
-.-..!1 I q cr e.. - · ~~ OGLEBAY INSTITUTE ----- W A~ 50 Yet1116 q ·vrucee ·• ~\ > J _I ,\• Ogeeluuj 9K6fihde Foek .Urucee CtuttfJ3 (. Wkeelbcg, We6t UVtgUUa · Spring Ca~p Staff . Don Armstrong - Squares & Contras Mark Finlay - International Dances George Tomov - Croatian Dances ,. SPRING FOLK DANCE CAMP Roster Camp Russel. Wheeling, West Virginia Oglebay Park May 22-25, 1992 INSTRUCTORS Don Armstroagi.P. 0. Box 1060, Canon Ctty, CO 81215-1060 George Tomov, 66-12 48th Avenue, Woodside; New York 11377 Mark Fin1 ay, 71 MacDonell Avenue~ Toronto, Ontatio, Canada M6R 2A4 OGLEBAY INSTTTtJH:· FOLK DAN~E COMMl)TEE Shirley Carnahan~ Co~Chairman R.D. #2, Box 29, Stone Church Road~:Nheeling, WV 26003 Fred Wade~ Co.;Chairman ~ R.• D.•.. #l, Bbx"'416, Weitlsburg, WV 26070 Vince Baker~ 386-Clear~iew Avenue. Wheeling, WV 26003 A. Lloyd Carnahan, R.D. #2, Box 29, Stone Church Road, Wheeling, WV 26003 .Helen Cindrich, P. 0. Box 118, Neffs, QH .43940 'Eltzabeth Ann Cline, '1025 Indiana Strest~ Martins Ferry, OH 43'935 ·He1an·conrad~ Route 1,. Box 116,.Jriadelphta, WV 26059 Howatd .. Cusi.c,.c/o 6Cl0 Nattonal.'Road,.Wheeling, WV 26003 James Denham, 66479.Kirkwood Heights Road,.Bellaire, OH 43906 Anm & Paul ::Forshey, 1SlO:Nationa1. Road #82-207, WheeTing, WV 26003 Bevel"'ly. Fox, 55991 W., Second Street,. Btrdgeport, OH 43912 Janet &:Charles Ka1o,.44l!Wetzel Street, WheeHng, WV 26003 Mary·Kelley, B6 Main Street, West Liberty, WV 26074 Nicki Mel.issinas, 1902 Center Street~ Moundsville, WV 26041 Betty Pa~ker. 794 Mozart Road~.Wbeeltng, WY 26003 Patty.Sampson,.lBlO National Road IB1~104, Wheeling, WV 26003 Jane Sneddmn~ 47'A1fce.Aven~e, 'Wheeling,.WV. 26003 Mary Tocash, 327.Mair.r.Street, .Ttltonsvi11e,.OH. 43963 Bob & Kathy Tomlinson, 71628. Treadway Road, Martins Ferry, OH 43935 Tess Vagl1ent1, 64602·Patterson Hill Road, Bellaire, OH 43906 Dolores Williams, 1810 National.Road #81~103. Wheeling, WV 26003 Jantce:Whipkey, 2520 Cadillac Avenue~ Wheeling, WV 26003 OGLEBAY INSTITUTE STAFF Stifel Fine.Ar.ts Center, 1330 National Road, Wheeling, WV 26003 Phone-(304) 242-7700 Martha Wright,:Directar . Phil Maxwell~ Craft specialist Doris W. Long, Secretary June Watson, Typist JANE FARWELL, AL SCHWINABABT, A~D ROSE CHJAZZA SCHOLARSHIPS The Jane .. Farwel 1 ,scho1 arship Fund was. created. in 1981 and the A1 Schwinabart Scholarship Fund was created'-in: 1982 through. the generosity of Rus Acton and provided. full. scholar.shi ps to deserving. students for each Folk Dance Camp. The Rose Cbiazza Scholarship, created in 1990~ ·was made possible by donations given .in her memory •. Contributions for the maintenance of these scholarship funds are.greatly .. appreciated and .. are.atL.tax·deductible. Donations to the .. Jane. Far.well, .. Al.Schti'lt-nabart~or:Rosec--ehtazza"Sth!:na~shtp ·Funds should be . made payable to Og1 ebay.Institute. Oglebay Institute Spring Folk Dance Camp Instructors: Don Armstrong Wheeling, West Virginia, May 22-25-1992 Mark Finlay, George Tomov CAMPERS Sandy Ammao,_.26231'Elinor.e-Ave~:~ue:,.Euclid~ OH. 44132 Joan Beard,_ 632 .. Astor Avenue, Morgantown.,: WV. 26505 *Richard~& Patty:Booth~ 2278 Route 175,.Kenova~ WV 25530 Ra 1 ph L.. Burns,. 