Bow wow wow... ACC cellar dweller N.C. State invades Cameron Saturday to battle the men's THE CHRONICLE basketball team. See Sports, pg. 13. , 1997 S ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA Clinton unveils $1.96 trillion budget plan Officials expand Proposed budget includes increased health care, education spending By JAMES BENNET gued that the progress of his ad­ Clinton said. Miss., who is Senate majority program N.Y. Times News Service ministration and Congress in But there is no guarantee leader. Still, Lott said that nego­ WASHINGTON — President cutting the deficit so far, togeth­ that today's deficit-cutting zeal tiations could produce a bal­ Clinton on Thursday proposed a er with the politics of the hour, will extend to future adminis­ anced-budget agreement "with­ By JESSICA COBAUGH $1.69 trillion budget for 1998 presented "the best chance in a trations or Congresses — or in six weeks or so." Medical Center offi­ that he said would cut taxes on generation" to balance the bud­ even endure the current ones. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., cials are expanding a cur­ the middle class, increase get. In a sign of how politically sen­ the chairman of the Senate rent program aimed at spending on education and "Some of the differences we sitive even small budget cuts Budget Committee, called the training employees for health care and lead to an end have are truly principled differ­ can be, administration officials proposal "a very good starting higher level positions and to deficits by 2002 — and for al­ ences," the president said at a on Thursday were at pains to point." hope to make it a perma­ most 20 years after that. midday briefing with reporters, avoid talking much about what But some derided the pro­ nent aspect of staff devel­ The administration said it "and well have to work hard to Clinton called his budget's "de­ posal almost instantly. Rep. opment. would achieve its deficit-reduc­ have an honorable compromise. tailed, difficult cuts in hundreds Tbm DeLay, R-Texas, who is The Mobility Program tion goals over the next five But I believe that we can do it of government programs." the House majority whip, said: offers training primarily years with a $350 billion bundle as long as the Republicans and Republican congressional "The administration has em­ to service employees, en­ of program cuts and tax increas­ the Democrats agree that we leaders reacted frostily to the barked on a journey to abling them to ascend to es, including slowing the growth have to achieve this goal." proposal, the formal start of a Shangri-La, a mythical place higher-level clerical posi­ of Medicare and extending some The administration, citing its months-long negotiating where spending goes up, where tions. Twelve students taxes, such as on airline tickets, economic projections, held out process. But they did not dis­ the future is of no conse­ graduated from the pro­ that are set to expire. the prospect of balanced bud­ miss it out of hand, as in years quence, where the world is at gram in 1996, its pilot Indicating that he was ready gets until the year 2020. "We be­ past. "I suppose that you could peace and where budgets mag­ year, yet officials plan to to compromise even as he un­ lieve we can keep this budget in say it's alive, but it's definitely ically balance with a wave of increase the class size to veiled his proposal, Clinton ar­ balance for a good, long time," not kicking," said Trent Lott, R- the hand." 24. The challenge for us now is to maximize our success," said Art Mc- Stunted Growth County data indicates Combs, associate vice The following data represent the increase in the number of chancellor for Medical Center Human Re­ jobs for each year over the previous year in Durham County. decreased job growth sources. "Ultimately we Increase in Jobs by Year will make a recommenda­ tion to Mike Israel, the 4,500 By CASEY VANOVER growth because, as the supply current chief executive Data recently released by of available workers decreases officer for Duke Hospital, 4,000 the Durham Chamber of Com­ and the demand remains high, to make this a permanent 3.500 merce shows a marked decline it costs more for businesses to program for overall staff 3,000 from previous years in the hire employees. Consequently, development." amount of new jobs and money businesses move elsewhere to Development of the 2,500 entering the county in 1996. find workers. program resulted from 2,000 Thomas White, Vice Presi­ There has been a lot of con­ the desire voiced by Dr. 1,500 dent of Economic Development struction early this year, Mark Rogers, former at the Chamber of Commerce, White said, which is a good chief executive officer of 1,000 said that he feels the decrease harbinger of economic devel­ Duke