![BLM Zones of Restricted Activity for Protection of Key Fish Areas Along](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
#-. U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management BLM Alaska Open File Report 104 BLM/AK/ST-06/003+6674+990 December 2005 Zones of Restricted Activity for Protection of Key Fish Areas Along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System on Federally Administered Lands Third Edition Alaska U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMMENT Mission Statement The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) sustains the health, diversity and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. Cover This pond, adjacent to the upper Atigun River drainage north of the Brooks Range, is ice-free all winter because of the pipeline’s thermal regime. It is used by Arctic grayling for rearing and overwintering. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company constructed a channel between the pond and the Atigun River so fish can freely use the pond all year. Photo by Dennis Gnath. Open File Reports Open file reports present the results of inventories or other investigations published outside the formal BLM-Alaska technical publication series. These reports can include preliminary or incomplete data and are not published and distributed in quantity. Reports are available while supplies last from BLM External Affairs, 222 West 7th Avenue, #13, Anchorage, Alaska 99513 (907) 271-5555 and from the Juneau Minerals Information Center, 100 Savikko Road, Mayflower Island, Douglas,AK 99824, (907) 364-1553. Copies are also available for inspection at the Alaska Resource Library and Information Service (Anchorage), the United States Department of the Interior Resources Library in Washington D.C., various libraries of the University of Alaska, the BLM National Business Center Library (Denver), and other selected locations. A complete bibliography of all BLM-Alaska scientific reports can be found on the Internet at: http://www.ak.blm.gov/affairs/sci_rpts.html Related publications are also listed at: http://juneau.ak.blm.gov. Zones of Restricted Activity for Protection of Key Fish Areas Along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System on Federally Administered Lands Third Edition BLM Open Report 104 December 2005 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office 222 W. 7th Ave., #13 Anchorage AK 99513 Preface to the Third Edition This third edition of the Fish Streams Along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (previously titled TAPS Fish Streams) has been prepared and will be maintained by the Office of Pipeline Monitoring to facilitate the admin­ istration ofenvironmental provisions ofthe Federal Agreement and Grant of Right-of-Way for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. Specifically, this report is intended to serve as the source document for periodically updating a list of areas under Federal administration where pipeline activities may have to be restricted to protect fish breeding, spawning and major migration. However, .this report is not the Federal Authorized Officer's list required under the Agreement and Grant ofRight-of-Way for Trans-Alaska Pipeline, Stipulation 2.5.3, Zones of Restricted Activities. The Stipulation 2.5.3 list will only include streams in areas ofFederal pipeline administration and will be separately prepared and issued to the Permittees' agent, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. The open file format was chosen to facilitate additions or corrections resulting from any future State, Federal, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company