No.5 FebrQary 1991 THIRD REPRINT "The History and Genealogy of the Harlan Family", Alpheus Harlan, Tricentennial edition has been submitted for a third printing. Sales continue to be steady and provide the necessary income to print the Harlan Record. As with all things, the prfcehas gone up. Future copies will be available .for .$50includipg . postage from Peggy Harlan Talley, 104 Fern Drive, Poteau, OK 74953. Blue Ridge Baptist Church near Marlin, Texas. Site of annual Harlan reunion. TEXAS HARLAN'S 41st ANNiUAL MEETING On Sunday, October 7, should be delivered from the covereddlsh lunch washetd 1990, the Harlan Family publishers this FaiL Some in the church yard. Family Association of Texas held its 11,000descendants of Aaron members spent several 41stannualm~eting at the andElizabefh have been in• hours exch~mginginforma" Blue Ridge Baptist Church dexed. Anyone desiring a tion about events of the past near Marlin, Texas. Approx• copy should contact year before bidding one imately 100 members of the Joydelle Wolfram, 915 West another farewell and promis-. family were in attendance. Parkview, Marlin, TX 76661. ing to meet again next year. JoydelleWolfram, Editor, Everyone at the meeting All Harlan descendants, announcedthatfhe Associa• was delighted to hear that no matter where they are tion project - The Descen• over 30years of research and from, are always welcome at dants of Aaron and Elizabeth preparation is at last com• the annual reunion which is (Stuart) Harlan, No. 194 is pleted. held on the first Sunday now nearing completion and After the meeting, a every October. HARLAN CELEBRATION 300 BOOKS DONATED The Harlan - Family OFFICERS Associ.ation has donated President Tom Harlan, PO Box 667 Belfair, WA 98528-0667 copies of the' Harlan Donald Harlan Vice President Tim Harlan PO Box 933 Genealogy by Alpheus - Columbia, MO 65205 Donald Wallace Harlan, S8cfTress.John Harlan, 422 Aumond Rd. Harlan tothe Family History son oflra Wallace and Cora Augusta, GA 30909 Library, Church of Jesus Mailing List, Virginia Harlan Williams Lehman Harlan, was born 5435 EI Capitan Way, Christ of Latter Day Saints, ~ug. 7, 1909, in Piggott, AR, Las Vegas NV 89129 . Salt Lake City, Utah and to and died April 20, 1990, in BOARD OF DIRECTORS the Iowa Wesleyan College Piggott. Virginia Harlan Hess Library in the Harlan-Lincoln He grew up in the church Linda L. Hatlan Home, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. It Connie Harlan Ward and was a life-long member Ruth Harlan Lamb is hoped that these books of the First Presbyterian Lau"rel C. Hadan will be available to future Church. He was an Elder for REGIONAL REP-RESENTATIVES generations who will be many years. thankful for the efforts of West· William Harlan, 21 Boulevard Ct., He was a WWII veteran, Walnut Creek, CA 94595 current Harlans in seeing Includes WA, OR, CA, 10, MT, WY, CO, retired superintendent of the that this book has been NM, AZ, NV, UT, AK, HI. water and sewer department preserved and reprinted. North Central· Virginia Hess, 409 Phelps, in Piggott, and retired chief Windsor, MO 65360 of the city volunteer fire Includes NO, SO, NE, KS, MN, lA, MO, HARLAN TRICENTENNIAL department. WI, IL, IN, OH,MI. FUND Survivors are his wife, Northeast· Scott Harlan, 38 Clipper Ct., FINANCIAL REPORT Jean Huston Harlan; son, Bear, DE 19701 Includes MD, PA, DE, NY, NJ, CT, MA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 John M. Harlan; grand• ... - v:r,NH,ME,RI.. ... _.. __ ._.__. cbHdren,_James, Melinda and Michael Harlan and Southeast· Robert Harlan, 118 Dartmouth CASH IN SAVINGS $14,781.60$12,631.99$13,564.24$6,133.24429.617,431.001,035.001,560.001,217.36165.86120.0040;0016.50 Way, Niceville, FL 32578 sister, Mrs. Harry (Grace VideoInterestSalesEarned TricentennialACCOUNTContributions3/1/9011/1/90 Includes'GenealogyBirmingham,VA,PostageWV, KY, TN,BookPANC,SalesSC, GA, Newsletter&Reprint(SavingsMailing Account)Printing Harlan) Bristol. FL. TotalCASHBALANCEGenealogyINCOME;DISBUIN RSEMSAVINGSBookENTS: The funeral service was South Central· Marc Smith, PO Box 9701 conducted by Rev. Norma Fort Worth, TX76107 Crader at 2 p.m. April 21 at Includes TX, OK, AR. LA, MS, AL. the First Presbyterian This newsletter Is published at least annually by Harlan Church; Interment was in Celebration 300, a permanent organlzailo-n established to document the historical contributions made by Harlaris in Piggott Cemetery under the America. Stories, photos, and other Information submitted for publication should be sent to the editors, Tom and direction of Hoggard and Marylee Harlan, P.O. Box 667, Belfair, WA 98528-0667. Sons Funeral Home. Memorials may be sent to the First Pres byterian Church, Piggott. Pall bearers were Larry Creek, Mike Patterson, Jim Poole, T.V. Jackson, Edd Howard and Bill Hogue. Honorary pallbearers were Harold Jinks, Carl Howard, Vilas