McManus Automobiles Bringing Up Father By DUKE TO GIVE • Autos and Tracks ror Sale WEUU-» MOOT RUM vkrt Good- eia- Off and touav/ipe FREE LEGAL AD) OVER. A!\f <=>EE UCrr«> customers THATS PHONED THAT JOSTtfcUUWERl HOW MEW THI'b mowing twact » oidm't N. C.—The poor man THAT rne* She Durham, ATWOODS FOR A GOOD USED CAR » AMO ALL OF THSN1 would be can now free legal help at the [BO-rtMEBS Show op- get AT A LOW PRICE paid cash for IN) TO-DAY Duke university legal clinic, Just BOUGHT 15 medical v/hat T C as a poor man gets free ISIS Hupmobile 4-Pass Coupe .$425 GrTTlN* the\ advice at the Duke university hos- 1929 Chrysler 76 Sedan .1660 ALONG bought* pital clinics. 1929 Dodge D. A. Sedan, like When the idea of legal aid for new ...*626 fm T 1929 Buick Sedan *660 the was first proposed by Standard Six poor 1926 8 Sedan .* 96 Dean Justic Miller of the Duke Hupmobile the 19^5 Buick Coach .t 60 law school. It was opposed by 1926 Essex Coach .* 26 Durham Bar Association, but af- 1926 Nash Sedan .*75 ter the dean appeared before the 1926 Buick Small Six Coupe ...* 76 lawyers and explained the idea, they endorsed It, and voted to co- 100 Others. Lowest Prices In the operate in every way possible. City. the clinic, The Idea of legal ATWOOD BROS. which Is modeled after the medical 249 No Main St. Dial 2-3256 clinics in connection with operated St. Dial 4-1616 almost all medical schools, orig- 452 Meadow inated in the United States about 1913, but the clinic at Duke is the first in the South. Personal injury cases, where a PACKARDS contingent fee ca nbe secured, will Re-Condltloned — Low Priced Sedan be declined by the clinic; likewise, 640 7-Pass De Luxe ...*1500 6-Pass Club Sedan .*1460 divorce cases will be accepted only 733 733 7-Pass De Luxe Sedan ....*1500 the most exceptional circum- under 733 Roadster .-....*1400 of cases that Sport stances. The type 826 6-Paes Demonstrator ....*1700 wil linclude Accused! Wood Cowan will come to the clinic 840 6-Pass De Luxe Phaeton .*2500 MOM’N POP By such matetrs as the recovery of wage claims involving small sums PACKARD-BRIDGEPORT MOTORS, and the advice in landlord INC. giving Dial 4-6109 VUEwfcS JUST OMfc TUimG 'WHY, CHICK! and tenant disputes, matrimonial 17 Cottage Place. Cw\ck <soee' i can’t vNHO'S THE (HAKl MOo’ME and the protection of wo- Cj)mk.mowj l 'NMJT T* KMOVM — DO MX) MEAN fights, ■t© Gladys imagine vjhact aboot — BEEN GETTING UTTERS men and children. THAT MOO aid clinics ex- Chick SA'n MAVBt BECAUSE I WASN'T MARKED At present, legal SOME MIGHTY FINE USED FROM, THINK I — ist in one form or another at the CARS AT LOW PRICES GOT the letted HOME WHEW HE PERSOMAWy law schools of Harvard, Cincin- Oh Chick Minnesota, Buick Touring .*100 ADORESSEO tuepe »»^ nati, Northwestern, California, and Southern Cali- Nash Coach .*225 JO UEE (M A Nash Coach .*325 fornia. imam's hamd Studebaker Sedan *750 Essex Coach .,.,,...