or other studies of pipeline streams. Please direct all correspondence concerning additions/corrections or document requests to: Jerry Brossia Joint Pipeline Office U.S. Bureau of Land Management Office of Pipeline Monitoring 411 West 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 257-1300 Fish Species Codes (Adapted from Johnson and Rockwell, 1981) ? = Fish Present? AB = Alaska blackfish :Dallia pectoralis AC Arctic char :Salvelinus alpinus AL = Arctic lamprey :Lampetra japonica AS = American shad :Alosa sapidissima BB = Burbot :Lota lota BC = Bering cisco :Coregonus laurettae BL American brook lamprey :Lampetra sp. BW Broad whitefish :Coregonus nasus CA Arctic cisco :Coregonus autumnalis CD = Sculpin :Family Cottidae CI Cisco :Coregonus sp. CN = Slimy sculpin :Cottus cognatus cs Least cisco :Coregonus sardinella CT Cutthroat trout :Orcorhynchus clarkii DS = Dog (Chum) salmon :Oncorhynchus @m DV = Dolly varden :Salvelinus malma GR = Grayling :Thyrnallus arcticus HO = Pond Smelt :H~omesus olidus HW Humpback whitefish :Coregonus pidschian IN = Inconnu (Sheefish) :Stenodus leucichthys KO = Kokanee :Oncorhynchus nerka KS = King (Chinook) salmon :Ohncorhynchus tshawytscha LC = Lake chub :Couesius plumbeus LS Longnose sucker :Catostomus catostomus LT Lake trout :Salvelinus namaycush LW == Lake whitefish : Coreiiomis clupeafonnis NP = Northern pike :Esox: lucius OM = Rainbow smelt :Osmerus mordax PS = Pink (Humpback) salmon :Oncorhychus gorbuscha PW = Pygmy whitefish :Prosopium £Qulteri RB = Rainbow trout :Oncorhynchus mykiss RS = Red (Sockeyc) salmon :Oncorhynchus ncrka RW Round whitefish :Prosopium cylindraceum SB Stickleback :Family Gasterosteidae S9 Ninespinc stickleback :Pungitius pungitius SH Steelhead trout :Oncorhynchus mykiss SK Sucker :Family Catostomida.§. ss Coho (Silver) salmon :Oncorhynchus kisutch TP Trout - Perch :Percopsis omiscomaycus WF Whitefish :Coregonus sp. EXPLANATION OF HEADINGS USDOI BLM PMO OPEN FILE REPORT - TAPS FISH STREAMS 07 /31/03 PAGE 00 OF 00 MP STREAM NAME(s) : FISH : A : JaFeMrApMaJuJlAuSeOcNoDe : FIELD : MER : REFER _________: SPECIES : D : PERIOD OF SENSITIVITY : STATION : T : ENCE :A/S : Comments : A G-5 :R : D SEC 4.12 : (Edge) Lakes . : ? 21736 U AB E 21796 lON F 1.37 ! TAPS A/G; Causeway : 1550+00 14E : 1541+70 20 277.14: PROSPECT CREEK I : CN;GR;KS Y: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC: 1463150 F AB E I ' LS;NP;RW E : : 1463408 22n FG 91 :' TAPSA/G;BLOCKPOINT S : : 1590++00 : 14w ; ~ 31 *790,9 : (Grey Stream) DV;SS : CCCCSSSSSSSSjlauCCCCC : 4176212 :c AB E I ' 0 I : 09S ' 'I 'I I 2 . ': TAPS B/G; CMP ' : OSW I' : 506+06 :' 28 MP= The distance in miles from Pump Station _l; * Prefix denotes extrapolated mileage notfi.eld checked. AS = Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (G-100 as-builts) alignment sheet number. STREAM NAME= Adapted from Johnson and Rockwell, 1981. For example: YUKON RNER denotes a name recognized by the U.S. Geological Survey; (Small or Jackie's CK) denotes a non-USGS recognized popular name; [Snowpad CK denotes a new name used in this list. COMMENTS = TAPS A/G denotes above-ground pipe mode; TAPS BIG denotes below-ground mode; CMP is a corrugated-metal-pipe or culvert; LWC is a low water crossing; BLOCKPOINT is a physical barrier to vehicle passage; CAUSEWAY, BRIDGE, and PARALLEL are self-explanatory. FISH SPECIES = see Page ii of iv for explanation of codes. ADAD = "YES" denotes anadromous fish stream desigt_iated by Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. PERIOD OF SENSITNITY = C denotes Critical period of fish usage; S denotes Sensitive period of fish usage. NOTE: .UNDERLINING of a