BLUE CORNER CONSERVATION PROGRAM Welcome to Blue Corner Conservation Th roughout the year we run a series of marine conse rvation module s. Each module is 6 d ay s long and is an in tensi ve course cov ering dif fer- ent topic s. Interns can en rol in a single modul e, or link multiple modules together into a longer pr o- gram. Our conse rvation p rograms a re unique training modules put together by marine biologi st And re w Taylor and run by his team of biologi sts and di ve in struc tors. The p rograms a re run out of Blue Corner Di ve cent re loca ted on the beach in Nusa Lembongan island, Bali. A hotspot for marine biodi versity in the co ral NUSA LEMBONGAN BALI triangle! PROGRAM COSTS MARINE E COLOGY & CORAL REEFS Single week: USD $560 Two wee ks USD $1020 REEF HEA LTH Choose Th ree wee ks USD $1500 MONI TORING Four wee ks USD $1940 your modules CORAL REEF All books and survey ma terials, RE STOR ATION certifi catio n, and use of di ve gear are included in the course fees for the conse rvation module s. We will MARINE be doing LO TS of diving - minimum MEGA FAUNA 10+ di ves per wee k. Next Program Starts: MARINE ECOLOGY 28 FEB 2021 & CORAL REEFS www.bluecornerconservation .org /marine-ecology-week check our website for full schedule MODULE DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATIONS The week sta rts with an in -de pth "Int roduc- Pr oject Aw are Coral Reef Conse rvation tion to Marine Ec olog y" lectu re which ties in Padi Fish Identification kn owled ge specific to the a reas you will be diving in the Nusa Penida Marine Park. Each day then includes specific tas k-orientated PREREQUISITES diving and lectu res in topics f rom coral hea lth, marine inv ertebra tes and tropical reef Ad van ced Di ver with good bou yancy fish identification. This module in species identification is A high ly recommended course for a ny di ver requi red to then fo llow on with the Reef with an in terest in marine conse rvation! Health Moni toring Week. COURSE COMPONENTS Marine Ecology Marine Fish Phy sical O ceanog rap hy Inv erteb ra tes Co ral & Co ral Reefs Envi ronmental Impacts ww w.BlueCorne rConse rvation .org In sta/Facebook: @blue corne rconse rvation email: and re w@blue corne rdi ve. com REEF HEALTH Next Program Starts: 7 MARCH 2021 www.bluecornerconservationMONITORING .org /reef-health-monitoring check our website for full schedule MODULE DESCRIPTION PREREQUISITES In this wee k-long p rogram we wi ll learn Ad van ced Di ver with good bou yancy about s ev eral sur vey techniques used to monitor coral reef hea lth. RE COMMENDED COURSE PAIRING You wi ll also learn to use standa rd Reef MARINE E COLOGY Check scientific su rvey techniques to moni - & CORAL REEFS tor coral, fish and i nv ertebrate species on a ree f. Als o, the Coral Watch Coral Hea lth Chart + to a sse ss corals for bleaching. REEF HEA LTH MONI TORING We also practi ce sev eral standa rdi zed sur vey techniques used by the Nusa Penida Marine Park's long term moni toring project. CERTIFICATIONS PADI Research Di ver Reef Check Ec oDi ver COURSE COMPONENTS Survey Methods Co ral Watch Reef Check Fish Sur veys Sub stra te Sur vey s Marine Monitoring ww w.BlueCorne rConse rvation .org In sta/Facebook: @blue corne rconse rvation email: and re w@blue corne rdi ve. com CORAL REEF Next Program Starts: 6 DEC 2020 ww w.b lu ecRESTORATIONor nerconservation .org /coral-restoration-week check our website for full schedule MODULE DESCRIPTION This program is conducted as a wor kshop in which you ta ke part in Blue Corner Marine Researc h's on going coral re storation p roject. During this week you will learn about the scien ce of re storation e cology and h ow it applies to marine environment s. You will also learn s ev eral techniques in coral p ropoga- tion, monitor nursery corals and transplant corals onto modular reef structu res. Taught by our in-house marine biologist and certified Ecological Restoration Pr actitione r. Check out our Restoration Pr oject Descri ption & Upda tes CERTIFICATIONS ww w.blue corne rc onse rvatio n.org PADI Coral Resto ration PREREQUISITES Ad van ced Di ver with good bouyancy COURSE COMPONENTS Resto ra tion Ecology Phy sical Resto ra tion Biological Resto ration Inte rested in coral re sto ration Co ral Transplant ation but do n’t h ave time for a fu ll week commitment? We also Co ral Nurseries run 1 -day and 2-day coral re sto ration experien ces. Penida Resto ra tion Case Study ww w.BlueCorne rConse rvation .org In sta/Facebook: @blue corne rc onse rvation email: and rew@blue corne rdi ve.com Next Program Starts: MARINE 13 DEC 2020 www.bluecornerconservationMEGAFAUNA .org /manta-shark-week check our website for full schedule MODULE DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATIONS PADI/MMF Manta Conse rvation This week is all about meg a-fauna! During Pr oject Aw are Shark Aw arene ss this week you wi ll learn about the biolo gy of elasmobranchs (Shar ks & Rays) and turtles as well as get up close and personal studying our local manta ray population. Co llecting PREREQUISITES identification photos of the mantas as well as Ad van ced Di ver with good bou yancy learning about other species shar ks & r ays in the Nusa Penida Marine Park. COURSE COMPONENTS NUSA PENI DA MEGA FAUNA SEASONS: Manta Sun fish Reef Pelagic Mega Fauna of Penida Rays (Mo la) Turtles Shar ks Shaks JAN FEB Manta Ray s MA R APR MA Y Shar ks JUN JUL Sunfish / Mola AUG SEP OC T Turtles NOV DEC ww w.BlueCorne rConse rvation .org In sta/Facebook: @blue corne rconse rvation email: and re w@blue corne rdi ve. com Next Program Starts: SCIENTIFIC DIVING 21 FEB 2021 www.bluecornerconservation.orgPROGRAM (3 /scientific-diverweeks) check our website for full schedule PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Scientific Diver Program is a 3 week intensive training program. The program is designed to meet all the competency standards of the European Scientific Diver qualification, as well as the standards for Scientific Diving set by the American Association of Underwater Sciences . The course is aimed towards anyone interested in working in the environmental consulting industry or for conservation NGO's and looking to get CERTIFICATION certified in this internationally recognized certification. CMAS Scientific Di ver CMAS Scientific Diver During the first week students learn safety certification meets the standards of the European standards for working underwater. Topics Scientific Diver Qualification include advanced dive planning, dive accident management, risk assessment and Additional Certifications included: use of specialized dive equipment. This week has a theory component emphasizing Reef Check EcoDi ver physics, physiology and decompression PADI Research Di ver theory. AWARE Co ral Conser va tion & Fish ID After completing the first "Scientific Diving Fundamentals" module students then have a week learning about marine ecology and a PREREQUISITES week monitoring the reefs. Rescue Di ver with cur rent Fir st Aid 20+ logged di ves SCIENTIFIC DIVING Week 1: FUN DAMEN TALS PROGRAM COSTS 3 week program = USD $1500 MARINE E COLOGY Week 2: & CORAL REEFS Includes : - SD Training Pack (Textbooks - "Scientific Diving", "Marine Ecology", & "Reef Health REEF HEA LTH Monitoring"; Workbooks; Underwater slates) Week 3: MONI TORING - at least 30 dives - use of dive equipment ww w.BlueCorne rConse rvation .org In sta/Facebook: @blue corne rconse rvation email: and re w@blue corne rdi ve. com ADVANCED Next Program Starts: SCIENTIFIC DIVER 21 FEB 2021 www.bluecornerconservation.org(6 weeks) /scientific-diver check our website for full schedule PROGRAM DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATIONS At Blue Corner we have created a unique program which combines the professional CMAS Advanced Scientific Di ver industry certification of European Advanced PADI Research Diver Scientific Diver (CASD - certified through CMAS) Reef Check EcoDiver with several other exciting courses. During this AWARE Coral Conservation & Fish ID program you will learn to become a confident PADI Coral Reef Restoration member of a scientific diving team while MMF Manta Ray Conservation planning and leading dives in advanced diving conditions. You also learn about different PADI Self-Reliant Diver equipment configurations and gas mixes, basic PADI Full-Face Mask Diver servicing and compressor use. PADI Equipment Specialist The program begins with our "Scientific Diving Fundamentals" week and follows our Scientific PREREQUISITES Diving Program. All four of our conservation Rescue Di ver with cur rent Fir st Aid modules are included as listed below. 20+ logged di ves 6 WEEKS: By the end of the course you must SCIENTIFIC DIVING FUN DAMEN TALS have at least 100 logged dives for certification as CMAS Advanced MARINE E COLOGY & CORAL REEFS Scientific Diver REEF HEA LTH MONI TORING CORAL REEF RESTORATION MARINE MEGA FAUNA ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC DIVING COURSE PRICE $2700 (6 wee ks) As some of the theo ry and ski lls is similar bet ween the Scientific Diving Fundamentals week and Di vemaster certification, you can continue on and complete the remaining PADI ski lls and wor kshops of the PADI Di vema ster course at Blue Corner Di ve ov er 4 wee ks for a dis counted pri ce of USD $750 ( regular pri ce of Di vema ster internship at Blue Divemaster Corner Di ve pri ce is USD $950).
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