F&F98.wpc 6/12/01 8:04 PM Page a sV~,i~h¶~NI -CANCEB SIP,IAMERICANCAN CER f SOCIETY® FACTS & FIGURES-1998 HI PR * 4 44040 4---300 C"• 11,'00 The American Cancer Son acknowledges a generous grant to the American Cancer Society FoundationGlaxo-Wefl by GlaxoWellcome. '3. , - F&F98.wpc 6/12/01 8:04 PM Page b I CONTENT Cancer: Basic Facts ......................... 1 Cancer Around the World* ................... 19 Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates, Males by Site* ... 2 Special Section: Prostate Cancer ............... 20 Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates, Prostate Cancer-Age-Specific Incidence Fem ales by Site* ............................ 3 and Mortality Rates by Race* ................. 20 Estimated New Cancer Cases and Deaths Prostate Cancer--Incidence and Mortality Rates by Sex for All Sites* ......................... 4 by Race and Ethnicity* ...................... 21 Estimated New Cancer Cases, by State* .......... 5 Prostate Cancer--Incidence and Mortality Rates Estimated Cancer Mortality, by State* ............ 6 by R ace* ................................. 22 20-Year Trends in Cancer Death Rates* ........... 7 Prostate Cancer-5-Year Relative Survival Rates by Selected Cancers .......................... 8 .Stage and Percent Diagnosed by Stage and Race* ... 23 Leading Sites of New Cancer Cases and Deaths* .... 9 Tobacco U se .............................. 25 How to Estimate Cancer Statistics Locally* ....... 10 Nutrition and Diet .......................... 29 Pecentage of Population (Probability) Environmental Cancer Risks ................. 30 Developing Invasive Cancers* ................. 11 Summary of American Cancer Society Five-Year Relative Survival Rates Recommendations for the Early Detection by Stage at Diagnosis* ....................... 14 of C ancer* ............................... 31 Trends in Five-Year Relative Survival Rates The American Cancer Society ................ 32 by Race and Year of Diagnosis* ................ 16 Sources of Statistics ........................ 36 Cancer in M inorities ....................... 18 Ten Leading Causes of Cancer Death, and Percent of Total Cancer Deaths, by Race* ........ 18 *Indicates a figure or table The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. IAMERICAN '0,CANCER I SOCIETY National Home Office: American Cancer Society, Inc., 1599 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-4251, (404) 320-3333 National Media Office: 1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, (212) 382-2169 01998, American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this publication or portions thereof in any form. For written permission, address the Legal Departmentof the American Cancer Society, 1599 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, C,. 30329-4251 F&F98.wpc 6/12/01 8:04 PM Page 1 CACE:A~ FACT What Is Cancer? from it. In the US, men have a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncon- developing cancer, and for women the risk is 1 in 3. trolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. If the Relative risk is a measure of the strength of the relation- spread is not controlled, it can result in death. ship between risk factors and the particular cancer. It compares the risk of developing cancer in persons with a What Causes Cancer? certain exposure or trait to the risk in persons who do Cancer is caused by both external (chemicals, radiation, not have this exposure or trait. For example, smokers and viruses) and internal (hormones, immune conditions, have a 10-fold relative risk of developing lung cancer and inherited mutations) factors. Causal factors may compared with nonsmokers. This means that smokers act together or in sequence to initiate or promote are about 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer carcinogenesis. Ten or more years often pass between (or have a 900% increased risk) than nonsmokers. Most exposures or mutations and detectable cancer. relative risks are not this large. For example, women who have a first-degree (mother, sister, or daughter) family Can Cancer Be Prevented? history of breast cancer have about a twofold increased All cancers caused by cigarette smoking and heavy use risk of developing breast cancer compared with women of alcohol could be prevented completely. The ACS who do not have a family history. This means that estimates that in 1998 about 175,000 cancer deaths are women with a first-degree family history are about two expected to be caused by tobacco use and an additional times or 100% more likely to develop breast cancer than 19,000 cancer deaths are related to excessive alcohol use, women who do not have a family history of the disease. frequently in combination with tobacco use. Many cancers that are related to dietary factors could also be How Many People Alive Today Have Ever prevented. Scientific evidence suggests that up to one- Had Cancer? third of the 564,800 cancer deaths that are expected to