stream's period of sensitivity denotes the recommended sensitivity period if fish return in the future. ' FIELD STATION = Distance in feet from Pump Station No 1 as estimated in field; * Prefix denotes an extrapolated stationing not field checked. G-5 = Obtained from selected references (see Page iii of iv) and refers to construction drawings. MER == Meridian - U is Umiat; F is Fairbanks; C is Copper River. T =Tier or Township; R == Range; Sec. = Section. REFERENCE= see page iii of iv. USDOI BLM PMO OPEN FILE REPORT - TAPS FISH STREAMS 07/30/03 PAGE 1 of41 MP : STREAM NAME(s) : FISH : A : JaFeMrApMaJuJIAuScOcNoDe : FIELD :MER : REFER : SPECIES : D : PERIOD OF SENSITIVITY : STATION :T : --ENCE NS : Comments : A: G-5 :R : D: SEC 3.99 : (Edge) Lakes l ? 20842 u : AB E 21314 ION . : F 1.37 : TAPS A/G; Causeway 1550+00 14E 1541+70 20 4.12 : (Edge) Lakes 21736 u 'AB E 21796 ION F 137 'TAPS A/G; LWC 1550+00 14E 1541+70 20 4.12 (Edge) Lakes 21496 u AB E 21976 ION F 137 TAPS A/G; Causeway 1550+00 14E 1541+70 20 5.12 (Grayling Gulch) : ? 26939 u AB E 27159 lON F ' 137 : TAPS A/G; BLOCKPOINT 1478+52 14E 29 : 1 l.10 Unnamed Lake S9 : jafemrapSSSSSSSSSeocnodc 58498 u ' 58558 19N J 136 TAPS A/G; LWC 14E 28 17.98 (Low Life CK) S9 : jafernrapSSSSSSSSSeocnode 94930 u E ' 08N F 135 TAPS B/G; LWC 825+00 14E 28 : 20.55 SAGAV ANIRKTOK RlVER AC?CN ', Y: jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode 108528 u AB E ; 22.41 SIDE CHANNELS and GR,RW ; E: 118300 17N F FLOODPLAIN \ S [ Sag River mainstem system and all 5479+00 14E 134 TAPS BIG; LWCs : side channels are specified as being 5396+10 8, 17, : important for the spawning, rearing or 18 & 19 : migration of anadromous fish. Pond GR : jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode u B 17N ' 134 TAPS B/G;PARALLELONLY 5388+33 14E TAPS DOES NOT CROSS 5383+55 19 Pond GR : jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode u B 17N ' 134 TAPS B/G;PARALLELONLY 5374+75 14E TAPS DOES NOT CROSS 5370+50 19 24.03 SAGAV ANIRKTOK RIVER AC?GR : jafcmrapCCCCSSauseocnode 126900 u AB SIDE CHANNEL 07N F ' 134 TAPS B/G; LWC ' 5296+83 14E ' 30 ' 24.91 SAGA V ANIRKTOK RIVER : AC?GR : jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode 131525 u AB E SIDE CHANNEL 07N F 5251+61 14E 133 TAPS BIG; LWC 31 25.10 SAGAV ANIRKTOK RIVER AC?GR jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode 132525 u SIDE CHANNEL 07N F 5241+61 14E 133 TAPS B/G; LWC 31 25.15 SAGA V ANIRKTOK RIVER AC?GR jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode 132810 u SIDE CHANNEL 07N F 5238+76 14E 133 TAPS B/G; LWC 31 25.56 SAGA V ANIRKTOK RIVER AC?GR jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode 134950 u AB SIDE CHANNEL 06N 133 TAPS B/G; LWC 14E 521o+93 06 USDOI BLM PMO OPEN FILE REPORT - TAPS FISH STREAMS 07/30/03 PAGE 2of41 MP : STREAM NAME(s) : FISH : A : JaFeMrApMaJuJIAuSeOcNoDc : FIELD :MER : REFER : SPECIES : D : PERIOD OF SENSITIVITY : STATION: T : --ENCE AIS : Comments : A: G-5 :R : D: SEC 25.63 : SAGAV ANIRKTOK RIVER : AC?GR : jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode 135300 u E : SIDE CHANNEL 06N ' 133 : TAPSB/G;LWC : 5207+43 14E 06 27.67 : SAGAV ANIRKTOK RIVER : AC; BB? : jafemrapCCCCSSauscocnode ' 146100 u : AB E 28.88 : SIDE CHANNEL : BW?CN? ' 152500 06N :F' 133 : TAPS BIG; LWC : GR?RW? : 5103+20 13E : S9? 13&24 : AC;BB? 29.62 : SAGAV ANIRKTOK RIVER : jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnode ' 156400 u : AB E 30.45 : SIDE CHANNEL : BW?CN? : 160750 06N :F 132 : TAPS B/G; LWC : GR;GR; : 4951+44 14E : RW?S9? ' 30 30.45 : (Thelma CK) : AC;CN?; : jafemrapCCCCSSauseocnodc : 160750 u .
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