The Rockland Gazette. w Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bV ESTABLISHMENT. VO SE &. PORTER. Raving every facility In Presses, Tyne and Materials -> which we are constantly making additions, we are 2 I O Main Street. prepared U execute with promptness and good style every variety of Job Printing, including T> 13 I t M S : Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Law If p ii<l s tr i.il>' in advance—p,T alumni, $2.00. Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ It lMVineiit h delayed 6 m onths, 2.2a. grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, It not paid till tin- dose of the year, 2.50. Let ter Heads, Law and Corpor­ it j,- Xew-stib-crihelM are expected to make the lirst ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills o f L ading, B usiness, Ad­ dress and Wedding Cards, T ags, ti« r S ingle copies 1 sale at the office an L abels, it the Bookstores. V O L U M E 31. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 187G- N O . 51. & c., Z . P O P E VOSE. J. B. PORTER. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING will receive prompt attention. In a cluster of black felt tents, conical in very brightness, I observed that the north­ HOW WITNESSES ARE CON­ Fact, Fun and Sentiment. Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup for fetlcn ggom c. food. J f allowed to mature, according to shape, pitched on the bank of a shallow ern sky was growing very dark, ami that FUSED. the cure of Consumption Russia is stuffing Turkey for Thanksgiv- the estiuiatc. the crop plowed in would add hreok, while hard by grazed the sheep and the long filaments of gray cloud had be­ lg. to the soil of available plant food about 227 Coughs and Colds- bulfalocs that made up the only wealth of come knit together, as though the Valkyrs When an attorney intends lo badger a B in EF artielci , suggestions, and results ol experience ixmnds of nitrogen, 200 pounds of potash, the horde. 1 rode up to them without fear were indeed busy at the loom of death. witness be says, severely— Candor is the brightest gem of criticism. SONG. i-liiting to Far: t, Garden or Household luanngement and 121 jHmnds of phosphoric acid, which —for these ramblers through the plains ol 'J*he wind, also, blowing in litful gusts, “ Now, sir, what is your name?” Of -D israeli. re invited Iron our readers interested In such matters. would nearly equal in value the two tons of To dream, and leep eastern Siberia have little harm in them— had h(?eoiye piercing cold, and our very course, he knows it. the jury knows it, hut i Wl • T<i Until the morn return; Sunset Cox and the Widow Butler. g u an o .” and recognized in the headman of the camp horses snorted and snilfed tin? air, as though tin? atto rn ey asks it ag ain , :is if it w ere S am ivel, b ev are o f v id d ers.”— YorA; D y s p e p s ia , I n; An hour of watch to keep, RUlfeAL TOPIC’S. CUOUSINU FOWLS FOR TABLE. an old acquaintance, who spoke a little they scented the approach of some viewless o f tin? g re atest im p o rtan ce, and th e w itness E xpress t • T h e T onic p rodu A little lamp to burn. Russian, and often brought in lambskins, might deny his name on second thought. reatiug an appetil . peril. It is a little singular that taste or fashion tost obstinate cases of Ind To weave but make no end, yaourt, and wild strawberries to the market By the time wo had ridden, as I guessed, So Ik? says, “ Now, sir, what is your name?*’ Tlie horse and stock columns of two of I W ritten for the Gazette by T. B. MlNElt, of Liuden, is to tlie color of the llesli of fows varies at Kiachta. the New York dailies are edited by wo­ X. J., for many years Editor of the Hural Anitrican S c h e n c k ’s Ma n d r a k e To sing aud lose the song, some two miles from the halting place, tin? “ Thomas Brown, sir,” respontls the at different large markets. In the I.ondon W here busy footsteps wend modest man. m en. and one of the most experienced farmers, gardeners L iv e r Com “ I would not push on were I von,” said northern sky bad darkened still more, and maiket, yellow-skinned birds are not Among the world’s gay tliroi tlie wiiile he: r led patriarch, :ls he set be­ the slowing sobbing of the desert wind had “ W hat?” screams the lawyer; “ speak and fruit growers in tlie United States.] souglit for, tlie pinks or flesh-colored skin Tin • Pills W a g n er is not happy. I le is out o f pock- of the liver, without the least danger, as they are To know that day is here, fore me the simple fare—milk, chcscc and swelled into a shriek, while the tempera­ up, can’t you? you are not tishamcd of your □t 815,000 by the Bayreuth hurricane. being the favorite there; while in Xew free from calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoring To see that spring has gone, mutton kahauhs, skewered on a twig of the ture was perceptibly lower, so that Ellen name, are you?” FERTILIZERS. 