Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-23-1940 Bee Gee News October 23, 1940 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October 23, 1940" (1940). BG News (Student Newspaper). 559. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/559 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ALL-CAMPUS DANCE CROSS-COUNTRY MEET SATURDAY Bee Gee News SAT. AT 3 P. M. Student Publication of Bowling Green State Univer$lty VOL. XXV.—Z5B1 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, OCTOBER 23, 1940 NO. 6 » Council Rejects 1941 Key Personality Election K. D. P. Chapter Host To 16 Schools Claim Political Pressure Would Nullify Fair Ballot President Seven Sisters Win National Education Society Esther Russell Cup Compromise Plan Based On Merit System Presented At With 2.89 Average Hot Meeting In Council Chamber Monday Night; Meets Here Friday, Saturday No Final Decision Reached Get Scholarship Award For The Student Council rejected a proposal of the Key Staff to Committees Plan Forum*, Mass Meeting, Lunches, 19th Time In 21 Tries; elect, by popular vote, one man and one woman us "outstanding Dinners; Dr. Mary Hissong, Miss Ingold To Speak personalities" on the campus in one of the most heated discussions Skols Second the Council has recently seen. Friday; Two-Day Convention Closes With Dance Don Rager, editor of the Key, was called into the meeting to Compiling an average of 2.89 fur discuss the plan. The Council, after almost an hour of argument The annual regional convention of the Kappa Delta Pi, national last semester, the Seven Sister sor- pro and con banned the proposal on honorary association for students of education, will be held on ority again won the Esther Russell Sing Sing Begins the grounds that it would cause too Scholarship cup, according to much "hard feelings" and thai the this campus on October 25 and 26 with 16 colleges and univir- final election would not name per- data from the Inter-sorority Council. Bitiee sending representatives, according to Dr. Walter A. Zaugg, Where Schools Fail sonalities that would be truly repre- The announcement was made in sentative of the University. sponsor. assembly last week and the cup will Says Warden Lawes Too Much Politic! Delta Clu, local chapter, Roberta Hanline, president, will have be presented to Eloise Dyer, Seven The Council argued that the elec- "♦charge of events which will begin on Sister president, at the Inter-sorority Forum Speaker Gives Low tion would fall into the hands of cam- Friday evening in the Recreation Tea. Down On Prisoners At pus politicians who coulu, through high pressure campaigning, elect stu- 'Margin For Error* Hall. Music will be under the di- In the race for the highest point averages, the other sororities lined Famous New York 'Pen' dents who were not "outstanding Staff Prepares For rection of Professor Leon Fauley up below the Seven Sisters as fol- personalities." and addresses will be given by Miss lows: Skols, 2.75; Phratrn. 2.724; "Prisons get the failures of the Under the Key's original plan, stu- Production Nov. 1,2 Jolita Ingold, who will speak on "Ed- 3-Kay, 2.724; Las Amigns, 2.06; Five church, the school and the home," dents would be nominated through said Wardon lA>wis E. Lawes, hu- ucation in Uraguay" and Dr. Mary Sisters, 2.06. petition with 25 signatures required Roberta Hanline, fcpni.ir in the mnnitariunist nnd head of Sing Sing to placo names on the ballot for a Root Will Head Tech Staff; C. Hissong who will speak on "Gen- These averages are compiled by Prison who spoke at the first Wood Collet* of Education, and president averaging the point averages of all special election. All University stu- Assisted By Mahla tile Reform in Italian Education." County Forum of the season Sunday. of thr local chapter of Kappa Delli the sorority members in each sorority dents would be eligible to vote. The And Leggett The guests at this reception will be Pi, will he in charg* °* all actlviti* Prisoners come from every walk man and woman winning the greatest for the previous semester. The cup is of life and from all kinds of environ- the visiting delegates and all honor at the regional meeting of the na- awarded each semester. number of votes would bo named tional honorary ■ociety thi. week- ments, the Warden^ said. Sing Sing Mr. and Miss Varsity" and would The complete staff for "Margin For students in education in this school, The cup was originated by the has men from 10 years of age to 80 Error". Clare Booth's mystery thrill- end. reign over Key Day activities planned An officer's breakfast will be held Skol sorority in 1930 in the interest —bartenders, aviators, radio an- for May 23. The runners-up would er which will be presented Friday of promoting higher scholarship. nouncers and even u former prison and Saturday, Nov. 1 and 2, will be at the Parrot Restaurant at 8 a. m. comprise their court. 