University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-4-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-04-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-04-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/769 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "1 r TTT LBUQUERQU E cTr 3U JOURNAL I'DHM -- IMIU11 V fa; A IS. VOL. CLXXV. No. 65. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Monday, December 4, 1922 PUKTK F1VK CENTS, LUSiTANIANOT ARMED mm. Scores of Passengers Escape INFERENCE ON AIRPLANES WIU IN EM I S Death in Pennsij Flyer Wreck DISARMAMENT IS BE TREMENDOUS WHEN SUNK BY GERMAN U. S. RAILROADS HELD IN MOSCOW! FORGE IN NEXT SUB OFF IRISH COAST DUFIInG OCTOBER , . Will Make an Effort to Bring AHMED CONFLICT Permanent Peace to Cen- ur tral and Western Europe; Fifty-fo- Class A Lines Re Submarines and Aircraft' Liner Carried Neither Guns, Nor Ex- Income of ? Plan Outlined Troops, oil Have Rendered Capital plosives, but Did Carry 500 Cases of Ammu- 000 Greater T:.. Moscow, Dec. " (by the Associ- . "No ' ated Press.) Tho disarmament Warships Longer n....! y...ii. "" 1 Official of the Vessel's munui I , ' nition, Report Cargo neviuus V.. TOST , m, rm, Zri7t: Wrrl$ conference called in an cndeavoi Capital," Wright 'Believes to bring peace to cen- Made Public, Shows CAR permanent LOADINGS WERE tral Knropo was formally opened CLEMENCEAUSPEEDS NEAR HIGH RECORD yesterday, with the delegate.--, pres- New York, Dec. 3. The Cunard liner Lusitania, sunk; ent from the, western border states EAST TO BALTIMORE b of Jtussla. eNcepting Kunnmia, .bLa Production Maintains which was represented by Poland. Is SiZT .Maxim Lilvinofl, the assistant Not an Advocate of tho 500 a Better Rate Than Had commissioner of foreign affairs for cases of ammunition, the official report of the vessel's lLiis.-i- League of Nations and Been .Conditions soviet was chosen chair- cargo made public by Dudley Field Malone, collector of Exectcd; man of the conference, lie began Would Not Urge United the port at the time, shows, to a the session by explaining the en- according copyrighted Satisfactory deavors of the soviet government States to Enter It story in the New York World. to tiring up at the recent C.enoa N'ew York, Dec, the As- - The cases were car- (by v. conference the of disar- of ammunition, the report stated, i r b' i.yi' vera.. ilMwfB.... t question Pittsburgh. Pa., Dec. 3. (Fnroiitu sedated Tress). Indices of indus- mament. Having failed, tho soviet wiih Clemencraii tn Baltimore ried by specific permission under rulings of the depart- was dis- Hie by trial and trade activities continued I , " government compelled by Associated ment IS ' i' to narrow Press) Georges) of commerce in force since 1911. satisfactory during the past week. couragement- down the Clenieneeau sought today to clarify program by the ipics-tlo- n Mini,' ti MeVlno If a toward a slow- bringing up his position on tho league o na- tendency slight of disarmament merely before tions as he The Malone report, the newspa-I- e BODY OF A DROWNED down of been spud east to lialtimoro ing production has ft r Its western neighbors, feeling a from St. Uiuis where was made to of nat- certain solution of Will yesterday bo says, Secretary ARIZONA MAN FOUND apparent this is regarded as a this matter delivered the fifth of his addresses McAdoo. 'ic-S-? result in closer ties with itussin's the Treasury It was dated ural development at this season and "if in an effort to arouse sentiment 3 RIVER and have an in Juno 4, 915, and wag called for IN THE SALT is for neighbors, effect at return of the compensated by the improve- all Kurope. Culled States to after tho German of 28 ment in which comes participation in affairs. reply May 2. retail trade, M. Litvinnff. in outlining the Furopean Phoenix. Arif?,, Pec. The Concerned because news-Pape- rs to President Wilson's first Lusi- with cold weather and the holidays. soviet declaration, some body of K. t". Merritt, who was government's he saw interpreted his St. tania note of May 13, had set us In Kalt near As a matter of fact, industrial said the actual reduction in stand- drowned the river it- Louis address as a idea to Ameri- the contention the .Lusitania had y ing armies was Insufficient in Roosevelt dam two weeks ago, was activities are holding up remurk-abl- ca to enter the league qf nations, been armed and that her rapid found late after- self to bring about a full sidution he was by searchers this