More Online "Isn't ~tenough to see that a Leave comments at the garden is beaut~fulwithout having to belleve that there are Chanticleer web site. faines at the bottom of 1t9" thechanticleeronline.com -Douglas Adams 1 ~ol&e57, Issue 3 The Student newspaper of Sacksonville State University since 1934 September 11,2008 1 Student voters prepare br November - 1 -dons. SGA holds voter registration drive ,ByZach Childree day than the previous week. ister and vote. Beginning with .86crmb- Terry Casey, director of stu- public service announcements 1 \ dent life, said he was surpri'sed by Queen Latifah, Aerosrnith -More than 350 students reg- at the number of students that and others, "Rock the Vote" istered to vote at Jacksonville registered. debuted in partnership with State ~niveristy duiing the "Students this year are really MTV, VH 1 and other channels "Rock the Vote" registration , energized about the election," specifically targeting vofers drive. The Student Govern- Casey said. "They register to- under the age of 24. ment Association participated day and in just a few months According to the group's in the national movement that they get to vote.'? website "Whether it's Ma- encourages college students Russell said it was impor- donna wrapping herself in the to vote. The registration drive tant for st~~dentsto play a role flag for the first Rock the Vote took place over two days, Sep- in the democratic process. PSA or Snoop Dogg launch- tembet 4 and 9: "Important decisions are ing our bus tour in 2004, Rock "It worked out really well," made by the people we elect," the Vote works with artists Mardracus Russell of the Of- said Russell. "You don't have who really believe in aqd pro- fice of Student Life said on much to say if you didn't vote. mote our mission." The web- ' Tuesday. "Today is disburse- The decisions made now defi- site claims to have registered ment day, so' people are get- nitely affect us in the future." more than I .4 million people tins their checks and register- "Rock the Vote" was found- online. ing to vote." ed in 1992 in order to encour- SGA member Drew Lindsey helps Xavier Moore fill out a voter registration form at the TMB. ~~~~~llsaid there were age people to reg- See "Voting," 3 ,$ . Photo by Zach Childree / The Chanticleer students registering on Tues- , . -. ~ -- - UPD to step up traffic, 1 parlung enforcement 1 By Shalon Montgomery and informed students about issuing tickets though Staff Writer newswire," Chief of Police Shawn Giddy said. Another reason for the increase in tickets is'a If you are a ~acksonville State University change in who has the ability to give out tickets. student with a car or have a friend with a car, you Last year, security was in charge of issuing traffic may have'noticed a lot of upset people. The reason tickets. This year, JSU has a Parking Enforcement for this is the amount of traffic violation tickets Officer, Buddy Smith, who goes to every parking thathave been issued this year. lot on campus during business hours and looks for The main reason for an increase in tickets is the traffic violations. ' new arrangements on campus, which in Alongside Officer Smith .is the University much part, has been more beneficial to JSU staff Police Department. than the students. According to Chief Giddy, if the UPD sees any Last year, students were allowed to park in front violations, they have the right to issue a ticket. of Mason, Sparkman Hall, the JSU mail center, UPD also has a new ticket machine in their patrol the JSU health center and Daugette Hall. Now, cars to make issuing tickets .more efficient. these arrangements have changed. "It's irresponsibility by the student, because if "They need to give students more time to they get hit what are they going to say?" Student adjust ta the new parking arrangement," Daugette Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) President Resident Assistant Jeremy Prothrow said. Candice Young said "I felt heated," said ppe student. who ,@ed According to the. UPD. tr&c violations have LA-<,, .-uu.*..~-.&-L-~ 1 P,-;uriL-.LLl-. CLLYll CLlV OLUULIIW. ' ..,~".U"L6 -.I.-. YAUUJ, a. -11 "1 V UIIU .L..J ." I Last year, students were allowed to park In front violat~ons,they have the right to lssue a t~cket. of Mason, Sparkman Hall, the JSU mall center, UPD also has a new t~cketmach~ne In thew patrol the JSU health center and Daugette Hall Now, cars to make issuing tickets more efficient. these arrangements have changed. "lt's irresponsib~lltyby the student, because if "They need to give students more time to they get hit what are they going to say?'Student adjust to the new parking arrangement," Daugette Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) President %! \ Resident Ass~stantJeremy Prothrow said. Candlce Young sa~d. "I felt heated," said one student, who asked According to the UPD, traffic violations have to remain anonymous. "I felt the ticket was not gone down over the past few weeks, but they .1 deserved. I parked by the mail center all tbtime Could possibly be going back u~. last year, and the Appeals Colut is jwt a way, to Starting Sept. $5, if any student has not CI i shut you up." , purchased a decal, and parks on,,crunpus, all ' Even-with tbe new ammpnent, the Univer&y violat~onsprtllbe repod. Police Depptment attempted to give students a Another thlng conflrsing studbats is w&fe the JT $4.