HALLOWEEN PARTY AT CAPE MAY DISTILLERY CAPE MAy county’s halloween headquARTERS - in cmch • SEE PAGE 2 PAtti’S PArty world • SEE PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS World Series marks Questions: 10) Who has saved the 1) Who is the last pitcher to most World Series games? win three games in a single World Series? Answers: 2) Who has the most ca- 1) Randy Johnson of the reer at-bats in World Series Arizona Diamondbacks in play? 2001 3) Who is the only pitcher to appear in all seven games 2) Yogi Berra of the New of a single World Series? York Yankees 4) What pitcher has record- 3) Darold Knowles of the ed the most career strike- Oakland A’s in 1973 outs in World Series play? 4) The Yankees’ Whitey 5) What batter has struck Ford with 94 out the most times in a ca- 5) Mickey Mantle of the reer in World Series? Yankees, 54 times 6) What pitcher holds the 6) Ford, with 33 recordSpecializing for consecutive In Authentic shut- 7)Spanish Bob Gibson Foods of the St. out innings in World Series Louis Cardinals and Dave "Withplay? A Caribbean Taste" Made DailyMcNally on Theof the Premises! Baltimore 7) What two pitchers have Orioles hit two career homeEAT INruns & TAKE in OUT FULLWorld LINE SeriesOF SPA play?NISH, MEXICAN & AMERICAN8) Gibson, GROCERIES with eight 9) Barry Bonds of the San 8) WhoNJ holds Lottery theAgent career • We Accept Family First & WIC Francisco Giants and Ber- mark for completeOpen games Daily 10am-9pm in nie Williams of the Yankees WorldRoberts Series? & Pacific Ave., Wildwood • 523-1113 9) Who has drawn the most each have seven career intentional walks in 10) The Yankees’ Mariano World Series? Rivera has saved 11 games WORD SEARCH A BIWEGVZAFDZKCV J PLRZORNB WQLYOA X OVAEMIEGOMEZNH Z DXDCRVLEOYSSFR S ESABKEZLNZGALQ W CKAHAWCKADEWIV V ISWTOSOYNKAMC S H SCOYLEHOWELLTX Z IGMTXEZIDAVIEZ A OKABTGREPNTOBI P NBRSCZJOOKHDFW O QUYOZDECICAAYL B IRTH DAYLTOCVUE G CTWVNZXIDOOITM D OHILDAWYBAYSQU “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” on Netflix (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Sabrina (Spellman) (Kiernan) Shipka (Half) Witch Zelda (Spellman) (Miranda) Otto (16th) Birthday Hilda (Spellman) (Lucy) Davis Decision Mary (Wardell) (Michelle) Gomez Conflict (Father) Blackwood (Richard) Coyle Greendale PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of October 21 - October 27, 2018. PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 PAGE 15 HALLENGE STUMPERS TV C DINING GUIDESPORTS One Fish, Two Fish Restaurant, Oyster Bay Steak & Seafood Sapore Italiano, 416 Broadway, GOURMET 5209 Pacifi c Ave, Wildwood Serv- Restaurant, 615 Lafayette St, West Cape May Stop by and try Iccara Italian Bistro and Seafood, ing dinner from 5pm. Be sure to give Cape May Serving dinner from 5pm, the outstanding Italian cuisine offered 311 Mansion St, Cape May The this popular Wildwood Restaurant a World Series marks Oyster Bay specializes in sizzling here in a magnifi cent atmosphere. No newest creation from Vince from try!! Chef/Owner Ryan Dallenbach steaks,Questions: seafood and more! Enjoy matter10) Who what has you savedtry, veal, the chicken, Vincenzo's Little Italy 2 in North Cape will astonish you with his fantastic your1) Whofavorite is wine, the lastbeer pitcheror cocktail to pasta or any of the nightly specials, May. Serving Dinner nightly from 4pm creations. Specializing in Fresh, Lo- most World Series games? with dinner or relax at the elegant you will fall in love with the cuisine • 609-884-0200. cal Seafood Dishes from local farm win three games in a single bar, which opens at 4pm and offers and will be certain to return! Serving to table • 609-522-5223 World Series? a special bar menu • 609-884-2111 dinnerAnswers: from 4pm • 609-600-1422 2) Who has the most ca- 1) Randy Johnson of the reer at-bats in World Series Arizona Diamondbacks in play? 2001 3) Who is the only pitcher to appearRICK in all seven games 2) Yogi Berra’ of Sthe New of a single World Series? York Yankees 4) What pitcherSEAFOOD has record- 3) Darold Knowles of the ed the most career strike- Oakland A’s in 1973 outs in World Series play? 4) The Yankees’ Whitey 5) What Openbatter has Thursday struck Ford thru with Monday 94 out the most times in a ca- 5) Mickey Mantle of the reer inOFFERING World Series? FRESH & COOKEDYankees, 54SEAFOOD times 6) What pitcher holds the 6) Ford, with 33 record★ TAKE for consecutive OUT shut- PLATTERS7) Bob Gibson of