• 11 '"'4 *4| >;'H Caucus survey sixyw« » candidates* views RocHEsrak L«MAN AND GAV Po* LinCALClUOI» !&bd» year the Rochestor Lebian mid Gay I%}iiticsd Caucus seiTKfe out ques­ tionnaires to candidates running fbr oflSoe in Monroe County. The ptimary function of thc questionnaires is to educate the members ofthe gay, fes­ bian arid bisexual cotnniurary on where their candidates statKl on its issues. Thc Poiitical Caucus also uses the quesrionnaires to evduate to what ex­ tent its edtication efforts have been suc­ cessful, and to deteiTnine wl^ie more work needs to be done. In addition, the questionnaires serve as reminders to candidates that thc gay, lesbian and bisexual community exists and diat we are part of dieir constituency. \i This year abnost 150 qucstioniiaites t were sent to candkiates tunnir^ ftx* of­ fice in Mcxiroe County. Unfortunatdy, the vast majonty of carxfidates diose not to respond. In fiimcss to those Zoning board rejects ARI housing project who did not respond, one shouki re­ BY JAM£S S. C. BLOOMFIELD AND member diat candkiates ate inundated that it was i^) to ARI to prove their don't thkik it's put^'a skig^ fiimiiy ne^- widi questkxmaires fiom gtx^ups tai^ SUSAN JORDAN case, and that'^tfaey cfid not fiJiy prove bcxhocxi We abo dcxi*t think it^s purely a ing fiom die ACLU to die Knig^its of AIDS Rochester's proposal for hous­ scxne ofthe pcrints, such as whedier that zoning issue. VC'e had questions asked Columbus, and it maj"^ bc too time OOTv ing for people with HIV/AIDS was use was the only remedy fix-thc prop­ like '>X'hat*s going to be in your trash?' w suming for a candidate with a small rejected by the Rochestef Zonir^ erty or whether it was going to make a VC'e heard there was a barber in the staff to respond to questionnaires Board of Appeals on Oct. 11, after reasonable return." tiei^iborhood who ckkA want to crut our from evet^' group. over 100 people argued for and Paula SiK'estrone told thc Etttpty clients'hair. A dient of ours went door to against the project for more than four Chset ^9X she would bc meeting with ctoorwith us (so tesidents ooukl meet thc Ar the same lime, most canc&lates ARI board members to examine their pcopJe who woukl be living in the apart­ will make time to respond to ques- hours. '*Obvioudy, wcVe very disjffiotnted," options, which might include trying to ment complex and address thdr con­ tkxiriaites frtXTi gtxHJps they oorisider find arxxher site, or gcxr^ to ^lartrnents cems) and I heard one man say to him, T itifxxtant Thus, it is a very good sign said Pada Sflvestrone, executive dircctor of AIDS Rochester Inc (ARL) 'WeVe and cxher projects. don't want to livc next door to no ho­ that bodi candidates fbr Oxmty Ex­ *Thc bottom lirie is, we Tieed as inudi mosexuals and druggies.'.*. I think we ecutive responded It is also a good put a lot ofhurnan and financial tesoutoes into this process over the kst three years. housing as fest as possibic for people would have to have blinders on not to s^ diat questkxuiaires wete teceived witfi HIV and AIDS," she said sec that as part ofthe case." from canrodates for four political par- Ifsnumbit^to have been shot down like this." The apartment project began over Siivcstrofic tfaanked: Et^ty Chset ties: Coriscrvadve, Dernocratk:, Irile- three years ago, when the lateTony readers and die g^commurxty fbr their pendence and RepubUcan. On the Reskknts ofthe ne^iborhood near the prqp<)Sod ske at 832 Meidiants Rd. Gteeric, fouTkder of He^skig Peopfe with ongoing su{^x:)rt '*^X^len I compare other hand, it is disappcnndr^ that so AIDS (HPA), and a board member of what goes on in Rochester to other many candidates fiom areas outside said that they did not fcel thc one- stoiy, 12-uiritstt)!Mtmcnt woukl be an as­ ARI and Rociiester Area Task Fbroe on dties, I am extremdy proud to be here Rodiester, Rjch as Penfield, Henrietta, AIDS^TFAX bcg?n pu*k^RATFA and affiliated with the g^y community Mendon £Uid Greece, chose to i^Kxe set to area resklents. Gina Tassi of 186 Royleston Rd. said that thc unit would to devdop hoisbg for pec^ fivir^ witfi herc." the qiKStionnake. We need to increase HIV/AIDS, and dieir femilies. ARI took our efibrts to educate these candkbtes lower property vsJues because ofits size (For commcntar)', sec "HIV Up­ and ppoxiniity to ne^hbothood homes. on the project and after a kx^ search for date" cc4umn, page 22.) that we are their consdtuents and that an area which wodkl be safe, handi- we do vote. *T urge you not to be pressurod by po­ -Some irifotraaiacxi fiom Gtcglivadas, lidcal s^pidas," Ta^ said. escaped