*375 INCiTIUG AND NOTICE Terms— MAPKED WATERBURY CRUSHED STONE —Easy i “pepsomal! COMPANY, a corporation organ- and existing under the law* ized ERWIN JENNINGS CO Chick, of the State of Connecticut and M.T AIL uet uP In Waterbury. located 488 Watertown Ave. Dial 4-5767 wrTw VS jealousy HUMISTON and EDWARD RHODA of »S Awaiting A. CORNWALL, administrators Kumiston, their NEW PLYMOUTH—Floating power glaovs' the estate of John & representatives or and free wheeling. Wenzel Col- TO successors, lins. 14 Grove St 131al 2-4169. PETUOn. heirs, of the town of Cheshire, DEMAND am CYRIJS E. HUMISTON, JESSE M. HUMISTON, HARRY HUMISTON, EXPLANATION L. HUMISTON, RHODA JOHN Buy With Confidence HUMISTON, JESSE M. HUMIS- TON. HARRY HUMISTON. JOHN CYRUS E. HUM- L. HUMISTON, LOEHMANN'S ISTON JESSE M. HUMISTON, HUMISTON, MARY HITCHCOCK USED CARS SATISFY HERMAN J. HUMISTON CYRUS E. HUMISTON, HARRIET HUM- W. ISTON FRANCIS, BURNHAM TO-DAY’S VALUES FRANCIS, J. D. WALTER, as administrator of the estate of Freckles! Blosser JOHN L. HUMISTON. JESSE D. Freckles Easy, By HUMISTON and EMMA L. HUMIS- WILLIAM 1927 Esse* Coach .H9 TON, JOHN PECK, 1927 Chevrolet Coach 95 WM. PECK, 2nd, and PECK and 1927 Whippet Coach 125 r. ^ all of said per- oscar... WELL... ALEk AM' I VoO AAE RAU. foq Some Homo.. EMMA L. MOSS, 1927 Dodge Sedan 175 SaV, SAY.' Uopg <si«l7 OonT or formerly of sons being now 1928 Buick Coach 295 U»je 'itu SEEK) LtoVJ the execu- .- SHOULD WILLIE SKI ERE AMT 60NMA AAARS MAfcE ME l-ALKSW.... NO <31BL IS said town of Cheshire, 1927 Buick Coach 175 tor or administrator, representa- AKiy beautiful 1 BE LOOMS)' TAUtlM' ABOUT widow, widow- 1928 Chrysler Coach 150 KJO,I DO(JX.'> a sissy our op SOIN6 7b 6ET A TUMBLE F80M tives and creditors, 1929 WIIlys-Knlght Sedan 315 heirs of them as may be SIRL.VJITU 816 R3RSIHLS- A COTE 6IRU er and 1928 Stude 4-Pass Coupe .295 AM' ME SEE! I \WOUU5 and of any of besides, ^touaseus aM' BUT, deceased assigns 1930 Ford Coach 305 BEAUTIFUL EYES, vuuy? YESTERDAY AM' J them. I DOMT (SO PALL R5R A V LIKE Tb KNOW 1928 Chev Canopy Truck 1*5 SIKJCE yoove 1 7HOUSMT County 1927 Palsre Coach 175 MEB8E MlXIM' STATE OF CONNECTICUT. 1929 <S1BL KJOVjJ// ./ WHO SUE ss. Chevrolet Coach 27J 8EEM of New Haven, Waterbury, WpME You khlENN WHO myself op is October 13th, 1931. I'VE WAlkED >4 of the said WE HAVE WHAT IT L> Svi Upon the complaint _ WAS WITH AMY Stone Company ALL OVER THIS TOVJW Waterbury Crushed WE ADVERTISE for reasons therein set AtJ' <?IRLSI praying the 1 MAVEKlT SEEM forth for a judgment quieting AMY BEAUTIFUL title to four certain tracts or par- <SIRL In said town of cels of land LOEHMANN CHEVROLET LIUE TUE kIDS all buildings thereon Cheshire, with COMPANY. INC. VJEBE standing, made returnable before TALkIKJ' In and for New the Superior Court, 379 West Main St. Dial 3-5139 ab^ut:.' Haven County, at Waterbury, on the 1931, it first Tuesday of November, USED CAR SHOWROOM to and being found by the appearing of subscribing authority that many 38 WILLOW ST. said defendants are now of parts unknown, therefore, ORDERED, That notice of the of said complaint be given in the Tendencyy publishing this order AL’S BARGAIN HOUSE a newspaper Evening Democrat, 1-2-3 Years In said Waterbury, three to Pay published 1930 Oakland successively, commencing on Coupe days 1930 D# Soto Roadster the 19th day of October, or before 1928 Chev officer, who, Coupe & Coach 1931, by some proper 1929 Ford with his doings thereon endorsed Roadster 1929 Ford Coach & Sedan shall make due return._ 1930 DIXIE GEORGE H. FREEMAN, Oldsmoblle Coupe DUGAN—Feed ’Em and Win! J. P. McEVOY and J. H. STRIEBEL 1930 Auburn Sedan By Clerk of the Court for New Superior 1928 Oakland Sedan Haven County at Waterbury. 