Effective Date: 5.6.21 TEXTILE PARTNER PROGRAM // JANUARY 2021 To simplify the ordering of products and fabrics at one time, Arcadia and Encore are pleased to present this grade-in supplement with our featured textile partners. All applicable upholstery fabrics from each partner are listed by grade as well as alphabetically for your convenience. For additional information or assistance with fabric grade pricing, please contact our Client Services Department at 800.585.5957. Patterns represent the full offering of our textile partners and may not be compatible with all products. Patterns Listed Alphabetically Please contact Client Services to verify that the selected fabric has been approved for your specification. PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE 45 RPM 3 Boulevard 5 Crew 4 C Friendship 6 V Irving 3 57 Chevron 8+ Boyle 8+ V Croc (A) 5 Frond 8+ Isle 8 78 RPM 4 Brick and Mortar 4 Crossover 4 S Front Desk 5 Islington 8+ Aberdeen 8+ Brixton 8+ S Cruise 8+ Furstenberg 2 SV Jackpot (A) 4 Adare Manor 4 Brompton 3 Cupertino (A) 8+ Gaia 6 James Dean 4 Adlon 8+ Bryn Mawr 8+ Cupid 4 Gala 7 Javelin 3 Affinity 6 Buenos Aires 5 Cutting Edge 8 Gallon 7 Juliet 4 After Party 4 Burlington 5 V Dakar (A) 4 SV Ganesha (A) 8+ C Jump For Joy 8+ Alcantara 8+ Cabin 8 V Dakota (A) 5 Gargrave 8+ Just Dandy 3 Aldgate 8+ S Cadillac 5 Damen 3 S Gate House 3 Kainai 4 Algonquin 4 Calabasas 4 Dance Party 4 Gecko (A) 8+ Kensington 8+ SV Allure (A) 7 V Calf (A) 8+ SV Dapple (A) 8+ S Getaway 8 V Kent (A) 7 Althrop 8+ Calyx 8+ Dash 5 Gilded Age 8+ V Kettering (A) 7 Amagansett 8 Cambric 5 V Daydream 4 Gilligan 5 C Kindred 8+ SV Andromeda (A) 5 S Cancan 5 Debonair 2 Glamis 8+ Kingham 8+ SV Anemone 8+ Cape Town 5 Deco District 8+ SV Glint (A) 4 Kips Bay 4 Angora Mohair 8+ Caracas 6 Deepdale 8+ SV Glitz (A) 4 C Knowledge 8+ Animal (A) 5 C Carat 6 C Digital 8+ Gloucester 8+ SV Koi Lily 8+ Annual 8+ Cardiff 5 V District 3 Good 1 Laceum 8+ S Anodized (A) 5 S Cardigan 5 Division 8+ Good Day Sunshine 8 S Lake Como 5 Antico 7 Carnegie Hill 3 Doric 4 Great Dane 7 Lakota 4 S Aphrodisiac 5 Carrel 8 V Dragon 7 Great Pretender 4 Lambeth 8+ 0 Array 7 Casco 8 Draper 6 Griffin 5 V Leatheretta (A) 4 Artesima 8+ C Catch Me If You Can 6 Dream Weaver 5 Haberdasher 3 Legacy 4 Askrigg 8+ Catty Corner 6 V Drizzle 4 Hampstead 4 V Legend (A) 5 C Astronomy 7 S Catwalk 5 V Dublin 3 Happy (A) 8 C Leisure 4 Athena 5 Cavern Club 4 V Dumbo 3 Hardwick 8+ C Lennon 8+ Atherton 7 SV Cetus (A) 5 Duomo 7 Harmony 6 Lex 3 V Aura (A) 5 SV Chain Link (A) 4 Duotone 7 Hashtag 8 V Liege (A) 4 V Autobahn (A) 4 S Chaise 5 V Dupioni 3 Hathaway 5 Line Dance 4 Aventura 7 Chambray (A) 8 East Village 4 Haute Seat 8+ V Line Drive (A) 4 S B and B 4 Champagne 5 Editor 8+ Havana 8 S Linea 4 S Baby I Am A Star 4 Charleston 4 SV Emergent (A) 8 V Haven 3 V Locker Room 5 Badlands 5 Charlotte 4 Enamored 3 Hawes 8+ S Lodge 3 Bal Harbour 5 Charted 8+ V English Leather (A) 4 Healthy (A) 8 Logoro 7 C Balcony 6 Charted Reverse 8+ V English Suede (A) 4 Heritage 5 Lombard 4 SV Bamboozled (A) 4 SV Chatterbox (A) 6 SV Enthusiast (A) 6 Hgi Reed 3 SV Long Play (A) 4 Bargello 8+ Chaucer 8+ Epingle 3 V High Line 3 Loom 3 Barnard 8 Check Out 5 