191 Register Oct. 16 In the 21 times the cup has been warden. headed by Carroll Root as stage man- Saturday, with William Robertson Compromise Offered of Western Teachers' College, Kala- presented, the Seven Sisters have Lawes. international figure in pon- A counter plan was offered the ager, Newman Hahla as technical At Dean's Office For won it 19 times. Only twice has the ological circles and advocator of len- director, and Harold Leggett as scen- maxoo, Michigan, presiding. Key Staff which would elect person- cup been out of the sorority: the first iency and humanitarian methods in alities on a merit system. The Coun- ic artist. Dr. Clyde Hissong will preside at Selective Service the general session which starts at time, in 1937 when it was won by the prisons, gave a summary of the Sing cil proposed that outstanding stu- The set, that of a modern New Skols and again last year when the Sing methods and illustrated his talk dents could be named on the basis of Tort apartment, is now under con- 10 a. in. in the Practical Arts Build- ing. After Dr. Frank S. Prout ex- Total Registration Higher; 3-Kay sorority made the highest point with experiences with individual their extra-curricular activities, their struction. The rest of the produc- average. cases. acedomic work, and their contribu- tion staff ia as follows: tends greetings and Martha Jordan Local Students Sign and Joan Coulon render a vocal duet, At Court House l.nwi-, pointed out that a prisoner tion to the University. Assistant Stage Managers: June Dr. C. Glenn Swanson of Bowling can follow any ono of 166 different Under this new plan, the election and Margaret Hiltx. Green State Univeristy, a member occupations at the Sing Sing strong- would be out of the hands of the stu- One hundred and ninety-one stu- 12 Years Without hold. Prisoners are allowed to do dent body and that a non-partison, Properties: Paul Ladd. Charity of Theta chapter in Greeley, Colo- dents registered for the national Mow, Sarah Prosser, Marion Baron, rado, will speak on "Some Sociolo- the same work they did before they non-political board with out frater- draft in Dean A. B. Conklins office Calling The Morgue differed with man made law. nity or sorority affiliations would do Marshall Forts, Hazel Pratt, gical Suggestions on Good Teaching." last Wednesday. Seven of the regis- Lights: Roger Wheeler and Clair A panel discussion will follow this Seventy per cent of all murderers the final selecting. tered were members of the Univer- You think you're going to die? arc first c-ffendcrs, having never com- No Final Agreement Forrest. address. sity faculty. Well, wait awhile because you can't mitted a previous crime, Lawes sta- The Council and the Key Staff did Costumes: Marie Greenwood, Mar- Dr. Zaugg will preside over the The total number of students reg- get by with it here! In her 12 years ted. ont come to a final agreement when tha Lown, Eileen Pickett, Patricia luncheon which will be held at Kohl istered from the University will ex- as registered nurse at Bowling Green Inmates at Sing Sing participate the meeting adjourned at 8:30. The Mid, Elisabeth Hornyak, and Elea- Hall. Dr. H. B. Williams will give ceed this figure since many students State University Miss Thelma Stev- in athletic programs and are com- Council left its proposal with Kager. nor Carpenter. greetings and the speakers will be registered at the court house, as did ens has yet to phone the morgue. pelled to complete seven years of President Gatchell presented the Dr. T. O. McCracken, national presi all Bowling Green resident students. Business Stall: Ernest Maddock, That old saying "It can't happen schooling if they have not done so Council's stand when he stated that Marjorie Sutter, Jean Ann Goodnight, dent of the organixation, and Pro- This number, however, is not speci- here" was definitely a falsehood prior to their sentence. The prison the Council would not consider a Eugene Miller, and Lois Mayfield. fessor E. I. F. Williams, national fically known but the general regis- when the word diptheria was uttered has its own doctors, dentists, phy- popular election, subject to cam- Sound Effects: Michael D'Asaro.
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