Elder and C~C. Ed· wards. THE HARLAN RECORD 2 HARLAN COUNTY miles south of Harrodsburg on settlers could go for protection KENTUCKY the Salt river, 1n8. Commanded when the Indians were on the spies, 1779, in Illinois Campaign warpath. •About the year 1778, BY of General George ROgers Clark assisted by his brother James, JOHN R. HARLAN who said: "He was or)e of the Silas built a stockade fort on the bravest soldiers that ever fought Salt River, 7 miles upstream above by my side." Killed 1782 at the the present town of Harrodsburg As a young man, I had heard of Battle of Blue Uckwhile com• which was called "Harlan's Sta• Harlan County, Kentucky, but did manding his detachment. Buried tion". During this period, many not know why it was· so named. at Blue Licks." Although this Virginians moved into the Ken• During my career in the U.S.Army, marker summarizes the more tucky region which had become I would frequently be asked upon significant activities of Silasdur• a County of Virginia in 1776. arrival at a new station, if I was ing his eight years on the frontier, As a part of the Revolution• from Harlan County, Kentucky, additional detailed information on aryWarstrategy, England hoped since it h.ad gained national these activities are of interest. to destroy the Kentucky forts and recognition and a reputation as a rough "neck of the woods" "In the month of May, 1774, control the region west of the because of labor strife in the local James Harlan (No.216) then Allegheny Mountains. They coal mining industry. My interest age 19 years, and his brother supplied the Indians with arms to and curiosity in the area continued Silas (No.215), two years his make war on the pioneers from to develop as I learned more about senior, joined a company of supply bases at Kaskaskia, the genealogy of the family. After adventurers from Virginia and Cahokia, and Vincennes in the retirement from the Army, I took Pennsylvania, then being rais• Northwest Territory. These ac• the time to visit Harlan County in ed by Captain James Harrod. tivities prompted General Clark 1974 with my family to ascertain They embarked in pirogues, to capture these forts in 1779 in or canoes, on the Mon• the rea~n why it was so named. the so-called Illinois Campaign ongahela and Ohio Rivers, during which Silas commanded Harlan County is located in and thence to the mouth of the southeastern corner of Ken• the spies, or scouts as they would the Kentucky River, which tucky and borders on Virginia in be referred to eventually. When they ascended to the mouth the Pine Mountain area of the the peace treaty was signed in of a creek, called (from that 1783, the British surrendered the Cumberland Mountain Range fact) "Landing Run", now which includes Black Mountain, Northwest Territory to the United Oregon, in the lower end of the highest point in Kentucky States because it was under the present county of Mercer, General Clark's control. (4,145 feet). The population of east of the village of Salvisa; the County is 51,107 and the thence across to Salt River at During the winter and spring County seat is the town of Har• "McAfees Station", and up of 1782, the Indian attacks began Ian, population 4,177. The eco• that river to Fountain Blue, to increase and in May, a party assaulted Ashton's Station result• nomic activity ofthe area is based and to the place where Har• on coal-mining and forest prod• rodsburg now stands," (1) ing in nine killed and four wounded. ucts. At the time of my visit, no which was the first perma• About August 10, 1782, Major one with the name of Harlan was nent white settlement in Ken• Hoy's station was attacked with listed in the local telephone book. tucky. the loss of four killed and one In front of the courthouse is After the Revolutionary War wounded. These Indian raids an historical marker that reads as began in 1775, Indians friendly to were being instigated by two aban• follows: ·County named 1819 for the British made repeated attacks doned men, Captains McKee and Major Silas Harlan, born in Vir- on the settlers. This prompted Girty. On August 15, 1782, they .ginia 1752, came to Kentucky in the construction of forts or stock• led a party of some 500 Indians 1774. Built Harlan's Station 7 ades called stations to which the and Canadians against Bryant's CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 THE HARLAN RECORD 3 GENEALOGY UPDATE Many of you continue to ask about the possibility of an update of the Alpheus' genealogy. For an ·answer, I direct your attention to the following excerpt written by Miss Maude Harlan, daughter of Alpheus. June 15, 1946 Dear Relative: Memories of New Castle, Delaware 1987 "About the supplement, the book is so large that if each line were carried on, it would HARLAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE? take.
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