DOCUMENT RESUME ED 125 319 HE 007.143 TITLE Western Illinois University FacultyHandbook. INSTITUTION Western Illinois Univ., Macomb. .PUB DATE Jul 74 . NOTE 210p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$11.37 Pius Postage. , DESCRIPTORS *Administrative Policy; Ancillary Services; *College Faculty; Faculty Organizations; FacultyPromotion; Fringe Benefits; GovernanCe; *Higher Education; Job Tenure; Noninstructional Responsibility;*Personnel Policy; Salaries; *State Universities; Teacher PespOnsibility NTIF-ERS *Faculty Handbooks; Western IllinoisUniv4rsity ABSTRACT Western Illinois University is part.` of the state higher education system and as such isgoverned by 100 Board" of Governors of State College and Universities. The 1974 edition ofthe faculty handbook outliney/the university'sorganization and administration within the state system and'individually. Additionally, the handbook provides-special.information fcr new staff members; policies for the use ofuniyersity,facilitieS, supplies and equipment; and. a list of available services.Personnel policie.s are detailed including salaries, absences,teaching and nonteaching responsibilities, scholarship and class regulations,appointbent, promotion, tenure and termination. AJMF) ***********************************m********************************* Documents acquired by ERIC include manyinformal unpublished * materials not available fromother sources. ERIC makes. every effort * * to obtain the best copyavailable. -Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are oftenencountered and this affects the quality * * of the mcrcfiche and hardcopyreproductions ERIC makes available .* via the ERIC DocumentReproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible tor the qualityof the original,document. Reproductions* * supplied by EDRS are the bestthat can ,be made from the original. *************************************************************4********* WESTERN ILLYNOIS UNIVERSITY , FACULTY HANDBOPK r r July 1, 1974 (replaces page dated 7/24/73) TABLE or CONTENTS Introductory Statement_ ) Special information fOr'New,Staff Members a. New faculty arid. Staff b. Payrolls e. Physical Examinations. il. Personnel folders and Transcripts, State Universities Retirement System of Illinois r. .Moving.Expenses Eor New Faculty g. Interview Travel Expense I I . Orgmnization a. The Board of Covernovs of State Collegu,s and Universities, and theaPniversity Ii. Administrative'Structure Administrative Directory (current year) d. List of Administrative Staff and faculty (currentyear) e. Leolty and Special Committee (current year) IV. Calendars a. Cafendar (current veal') b. final Examination Schedule (current year) Schdules or Committee, Council, and-Staff Meetings ' (current year') d. faculty Meetinv, V. Ese of Iiiiiversityfaeilitie Building Usa,r,e Schedules and RegulatThns b. Repailts, Maintenance, andIiui1ding,ProiramS ParhinPermits and'Regulations (1. Health ond :-;areLy Pntrcies Policy on Residencv for Preidwnt,, 3 Ju]y 1, 1974 - (replaces page dated 7/18/72) 4 VI. Supplies and Equipment - a. Procedure fol.- Obtaining Equipment and Supplies b. Business-Machines Maintenance c. lilstructional Media. Services, and Equipment d. lluiversity Equipment- Freight and Express Policy F. Contractual Expenses g. OFFftiflI University-Stationery and Envelopes .VII. Services d. Pniversity Health Services Insurance and Compensation,Benefits c. Accidents on tb4, Job d. Mail and Telecommuniaations Service ) e. Printing and Duplicating Services '' F. Clerical Services Illinois State University Libraries Borrower's Card h. Staff Members Extra Duties _Employment of. Spotises ; i. Computer Services k. University Records Maflagement(Areillyes1 L. Charter flu 5,jryice VIAL_Ab'nricnIrwri Campus d. Celfral Policy on Excused and Emergency Absences b. Travel Re!_mLAtjons I. Vacati'ons IX. Miscellaneous .4 a. OFFice Hour; I. Termination of Employiilent e.1...,Requestsh) be Suhmittvd to- the 1196rd. ofGovernorsoF VIO Stat i to I. irgis iiicl Puiversitie d. Student Empl Tmont- Stadont 01-1,anizations--Advisership and Funds F. rdeulty rp,. Additinal ta.odunte Work h. Sponso.red Priiect, i. Pay Cheek, 4. July 1, 1974 (replaces page da-ted 7/24/73) X. ScholarshiP and Class Regulations a. Trades anti Class Attendance; (;,r-dieAppeals. Procedure, b. Absences for Field Trips c. Acadnic Dishonesty Statement (I; Academic (Student) Recerd, and Pr,.cedures 1 .,e . Class Size Control froC,.do.r._ XI.. Policy Statements a . Appo intment ,Promo ton, TenureAndzl,ibLa Li ca I Leave Polic7ies S taterriont oftheFacult:,' Senn ... (1. !,, ir,na t sponsi- - bili ties) Summer Faculty Assiment Sta Lemon tsForResearch, la tents, and Copyrights Policy For Evaluation of Administrative Faculty I. Outs ide Consulting and Research Ac tivi. ties ' 11 Ii is 1;overnment al Ethics Act h.. StatementorPolicy on Disruption- of Academicor' Opera I iona I rune!: ions at Institutions under the Boa CdorUovernorsOFState Colleges and rnivers i ties ,State of Illinois Statement of Policy on Disruption of Academic or Operdtional Functionsor wo,turn 'I Illinois rniversi ty t: ions(;oy.