Hospital, to im­ 500 in economic growth is a tempo­ opment. The area's economy prove staff development. rary situation, caused by the could approach 1995's levels A task force consisting of low unemployment rate in the this year, White said. In 1995, McCombs and Jim county. A low unemployment Durham's taxbase increased See MOBILITY on page 7 • rate tends to decrease job See ECONOMY on page 5 • SOURCE: DURHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ERIC TESSAU/THE CHRONICLE Unde-Nye-able expert Political scientist and Clinton adviser shapes Asia foreign policy By JED STREMEL Asia. Nye played a large role in crafting Nye in reference to the U.S. military Joseph Nye wrote the book on foreign this debate during his 1993-95 stint in presence in East Asia. "If we changed policy. It's required reading in Universi­ the Clinton administration as Director our view, I think you would see a differ­ ty international relations classes, partly ofthe National Intelligence Council and ent Asia. You would see an arms race be­ because this high-powered dean of Har­ Assistant Secretary of Defense for In­ tween Japan and China." vard University's Kennedy School of ternational Security Affairs. In the early 90s, tighter military Government has helped generate the Nye, noted initially for his academic budgets and an increased focus on do­ intellectual electricity that powers the accomplishments, achieved a great deal mestic policy put pressure on the Unit­ U.S. national security establishment. in government, helping to shape some of ed States to withdraw a portion of the Ibday, the distinguished political sci­ the preeminent foreign policy decisions 100,000 U.S. troops currently stationed entist will be speaking at the Terry San­ of this era, particularly those regarding in Japan. Thanks in part to the so- ford Institute of Public Policy on one of U.S. involvement in world affairs. called Nye Initiative, however, that the current hot topics in foreign "I think the key question is what ex­ trend was reversed. The troops stayed, affairs—the balance of power in East tent the Americans stay involved," said See NYE on page 6 • SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Joseph Nye THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1997 World and National Newsfile Nations trade nuclear waste for money From wire reports By SHERYL WuDUNN Korean waters Wednesday to protest storing waste there. Some residents of Loan given: To help jump-start N.Y. Times News Service the shipping ofthe waste. the Marshall Islands objected, and Russia's stalled participation in the TOKYO — Facing famine and des­ The idea of exporting nuclear waste Japan quickly dropped the idea. The International Space Station, the perate for hard currency, North Korea has surfaced before. But if the deal waste reportedly is mostly low-level U.S. has decided to "advance" the has agreed to accept up to 200,000 bar­ goes through as planned, specialists garbage, like old gloves or clothing that Russian space agency $20 million have been used in the presence of ra­ for future Shuttle-Mir missions. rels of nuclear waste from Taiwan, in here said, it could pave the way for exchange for tens of millions of dollars. other countries seeking refuge sites for dioactive material. their nuclear waste. Smuggling alleged: Sotheby's, The deal has enraged South Korea, The United States has said that the world's oldest and best-known which is less than 40 miles from the re­ "If the incident this time does not since the waste material contains no auction house, said Thursday that it ported disposal site in North Korea. As cause a stir, countries like Japan may uranium or plutonium, the deal does had suspended senior executives in a result, the arrangement is adding follow," said Michio Kakuta, a special­ not seem to raise any concerns about connection with the smuggling of new hostility to the tensions between ist in atmopheric science who also fol­ proliferation. protected works of art from Italy. North and South Korea. lows nuclear issues. Still, the South Korean government The smuggling charge was made in South Koreans have traveled to Tai­ Japan has reportedly considered the has been threatening to refuse Taiwan a book, "Sotheby's: Inside Story." wan to protest the shipments, and a possibility of paying the Marshall Is­ the recognition it seeks in internation­ group staged a demonstration in South lands, in the Pacific, in exchange for al organizations. Mistake found: Colin Rizzio, a New Hampshire teenager, was sure he'd found a second right answer to a math question on the SAT that he F-16s cause chaos aboard passenger jet took in October. Now, the College Board says he was right and that By MATTHEW WALD called Giant Killer.
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