V Equestrian (A) 6 High Noon 3 S Loose Ends 8 Bayside^^ 7 Chenille Waistcoat 4 V Equus 5 V Highway 4 Lucy In The Sky 8 SV Beachcomb 8+ Chesham 8+ SV Estoile (A) 7 Himalayan (A) 8 Lusso 6 SV Bedrock (A) 4 Chetlenham 8+ S Etienne 4 SV Hint 5 Luster 3 Beehive 4 C Chronicle 8 SV Evolution (A) 6 Hit Parade 4 Mademoiselle 6 Bellevue 8+ Cirque 5 Excursion 8 Hive 8+ Mahony 8+ Belsize 8+ V Cirrus (A) 6 Fairground 5 Holloway 8+ Malham 8+ SV Ben Day 4 V Classic (A) 8+ SV Fashionista (A) 4 Holmes (A) 8 V Mammoth 5 S Bergerac 5 Clique 5 V Fedora 5 V Holstein 5 Manhattan Valley 4 SV Berkshire (A) 4 C Coalesce 8+ Fibonacci 8+ Holyoke 8+ SV Mantle 4 Bermuda^^ 6 Coconut Grove 8 V Filly (A) 4 Homespun 5 Manzanita 8+ Biarritz 4 S Code (A) 5 Fine Gauge (A) 8 Hook 3 V Marquisette (A) 5 Bibury 8+ C Coexist 7 Finsbury 8+ V Hoop (A) 5 Marylebone 8+ SV Big Bird (A) 5 Collins Ave 8+ First Class 6 Hopsack 4 Masonry 3 V Big Game (A) 5 Columbus Circle 3 V Fit 4 How Dashing 4 V McQueen (A) 5 Big Sur 8+ C Community 8 Flagship 4 Hudson Yards 3 SV Meadow (A) 4 C Billow 8+ Composed 8 Flannela 7 V Hush 2 Meander 5 C Bittersweet 8 V Cool Comfort 4 V Flatiron 3 V Hyde (A) 6 SV Membership (A) 5 C Bluff 8+ V Cooper 3 C Flights of Fancy 8+ Icon 7 Merchant 4 S Boardwalk 8 Coral Gables 8 SV Florida 5 Ingenious 8 Merrill 8 Bobbin 3 S Corddry 5 C Flourish 8+ SV Inline 5 Metal Flake 6 Boheme 4 V Core (A) 5 C Flower Market 7 V Insideout (A) 8+ SV Metallurgic (A) 5 V Born and Bred 3 V Corinthian (A) 4 SV Foiled (A) 4 C Inspire 8+ SV Mid Century (A) 5 Boston 5 V Court (A) 5 S Folio 3 Interlock 6 Midday 6 C Boucle 7 V Cowboy (A) 4 C Follow the Leader 5 SV Intricato (A) 6 Middleton 5 Boudoir 4 Crazy Horse 4 SV Fridays 4 SV Irresistible (A) 8+ S Midlands 4 C = Crypton or Equivalent S = Stain Resistant Finish V = Vinyl/Polyurethane (A) = Authentec Collection ^^ = Not Suitable for Arcadia & Encore Products To obtain pricing for patterns listed at 8+, please contact our Client Services Department at [email protected] or 800.585.5957. Patterns represent the full offering of our textile partners and may not be compatible with all products. Patterns Listed Alphabetically Please contact Client Services to verify that the selected fabric has been approved for your specification. PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE PATTERN GRADE Midtown 3 SV Posy (A) 8+ S Ring Toss 5 Stylist 3 Ultraposh 6 SV Milano (A) 6 Precise 8+ C Ripples 8 S Suite 4 V Unite 3 C Mineral 6 S Preppy Handbook 4 Riva 7 Sullivan 8+ SV Urban 4 SV Mingle 4 V Prescription (A) 4 Rocky Mountain 4 Sultan 3 V Vache (A) 8+ C Minimal 8 Presence 8 SV Roman 4 S Sun Kissed 8 Valencia 8+ Missing Link 6 Prestige 3 Room Service 3 Sunnyvale (A) 8+ Valloires 8+ Missonly 4 Pretty 4 Roscoe 4 C Surface 6 SV Vanish (A) 6 Moda 4 Printemps 8+ Rose Hill 3 SV Swerve 4 Vassar 8+ Modena 4 Progress 8+ SV Royale (A) 5 S Sylk 8 SV Vaulted (A) 5 Monarchy 6 Propel 6 SV Rugged (A) 6 SV Tailor Made 3 Veloce 8+ V Monolith 4 Pumice 4 C Ruth 7 S Takes Two To Tangle 4 Venue 3 Montauk 8+ Purcell 8+ SV Ryder (A) 5 Talia 8+ SV Viper (A) 5 Montecito 6 S Pureachic 4 Sag Harbor 8+ C Tangent 7 SV Vitality (A) 4 Morgan 5 S Pureapex 5 SV Salt Spring 7 V Tannery (A) 5 SV Voila 5 