roup n ! ) .m Scout Cotwt of Honor f >i o Offer To Meet Tuevky Night RaHyMtttWednesday ****om»* Action Is Starred Tot November meeting of the Boy 1.: Start Board of Renew will be held on TopsCO.P.Campaign Tim Junior: Red cross has compleitd P.O. Site the annual enrollment in all —>•—• Tuesday, November a. in stead of Fri- day. November 4, in order that a court National, State, County and of Cranford. Oanrood and KenliwonJ Lower Water Rates Municipal Property Neat Po- of Honor may be held on the Joint hike and Christmas boxea. Oiled bj ) : to Echo Lake Friday. All Scouts ell«|. I Local Speakers in. Full DU- Uury school children.have been_ - lice Headquarters Suggested ble to receive First Class rank or merit I cussion of Election Issues. to New Ybrt for shtpnjenMs Pon as Possible - Location for badges should report to the board atl Rico and the Virgin Islands, it Committee Will Appeal for • p. m, Tuesday In the Scout room I announced at the meeting of the Cen 7 Federal Open House over the Cranford Trust Company. As the high- spot of the Republican tral council last Thursday la Orwlaaj . Reduction,"as Double Bene- ust mpany. School. , Distrit Cii C campaign, a big publlo rally will take CestLKsThanEstimate fit, Cutting Hydrarit Rent- \V District Commissioner Cowperthwalte place next Wednesday evening, Novem- Reports from' the different Tiie Township Commute* was urged Committee Announces. Final Is making plans for a joint hike Friday ber 3, at 8;U o'clock In the Cleveland wttre made' and plans, .annouzkad for als and Private Users' Bills. t I Tuesday night to offer present Town- Plans for Hard Times lVty afternoon and evening to 'g"ho Lake. School Auditorium. Arrangement* for the coming year,;. The Junior* EngineerV Report on Paving ship property to the Treasury Depart- Scout games wUl be played in the at- the meeting an being made by the•end greeting cards, favors and gin Lincoln Ave, Between Den- The Township. Committee Tuesday \ \ ment of the fruited States at, reason- November II. temoon. and the Scouts will cook sup- campaign committee of the Cranford on all holidays to (he li adopced nt per at 8 o'clock. Troop meetings, a night started action which it Is hoped able prices as jxmlble site* tec the Republican Club, Inc. erana in the U. S. Hospital at Ljoca. nwai Road and High St.wUl bring about a reduction In water A crowd that filled the club bouse joint meeting and the Court of Honor new Post Office building'.. Signed br are OQ the evening's program. Scouts Former Judge Robert, F. Carey of Qarwood and KenUworth npnstn Shows Total Cost Much Un-dot«. charged by the Plainflcld UWon i; 73 business men-and "taxpayers, a pe* nearly to capacity attended tbe Repub- Jersey city, one of the most prominent tatlves reported their cuunoiu Water Company, for water supplied the lican dub's "open house" meeting last will have an opportunity to pass all der Oriprtal Estimate. Or- tltlon suggested, that the municipal out-of-door tests. Republicans In the State, WUl be thestarted work and were- planning relict Township for hydrant*' and to private property between,-police headquarter* night Short talks, group singing and principle speaker in behalf of the en- activities. Miss Alice Mr»m1>-r dinance to Vacate Norman- corikumvri.. This was. the- resolution and Gray's undertaking establishment special entertainment were included on tire Republican ticket. Judge Carey the Red Cross in Roosevelt School passed: , •••.'. the program. President George E. Os- has appeared before Cranford audien- would make covers'(gr Braille cuds to dy Bark Streets Adopted. be offered. The petition old:' "Kasolved Uiat the chairman of the terheldt opened the meeting wltH an ces several times and Is a great favor- be' sent to Children in >chopl4.l[w ih* . »Wfe Mlieve that ibJs Js the most announcement ot. the-'plans for-the Westfield, Cranford ite at political gatherings. In addition, blind at Christmas time. fire roiiunlttw! and the attorney under- suitable site Jar the Feat Offloe ami reportna to thotako an In.vestigaUon and make a' re>" V Republican rally to«be held in {he County Chairman Edward L. Bauer of Miss Jessie Arthur, Bed Cms OoiaailUn Tw«lay ^_ that this land may be submitted- W a Cleveland school nexOITednesday night, y port as to tho advisability of-the Town- ' th« Republican County Committee is visor in the High School, H/y ^ miwung that the coal-or th« _ i^B price that will return to theiama&ip and then-introduced A. A. Smith, treas- making sn effort to secure Another shliV of -cranford elthor alone, or In bcth Root,-president of the High School P»«tt« «f .Upepte avsn'ue .be.iweei.pen; conjunction -^wlth -^j,b«p^ mimicipaj^l4es^^ »^lit'''»l»-«Vf»U.V»<«i»£'£kJi1» -LUI^ 5' "-Wiling **•»!»