RESERVATIONS FOR CATHEY & GRIFFIN ROOMS MUST BE TO HEAD STUDENT MADE THIS WEEK {Efje Bafcubstoman STORE NEXT YEAR ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS Vol. XXII DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, MAY 10, 1935 No. 27 CaptainPritchett WillLeaveDavidsonPost Men Appointed To Upper Classes Hold Griffin, Cathey Named To Athletic Director To Serve In Same 0. D. K. Initiation Will Be Capacity University Virginia Management Of Held Monday Night Elections For Graduation Head Student Store At Of Publications — Seven Years Service At Brown Is (irillin and Harry Cathey i Formal initiation into the Delta Gordon Elected Dan Porter Davidson Brought To Name Business Manager Of^ were as the managers oi Prof. Is Chosen Davidsonian, Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa Permanent President of chosen Unexpected Close The Yowl, Quips men tapped re- the Store recently by the Hoard And Chanks of the sixteen Graduating Class President Of Academy cently in the annual spring tap- controllingthe StudentStore. Dan North Carolina Academy Of VACANCY YET UNFILLED CHOSEN BY 35-36 BOARD day ceremony will be held on Griffin was named as Purchasing Science Elects Davidson WEEKS ALSO HONORED Morrow, Tayor, Grimes May 13 at 6:30 P. M. Manager and Henry Cathey as Professor Head Founders Of Present Respecively Following initiation, Manager, Selected the a ban- finance Prof. W. S. Porter was elected pres- Interamural Sports quet will be given in Banquet Henry Cathey is a member of Pi In recent appointments by the Pub- the Hunter, Windham, Griffin ident ni the North Carolina Academy System Board, Kappa, society fraternity, and "I>" lications Prosscr Morrow was Hall of Chambers for the new Lindsay Are of Science and Prof. W. N. Mcbane manager Junior club, Co-Captain of Varsity Football, selected as business of The and old members of the O. D.K.. Marshals was clt*cled chairman <»f the Mathe- Captain Norton Goodier Pritch- Davidsonian, faculty. Seargeant-Major in R, (). T. (.'. Dep- Mai Grimes business man- and the members of the matics departmentat the recent meeting ett, for seven years Athletic Di- ager Quips at artment, a member of Delta Circle of of the and Cranks, and Mills Those who will be initiated of tin1 academy held in Greensboro, rector, track coach, and Professor Taylor business manager of the Yowl. this timeare: Prof. F. K. Fleagle, Omicron Delta Kappa— national lead- G. II. 1?rown was elected per- ership fraternity. President Athletic \. C. of Physical Education at David- The names of the men for each of Capt. J. P. Grey, Duke Glasgow, It. son, has that he has manent president of the Senior Association, Vice-President of Student Professor II. Arbuckle and O. J. announced these positions were recommended by Charles Harris, John Newton, dep- definitely accepted a similar po- D, body year 1934-35, a Thics representinn the chemistry the editors and business managers of James Morgan, William Ravenal, Class and K. Weeks the Mar- for and member of artment, the Scabbard and Blade. J. M. DoUglan and II. K. sition at University of Vir- cash publication. JamesSimpson, Joe Wadsworth, shall in the recent voting of the Physics ginia. Dan Griffin a member of Knlelu-r representinn the de- The lollowing men were selected by Lamont Brown,Carlton Chapman is Phi T (V He has been corresponding* with Senior Class; the Alumni Coun- Theta, cocicty fraternity. partment, W. N. Mebanc and W. Prosscr Morrow to serve as junior Harvey Glass, Martin Barnett, Delta Scab- University authorities for several weeks cil wasalso electedand the bard. Business Staff of Annual, Gavock representing the mathematics members of the Davidsonian business Henry Cathey, Robert Lindsay, Junior the and on Thursday made final arrange- their marshals. and Manager of football. department wore delegate,* -fi'rnn David* staff: Charles Mauze, Bill Swop, and and Cole Windham. Class elected ments for taking over the position of The Board is chosen annually to su- son College. Bob Vance, circulating managers; Hoke Prof, Porter for last twelve years Dean of Athletics. He is to be di- Robinson, The following men were automatic- pervise the operation of the Student the- advertising manager; Bill prominent, as a rector of all athletics and Professor of to Body Store, and has complete has been member of Hill, collection manager; and Bill Dey- ally elected the Alumni Council control academy, having years 1'hysicial Education. over the profits. The com- the served four crle, assistant business manager. because of the positions they held. Board is committee, During his stay at Davidson Cap- Dr.Ruark Lectures Here posed of: Battc, "Skip" Brown,, on the executive Professor Men eligible for these positions were Brown, Jim tain Pritchett has coached the track "Skip" President of Student Mr. Jackson, Mr. Md'.ill. Jilnmic Siinp- Porter is head of the Biology aiid those rising