$/nifr.;the Appearance oC Off-campus Speakers Invitvd137Recognized Student nod Faculty Ur.oups at Western Illinois Universi ty ti tenon t on the Administration of Bond Revenue thi i Wings at WesternI Ulm)isUniversity conc. i den t tat ity(4CRecords Offi ee F Depot' [men t Chai man Iiturnout on the Depot' Lment Office ofthe Doan 4.0 r Section II-a Pag 1 Issued-7/1/74 (replaices page dated 9/1/69) NEW FACULTY AND STAFF Welcome to Western Illinois University! .Section II of the Handbook has been compiledespecially for newcomers to the campus, and it is hoped'the information will be helpful as you become "at .home" at WIU.I University Activities, All members riF the faculty andadminiStrative staff are cordially invited to attend and to participatein the many University functions which are scheduled during the year. Various teas, receptions, anti parties wilt provideopportunities to meet colleagues on a social.basis. Departments of the C011egE of Fine Artsoffer plays, exhibits, conferences, concerts, master assns and workshops to the University community throughout the year. The Bureau of Cultural Affairs of theStudent Government Association presents an outstanding ArtistsSerie.s (events such as drama, solo artists, symphonies, choralgroups, dance).as well as a series of .nationally known speakers. The University Union Board sponsors popconcerts, special dinners, dramatic productions, musicalartists, coffeehouses, films, children's parties, and tours--both abroadand within the United States. Workshop.:, yffored-by the University Pnioncraft shop are open to rTINW)Pr!-; ()t the University community. Sports elithusiasts will enjoy the widevariety offered through the men's and women's athletic schedules. Section IIb PPge 1 Issued 9/1/75. .{replaces page dated 7/18/72) . PAYROLLS All University staff, excluding Civil Service hourly employees, ixare paid monthly, and warralUs are due onthe first working day of the following month. (Exception: Payment will be made on the last working Saturday, Sunday or holiday.) ay of the month when the 5" st falls on a 0 Before a new'employee may be placed on the payroll, thefollowing forms must be completed and filed in the Business (Payroll)Office, Sherman Hall 221.: Tax forms as required by Internal Revenue Service Tax forms as required by State of Illinois. It is important that.new employees complete the necessaryforms before the fifteenth of the month. Failure to do'. so will result in omitting the employee's name from the payroll for the first month. Changes in Federal income tax exemptions may be filed at the Business (Payroll) Office and will become effective the monthfollowing completion of the form provide& for this purpdse. (Special tax provision: Aa employee may elect to have 18, 20, 22, 25, or 30%withheld for income 1:axpurposes. Forms for this purpose must be signed prior to thesedates.) Changes in exemption claims for Illinois state income tax must tp"filed as prescribed by law. Information is available in Business (Payroll) Office. Staff members may authorize payroll deductions ftr: lAHE State Universities Retirement System AAUP tax sheltered annuitiW AFT union due; Credit Union United%Fund health insurance United States Savings Bonds life insurance Western'Illinoi\ University Foundation . For further information, contact the Business(Payroll).Office. *Limited to companies approved by the Board of Governors. ti Section 11-b 'Page 2 Issuect9/1/75 (replacpt page dated 7/1/74) Authorization for Payrolls The Business (Payro]l) Office must have the appropriate authorization from ale following offices before placing an individual on a University payroll (from State funds or University- controlled funds): Assistant to the Academic Vice President for academic and administrative employees Director of Civil Service Personnel for civil service employees Financial Aids Officer for student employees 1 Payment Schedules For academic staff.during regular year: A. On 9-month contracts: Nine equal installments to be paid September through - May. Exception: May check for those leaving the employment of the University will be deliver6d on May pay date, or later, upon completion of clearance blank. '(See IX-b) University School personnel paid from contract with Districi 185 will be compensated on the same schedule. B. On 91/2-month contracts: One-half month in August; full month September through May. C. On 10-month contracts: One-half month in August; full month, September through
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