ALBENI FALLS PROJECT PEND OREILLE RIVER, IDAHO ... ,,.,~. .( f. ,,, " . ,j . ' ·''f~*}' ~~<'f.: "'·.:' ~ . THE MASTER PLAN ~ ~.~w ~ ,.. p.~ .... FOR --~-- ~·-· r.-• ---~ -- --:--.~-~~~~~l~::: ·. DEVELOPMENT 8 MANAGEMENT OF RESERVOIR LANDS DESIGN MEMORANDUM 23 8 JUNE 1964 U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, SEATTLE • CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, SEATTLE ACCRESS RE~LY TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS ,!STRICT ENGINEER 1519 SOUTH ALASKAN WAY (NOT TO INDIVIDUALS) SEATTLE 4. WASHINGTON REFER TO NPSEN-PP SUBJECT: Albeni Falls ProjectJ Design Memorandum 23B, "The Master Plan" TO~ Division Engineer u. s. Army Engineer Division, North Pacific 1. Inclosed for revi~w and approval is Albeni Falls Project, Design Memorandum 23BJ titled, nThe Master Plan for Development and Management of Reservoir Lands. t! . This Design Memorandum contains plans for development 3 operation and administration of project lands and water areas. This Master Plan supersedes the original Master Plan approved by OCE 7 June 1955· 2. Acquisition of supplemental land at Oden Bay, Trestle Creek and Springy Point was recommended in Design Memorandum 23A, Supple­ ment 1, to Preliminary Master PlanJ forwarded to NPD by letter dated 15 May 1964. Upon approval and acquisition of these lands, the Master Plan will be revised to give detailed plans for their development. ~e Incl ERNEST L. PERRY -; as Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer June 1964 ALBEN! FALLS PROJECT DESIGN MEMORANDUM 23B MASTER PLAN REAL ESTATE VALIDATION 1. Reference: Paragraph 5b, ER 405~2-835. 2. Development of data pertinent to real estate in the subject Master Plan was coordinated with the Real Estate Division. KELVIN GREENSTREET Chief, Real Estate Division, NPS ALBENI FALLS PROJECT Previously Issued Design Memoranda No. Design Memo Subject Date Issued 1 Housing Facilities 20 Aug 50 2 Powerhouse Cost Study 15 Nov 50 3 Turbine & Governor Design 15 Nov 50 4 Model Gate Test & Gate Revisions 14 Dec 50 5 Concrete Aggregate Investigation Jan 51 6 Third Avenue Fill for Mos~uito Control, Sandpoint, Idaho 1 Jul 51 7 Protection of County Roads, Bonner County, Idaho 14 Dec 51 8 Shore Protection - Sandpoint, Idaho 7 Jan 52 9 Screens for Powerhouse Intake Gate Wells 11 Feb 53 10 Readjustment of City of Sandpoint Water Lines 13 Feb 53 11 Reservoir Drift Control 16 Feb 54 Supplements to Design Memo 11 1 Results of 1954 Drift Removal, Experiments and Recommendations for Future Qperation 23 Nov 54 2 Results of 1955 Drift Control Operation and Recommendations for Facility Improvements 29 Aug 55 3 Revision of Drift Storage Booms at Site "C" 20 Apr 56 12 Cost Allocation 25 Feb 57 13 Site Development 24 Nov 54 14 Effect of Albeni Falls Dam on Kokanee Fishery 14 Nov 55 No. Design Memo Subject Date Issued Supplement 1 to No. 14 - Settlement of Kootenai Fishery Problem 20 May 57 15 Alleviation of Erosion Damage 1 Sep 56 Supplements to No. 15 1 Alleviation of Erosion Damage 1 oct 58 2 Alleviation of Erosion Damage 19 Dec 58 3 Alleviation of Erosion Damage 9 Feb 60 4 Alleviation of Erosion Damage 13 Feb 63 5 Alleviation of Erosion Damage 22 Apr 63 16 Additional Easements 1 May 57 Supplements to No. 16 1 Additional Easements 7 Oct 60 2 Additional Easements 1 Apr 63 3 Additional Easements 28 Feb 63 17 Report on Groundwater Investigation at the Town of Clark Fork, Idaho Nov 57 Supplement 1 to No. 17 - Report on Groundwater Investigation at the Town of