• :" :. , ~" ..,.- . ,. " .~... ..'~:...L . rHERN :BRITISH The :~VOL. !, NO. 46 HAZELTON; B.~C. SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR :? R[AT P/A Iq IAmericanAtheteso ",' ,I • ,.:" Royalists Attempt N[WPAR Y T0 to Restore Monarchy (Special to The Miner) standing of nations at the open- Madrid, Julyl2:--Renewedre-, g[ [AUN~[D ing of today's events at the ports have been received here of J British Columbia has Recog- Olympic ganies wpsas follows: an impending attempt to restore I nition in Money Markets United States; 80 points, Great the monarchy in Portugal. From ~Wall • Be Known As the "N of the World. Britain 51, Sweden 26, Germany the northern provinces of that/tie----, nai t'rogres s ire"-'--a Party } country many families are fleeing \ 23, Finland 20, France 19, Den- mark 11, Africa 11, Italy nine, across the border to Spain, as Roosevelt At Head Canada six, Australia four, Rus- they fear uprisings. The authori- NEEDSNAVAL PBOTEGTION ties today seized a motor car near . sia, Greece. Austria, Belgium, three each, and Holland two. In Monforte, bound for Vigo loadedHNVENTiON I AUliUST 5TH Sir Richard McBride in Speech at Con- with one hundred rifles .and servatlve Pi~cnlc Praises Borden and track and field events alone Dwells upon the Necessity of Ade'quate United States leads with fifty twenty thousand cartridges des- Immediate Revision of the Tariff Down. Naval Defence. ~oints. Finland second with •six- tined for the use of the monar- ward Will Be One of the Prominent teen, and Great Britain third chists. Planks of the Platform---Prominent (Special to The Mlael~) with ten. World's record for The townbf Cabeceirae is now Newspaper Men To Give Support Vancouver. July 12: In :an ad- broad 'jumP broken by Guterson being held by the Royalists and dress delivered at the great; Con- of Vermont, he making amark the Republican government is New~ York, July ]I:--A call to servative picnic at Ganges of twenty four feet ele.ven inches rushing troops to the scene. The the people of the United States 'Harbor, Sir Richard McBride which is five inches better than battleship Vasco de Gama has who arein sympathy with the said: best previous record. been ordered to quell disorder in National Progressive party, to "We in the government enjoy Sir Richard:McBride, K.C.M.G. the towns in the northern provin- elect delegates to a convention, ces. power simplybecause we have who will visit Hazelton on which is to be held August 5th the confidence and approval of TYSONSAYS WILL Tuesday, July 16th. in Chicago, was given out today the people. We have beenen- HEATWAVE AUSE$I by United States Senator Joseph abled to carry through and inau- STANDBY REPORT M. Dixon, of Montana, Theodore gerate works of great magnitude NUMEROUSDEATHS Roosevelt's campaign manager. and we Continue in office because If People o£ Hazelton Have The call is signed by members of our first consideration is for the Their Way He'll Probably East's Annual Hot Spell the committee chosen at a meet- land in which rWe live and not the Fall By It ' Claiming its Usual Number ing held in Chicago, and also party for which we stand. But bears signatures of Roosevelt of Victims we have even bigger plans for followers in forty states. (Special to The Miner) the future in the way of railroad The text of the call is: VancouVer, July8:--The Miner (Special to The Miner) development, and we must make PR[Mi[R BfiRD[NR[E[IV[$ "To the people of the United Montreal. July 12:--The heat our foundations broad and deep representative today interviewed States, without regard to past so that when the country comes H. S. Clements, M. P. and A. wave which is prevalent has differences, who, through repeat- into its own we riaay continue to Tyson, Indian inspector, in con- ROYALWELEflM[:IN [Nfil ANDcaused the deaths of 92 children ed betrayals, realize that today enjoy that reputation for clean nection with the order for the under the age of five during the the power of the crooked political and efficient government t0 removal of Whitei residents from last few days. The present hot bosses and of the privileged .,w.hich~..wecan lay claim,.