well. Car loadings for the of the of a mutual limita- declared that he had not intend- sinking due, not to tho torpe- noon. The body came to the sur- problem ed to advocate such an do, but to the explosion of ammu- week ended November 18, totaled tion In armaments: therefore It step. face a short distance from where & was mili- it is well known, at least in nition. It was this to which 909, 00U cars, which is close to the " ' T? " ' proposed to hold down report Merritt was reported drowned on ...... f .... ... Wc ..A'T.ll t 'V' France,-h- told President Wilson, in , his second November 19. high record for the tary budgets by fixing strictly a correspondents, year. maximum figure of ex- that he was not an advocate of the note of June it, referred, when he Merritt, accompanied by three Traffic Movement miliiaiy ho Maid: Large penditure, per soldier. His pro- league, and said ho would not , prominent Miami men. was hunt- Taking everything into consider- urge the Cnlted to tlicre are mut- below ltoosevclt lake two posal included simultaneous liqui- States enter it. "Fortunately, ing ation, it would appear that the fall dation ot the countries involved He indicated that what ho really ters concerning wtiich the weeks ago and Merritt left the movement of traffic has been the would above 1 of their regular military forma- prefer all else whs uii if he l ulled Males party to find a better spot to shoot largest and best sustained in the tion of the United is in a to Im- ducks. When to composed of certain groups agreement States and position give the he failed return country's history. of tho civilian It em- Great Britain to German of- after an absence of a few hours his Ktecl population. guaranteo Franco perial government Steel production also continued Above, wreck of .h 1'cnnsy flyer at Cumberland, lnd., and, below, rloscup sltonir.g liow ccnstruction phasized tho importance of mutual against aggression. ficial Information." companions instituted a search for to maintain a better rate than had prevented the coaches from telescoping. of border .ones. A Mr. Malono said lie had determ- him. They found tracks where he ueutinalization .loyful Tour beta expected. Various author- "These said Litvin-of- f. Clenieneeau made a tour rt the un- i proposals," joyful ined to give out the text of tho entered stream, but were ities place output nt closo to eighty Scores of passengers of theltion tho coaches which of the wreck has not yet been the Russian holds back from the middle becuuse of still ap- able to find any indication ho went into government west, elated insistent that per cent of capacity. flyer, which thelwntod tbeni from telescoping ascertained. Kailroad officials to be concrete and feasible, ami by the recognition his had to him for information re- camp out of the water. ditch near Cumberland. own j ami speech peals Searching Pig iron prices are still showing Ind., the subsequent death and and state authorities are making cannot bo substituted by any tall; been accorded, and by tho w its 'Contents. parties covered the banks of the com- lives to the steel construe-- 1 of the cause aysido garding river a tendency to work lower in jury occupants. The a investigation. of moral disarmament demonstrations that greeted him "These appeals'' he explained, for miles, but no trace of the of and which is so often body was found pany with those coal, the brought up at today. II,. is due in Baltimore at "ars not only from the United until this after- of fin t hed steU international conferences, the par- ! o'clock tomorrow in- noon. prices products, morning. States but from abroad; for which have been iciiiurkably steady ticipants jn which desire tinder a The the was from such- as Merritt Was emploved as per- high spot of trip at stance, organizations for a numbfr of weeks, are bejng plausible pretext to avoid the ac- Dayton, v here lt crowd Committee Estab- sonal chauffeur to F. W.'MaeLen-nan- , EDUCATION FOR REWARD FEWER FREIGHT de- cheering the Central for shaded No large reduc- ,125,000 tual realization of the popular ot iiiot-- than 10,000 at, Causes of War. general manager of the Miami slightly. massed tho lishing the the tions in steel prices are expected. mand for disarmament. Continu- station when his train in "When senator La Follette's at- Copper company. II is survived Litvinnff pulled by a widow and One of the developments which ing, said tile Russian shortly before li.
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