Clark Fork, Idaho 6 Oct 6o ~ Public Access Facilities 15 Apr 58 19 Relocation Bonner County Dock Road, Lakeview, Idaho 2 Jun 58 20 Plan for Sedimentation Observation 15 Jan 59 Public Access Facilities at Springy Point 23 Nov 60 Public Access Facilities at Riley Creek 30 Aug 62 23A Preliminary Master Plan 15 May 64 Additional Land Requirements - Public Recreation Areas 15 May 64 ALBEN I FALLS DAM ALBENl COVE RECREATION AREA PRIEST RIVER RECREATION AREA RILEY CREEK RECREATION AREA RILEY CREEK RECREATION AREA SPRINGY POl NT RECREATION AREA SYLLABUS Albeni Falls Project consists of a dam and powerhouse on the Pend Oreille River in Northern Idaho. The dam creates a 25-mile extension of the natural Pend Oreille Lake. Project operations stabilize \<Vater levels on the reservoir during the summer recreation season. The 94,600-acre reservoir, with a shoreline of 226 miles, lies in a scenic setting of forest and mountains and is an outstanding recreational attraction. The Haster Plan is a comprehensive guide for the development~ opera­ tion and administration of all lands and water areas o~med in fee by the Corps of Engineers. The plan establishes the probable extent of public use over the life of the project and furnishes a plan of development to meet these public needs. Lands approved for acquisition in Supplement 1 to Design Nemo 23A for recreation development are also included in the Master Plan. The Corps of Engineers has developed four all-purpose recreation areas on the reservoir. Development of other public agencies consist of three all-purpose areas, one swimming area, and one picnic area, Estimated recreational usage of Albeni Falls reservoir was 383,000 visitor-days in 19633 vrith approximately 93,000 of the total visiting Corps areas. A study of public demand indicates recreation use of the reservoir lrJill reach )00 ~ 000 visitor-days by 1965 and increase to 1~700~000 by the year 2000. Future development by other public agencies is limited due to their land holdings and the terrain. Accordingly, the Corps of Engineers has a prime responsibility for providing public access to the reservoir. All Corps of Engineers land suitable for recreation development has been a1located for Priority 1, Public Recreation Use in this Haster Plan. This plan proposes recreation development at 7 ne1·r areas~ rehabili~ tation of 3 areas and e~~ansion of 3 areas. Estimated cost of the proposed program of development is ~,~832,)00. Comparison of annual bene­ fits -vuth annual costs justifies development at each area. Revised Dec 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS Para. SYLlABUS SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.01 Authority 1 1.02 Pur:pose 2 1.03 Scope of studies 3 SECTION 2 - DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 2.01 Authorization 4 2.02 Location and purpose 4 2.03 Engineering features of the project 4 2.04 Reservoir 6 2.05 Reservoir operation 6 SECTION 3 - RECREATION AND COLlATERAL RESOURCES 3.01 Historical and archeological resources 9 3-03 Recreation resources 9 3.04 Existing recreational developments 10 3-05 Fish and wildlife resources 10 3-07 Forest resources 12 3.08 Agriculture resources 12 3-09 Mining resources 13 SECTION 4 - FACTOR INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT 4.01 General 14 4.03 Climate 15 i Para. Factors influencing recreational development 16 ?orccast of pu])J.j_c Hse ~~ .J.O At;r.LcH1 tur;;;l and industrial development 19 SECTIOH .5 - LAirD USE POLICY .5.01 Ganeral 2C .5.02 Use priorities ?2 SE,CTICX! 