aooessSife and suitabie for inde- Mostof thc ic^xxises reoetved are pencknt living; fixxid the Nferchants fiivorable to the gay, lesbian and bt~ Residents who oppose the housk^ Road property. Afier cipciisrvc enviroo- 1 \U1 I r)i sexual comrr&iriity. For exarnple, bodi urik have expcssed arui^^iy fedkigp and rneniai testiif^ to cleoemittie if tficy ootid candkkfics for coivity execucive and al feais and rxMsooncndons about An^ cievdop tfae txoperyki a way tfaat wDiid ofthe respondents tucxiarig for oouriiy tficmodNr^v^^ A^^E>ff^^ cficnts be safe for both diems and ndgfabor- k^g^tooranioctaofwisaiRnflikxi wfao fiftvi^ gooc dcxsr-^to-^iov hotsd flBsdeois^ tfiey appfied to tfie Oty bnHTS. Also IM in^^ority <rfr^^ iwj^ilioAnocL Ihiwcytr, few oppo- for a ^^ise VaiiBfioe," as die area was iBPcte 6(voaftsfe to^niids a b^ crime njcnts ac tfie^Eoott^booid faeataagmcn- sincd for air^ fimily dwcfing^ **Thi£fic%jftfxxsput<Miavqystt'ong <\ • pnmetmforgpitmKmt fisrars tfKSfwoffocDeattfieheadq^andii^M;** sUFf^can- t\Bia Sivcsa«ic 9akl*Youg& tfwDi^ dfy MBM wbsce w« reed to iricrca^ tfas aitytinnc tfietc Ki a chatnc ill a riB)^>* % arfidbnoped on tfic '-ill ^ cfibn 10 cducaee tfie pidd^ picfiectjr ycaci tgE^TEfa^iaiitnHigboaRly borfiood^ but c^iedaBy if you want to Mr pjt a mdfil pqpubttan in tf«^ pat aM||i Sn extm sm based oti tfie snccMMStt^iQa^ flnd^wiiotherkshoblam ' vnmarioDditfiauctfiespeci&cobfcc caiise^as||otB had f«ded m ' Otfier icypcacs^aBcnot fin?D«ahte> tfae^pc vOtpd nptMCsmt a danger. ASaytoiMiiii^^ 4ad^'*W<d^to|k teon^ I tfamkdi^ i^ instance, many wffl find Jade Inievti^nBMit Iffiqr^mB vtfjr wae noc Dayicfs leaponK tfitf pcDiecttig tfie SBC DCHJVC 06|^1I JUW^AJISUyLIJUU* lile boatd voted S4> agMff^ ^v^ta^^mtm^m^-Vt^rr^ii j^s ofg^qrs, kirtxans and btMxufll ^Im stocdy a aDOrdnKlBaie^ tfiat tfiis was a petsons is not a fijnctkxi of govern- ptofect'^e bated our dedaons on a fiardxr oMttMidaids acooacSpg tD tfie irig^fiai%fiBJgJWbi^^ zooiag code," said AKnda l£uBif^« stay tfastt way* •1/] fci I,i 11 »:^- * oap*3 dwir^vBOii of tfttc boaid. She 9«kl ^VcJeijafc tfifti,^^ciootfnues> '*Wc Mimttmmit Noveinber 1995 Tbe Ett^ Ckset 3 2 TbeEs^ Cktet November 199S LOCAT. & STATE NEWS L E T I E R S Summit |danned on religious right, church- bian ciecfic ucwxi a reafity arid cieveiop a WW cSsappoinEdngtfiac we were only abfe Thanlcs for Political Caucus survey results to attend two wotkshc^ out of 35 mentor/protege busisicss ptomiru state separation ft>r this November. And remember, not Let's tum gay/bstnan topics of interest Wc wctc unabk to t -^%\^M SURVEY continued from p* 1 diat bdief is shared by most Americans These am inarty cxher ieleas ottibe de- A Western New York sximmit on die ment to be shocking. After att, the today. voting may be the most dangerous business ptojects and veksped if we arc wiEr^ to try. We can stay for the final lundieon on Sunday AIDS ofganiaEatbiss duciDourkx% trek badt to Rodiester. rdigious ri^t and die separation of founders of this country bdieved that The Politk:al Caucus hopes you tead dedsion you make. make a cfififecenoe noc cx^ fior oursdves, these responses and diat tfaqr hd^ you dfeams intoteafity We catne bade tked but GTiei^SKd, hav' TotheEdbos: church and state will take place here pTDtectit^ the r^^its of its ddzens was buc for the futute gerietaiicxis of gay on Nov. 14 from 1 to 5:30 p.m*, at die the main function of govemment and in dedduig which candidates to vote men and lesbians. k^ inet inafty wocicfetful peopfe arid Onoe WHb» tf«c ii anodaer l%iiiow Totfie Editon bdievkig we are on a qxQCwJ |cxjtney. pfaume^for Nov. 4, at10 pm, it First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton I am writing in reqx>nse to Thomas Please take the tune n>(3ontact xne and Rd. Next year's convention will be hdd Tara's, witfa a very spedd gaeat Mias Elston's letter that s^3pearcd in the bcgynbiAfcy tfiese dreams mto a leJity. Results fram Rochester Lesbian and Gay Pd m WaaiAigtoR D.C CXI Oct 1M3. Gay Rodiester'94-'95, Headier Skye The panel will indude Jeffery Young, October issue of ifae £inj^ GhJij/. I kx>k forward to hearing firom yoo! As cocfaaks ofPFLAG Rocfaestei; we Also, there wffl bc a Disco Cos­ president ofthe Rexrhester Lesbian (canciidates not Hsted below did not respond Thomas Elston wrote re^rding Lc^ KimBrufnber invite an your readers and thdr fanuly tume Contest Come oot in your wfld- and Gay Political Caucus, who will Cabin-ism, gay business leaders and PO Box 19626 and ficiends to )oin us at the Friends CSC disco ciotfics.
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