INDONESIA’S DIGITAL DIPLOMACY: UTILIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO PROMOTE INDONESIAN FOREIGN POLICY FOCUSING ON INDONESIAN DIASPORA (CASE STUDY OF INDONESIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS 2014 – 2018) By MUHAMMAD ADEN IMANULLAH ID No. 016201400102 A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy Studies January 2018 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “Indonesia’s Digital Diplomacy: Utilization of Social Media to Promote Indonesian Foreign Policy Focusing On Indonesian Diaspora (Case Study of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2014 – 2018)” prepared and submitted by Muhammad Aden Imanullah in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Cikarang, Indonesia, January 26th 2018 Recommended and Acknowledged by, Isyana Adriani, BA, M.Si. i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis, entitled “Indonesia’s Digital Diplomacy: Utilization of Social Media to Promote Indonesian Foreign Policy Focusing On Indonesian Diaspora (Case Study of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2014 – 2018)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, January 26th 2018 ( ) Muhammad Aden Imanullah ii PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “Indonesia’s Digital Diplomacy: Utilization of Social Media to Promote Indonesian Foreign Policy Focusing On Indonesian Diaspora (Case Study of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2014 – 2018)” that was submitted by Muhammad Aden Imanullah majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanity was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on February 2nd, 2018. Chair – Panel of Examiners Examiner Isyana Adriani, BA, M.Si Thesis Adviser iii ABSTRACT Muhammad Aden Imanullah, International Relations 2014, President University Thesis Title: Indonesia’s Digital Diplomacy: Utilization of Social Media to Promote Indonesian Foreign Policy Focusing on Indonesian Diaspora. (Case Study of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2014 - 2018) With the rapid development of digital technology in the modern era, it has touched in every aspect, including the practice of diplomacy. There is an increased focus from the countries on their digital diplomacy capability. Foreign Affairs, including Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) are competing to strengthening their digital assets as an important tool to promote a nation’s foreign policy, especially social media platforms. As Indonesian diaspora nowadays has seen as one of nation’s important assets, it is become important for MOFA to maximizing the use of social media to promote Indonesian foreign policy focusing on Indonesian Diaspora. Keywords: Digital Diplomacy, Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Social Media, Foreign Policy, Indonesian Diaspora iv ABSTRAK Muhammad Aden Imanullah, International Relations 2014, President University Judul Penelitian: Indonesia’s Digital Diplomacy: Utilization of Social Media to Promote Indonesian Foreign Policy Focusing on Indonesian Diaspora. (Case Study of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2014 - 2018) Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi digital di era modern, yang telah menyentuh setiap aspek, termasuk praktik diplomasi. Ada peningkatan fokus dari negara-negara terhadap kemampuan diplomasi digital mereka. Department Luar Negeri, termasuk Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia (Kemlu) saling bersaing memperkuat aset digital mereka sebagai alat penting untuk mempromosikan kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara, terutama platform media sosial. Karena diaspora Indonesia saat ini telah dipandang sebagai salah satu aset penting bangsa, menjadi penting bagi Kemlu untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan media sosial untuk mempromosikan kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia yang berfokus pada Diaspora Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Diplomasi Digital, Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, Media Sosial, Kebijakan Luar Negeri, Diaspora Indonesia v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrohmanirrohim… First and foremost, my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful for His endless grace, especially in the process of finishing this thesis. My thanks also to Prophet Muhammad SAW for his extraordinary guidance and affection towards his people. Alhamdulillahirrobbil’alamin… I am grateful for having both supportive and patient parent, which is very undoubted that every steps of mine until this point is the result of their prayers. I dedicate this thesis with every sweat, blood and tears in the process for my parents, Mr. Husin Nafarin and Mrs. Siti Rahmah. Thank you for everything. Thanks also to my annoying sister, Emma Annahal Husma, for all the prayers and support. I love you, dek. I would like to extend my biggest gratitude to Miss Isyana Adriani B. A, M.Si, my thesis adviser, for being reachable, patient and supportive during my thesis consultation. Thank you Miss, without your sincere guidance, my thesis would not be as it is now. My very big thanks to Mr. Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA, for a very constructive input on my thesis, and to Mr. Riski Baskoro, S. Sos., MA, for not only taught me about academic lessons, but especially for taught me about life, its honestly an honor Sir to have you both as my examiners. My very big thanks also to Mr. Hartyo Harkomoyo and Miss Reykha Mega Pratiwi, for their sincere help to become the primary sources for my thesis. Apologies for all the mistakes that I have made during the thesis making process. To my brainstorming friends, Wilma Sukarna Putri, Elisabet Karema Najoan, and Hevi Rahmania, thank you for your support and patience in accompany me through the days of struggle. Thank you also to Ircha Tri Meilisa for being very reachable and kindly connecting me with fellow Indonesian diaspora abroad as it helps much in becoming the sources of my thesis. vi To my inner-circles, Angelin Febriana, my sister from another parents, for always being there in my ups and downs during my university life. Maria Franconna Weni, for always reachable and helpful to answer my questions regarding the thesis making process. My bestfriends, Muhammad Ridho Iryananda, Muhammad Hernandi Yusuf, and Hadi Hidayatullah, which I have considered as my own brothers, thank you for always making me laugh and grateful for your presence on earth. Virly Vriesta, Kathleen Abigail, Cliff Pelleng, and Adiartha Budasi, thank you for always put your trust in me, for every secrets that we shared together, for every support that we give to each other, and for always being first to let me know if something goes wrong. Borneo boys, Ananda Haciperi, Riyadh Bawazzir, and Aldi, thank you for being my first friends in my university life, and the days we've been through in it. My futsal mates, Sayyaf Hadipaksi, Dimas Prasetyo, and Muttaqin, thank you for all the goals we have made together. Special thanks also goes to IR Batch 2014, PUSU 2015, SOPU 2015 Family, Dies Natalies 2016 Family, BPPK Kemlu Family, especially Bu Yayah and Bu Tine, and all people that I cannot mention one by one, thank you so much for your support directly and indirectly, I am so grateful to have you guys in my life, thank you. Cikarang, 26 January 2018 Muhammad Aden Imanullah vii TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISER .................................................................................................. i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... ii PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET ................................................... iii ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... viii CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 I.1 Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1 I.2. Problem Identification .............................................................................. 5 I.3. Statement of the Problem ......................................................................... 7 I.4. Research Objectives ................................................................................. 7 I.5. Significance of the Study ......................................................................... 7 I.6. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 8 I.6.1. Soft Power ......................................................................................... 8 I.6.2. Public Diplomacy ............................................................................ 10 I.6.3. Digital Diplomacy ..........................................................................
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