-iaV/*;., r s q break. money from the parRing vi~l&d~tickets go. "We havelssued mole, tickets this year compared "memoney] goes to &e schwl,~Gi'ddy +d. ' to this time last year, but we put warning$ on cars They spend it based on their nee+." I u 3 A 7 , I Seveayears-.c. > later.. By Julie Skinner at home that terrifying Tues- 'day. Students react to Olympics News Editor day and how he never seemed "I believe it had a major to watch TV, but he decided affect on everything," Hoth s the seventh anniversary to turn it on after finishing his said. "First, people wanted to By Shalon Montgomery most outperformed China in a' during the 1984 Olympics in o Pthe September II attacks work that morning. strike back and now; they're Staff Writer majority of the events (track, Los Angeles. America earned- on the World Tmde Center "Every generation has a not so sure if the hot-headed swimming and gymnastics) I 83 gold medals that year, and approaches, people around moment, that 'where were decision. '.was such a great ' ne2008 Beijing Summer saw," JSU sophomore Sophia 174 medals in all. the country may find them- you when'.kind of moment," idea. I just wish the terror- Olympic Games will go down Smith said. "I think Alner~ca has a selves recalling where'they Robinson said. "Those mo- ists could have said what they ili history as one of the most "America will always have chance to be dominant like it were yhen they first found ments tend to affect each needed to without blood." meniorable Olympic Games, a stronghold on the Olympic has in the past," Chris Moore, out. The question, "Where generation differently.. 1 can JSU senior, Jason Wright, and the most-watched U.S. medal count," George Kip- a senior biology major said. were you when you fourid remember my mother tell- was a junior in high school event'of all time. During the lagat, a cross-country runner "Just certain vafiables have out about the Twin Towers ing me the story of when she ironically on his way to world 2008 Olympic Games, ) spec- 'from Kenya said. "America to match up for it to happen being attacked?" hardly ever heard of JFK dying and where history class the day of the at- tators saw 87 countries win has the facilities, and they again." receives the answer of ,"I she was." tacks. He remembers seeing at least one medal in Olympic send over 400 people to the Countless records were bro- don't remember." Most cai~ JSU freshman, Emily Hoth, the ordeal on TV after the competition, 132 new Olym- Olympics when a country like ken at the Beijing Olympics. remember exactly what they was in-her 7Ih grade art class first plane crash, and won- pic records and 43 broken Somalia sends two people." The records ranged from indi- were doing, and some even when another student ran dering if it was some sort of world records. Although America earned viduals to worldwide accom- remember minute details into the classroom announc- preview for a movie. He was "The Olympics were excit- the most medals at the Beijing plishments. about theu surr~@gS& ing that the Twin Towers had most horrified by -the broad- Olympics, hosting nation Chi- "Each country spent a lot of + 1 ing and America dominated," what they were wkadng. been struck. caster covering the incident Jacksonville State . Univer- na took home 51 gold medals. money to develop good ath- Around Jacksonville Statee "We weren't allowed to and how he lost his, compo- sity Sophomore, Darnel1 Cole "China did very well," Take- letes and hlre great coaches," University, students mall watch. it on TV because it was sure during the 'seigknt and said. hln Sato, a JSU .student from Shogo Nakamura, an RA for their own personal memories too graphic," Hoth said. "[ felt began screaming. ' '. ' . Japan said. America showed its domi- Sparkman residence hall said. of first hear~ngof the terror- violated in my rights because "When I think bac*$:it, ' nance in the world of sports China's 5 1 gold medals was Although records were be- ist attacks and how that day, I watched so many violent it's like I've tried to wase it by leading all countries with the second largest amount of ing broken throughout the seven years ago, has shaped things on TV, so I thought, out of my brain because it the most Olympic medals.
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