SyrianSyrian Arab Arab Republic Republic Snapshot Sanpshot on on WoS WoS Health Health Resources Resources and and Services Service Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) 2021December Q1 : Jan-Mar 2018 Functional Hospitals¹ Hospital Beds (Including ICU) 250,000 Population/District Beds/10,000 Population/District Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Aleppo Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa IdlebIdleb Idleb Idleb Idleb TartousTartous Tartous Hama Tartous Hama Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor HomsHoms HomsHoms DamascusDamascus DamascusDamascus QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus Hospitals QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus # OfOf Hospital Hospital Beds, Beds, Including Including ICU ICU (15,403 Beds)* (15,403 Beds)* More Than 2.0 10.0 and Above 1.00 - 2.00 5.0 - 9.9 0.01 - 0.99 0.1 - 4.9 As-SweidaAs-Sweida As-Sweida 0.1 - 4.9 Dar'a Dar'a As-Sweida Dar'a 0.00 Dar'a 0.0 IASC² standards : 1 hospital per 250,000 population SPHERE³ Standards : 18 hospital beds per 10,000 population Number of Hospitals providing Number of Hospitals Providing Number of Health Facilities with a CEmONC⁴ Services/ 500,000 Population Surgeries/Trauma services / 250,000 Population FullyFunctional Blood Bank Services Idleb 5.4 As-Sweida 2.6 Idleb 29 Quneitra 4.8 Idleb 2.5 Aleppo 23 As-Sweida 3.9 Quneitra 2.4 Damascus 12 2.9 1.9 Dar'a Damascus 9 2.7 1.9 Rural Damascus Tartous Tartous 7 Lattakia 2.1 Lattakia 1.4 Lattakia Homs 2.0 Homs 1.4 Tartous 7 Aleppo 2.0 Aleppo 1.2 Hama 5 Ar-Raqqa 1.4 Ar-Raqqa 1.1 Homs 5 Hama 1.3 Dar'a 1.0 Al-Hasakeh 4 0.8 Rural Damascus 1.3 Hama As-Sweida 4 1.3 Rural Damascus 0.7 Al-Hasakeh Dar'a 3 Deir-ez-Zor 0.7 Deir-ez-Zor 0.7 3 Damascus 0.5 Al-Hasakeh 0.4 Deir-ez-Zor Ar-Raqqa 1 Syria 2.2 Syria = 91/200 hospitals Syria 1.4 Syria = 113/200 Hospitals Quneitra 1 Syria = 113* 8% increase in hospitals providing 3% increase in hospitals providing 18% inccrease in health facilities providing CEmONC⁴ Services between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021 Surgeries/Trauma services between Q1 2020 Blood Bank Services between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021 IASC² Standards : 1 hospital providing CEmONC⁴ services per 500,000 population and Q1 2021 * Blood banks can be either within hospitals or standalone facilities 1: includes fully and partially functional facilities Data sources: WHO Whole of Syria HeRAMS database; OCHA Regional Office for the Syria Crisis population data Date of production: 16 July 2021 For inquires please contact Khalid El Taher [email protected] 2: Inter-Agency Standing Committee Nasr Mohammed [email protected] Page 2/21/4 3: The Sphere Handbook, 2018 Edition 4: Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care services Hamza Geshouqa [email protected] SyrianSyrian Arab Arab Republic Republic Snapshot Sanpshot on on WoS WoS Health Health Resources Resources and and Services Service Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) 2021December Q1 : Jan-Mar 2018 Functional PHCHospitals Facilities¹ ¹ EPIHospital² Services Beds (Including ICU) 250,00010,000 Population/Sub-District Population/District Facilites/25,000Beds/10,000 Population/District Population/ Sub-District Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Aleppo Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa IdlebIdleb Idleb Idleb Idleb TartousTartous Tartous Hama Tartous Hama Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor HomsHoms HomsHoms DamascusDamascus DamascusDamascus QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus PHCsHospitals QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus #EPI Of HospitalCenters* Beds, Including ICU (15,403 Beds)* More Than 2.02.0 10 and More 10.0 and Above 1.00 - 1.99 5.0 - 9.9 1.00 - 2.00 0.01 - 0.99 0.15.0 -- 4.99.9 0.010.00 - 0.99 0.0 As-SweidaAs-Sweida As-Sweida 0.1 - 4.9 Dar'a Dar'a As-Sweida Dar'a 0.00No Data Dar'a No Data 0.0 No Population No Population IASC³ standards : 1 functional primary health facility per 10,000 population *1,127 EPI centers in Syria in Q1 2021.IASC EPI² Standards centers may : 10 be hospital embedded beds within per 10,000 PHCs population or standalone Health Staff** /10,000 Population HOSPITALS PHC Specialized Centres 80 70 4 4 60 Number of Facilities 4 200 1,786 162 50 1 3,932 Midwife 45 2% 3% 40 55 19% 34 23 2 Fully Functioning 25% 30 Partially Functioning 22% IASC³ 4 3 30,376 Nurses 18 64% Standards: 2 Non-Functioning 60% 55% 20 17 19% 20% health staff > 22 21 3 15 11% 1 1 10 24 1 1 1 1 21 19 14 5 17,958 Doctors* Not Reported 12 17 10 8 8 8 8 7 10 7 9 0 2 2 4 4 3 2 6% 1% 5% 9% 5% r s s s s a a a a a a h b o ' i a r o u u u q e d e p r i t m k l i m Not Damaged c c Z i o k q a p r - 17% a s o s 12% e a t d e a a z I e r D a a y l � H s H n w e 23% R a a - a - A S u m S m T r L r Partially Damaged - i H a a s Q - A e l D D A D l A a Fully Damaged # of Health Health # of Staff *General Practitioners, Specialists, Emergency Physicians, Residents Doctors, and Dentist Doctors r 77% u 71% 74% * * In all types of functional health facilities R 1: Includes fully and partially functional facilities Data sources: WHO Whole of Syria HeRAMS database; OCHA Regional Office for the Syria Crisis population data Date of production: 16 July 2021 For inquires please contact Khalid El Taher [email protected] 2: Expanded Program on Immunization Nasr Mohammed [email protected] Page 2/22/4 3: Inter-Agency Standing Committee Hamza Geshouqa [email protected] SyrianSyrian Arab Arab Republic Republic Snapshot Sanpshot on on WoS WoS Health Health Resources Resources and and Services Service Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) 2021December Q1 : Jan-Mar 2018 FunctionalAntenatal Care Hospitals (ANC)¹ Services Non-CommunicableHospital Beds (Including Diseases ICU) (NCD) Services 250,000Facilities/10,000 Population/District Population/Sub-District Facilities/10,000 Beds/10,000 Population/Sub-District Population/District Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Aleppo Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa IdlebIdleb Idleb Idleb Idleb TartousTartous Tartous Hama Tartous Hama Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor HomsHoms HomsHoms DamascusDamascus DamascusDamascus QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus FacilitiesHospitals providing ANC services* QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus #Facilities Of Hospital providing Beds, Including NCD ICUservices** (15,403 Beds)* More thanThan 2.0 2.0 10.0More and than Above 5.0 1.001.0 - -2.0 2.00 1.1 - 5.0 5.0 - 9.9 0.1 - 0.9 0.1 - 1.0 0.01 - 0.99 As-SweidaAs-Sweida 0.0 As-Sweida 0.10.0 - 4.9 Dar'a Dar'a As-Sweida Dar'a 0.00No Data Dar'a 0.0No Data No Population No Population * 1,284 of 1,609 partially and fully functional health facilities (80%) offer ANC services. ** 1,258 of 1,609 partially and fully functionalIASC² Standards health : facilities10 hospital (78%) beds offer per 10,000NCD services. population Number of Health Facilities providing Number of Health Facilities providing Number of Health Facilities Providing Renal Dialysis Cancer Diagnosis/Treatment Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnosis/Treatment Services/ 100,000 Population Idleb 10 Damascus 6 Tartous 10.8 Rural Damascus 8 Tartous 3 Lattakia 8.3 Aleppo 7 Aleppo 2 Rural Damascus 2.9 Hama 2.8 Damascus 6 Hama 2 Idleb 1.2 Homs Homs 6 2 Damascus 0.9 Lattakia 6 Rural Damascus 2 Aleppo 0.7 Dar'a 5 As-Sweida 1 Homs 0.6 Hama 5 Idleb 1 Ar-Raqqa 0.4 Tartous 5 Lattakia 1 Deir-ez-Zor 0.4 As-Sweida 4 Al-Hasakeh 0 Dar'a 0.2 Syria = 69 * Syria = 20** Al-Hasakeh 0.2 Syria = 424*** Ar-Raqqa 3 Ar-Raqqa 0 As-Sweida No data Al-Hasakeh 2 5% increase in health facilities Deir-ez-Zor 0 33% decrease in health facilities 2% decrease in health facilities Quneitra No data Deir-ez-Zor providing Renal Dialysis between Dar'a providing Cancer Diagnosis/ providing TB Diagnosis/Treatment 1 Q1 2020 and Q1 2021 No data Treatment between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021 Services between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021 Quneitra 1 Quneitra No data Syria 2 * 69 of 1,609 partially and fully functional * * 20 of 1,609 partially and fully functional health *** 424 of 1,609 partially and fully functional health health facilities (4%) offer Renal Dialysis services facilities (1%) offer cancer diagnosis/treatment facilities (26%) offer TB diagnosis/treatment Services Data sources: WHO Whole of Syria HeRAMS database; OCHA Regional Office for the Syria Crisis population data Date of production: 16 July 2021 For inquires please contact Khalid El Taher [email protected] Page 2/23/4 Nasr Mohammed [email protected] Hamza Geshouqa [email protected] SyrianSyrian Arab Arab Republic Republic Snapshot Sanpshot on on WoS WoS Health Health Resources Resources and and Services Service AvailabilityAvailability MonitoringMonitoring SystemSystem (HeRAMS)(HeRAMS) 2021December Q1 : Jan-Mar 2018 FunctionalMental Health Hospitals Services¹ PhysicalHospital Beds Rehabilitiation (Including ICU) Services 250,000Facilities/10,000 Population/District Population/Sub-District Facilities/10,000Beds/10,000 Population/District Population/Sub-District Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Al-HasakehAl-Hasakeh Aleppo Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo LattakiaLattakia Aleppo Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa Ar-RaqqaAr-Raqqa IdlebIdleb Idleb Idleb Idleb TartousTartous Tartous Hama Tartous Hama Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor Hama Deir-ez-ZorDeir-ez-Zor HomsHoms HomsHoms DamascusDamascus DamascusDamascus QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus FacilitiesHospitals providing Mental Health services* QuneitraQuneitra RuralRural DamascusDamascus #Facilities Of Hospital providing
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