Wearable devices create Swimming and diving teams Halloween costume ideas questions about privacy • A7 win big in first meet • A10 right from your closet • B6 FORUM SPORTS PILLBOX thetartan.org @thetartan October 28, 2013 Volume 108, Issue 9 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 President Suresh elected to Institute of Medicine CHRIS GALVIN Academy of Engineering, Suresh is the only cur- I feel very honored, especially pursuit of science, engineer- cause it’s an honorific soci- Junior Staffwriter make Suresh one of 16 Ameri- rent university president and being an engineer, to be in- ing and medicine,” as stated ety.” cans to be elected to all three first Carnegie Mellon faculty cluded in the medical com- on the organization’s website. “For example, the Insti- The Institute of Medicine national academies. member to have earned this munity [because] biomedi- Speaking of the Institute tute of Medicine came out honored President Subra “Being in all three acad- recognition. cal work is very satisfying,” and the National Academies, with a report on a number Suresh by electing him as a emies is a very small group Including Suresh, there Suresh continued. Suresh said, “They have a of diseases, including topics member of the institute in of people, and I am particu- are 41 Carnegie Mellon fac- The Institute of Medicine is unique platform because it’s such as obesity in the country, recognition of his research in larly pleased that it happened ulty members who are mem- an independent organization an independent organization what policies should be there, cell mechanics on Oct. 21. while I am at CMU, because bers of the National Academy that seeks to “provide expert with people from academia, things like Alzheimer’s, brain This honor from the Insti- CMU is very well known for of Engineering, 11 in the Na- advice on some of the most industry, policy, et cetera. diseases,” Suresh said. tute of Medicine, in addition interdisciplinary research and tional Academy of Sciences, pressing challenges facing the They are often asked by gov- “As a member, you are to Suresh’s previous honors that is what I practiced over and four in the Institute of nation and the world, helping ernment to provide advice, likely to be invited more to from the National Academy the last many years,” Suresh Medicine. to shape policies, inform pub- and when they provide ad- of Sciences and the National said. “It was a pleasant surprise. lic opinion, and advance the vice, they get attention, be- See MEDICINE, A3 Two university deans to end terms after this year Bryant to leave SCS dean role NOËL UM and supporters.” puter systems course that News Co-Editor “I’ve been able to ride in Bryant and his co-author and autonomous vehicles, walk professor of computer science Professor of computer sci- around muddy construction Dave O’Hallaron developed in ence and dean of the School of sites, and meet with alumni 1998, called Introduction to Computer Science Randal Bry- and friends of SCS all around Computer Systems. ant announced his plan to step the world. I’ve especially en- Bryant was awarded the down at the end of his term joyed meeting the families of Emanuel R. Piore Award from from his position as dean last our students at graduation, the Institute of Electronics and Monday. sharing with them the excite- Electrical Engineers (IEEE), Bryant’s 10-year term as ment of our students’ achieve- for his “developing methods dean of SCS will expire on ments. I would like to thank of reasoning about digital cir- June 30, 2014. Computer sci- every one of you for having cuits using ordered binary de- ence professor Guy Blelloch made this such a reward- cision diagrams,” according to will be heading the committee ing experience for me,” he the IEEE website. in charge of finding a replace- continued. Bryant plans to take a one- ment for Bryant. Bryant’s previous work in- year sabbatical following the Bryant, who first became cluded research concerning end of his term, and then re- dean in 2004, wrote in an data intensive, distributed turn to his duties as a profes- email to members of SCS, computing techniques, ac- sor of computer science. “It’s been a wonderful experi- cording to Bryant’s profile on As dean, Bryant was instru- ence for me to serve as dean. the School of Computer Sci- mental in fostering research in I’ve gotten to work with many ence website. data-intensive computing. creative and capable people Bryant also co-authored “In the meantime, there’s on projects ranging from new the textbook Computer Sys- plenty to do between now and research initiatives and new tems: A Programmer’s Perspec- June 30, and I look forward to educational programs to im- tive, a work that originated continuing to work with you,” proved outreach to our alumni from the introductory com- he wrote. Courtesy of Randal Bryant DC dean Lehoczky ends term NOËL UM enhanced greatly Carnegie education programs in the so- News Co-Editor Mellon University’s reputa- cial sciences and