The National Cancer Institute estimates that approxi- occur in the US this year are related to nutrition. In mately 8 million Americans alive today have a history of addition, many of the one million skin cancers that are cancer. Some of these individuals can be considered expected to be diagnosed in 1998 could have been cured, while others still have evidence of cancer. prevented by protection from the sun's rays. Screening examinations, conducted regularly by a How Many New Cases Are Expected to Occur health care professional can result in the detection of ThisYear? cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, cervix, prostate, About 1,228,600 new cancer cases are expected to be testis, tongue, mouth, and skin at earlier stages, when diagnosed. Since 1990, approximately 11 million new treatment is more likely to be successful. Self examina- cancer cases have been diagnosed. These estimates do tions for cancers of the breast and skin may also result in not include carcinoma in situ (noninvasive cancer) detection of tumors at earlier stages. The nine screening- except for urinary bladder, or basal and squamous cell accessible cancers listed above account for approximately skin cancers. Over 1 million cases of basal and squamous half of all new cancer cases. The 5-year relative survival cell skin cancer are expected to be diagnosed this year. rate for these cancers is about 80%. If all Americans participated in regular cancer screenings, this rate could How Many People Are Expected to Die of increase to more than 95%. Cancer? This year about 564,800 Americans are expected to die How Is a Person's Cancer Treated? of cancer-more than 1,500 people a day. Cancer is the By surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormones, and second leading cause of death in the US, exceeded only immunotherapy. by heart disease. One of every four deaths in the US is Who Is at Risk of Developing Cancer? from cancer. Since 1990, there have been approximately 5 million cancer deaths. Anyone. Since the occurrence of cancer increases as indi- viduals age, most cases affect adults middle-aged or older. What Is the National Cancer Death Rate? Cancer researchers use the word risk in different ways. Between 1991 and 1995, the national cancer death Lifetime risk refers to the probability that an individual, rate fell 2.6%. Most of the decline can be attributed over the course of a lifetime, will develop cancer or die to decreases in mortality from cancers of the lung, 1 CANCER FACTS & FIGURES 1998 F&F98.wpc 6/12/01 8:04 PM Page 2 colon-rectum, and prostate in men, and breast, colon- survival rate. When adjusted for normal life expectancy rectum, and gynecologic sites in women. The declines in (factors such as dying of heart disease, accidents, and mortality were greater in men than in women, largely diseases of old age), a relative 5-year survival rate of 58% because of changes in lung cancer rates; greater in young is seen for all cancers. Five-year relative survival rates, patients than in older patients; and greater in African commonly used to monitor progress in early detection Americans than in whites although mortality rates and treatment of cancer, include persons who are living remain higher in African Americans. five years after diagnosis, whether in remission, disease- free, or under treatment. While these rates provide some How Many People Are Surviving Cancer? indication about the average survival experience of In the early 1900s, few cancer patients had any hope cancer patients in a given population, they are less of long-term survival. In the 1930s, about one in four informative when used to predict individual prognosis. was alive five years after treatment. About 491,400 Americans, or 4 of 10 patients who get cancer this year, What Is the Difference Between In Situ and are expected to be alive five years after diagnosis. Invasive Cancer? This 4 in 10, or about 40% is called the observed Carcinoma in situ (noninvasive cancer) is the earliest Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates,* Males by Site, US, 1930-1994 80 1 T 1 C 40 o 40 / Stomach Colon & Prostate ~RectumX 20,9 /Pancreas I ~Liver 0 " ______" __= _ 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 *Rates are per 100,000 and are age-adjusted to the 1970 US standard population. Note: Due to changes in ICD coding, numerator information has changed over time. Rates for cancers of the liver, lung, and colon and rectum are affected by these coding changes. American Cancer Society, Surveillance Research, 1998. Data source: Vital Statistics of the United States, 1997. (1998, American Cancer Society, Inc. 2 CANCER FACTS & FIGURES 1998 F&F98.wpc 6/12/01 8:04 PM Page 3 stage of cancer. At this stage, the cancer cells are only in $11 billion for morbidity costs (cost of lost productivity), the layer of cells they developed in, and have not yet and $59 billion for mortality costs.
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