Mortaio 5 Pureasana 4 C Sandbox 4 Tapatio 4 C Wade 6 Motive 4 Purebotanica 8+ V Sandwashed (A) 5 S Tattered Tale 5 Waistcoat 3 Mount McKinley 5 S Purebrindle 4 Scottie 6 Tattered Tale UB 5 Wales 5 SV Mountaineer 4 S Purechallis 5 Scottsdale 5 S Tech Tweed 5 Wardrobe 3 Moxie 6 S Purechenille 4 C Seabed 8+ V Tee Off 4 Waterford 5 V Mr Eddie (A) 8+ S Purechic 4 Seamstress 6 Telegraph 4 Weathered Or Not 6 Nakoda 4 Purecoco 4 SV Seaside 4 Templeton 4 Web 5 Nebbia 5 Purecorduroy 5 V Semi Precious 4 S Tenacious 4 Wellesley 8+ SV Nest (A) 8+ Purecurlicue 4 Sequence 5 SV Tendril (A) 6 SV Wellness (A) 5 V New Deal (A) 5 Puredeco 6 Shabby and Chic 4 C Terra 7 Westminster 8+ Night Code 7 Purefelt 4 SV Sharkskin (A) 5 Terroir 8 What The Fray 5 C Nili 8 Purefleece 5 S Shetland 5 SV Tessellation (A) 8 C Wind Wave 8 No Strings Attached 5 Pureflow 4 Shetland UB 5 Test A SV Wish 8+ Nonchalant 5 S Pureglint 5 Shilling 4 S Tetris 7 Wisteria 6 Ocean Drive 6 Puregratitude 4 SV Shine 4 Textura 3 Wormwood 5 Officine 6 S Pureherringbone 5 S Shoreline 8 Theatre District 3 SV Worsted 5 Olympus 5 S Purehopsack 4 C Shower 8+ SV Theorem 4 Yavapai 8+ S Oops a Daisy 5 S Purekimbo 5 Shuttle 3 Thornton 8+ Yorkville 3 Orchestra 8+ S Purelinen 4 Silicone Swayed 7 C Thrive 8+ You Are a Gem 7 SV Organza 5 Puremeditation 4 Silicone Tussah 7 C Thrive 8+ C Your Bird Can Sing 8 SV Orion (A) 6 Puremindfulness 4 V Skyway 4 S Tickle 5 Otto 8 Puremod 6 V Slick 4 Timberline 5 Outfit 3 Puremontrose 7 Slow Dance 4 Tinseltown 4 C Oxide 7 S Purenubuck 4 V Smoothie (A) 4 SV Tonic 4 SV Pagoda 6 S Purepanama 5 SV So Square 4 C Topsy Turvy 7 Palo Alto (A) 8+ Purepeace 4 Soft Spot 4 Toronto 4 Paramour 6 Pureplait 4 S Sole 6 S Toulouse 5 V Patent (A) 5 S Purepoint 5 Sound Bite (A) 8+ Trapunto 8+ Pathway 8+ S Pureshimmer 5 Southgate 8+ SV Treble (A) 5 V Pelle (A) 8+ S Puretwill 5 Space Oddity 8 Tribeca 3 Pendlesome 8+ Purevelour 3 Spectacle 5 Triumph 6 S Pergola 5 S Purevelvet 4 Spencer 8+ Tru Chenille Waistcoat 1 Perlato 5 Purevogue 6 Spin Art 8+ Tru Plenty 1 C Piet 6 S Pureweave 5 V Spoonful 4 Try To Resist 6 V Pinkerton (A) 5 Purewicker 4 Sport Jacket 3 Turnabout 4 Pinna 8+ V Qbert (A) 4 S Spotlight 6 Turtle Bay 3 Pipeline 7 SV Quarry 5 Spree 6 Tussar (A) 8 Pisa (A) 8 V Quilt 4 S St Barts 3 SV Tweed 3 S Piscina 4 V Razzle Dazzle 3 Stage Bill 4 Tweedledee 5 Plaid All Over 6 Rebel 5 Stagecoach 4 Tweedsmuir 4 Plaited 5 Reed 3 Stanmore 8+ Twickenham 8+ Platform 3 S Reef 7 Starboard 8 Twilleries 6 Plenty 1 SV Reign (A) 6 Static 4 SV Twinkle 4 Plunge 8+ Relic 5 Steed 4 SV Twist Again 4 V Point Pelle (A) 8+ Relic UB 4 SV Stitch 6 Tycoon 3 V Pollux (A) 6 Rena 5 Stockholm 8+ Ultima 7 Poplin 3 V Reptile (A) 5 Stoneham 8+ Ultrachevron 6 Port Of Call 8 S Resort 8 Straight Talk (A) 8+ Ultracrush 6 Porter 8+ V Reverie 3 Straight Up 7 Ultraflannel 6 Positano 7 Revival 5 Stuyvesant 3 Ultraluscious 6 C = Crypton or Equivalent S = Stain Resistant Finish V = Vinyl/Polyurethane (A) = Authentec Collection ^^ = Not Suitable for Arcadia & Encore Products To obtain pricing for patterns listed at 8+, please contact our Client Services Department at [email protected] or 800.585.5957.
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