juniors who, during two Carolina Physics Professor Body: Geography department team and has turned out several re- K. D. Weeks. Editor of The si.n, "Shy" Taylor, and Bill Ravcnel, here. years of service on the paper, have North Academy cord breakers in a comparatively short Speaks On "Building Stones Davidsonian: Walter Spruut, President The managers are selected an their The Carolina of shown interest and the ability to carry " Science is one of of its class time. He started Davidsons present Of Matter" of the "V Cabinet; A. Potter, Pres- ability and interest they have shown the best on their work. J. and is a 'Kn>\vhiK organization. The system of intramural sports, which is Association; in the work. Mills Taylor has chosen the following ident of Athletic and Fred attendance at the merlin^ held May 4, recognized as being one of the great- Ruark, Al>.ml twenty years ago the Student sing juniors as his assistants on the Dr. Arthur K. head of the McPhail, President of the Senior Class. in llreenshoro was the largest in its est boosters to Davidson's athletic 'Physics department at the University Store was prcsctll on the campus in business staff of the Yowl: Dan Frank- Duke Glasgow; Hill Ravcncl, Hugh hisTory, world. While here at Davidson it was lin, Marshall Sa'nford, Lawrence Hill, of North Carolina, spoke to an audience one form it another. It was in dif- Captain Pritchett who arranged the Yclvcrton, and Bob Smith were also agencies Henry Mills and Howard Dyer. The of about 200 students last Monday ferent students rooms who had football schedules, obtaining games night lor tin- selling of certain articles, junior members of the Quips and in Chambers Auditorium on the elected to the Alumni Council. with the best teams in the east and tailor-made clothes, agen- Military Group Cranks will not be chosen until some- subject: "Building Stones of Matter." etc. These south, bringing many of to the W. Hunter, Windham, them time during the summer. His lecture which began shortly after, 1!. Cole Dan cies were handed down from one Honors Juniors home field. class to another carried in this Prosser Morrow was chosen as bus- dealt principally with the muclear side Griffin and Bob Lindsay were elected and <»n Captain Pritchett was born in Mon- — protons, electrons, positrons, manner. The lirst Student store was iness managers for the following group. of matter as the Marshals for the Junior Class. Bids Issued To Fifteen roe City, Mo., where he attended the photons, in the basement oi Watts; ibis was an J. B. Goslin, Val Castles, Tom Ross, deutrons, and neutrons. It a of Beta public schools. He then went to the Brown is "member Theta honor store with As On Basis Of Leadership and J. S. McMullen. His home is in embodied a scholarly treatment of the mi clerk/. this Efficiency 'niversity of Tennessee, in 1911. Later Pi. society fraternity, and past Pres- arrangement proved uiisati«fnclciry And Military West Point, Ga., he is a member of principles of underlying the cosmic ray, a he attended the University of Louis- ident of the Student Body. his delegation was sent to and Kappa Sigma society fraternity, Scab- the alpha ray and the beta ray. In Washington iana where he remained for three years. Lie University tn study their honor -commis- bard and Blade Military fraternity, and Dr. Ruark's lecture was made clearer Freshman year he was electeel Pres- Fifteen Junior noil Here he participated in such sports store. Sunn af(cr Ibis plan « put in Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Chemistry fra- by the use of slides projected tipon the ident of the Sophomcrc Class. He is i- in- sionedofficers werepledged the and football, baseball, boxing, wrest- back wall of stage. to action at Davidson and clerks were annual ceremony <>f the ternity. the These dem- also a member and the President? ol Scahbard ling and track. He then went to onstrated by photograph, drawing, and hired. When nld Walls d'inuitnr\ and libido organization duringthe Training n Mai Grimes was chosen over the Louisville School in l 14 in design, the finer points the Delta Circle of Onucron Delia hunted the Student Store ivns moved K. < ). C. parade Monday following men: Cokey Dick of his lecture. T. last the capacity of professor of Knglish, Branton. began by Hydrogen, Kappa, national leadership fraternity to the present building just behind clcilll- aftermion. Hayworth,' Dan Griffin, and Bob Lind- He dealing with director nf Athletics and commandant, the simplest of atoms, founded at Washington & 1914. itmy rnw and as the business imre.ised TIh- order published by Captain say. Grimes is from Lexington and is and proceeding Lee in until the time of the World War when to up more complex step a manager was employed. Adjutant Battc issued formal bids lo V)\7 a member of Kappa Sigma society fra- take the ones he joined the army in .
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