•, ouisftJe-spe«keT"ef Nsttoncl importance. CoitneilViWMdb^Mowi^dMrVKp r durlng the meeting. Hm£iri^iin'n'm»aTui Qi'o'rubiio' Utllltlts'" ) ing funds for reducing taxes, -or .enable Local Musicians to Make Ini- All Republican cndldates for County the " Central Council, ind DdoUu ni much qrtitiii- .Cammlmloh for a ri'valaii- of tho water attilC TnTTTTftftilT 1)ffftlS.tSi .tft -CommlttKnian Ames a wsa^-caa. 2.-_tial- Appearaiicerin New Uxe •and.J3|tstii nfflCMhava-bMn,Invited to Mttrka.iil_..the...narwond Courxat. «t- -owr S13 000, MPJ*!S<K4:BrTUi«;.f'lalnfliid Union dldate for- re-election, -nade a Short be 'present and to speak, including tended me BUte conJerehce of Junior 0* roft.";jhau(Ung' .Xho: resolution wu talk-in behsJf ot-MaWpeorgrXK*V — ifotma; SaturdajcrAfternoon; SenatcrW^Warrm Harbour, candidate Red Cross warfctrs in. Newark, Octet"* naitrt' imaiiliniiuiily adopted. alto, a-candidate-tcr re-eiectlon,-who for -re-election -to -the-Unlted States Committee, by letter, la_They-gav«-a. brief r*mm» of the Thir-would «'lil lie Double Ilineflt was unable to be present at last night's Senate, Who is expected to appear to , plan to remove the Fast Office from the The Westfield and Cranford High acUvitles and dlacuauon* of the •w • balsaw of tiie StatailloUnvnt, .In tlie ubiipncc of Mayor qeorge A. meeting. make one of the most Important ad- - vicinity of It* present location. He was School bands will wage a musical battle ference. •• '••••••. r Uus',»ork ol ovrr H.OOO which It Lui* Ilnad ComniMtoiWr Prank McCuU deises ofj his campaign. present at the -meeting- and Joined Plans were announced for a hard Saturday afternoon In addition to the >»'Httz»l«i mKht be added to Uiulotlgli,\ presided oyer^'the mooting as Stale •pproprttUon for paving the sre- Charles-Hansel «nd A,,B, Meredith In Tunes Party and dance to be given at annual dash on the gridiron between Mayor,' Qeorge A. Luta and Police chnlrman pro lent Mayor mtx and the 8 p. m, Friday, November It by thethe two'rival football teams, school Commissioner James G. Beggs, candi- Um of Uncolii avenue Eart of Hi«h Townnhlp Oommittw, lind been con- recommending, that the Township offer The mU4<T m referred to the property-referred to in me- busman Bouse Committee of the Republican officials announced today. dates for re-election tcthe Townaliip College Club To sidering the-matter of.-'wafer rates for Committee will also have prominent U* Whole, The brdi- men's and taxpayers' petition, as well Club. A prise will be given for the best Cranford high, school's twenty-five Homo time and the move for a reduc- costume. The tickets, which will be piece organization will make Iti initial places qn the program. As It will be ncaUoc parti of a number of tion, which will benefit Cranford reel- is that now occupied by the Cranford the mayor's.only appearance Of the Nonaanitr Park map streets was adopt- Republican CJttb. thirty-five cents, may be obtained from appearance Saturday, attired hi the denta doubly, ail taxpayers and water any officer of the dub or from the fol- campaign at a public gathering,' ho will ed on Seal rMdmg, no opposition betrut Road Commissioner ftrahk MbOui- new uniforms of blue and gold, the niters, hi. said, Is another llom of the lown House Committee members who school colors, The outfits, which were discuss at some length. Township prob- /-> o. • •' r« t ' • • r ««•»»«•offend.. ^nThe ^aeauonvacations will alloallow,thw Uioo „—~'— ' "" "•""•"»• •"«• "• uw lough, chairman* pro-tem of the com- are in charge of the arrangements for lems. Wllng what the. present sdmlnls- 1 wmh mittee, thsftfeett thosc'-who offered sug- purchased by the Lions,Club, conslst-of Uroup OtartS Rehearsals -far Coontr Park CwnmiMkm to carry out lrram" 'l> Committee's economy pro- the affair: Mr.' and Mrs. N. P. Hallbert blue and gold sweaters and berets. Each tratlonlhas done and outlining Its plans "Trial by Jury" — Miss (or tbu aecUon. the ObmmtMlon i * gestions on the Fast Offloe site matter, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Jansen, Mr. and Mrs. for the! future. eemeot wiu» tl», owners of I Preceding Uio action of the Town- All were referred to the committee ot member will wear white duck trousers W. T. Wild, Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Deller, Bands to Parade Musie will be provided for the cri Alice Matthews to Direct Bark vacant land- te. take • ••''P Coinmlttee, Township Attorney the whole._ Cttrl H Mrs. G.__E, Crosby. Mrs. E. Ameson, tcrtauunent of those who attend and Play. _ Ihe river. - The ordl- - Warilnakl iubmitted this re- -The forty-piece Westneld organizag - Bort ; ~ frosts! Center Mrs. Prank Banner, Mrs.
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