humanities tion as a great university that will enhance Carnegie Professor of statistics and through its research and Mellon’s reputation as a great dean of the Dietrich College education programs in the university,” according to the of Humanities and Social Sci- humanities and the social sci- Dietrich College website. ences (DC) John Lehoczky ences. John has also been a After earning his Ph.D. announced the end of his 14- tremendous campus leader from Stanford University, year term as dean on Oct. 18. far beyond the college per se. Lehoczky contributed his Lehoczky will continue his His experience and wisdom knowledge about applica- duties as professor of statis- have helped guide the univer- tions of stochastic modeling tics in the next academic year. sity for many years,” Kamlet to problems in finance, lead- Professor of applied lin- continued. ing to the creation of Carn- guistics Richard Tucker will Lehoczky’s main research egie Mellon’s unique master’s head the search committee to interests involve the theory of degree program in computa- replace Lehoczky. stochastic processes, which is tional finance. Executive Vice President the evolution of random phe- According to the Dietrich and Provost Mark Kamlet said nomena over time, and the College website, Lehoczky in an email to the DC commu- use of stochastic processes worked to ramp up Carnegie nity, “John has been a truly to model real-world applica- Mellon’s humanities program extraordinary dean under tions, according to his profile during his tenure as dean. whose leadership the college on the Carnegie Mellon statis- This effort included over- has moved forward strongly tics website. seeing the launch of the Hu- across its entire range of Joining the Carnegie Mel- manities Initiative, which activities.” lon statistics faculty in 1969, founded the Humanities “Through his commit- Lehoczky had a vision for Scholars Program, the Hu- ment, dedication, and en- Dietrich College to “develop manities Center, and the Cen- File photo by Aseem Gupta gagement, the college has novel research projects and ter for the Arts in Society. Health survey gathers data on stress CMU outlines drug BRIAN TRIMBOLI ing to Barkin. In 2007 and Health Services used the Na- of the issues that have been and alcohol policies News Co-Editor 2009, the last two years that tional College Health Assess- raised over the past year re- ment (NCHA). The NCHA, garding stress,” she said. Carnegie Mellon students which is produced by the Director of the Office of In- NOËL UM with respect to liquor laws, were recently asked to take a “Students American College Health As- stitutional Research and Anal- News Co-Editor and 10 drug law arrests oc- health survey that requested sociation, focuses on health ysis Janel Sutkus compared curred at Carnegie Mellon last information on a broad range reported high areas that college students the survey in some ways to the “Carnegie Mellon released year. of topics that included sexual levels of stress, generally struggle with, such “CMU Says” survey, a similar its annual drug and alcohol Dean of Student Affairs health, stress levels, and phys- as sexual health, alcohol, and health survey, administered brochure, which highlighted Gina Casalegno emphasized ical activity. the problem drug usage. two years ago. the school’s policies regard- that alcohol is allowed for stu- Anita Barkin, director of was that we While the NCHA has sever- “We’ve never really done ing drug and alcohol use, last dents of legal drinking age in University Health Services, al advantages in that it yields a measure of stress and stress Monday. dormitory rooms; however, it sent out an email to the stu- didn’t have data that can be compared management,” she said. “In In a foreword in the bro- is prohibited in all exclusively dent body two weeks ago, ask- follow up with a national body of univer- the CMU Says survey two chure, President Subra Suresh first-year student dorms. The ing students to complete the sity students, Barkin wanted years ago we looked at sleep, wrote, “While the university only upperclassmen alcohol- online survey about health-re- questions.” the survey at Carnegie Mellon we looked at physical fitness, maintains strict policies re- free residence is Henderson lated experiences at Carnegie this year to also focus on other we look eating habits. In the garding the illegal use of al- House, which belongs to a Mellon. The survey was meant areas. past National College Health cohol and drugs, we also offer wellness community. “If a to determine “how best to pro- Anita Barkin “We looked at the informa- Assessment, we looked at help for any individual who staff member or police officer vide resources to support stu- Director of University tion and the data being col- sexual activity and alcohol is experiencing substance use is concerned about activity in dents’ physical and emotional Health Services lected [by the NCHA] and said and drug use.
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