the St. ★ out innings in World Series Louis Cardinals and Dave play? SHRIMP • CLAMSMcNally • CRABS of the Baltimore 7) WhatSCALLOPS two pitchers & ALL have TYPES Orioles OF FRESH FISH hit two career home runs in World100% Series Cholesterol play? Free! 100%8) Gibson, Trans-Fat with eight Free! 8) Who holds the career 9) Barry Bonds of the San PARTYmark for complete TRAYS games • inGIFT Francisco CERTIFICATES Giants and Ber- World 435Series? West Spruce, Onnie the Williams Main of Road the Yankees 9) Who has drawn intothe most N. Wildwood each have seven career intentional walks in 10) The Yankees’ Mariano World Series?729-9443 • Rivera729-9445 has saved 11 games WORD SEARCH A B I W E G V Z A F D Z K C V J P L R Z O R N B W Q L Y O A X O V A E M I E G O M E Z N H Z D X D C R V L E O Y S S F R S E S A B K E Z L N Z G A L Q W C K A H A W C K A D E W I V V I S W T O S O Y N K A M C S H S C O Y L E H O W E L L T X Z I G M T X E Z I D A V I E Z A O K A B T G R E P N T O B I P N B R S C Z J O O K H D F W O Q U Y O Z D E C I C A A Y L B I R T H D A Y L T O C V U E G C T W V N Z X I D O O I T M D O H I L D A W Y B A Y S Q U “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” on Netflix (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Sabrina (Spellman) (Kiernan) Shipka (Half) Witch Zelda (Spellman) (Miranda) Otto (16th) Birthday Hilda (Spellman) (Lucy) Davis Decision Mary (Wardell) (Michelle) Gomez Conflict PAGE 16 (Father) Blackwood (Richard) Coyle Greendale Custom Features Release the week of October 21 - October 27, 2018. JERSEY CAPE MAGAZINE • DINING GUIDE Tisha's Fine Dining, Washington salad and more. Catering, take out, Street Mall, Cape May This Cape delivery (including to the beach) May gem is located right in the center available • 609-551-4965 of town on the Washington Street Mall and the food is as wonderful Bill’s Corner Deli, 2912 Park Blvd, as ever! Serving lunch and dinner • Wildwood Cold cuts, cigarettes, 609-884-9119 great pizza and sandwich specials. Open all year! • 609-729-4599 TAKEOUT Goodness on the Go, 3811 Pa- cifi c Ave, Wildwood Grab Some Beefi e's, 7th & New Jersey Aves, North Wildwood All sandwiches Homemade Goodness at the brand hand-carved from slow-cooked, new spot in Wildwood. They offer roast pork, beef, and ham, freshly a tremendous selection of quiche, baked on premises daily and served soups, homemade baked goods on Liscio's Bakery rolls. Homemade and more! • 609-854-3042 crab cakes, potato and macaroni PAGE 17 "We're just a Little Bar on a Big Island" • HOT & COLD SANDWICHES • PACKAGE GOODS •ICE COLD BEER Try Our Fresh Homemade Pork & Spinach Sandwich! PARK BLVD AT PINE WILDWOOD • 729-9487 JERSEY CAPE MAGAZINE • DINING GUIDE Primo Hoagies, 1209 New Jersey Rick’s Seafood, 435 W. Spruce Ave, North Wildwood Unique hoa- Ave, North Wildwood Celebrating gies served on Primo’s fantastic 25 years, Rick’s has been offering rolls!! Remember - Its Not Just a the best seafood take-out in the • Candles Hoagie - Its a Primo • 609-522-1300 Wildwoods! Shrimp, Clams, Crabs, • Lamps (North Wildwood) Scallops and all type of fresh fi sh! • • Holiday Decor 609-729-9443 • Wreaths Produce Place, Bayshore & • Furniture • Accessories • Rockers Townbank Rds, North Cape May Watergate Deli, Roberts & Pacifi c • Pictures & Picture Frames Offering a selection of fantastic hoa- Aves, Wildwood Specializing in Open Daily 9am gies, lunch meats, fresh produce and authentic Spanish Foods with a 521 W. Rio Grande Avenue, much more!! Open 7 days a week! Caribbean Taste. Eat in or take out. They also offer a full line of Span- Wildwood (across from Urie’s) Free Delivery with purchase of $10 or more • 609-889-9045 ish/Mexican and American grocery 729-5558 items. Open at 10am • 609-523-1113 PAGE 18 DINING GUIDE DINERS The Court House Diner, 218 N. Main St, Cape May Court House Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner offering fantastic daily specials and homemade desserts! • 609-465-8008 Flight Deck Diner, Cape May County Airport, Off Breakwater Rd Fly On In! The Flight Deck is Open Everyday from 7am till 2pm. Great Breakfast and Lunch Specials. Fantastic Soups! • 609-886-1105 PAGE 19 Resort & Conference Center Birthday Parties At The Indoor Water Park & Recreation Area PARTY PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Reserved Seating • Unlimited use of the Water Park area (3 hours) • 12 oz.
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