1927 De Luxe Sedan ^ STATE OF CONNECTICUT, County Dodge X ss. 1928 Buick Roadster DECtDE-D WHAT is JT BABIES cw ARE VOU M GOING TO FEED THE of New Haven, Waterbury, FOLKS—IVE. > \y f October 14, 1931. 129 North Main. Dial S- 3341 TO WORK FOR. My.5E.LF- / FOR MEW OlE FOR TELtING- US FAMISHED DISH OUT THE CHOW—' The within and foregoing Is a true T0> TO/ ( and attested copy of the original — MV — BE OWN BOSS/ MDIES «SIOH FOR TO — WHAT IS IT' SOMETHING- OR 1 HAND OUT 7Ht HASH Order of Notice, In my hands for 1931—Franklin transcontinental 2- ( door, 5-pass brougham, with six V EVERYBODY HAS TO DO, LIKES TO ASKING- US publication. ____ \ I'M ftOINC TO OPEN A Attest, BENJAMIN J. BRADY wire wheels, large trunk and ex- Father around^ K PAYS CASH TO DO RIODi.ES 10-H-3t Deputy Sheriff. tra trunk rack, original price 82.- DO, *50. Can be bought at a big sav- AND LITTLE TEA DIXIE,] \tte, ROOM/ STATE OF CONNECTICUT, District ings. A. Burton Jones, Franklin .WILL TELL YOU of Waterbury, ss. Probate Court, Sales & Service, 258 Cooke St. ALL October 5th. 1931 ABOUT ESTATE OF Marla Sallnardl, late >T of the Town of Waterbury, in said THERE’S ECONOMY. LONG-LIFE. District, deceased. COMFORT AND CLASS IN fc --' ( for the Dis- The Court of Probate THESE USED CARS trict of Waterbury. hath limited months from the and allowed six 1930 Graham 2-Pass creditors of Coupe date hereof for the 1928 LaSalle l-Pasa Sedan their claims said estate to exhibit 1928 Packard 5-Pass Sedan Those who neglect for settlement. 1925 plerce-Arrow 7-Pass Sedan to present their accounts properly 1927 Pontiac Coup* attested within said time, will be All debarred a recovery. persons —Others— Indebted to said estate are request- ed to make Immediate payment to R. GUILFOILE. GEORGE THE WATERBURY CADILLAC CO. 10-12-3t Administrator. 504 Watertown Phone 5-1119 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Ave. This is to certify that Mary Dufresne, my wife, having left my NEVER BEFORE AND PERHAPS bed and board, 1 will no longer be NEVER AGAIN responsible for her debts. LOUIS DUFRESNE. SUCH USED CAR VALUES October 7, 1931. 51 East Liberty St. Gene Ahern Out J. R. Williams Take Advantage of Our Great. Sen- Our Boarding House By Our Way By sational Price Slashing Sale Annoui icements 1926 Essex Coach .129.59 * WE KiM OMLS LET VCVsl 1925 Buick Touring .359.59 ad', barker —Mavaj-uj I "Told Soii well, He 192* Studehaker Coupe .$69.00 nHEv/ a liTTle But Nash 5-Pass Touring ..879.00 , sew \ 6 Lost and Found - -TH’ old Fox EAFMED#5» 1924 Reo Sedan $84.59 HAW PLEAS e? PLEASE Might G»T A HTTlE WAS SUS-T -iHt wiav he MOOE —And Others— stop-pout -Tell me amv OOWM T*T RoAD LOST—Tortoise shell glasses in laugHimg.
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