5 ork, the yellow is preferred in a marked n healthy action of the liver. f <’ n I' arbutus—that he had to offer. “ They were shivered more from cold than fear. We “ No, sir,” replies Brown. 'flic death is announced of the Polish his­ And summer’s death is n e a r— A circular lias been published by the degree. The questions naturally arise, as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter and purities here with us yesterday, some, hundreds of pressed on. Mr. Merton, ns 1 have said, “ Very well! Then speak up so the jury torian, August Biclowski. And still the hours roll on. •• Agricultural Experiment Station ” of ( t., what is tiie reason for this difference in the blood. The Mandrake Pills act upon the li the light lingered rogues from across the had been unwilling to take my counsel, in can hear von. Now, sir, wlnit is your in­ taste, and whieli are tho best for tlie table ate a healthy bile, and remove all db o f the live W e fail, we fade, we die. The tin; lly only shines when on the in which is admitted the uncertaintv of re­ Sea Weed Toil frontier, and it cost me ten fat sheep, and opposition to the scoffs, and remonstrances terest in this case? ” with a significant look T in ing; so it is with the mind; when once sults in applying commercial fertilizers to as to flavor, delicacy, &e.? There is no I l ength —..............» tin u h , m ake Yet once ’twixt death and hlrtli many fair words, to coax them into good of his friends, but now he said, in an altered at the jury. laldes the organs to form good blood; To know Ixive’s kiss, Love’s sigh, e rest we darken.—D ailey. lands ; yet farmers are interested in such doubt that those fowls which are celebrated behavior, They hail two while men's heads, to n e : " 1 have no interest in it,” replies the a healthv circulation of healthy blood, Is light of heaven on earth. fertilizers, because they cannot make upon for their peculiar richness of flavor and etion of these medicines, as thus ex- set on spear points, for their standards, ami “ I begin lo think, Richards, that you w itness. Hogg was a good writer; hut he can’t be their farms all the manure that they need, delicate llesli mainly Iwlongingto the pink, ease of Consumption, if taken My God! thy sun is sweet, their leader swore not to go hack to Mon­ and the Tartar were right. God bless you 'File attorney looks horrified at the total considered a-side of Bacon. o f till edicii ed ill. and many have to buy phosphates, guano, or, as some people call them, the white- t his' principal offic • If, ere the twilight come, golia without silver enough to plate the for vour unselfish kinduess, my hoy, what­ depravity of the witness. He glances at Father Bollig. who was recently ap­ &e., hut often without much apparent lien- skinned varieties. Snell fowls are the corner S ix t h ’and .\i:« n St s ., Philadelphia, eve Love walk with sacred feet shrines of his joss-hotiRc. They’re after the jury again, as much as to say: “ Gen­ ever comes of this. ” pointed to the ollice of Gustos of the Vati­ lit. The entile gist of tlie circular shows Games, I loudens, Dorkings, &c. Perhaps Mol, lay, Where all letters for advice must be n Across our naked room. the poor folks from Cherinsk by this lime: Before 1 could reply, a terrified out-cry tlemen, ilidyou ever behold such turpitude?” can Basilica, is able to converse in 52 lan­ that farmers are entirely in the dark, (lint the reason for the preference for yellow in -A. F., in Harper'* Magazine/or Norember. not that they’ve anymore fancy for the from Ellen’s lips made me turn my head, and then goes on speaking deliberately, and g uages.
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