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His sym- http://pmj.bmj.com/ ptoms improved rapidly on taking oral nicotinic acid and vitamin B complex. We suggest the paucity of reported cases of pellagra in Crohn's disease is a reflection of poor recognition of this complication. Keywords: pellagra, Crohn's disease on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Pellagra is derived from the Italian words 'pelle agra' meaning rough skin and was first des- cribed in 1735 by the Spanish physician Casal. The disease is a result of deficiency of of other pathways nicotinamide or disturbance .. ... of tryptophan metabolism. Pellagra was originally of epidemic proportions in areas where maize was the principal component of the diet. However, with appropriate food sup- plements, pellagra is now rarely seen in Department of is still com- S>W-w'-t E' Dermatology, developed countries, but relatively University Hospital, mon in poorer areas. Other causes include Queens Medical carcinoid syndrome, treatment with isoniazid Centre, Nottingham and Hartnup disease. NG7 2UH, UK I Zaki Case report L Millard Figure The patient at presentation with an ery- thematous rash worst on his nose, upper lip and chin. A 53-year-old caucasian man presented with a Fine surface wrinkling and superficial scaling is also Accepted 2 March 1995 two-month history of a pruritic photosensitive visible. Pellagra in Crohn's disease 497 rash affecting the face, forearms and neck. The affected areas were erythematous and well Learning points demarcated with fine surface wrinkling (fig- ure). He had suffered for seven years with * pellagra is caused by a deficiency ofniacin * inadequate diet is the most common cause in Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.71.838.496 on 1 August 1995. Downloaded from extensive radiologically proven Crohn's dis- developing countries, but it is also seen in ease which had been controlled by medical chronic alcoholics and those with treatment alone. His main symptom was of gastrointestinal disease abdominal pain until the onset of the rash, * rare causes include carcinoid syndrome, when he subsequently also developed diar- Hartnup disease, and isoniazid therapy rhoea. In addition, he found his work as a * the triad ofdermatitis, diarrhoea, and dementia is classical ofpellagra. The skin postmaster difficult due to experiencing prob- changes usually appear on areas exposed to lems with simple mental arithmetic. Formal sun, heat and pressure examination confirmed mild impairment of * pellagra is rarely reported in patients with short-term memory and cognitive function. Crohn's disease. A high degree ofclinical He was extensively investigated and was suspicion is required to establish the diagnosis found to be anaemic (haemoglobin 9.8 g/dl) with a normocytic normochromic picture. He also had a low serum ferritin of 14 g.g/l (normal range 25-350 ytg/l) but serum levels of albumin, calcium, B12 and folate were all normal. Renal and liver function tests were also normal and he did not have steatorrhea. A skin biopsy taken from the neck was unremarkable, inadequate dietary intake have both been im- showing a thin epidermis and non-specific plicated,5 although other biochemical features inflammatory changes in the dermis. Skin of chronic malabsorption were not present in scrapings for mycology were negative. our patient. High-dose oral supplements are Our patient exhibited the classically des- usually adequate but there are no studies cribed triad in pellagra ofdiarrhoea, dermatitis, specifically looking at the effect of Crohn's and dementia.' He was prescribed oral disease on the absorption and metabolism of nicotinic acid, an adequate diet and vitamin B nicotinamide. As the disease is rare in complex which resulted in a resolution of his developed countries, the degree of clinical rash and diarrhoea within two weeks. His suspicion is likely to be low. The diagnosis of short-term memory also improved within three pellagra is usually established on clinical months of treatment. grounds and we suggest the paucity ofreported cases does not reflect its true prevalence in Discussion patients with Crohn's disease. Greater aware- ness of this complication and direct question- There have been infrequent reports of pellagra ing regarding skin problems is vital if the in Crohn's disease.24 Malabsorption and correct treatment is to be offered. 1 Fine RM, Rudman D. Pellagra. Clin Dermatol 1988; 2: 1-5. 4 Lifshitz AY, Stern F, Kaplan B, Sofer E, Sela BA, http://pmj.bmj.com/ 2 Lucey MR. Recurrent pellagra in Crohn's disease. Lancet Schewach-Millet M. Pellagra complicating Crohn's disease. 1982; 2: 559. J Am Acad Dermatol 1992; 27: 620. 3 Pollack S, Enat R, Haim S, Zinder 0, Borzilai D. Pellagra as 5 Silk DBA, Payne-James J. Inflammatory bowel disease: the presenting manifestation of Crohn's disease. Gas- nutritional implications and treatment. Proc Nutr Soc 1989; troenterology 1982; 82: 948-952. 48: 355-61. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright..
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