~f~r:, the Remarkable EnthusiasmOn classes behind them is so strong the Indian: ReServe at H~elt~: pisplay of wave is the worst f0r many years. lastnine years. in.t~e two old .party- organiza- Mr. :Clements asserted that th~ The water Supply is 'running "There is not a single part of tions, that no help in the real order had been 't)assed without the British Empire which has Short. interests of our country can any reference to him, and agreed FigureIn PublicAffairs. better recognition in the money come out of either. to endorse the request that it be markets of the world than British New York, July 12:-- Fern "Who believe that the time held in abeyance. Inspector A special wire today: brings be sacrificed and that, as regards has come for anational progress- Columbia. To open up this Tyson showed the Miner man a news of the enthusiastic recep- deaths were recorded here from both immediate, co-operati0n to ire movement a nation wide ,country we need money and to copy of his report to the Depart- tion of Premier Borden and party meet present emergency and a heat today. The weather bureau get that money we must have ment, on which the order was movement--on non-sectional lines in England. On arrival at Pad- permanent basis of plans of de- states that today is the warmest so that the people may be served reputation. British Columbia based. Its somewhat obscure dington station they were met by fense, he would say that the has that reputation and so has wording is subject to the con- July 10 since 1876. At Boston l i n sincerity and truth by an or- Lord Strathcona, Donald McMas- Canadian people came of races three deaths and twenty-five Iganizati°n, unfettered by obliga- the Dominion. Premier Borden struction that he found the oc- ter and a large party' of Cana- that had never f~iiled to realize prostrations were reported• At Iti°ns to conflicting interests. and his colleagues are now in cupancy of Indian property by dians. The colonial office was and act upon their responsibilities. • ' "Who believe in the right and England, and we look forward Whites demoralizing to the represented by Sir Hartman Just Philadelphia eleven deaths are J Public men of long exlhe~ience .... - - . [capacity of the p~ople to rule with great expectations to the natives, an,,] it was evidently so and Lionel Earle, the latter being who were present agreed that no repor~ea sue m nea~ and many result of their visit. I am satis- construed by the Indian Depart- - themselves and effectively to con. fled as a Ca#idian and a Conser- private secretary toMr. Harcourt. more remarkable demonstration prostrations, trol all the agencies of their gov- ment. In it he stated that he The party proceeded to the Savoy vative that Mr. Borden will not ever greeted a ~ colonial premier ernment and who hold that only was strongly opposed to Whites hotel. fail us on this occasion. You nay in this country than on. the con- Chicago, July 12:--Ten deaths through social and individual being allowed to live on the Re- NewsPaloers gave great prom- look to him, and not in vain, to clusion of this speech. One of from the heat and twenty-two justice, thus secured, can honest serve, as such occupancy "in- inence to Mr. Borden's arrival. come back from London with a the great London dailies, in prostrations were reported today. property find permanent protec- progressive .policy of naval de- variably caused trouble." He Photographs of himself and his speaking of Borden says he is Heat crazed dogs bit fifteen per- tion. gave p~ominence to the fact that colleagues are plentiful. The fence and put Canada in her now one of the "leading, trusted sons. Three hundred thousand "Who believe that •govern- baseball games are played on the Royal Colonial Institute has in- proper place--side by side with ahd inspired figures in the arena men, women and children left ment by the few tends to become Reserve and told of three men vited a distinguished company New Zealand and Australia. of public affairs." the city to escape from the heat. and has, in fact, become govern- "Naval defence is not a politi- attending a game being srrested for Wednesday when it dines The London Times, in review- Thousands sought relief at first him. ment by the sordid in'fluences cal question. Like military de- and fined for having liquor in ing Borden's speech says "Cana- by sleeping, or trying to sleep, that control the few. their possession on the Reserve. In a great speech delivered be- fence it must be regarded from dian people could undertake no in the open air in parks, on roofs "Who believe that only through In conclusion, he reconlmenffed fore a record breaking gather!ng a national standpoint. It must permanent share in defence with- and on the lake shores• There the movement proposed can we that White residents be compelled including representatives x~f the be removed from the influence of ont voice in policy which shapes were many cases of erratic be- obtain in the nation and the sev- to remove from the reserve. entire Empire, Mr. Borden deep- the hustings. I regret that some issues of peace and war.
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