7/8/03 2:17 PM Page vii Introduction Notable Sports Figures provides narrative biographi- SELECTION PROCESS AND CRITERIA cal profiles of more than 600 individuals who have A preliminary list of athletes, team executives, sports- made significant contributions to their sport and to soci- writers, broadcasters, and other sports figures was com- ety. It covers sports figures from the nineteenth, twenti- piled from a wide variety of sources, including Hall of eth, and twenty-first centuries who represent a wide Fame lists, periodical articles, and other biographical variety of sports and countries. Lesser-known sports collections. The list was reviewed by an advisory board, such as cricket, equestrian, and snowboarding are fea- and final selection was made by the editor. An effort was tured alongside sports like baseball, basketball, and made to include athletes of varying nationalities, ethnici- football. Notable Sports Figures includes not only ath- ties, and fields of sport as well as those who have con- letes, but also coaches, team executives, and media fig- tributed to the success of a sport or team in general. ures such as sportscasters and writers. Selection criteria include: Notable Sports Figures takes a close look at the peo- • Notable “first” achievements, including those who ple in sports who have captured attention because of broke racial or gender barriers and paved the way success on the playing field or controversy off the play- for others ing field. It provides biographical coverage of people • Impact made on the individual’s sport and on soci- from around the world and throughout history who ety as a whole have had an impact not only on their sport, but also on the society and culture of their times. Each biography • Records set and broken features information on the entrant’s family life, early involvement in sports, career highlights, champi- • Involvement in controversial or newsworthy activi- onships, and awards. Notable Sports Figures also exam- ties on and off the playing field ines the impact that the subject had and continues to have on his or her sport, and the reasons why the indi- FEATURES OF THIS PRODUCT vidual is “notable.” This includes consideration of the For easy access, entries are arranged alphabetically successes and failures, on the field and off, that keep according to the entrant’s last name. the person in the public eye. • Timeline—includes significant events in the world The biographies in Notable Sports Figures profile a of sports, from historic times to the present. broad variety of individuals. Athletes such as Babe • Entry head—lists basic information on each sports Ruth, Michael Jordan, and Martina Navratilova are figure, including name, birth and death years, na- featured for their record-breaking accomplishments. tionality, and occupation/sport played. Jackie Robinson and Janet Guthrie remain in the public consciousness because of their determination to • Biographical essay—offers 1,000 to 2,500 words cross racial and gender boundaries. Other sports fig- on the person’s life, career highlights, and the im- ures have captured our attention by their controversial pact that the individual had and continues to have on activities. Skater Tonya Harding continues to hold his or her sport and on society. Bold-faced names public interest not because of any medals won, but be- within entries indicate an entry on that person. cause of the scandalous attack on Nancy Kerrigan. • Photos—provide a portrait for many of the individ- Baseball player “Shoeless” Joe Jackson was one of uals profiled. Several essays also include an action the greatest players of his era, but he is remembered photo. more for his complicity in the “Black Sox” scandal of 1919 than for his accomplishments on the field. Their • Sidebars—present a chronology of key events in lives, accomplishments, and reasons for the public’s the entrant’s life, a list of major awards and accom- ongoing fascination with them are examined in No- plishments, and, as applicable, career statistics, table Sports Figures. brief biographies of important individuals in the en- vii NSF FM 7/8/03 2:17 PM Page viii Introduction Notable Sports Figures trant’s life, “where is s/he now” information on pre- • Indices—allow the reader to access the entrants by viously popular sports figures, and excerpts from nationality or sport. A general subject index with books and periodicals of significant events in the cross-references offers additional access. entrant’s life and career. We Welcome Your Suggestions. Mail your comments • Contact Information—offers addresses, phone and suggestions for enhancing and improving Notable numbers, and web sites for selected living entrants. Sports Figures to: • Selected Writings—lists books and publications The Editors written or edited by the entrant. Notable Sports Figures Gale Group • Further Information—provides a list of resources 27500 Drake Road the reader may access to seek additional informa- Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 tion on the sports figure. Phone: (800) 347-4253 • Appendix—offers a glossary of commonly used sports abbreviations. viii NSF FM 7/8/03 2:17 PM Page ix Advisory Board Robert Kirsch Reference Librarian Lake Forest High School Lake Forest, Illinois William Munro Manager Ponce de Leon
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