1049 Harmon Aver:~ue C.-59, Co 1 umbus,. OH. 43223 Henry E.:Caruso~-7245-Gr.arrt.Btvd~_,-Mtdd1~burg:Heights, OH 44130 Helen B•. Cot~r,ad,. Route, 1,. Box. 116., :.Tria del phi a,. WV. 26059 Roberta ,·cummi.ngs,. 27151.Drakefie1 d. Avenue, Euclid, OH 44132 Jack E. Cutler, 420LButterworth. Place.NW #113,· Washington, DC 20016 James &'. Loutse .;De itt; 239 Woodside:.'Df.'Ne; Washington, PA 15301 *Pollyann. Fassnacht,.156:South-Maple.Street:#2,.Akron, OH. 44203 **Irene Finke,.1402:Woodbourne Avenue~; Pittsburgh, PA "15226 MarY.M. Fluke, 243 Second Street SW, Carrollton, OH 44615 *Ann Forshey, 28 Pop1ar. Avenue.,.Wheel:it:lg, .. wv .. 26003. Bill & Ginger.Francis.,.325.Hfgbtands.Place,:Hatr.isonburg, VA 22801 Charles Francisco,.19.Manhattan, Buffalo .. N¥ .. 14215 *Patricia Gehring, 109.0verla Boulevard., Englewood, OH 45322 Jane R. Hill ,.19220.Van.Aken.Blvd •.. #207,,.Sh~.k.QY':Hetghts, OH 44122 Diana Haller; :411 .Mower. De.ive ;_. P:tttsbubgh;. PA. 15239 Frank &.Connie Hallish,.439 Morning~iew.Avenue, Akron, OH 44305 Willya.M •. Jentgen,-7:A11eghany, Malvern,.OH .. 44644 . -lrMary·t<elley~-86-Matn Str.eet,.West.liberty, W\1. 26074 Harry- J. Khamis ,_. 535. Greene ·r-ree.: etace;: Fatr:obo rr:r, ·oH: . 45.324 . Ethel E.:Kloss,.116·-Commodor..Lane.:Apt. 9., Ba.rnasville, OH .. 43713 Paul .J~ Malan, P •. O.:Box:603450,.Cleve1a~d,.OH .44103 Bill Matlack.& Pat,Travis,.351 .Atlanta Drivet:Pittsburgh, PA. 15228 Helen M.. Miller,.P •. O•. Box 928,.Sunnyside:Vil1age~.Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Mike Mordecai~.540l.t1brary:Road~.Betbe1 Park.,.PA . 15102 Elizabeth. Noroi an,. 5715 Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15122 James & Catherine Ray, 808 Westover. Road,. Richmond, VA 23220 Emily Reid,.309.High1ands.P1ace,.Harrisonburg, VA 22801 .Virginia.·E •. Reynolds & Monica A4 Butler, 1699. Church Street, Indiana, PA 15701 E1ena.:RH:>arev.sk:.i, .411 .Mower Drive,. Pittsburgh, PA 15239 Viviene M.. Richey,. 324. w;;_ .Mohawk. Drive,. Ma 1vern, OH 44644 Irv.& Mar.tna.Rothenberg,:2420.Buckhur.st"Drtve, Beachwood, OH 44122 . Aurel i e. Sabol,. 4094. El 1 ison. Road,. South Euclid, .. OH 44121 . Juanita. Schockey, 14533 Matdstone Road., Orlan do, FL 32826 - . *Wtl Uam ~-schweickart., .. 1616. N. Second Stre-et.,- Ironton, OH 45638 Richard~:& .. Betty Searles,A434.RaccoGHL\/alley.Road, Alexandria, OH 43001 Jea.n·stfftn;:34l125 s·ainbridge Road,:.So16n, OH 44139 **Sheila Spremulli,.l225.0akr1dge.Drive,.Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 Ann Teps.tc,.23819.Route.30~-Minetva, OH .44657 .Tess.VagTienti;.64602.Patterson Htll.Road; Bellaire, OH 43906 .Rich.ard.&.~Tot:~LVydr.a.,:342:Frankltt:~ Avenue~;, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Mr ~ ·LeV erne Anthony:'Warner.~ 'Box 498 ~ C"onn·eaut, OH' 44030 . .. ~ '~ . ' ' . *Atte'nding· camp on a working scholarship -.