6 - 'LA:J Ji'OR Rt.: ~HEJ~TI~JI DE'IET/,Pl, 'I' 6,01 General ?3 6.0h Plan for existing recreation areas 23 6.0.5 Vista 24 Albeni Falls PovJerhouse 6,08 Albeni Cove 6.10 27 0.13 '\.Usy Creek !' ., '. , ' • I~ I ; ( 'l t lrw ''or netJ develor:x1enLs Stront_; 1 s I~ilanc1. 6.19 Carey Creek 6,20 Horton Slough 30 6,22 I:allard Jay 31 6.24 Oden Bay 31 ii Revised Dec 6.5 Para. 6.25 Trestle Creek 32 (;. 2i3 Johnson Creek 33 6.32 Construction schedule and priority 35 ' SECTIOl'.J 7 - JU.STIFICA l:I0 1 ~ FO!t lECREATimlAL DE'r,'LOPT!!~NT 7.01 Evalnati..on standards 36 7.02 Justification for development 36 SECTION t3 - QiOYWI!.rATTCd :.·fiTH OTHEH J\ClE' 1CIES c.en '}enernl 8.02 Bure&u of C!utdoor Hecreabion 8.03 United States Forest Service 8.07 Bureau of Land ;;;anagement 39 G.OG State of Idaho, Park Tiepar~nent 8,09 State o.f Idaho, Depart:·11ent of .?i.sh and ·.Jame 8.10 Board of County Comnissioners for ~'Jonner County, Idaho 8.11 City Council of City of Priest River, Idaho SECTION 9 - FISH AND 'VJILDLIFE DEVELOPl'-'fENT AND EANAGET·'TENT 9.01 General lrl 9.02 Development and Hanagen:ent S0CTIO:J 10 - PROTECTION AND A~.ll•DJ:HSTRATION OF B.ESOUHCES 10.01 Objective 10.02 Administration of outgrants 43 10.03 Administration of other areas L3 iii Revised Dec 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Para 10.04 Vandalism, trespass and theft 43 10.05 Boundary markers 44 10.06 Erosion protection 44 10.07 Debris removal 44 10.08 Fire control 45 10.13 Insect and plant control 46 10.14 Control of health hazards 47 SECTION 11 - RULES AND REGULATIONS 11.01 General 48 11.02 Interpretation to rules and regulations 48 11.03 Relationship to other Federal laws and regulations 50 11.04 Archaeological - historical 50 11.05 Wildlife 50 11.06 Relationship to State and local laws 51 Prevention and control of water pollution 51 Enforcement of rules and regulations 51 SECTION 12 - DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12.01 Discussion 53 12.04 Conclusions 54 12.05 Recommendations 55 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 56 iv TABLE OF COI!TEHTS (Continued}-- No. TA llLE:S 1 Pertinent Data 2 O>mership of Reservoir Shoreline 7 3 Existing Public Recreation Development 11 4 Priority of Site Development 35 Sumtn.ary of Economic Sv2:L\1a~ion 37 6 Gar8.e Hanager1ent Units FIGlTHES 1 Forecast of ~lecreat·Lon Use 18 EXHIBITS 1 Letter from Dureau of Outdoor Recreation 2 Letter from U. S. Forest Service 3 Letter fron ·;-lureau o.L La:1d :1anagement 4 Letter from State o.r Idaho 5 Letter from Bonner Cmmty, Idaho 6 ·Letter fron City of Priest Hiver, Idaho PLATES 1 Related Facilities Hap 2 Land Use Hap 3 Public Recreation Facilities Dam Site and Al beni Cove ;1.ecrea tion Area 5 Strong 1 s Island, l~iest River and Carey Creek Recreation Areas 6 Riley Creek necreation Area v Revised Dec 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) - 7 Morton Slough, Mallard Bay, Springy Point and Oden Bay Recreation Areas 8 Trestle Creek and Johnson Creek Recreation Areas 9 Priest River, Carey Creek, Riley Creek, Hoodoo Creek and Mallard Bay Game Managements Units 10 Morton Slough and Oden Bay Game Management Units 11 Pack River and Clark Fork Game Management Units llA Supplemental Lands Approved for Acquisition APPENDIX 1 (Bound Separately) COST ESTIMATES vi Revised Sep 64 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.01 Authority.
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