**Attending camp on a·· half scholarship > ~... • • • ~. List.of-~ampers current as. of May 19, 1992 Oglebay Institute Spring Folk Dance Camp Instructors: Don Armstrong Wheeling, West Virginia, May 22-25-1992 Mark Finlay, George Tomov TABLE OF CONTENTS Dances presented by n ng Page 1 Ramblin ver 1 Lucky Johnny 1 I an Princess 2 r Ci e 2 The Militia iplett 2 1 3 Snowboun 3 Wa1 of Isles 3 Waltz ross Texas 4 The Clansmen 4 S Circle 4 Jubilee plett 5 Atlantic Hornpipe 5 Siesta 5 The Mar imar 6 Piano Reel 6 Kelsterne rdens 6 Freeford Gardens 7 Candle11g Waltz Quadrille 7 Barn Dance 8 Boone Tavern Reel 9 Barnacle Bill 10 Swanee ver 10 I'm a Bum 11 Ci e to Don 11 Sarah's Delight 12 King of the Keyboard 12 Good day 12 Lonesome Blue 13 The Four Po Dances presented Tomov Page 14 Berovka 15 Jani no 16 Ki no 17 lna 18 S inka 18 S1avons -Kola 19 Rance. 21 Kopriva I Oj iraj Svirce 22 Oj Ra icu 23 Dupljaja Dances presented by rk Finlay . Page 25 . Arco 28 Need 29 Invirtita 30 1 ko ro 31 r•das 33 ve Oglebay Institute Spring Folk Dance Camp Instructors: Don Armstrong Wheeling, West Virginia, May 22-25-1992 Mark Finlay, George Tomov 1 RAMBL ROVER Music: Jimmy Shands album~ "English Folk Dances", DU 2015, Irish Rover medl side 2, track 6.~ 8 x 32 Reel , Formation: Duple improper. Do sa do corners a wave Double balance W pass L to Hey for 4 - - - - ~ - Wturn L to orig corners & swing - - - ~ - - - - Circle left' Star 1eft LUCKY JOHNNY by Henry Garfath Music: Caller's Choice album, EFDSS BR4~ Morden Reel, side 2, track 4& 7 x 32 Reel. Formation: Duple proper (not x'd) Lines fwd & back Partners dosado Actives balance & swing - - - - ' - - - - Down in 4's active in cnttl turn alone Back and.bend line Circ1 e four 1 1 s half fig of 8 above INDIAN PRINCESS ·Music: Vo1. 2 "Dances With A DHference 11 -Colin Hume A-4 Formation: Circle, facing partner, men facing LOD, ladies facing RLOD 8 Set to partner and turn single 8 Pass by, right shoulders, and turn the next with two hands and come back to place, men nowfacing RLOD, ladies facing LOD 8 Set to partner and turn single 8 Repeat pass by and turn (now bac~to original position) 8 Right hands· around w/partner 8 Left hands: around w;partner 8 Do-sa-do partner 8 Grand Right and Left THREE Oglebay Institute Spring Folk Dance Camp Instructors: Don Armstrong Wheeling, West Virginia, May 22-25-1992 Mark Finlay, George Tomov 2 GRAND STAR CIRCLE Music: "It's a Small Small World" or other 32 bar tune Formation: Sicilian Circle 8 Circle Left 8 Circle Right 8 Ladies Chain 8 Chain Back 8 Dosado Opposite (R shoulder) 8 Dosado Pattner (L shoOlder) 16 Grand Star to No. 5 THE MILITIA~ TRIPLETT Music: Caller's Choice-. EF'DSS BR4, uThe Mtl ttia/H.M.S. Pinafore", side 1. tracks 2 & 3, each 3·x 32 Bar Reels. Formation: 'THREE couple proper·contra sets. Counts s - 1's starR half~way wHh 2!s--(21s stay there) then 1's star L half-way w-tth'·3's. (2 1 s & 3's now: improper) 8 . 1's with Win lead go out & up around #3M, in & above #3 Wout & up around #2 Wto #1's starting position. (#'s 2 & 3 remain improper) 16 1's repeat all above &end in original positions 16 1's lead into a Hey for 3 in their own lines, starting by passing each #2 with- R-sh6ulders·a~d completing the action in 12 steps to face 2's, join hands in~ a circle of 4 &:Balance L & R. 8 1's & 2's circle 4 to L exactly ante-around.
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