Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-24-2006 The BG News October 24, 2006 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 24, 2006" (2006). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7663. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/7663 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving THE BG NEWS the campus and surrounding community Tuesday October 24.2006 HUMANS VS. ZOMBIES Volume 101. Issue 45 WWWBGNEWS.COM c ampus Selecting the right pumpkin crime is critical Size and smoothness of a pumpkin are keys decreases for a good carving | Page 3 By Magan Yodzia Reporter Sewing back in According to the University's style; still annual campus security fashionable report, crime on campus has decreased slightly since 2004. Sewing to make The report includes campus outfits is useful for crime statistics, crime preven- tion tips and a section about the everyone, not just University's policies and proce- grandmas | Page i dures concerning sexual crimes. lim Wiegand, the University chief of police, said better tech- 9/11 victims' nology and police visibility helped lower the crime rate. remains found Sgt. lohn Shumaker, also of five years later the University police, said the amount of vehicle accessories Rushed recovery — such as radios and CD players left bones behind — stolen from campus parking in underground lots has decreased since cameras passages | Page 8 wire installed in some lots three years ago. "The technology helps, we have He's not big, JORDAN FIOWER cameras in many of the lots on campus now and we hire students but Briggs is a ARREST: A University officei pats down Oscar Connell yesterday Connelll was citied for inducing panic, as he earned a Nerf gun around while participating in the campus-wide Humans vs Zombies game. to monitor them each night," key on the line Shumaker said. Police do not hide the fact the Despite weighing cameras are there; they want just 225 pounds, people to be aware they are defensive end Diyral there, he said. But the number of burglar- Briggs is a force | ies has increased since 2004 Page 6 Game leads to arrests because its definition was clas- sified more clearly. By Andicj Slivk.i The students were issued ticipating in the game, said police HUMANS VS. ZOMBIES "A lot of people misunder- Managing Editor citations lor disorderly inn- should haw taken the appear- stand the elements that make duct, according to Chief lim ance and the type of weapon into B Play Degan at noon yestefday and was up a burglary versus a theft" Kelly Kaczmarek was sitiinj; in Wiegand of the University consideration. to end at midnight on Halloween ' Wiegand said. her ethics class yesterday after- police. Wcigand said the stu- "If it's a toy gun, every 5-year- ■ Zombies tried to turn humans into A theft is taking property with- noon, when a campus police dents created a panic situation old in town is probably going to zombies, while humans tried to avoid out permission and a burglary is officer came to question her by carrying what appeared to own one," he said. becoming zombies. ■ Humans wore orange bandanas where about having what appeared to he firearms on campus, i he games premise Involved it could be easily ripped off such as See CRIME | Page 2 be 8 weapon. "V* do not allow weapons or students playing zombies trying a poefcet. Kaczmarck was one of several facsimiles ol weapons on cam- to nun those playing humans ■ Zombies wore orange bandanas students carrying toy Nerf guns pus." he said. into zombies. Those plaving around their heads c necks on campus as part of a week-long The police l>egan issuing cila humans used tactics mid Nerf Celebrating ■ Humans would switch sides when role-playinggamecalled I lumans dons after recetvingseveral phone nuns to avoid being turned into their bandana was taken by a zombie the gift of vs. Zombies. calls from people concerned thai zombies, Kaczmarek was upset ■ Humans could detend themselves by Madhatter celibacy Hut the game ended aftei weapons wen> Ixing carried on about being issued the citation. shooting zombies with toy Ne<f guns, less than four hours of play campus, according to Wiegand. "The rules we had were causing the zombies to become inac- Lauren Walter shows when University police began lie also said police were being designed specifically for safety ot tive for ten minutes ■ The game could not be played in Music gets why this tradition is issuing citations to students cautious in light of the recent people inside and outside of the who were participating. shootings around the country. group," she said classrooms, on busses, in administra- misunderstood. Police arrested two male stu- But students questioned Pirrungsaid all players could tive areas, m food lines, the Union food court, in doim rooms, the gym. | Page 4 dents in Olscamp about 3:30 whether Nerf guns look clearly be identified by each new owner m bathrooms, or in areas where it p.m., escorted another student enough like real weapons to other because they each wore would "interfere the learning process Police jump into the police station and issued warrant citations. orange bandanas. Information taken from the event page on By Kelly Day Kaczmarek a citation. Three stu- "They're bright yellow and Aryn (iriffis, senior, immediate- fxebook.com Senior Reporter the gun dents were carrying brightly-col- blue." said Megan I'irntng, junior. ored Nerf guns, and a fourth was "It says 'Nerf on the side." See NERF | Page 5 A Halloween game carrying a small black Nerf gun. Adam Curtis, a sophomore par- Eor 14 years, lim Cummer, owner begun by students of Madhatter Music, has put his blood, sweat, and "lohnny" cash on Facebook named into keeping his musical oasis 'Humans vs. Zombies' BG police urge pedestrians up and running. leads to the arrest USGdebates Issue?,will But today, he will turn hisstore of several students over to music to avoid jaywalking enthusiast, posessing Nerf guns. vote on a stance next week Keith Bergman, The BG News edito- By Andre.! Sllvka pedestrians to be crossing while of Toledo, who By ICIly Day Managing Editor rial team asks if per- ISSUE 3 they're turning. will be the Senior Reporter Two other dangerous inter- third owner of haps the police acted ■ -The "Learn and Earn Amendment" As the walk sign flashed at the sections in Bowling Green arc Madhatter in its to quickly and discuss would bring 51.500 slot machines at Main and Wooster Streets 18-year history. The Ohio Team and Earn to the state of Oho intersection of Wooster Street and Thurstin Avenue, Brian — because of tile high volume of Cummer, who Jim where the blame lies. Amendment'' could provide the ■ -30 percent ol revenue would go | Pag.4 only increase in higher educa- toward scholarship to students in Gerker crossed the street traffic — and at Thurstin Avenue bought the store Cummer tion funding by the state this the top 5 percent of then graduat- toward campus. and Court Street, 1 letrick said. inl992,hasspent Former year, if Issue 3 is approved by ing class But then a white van turned Many pedestrians might almost every day , ner of -54 percent of revenue would go since working at °" Do you think voters Nov. 7. ■ the corner and struck him in assume they haw the right of At last night's Undergraduate to the casinos the back left side before driv- way at all times at the Thurstin Madhatter, pro- Madhatter people should remain Student Government meeting, ing away. Avenue and Court Street cross- viding music lov- Music celibate until they get two resolutions were proposed diat Issue 3 would make Ohio Gerker, a freshman, suffered ing because of how the former ers with new and i married? addressing the 'Team and Earn a Class III gambling state, create deep muscle bruising in his crosswalk was set up nearby used CDs, post- Amendment." Next week. USG 109,000 gambling addicts and back and missed a total of five on Thurstin. But if a car arrives ers, T-shirts, and senators will vote to accept one provide a tax-free monopoly to classes because of the accident before a pedestrian at the new other items. of the resolutions, which will the establish i net it. last month. crosswalk, the car has the right of The store, become USG's official stance on "I don't feel that the Ohio While accidents involving way because it's a four-way stop located at 143 E. the issue. constitution is a place to pro- pedestrians aren't common in I letrick said. Wooster Street, 'me first resolution, presented vide a tax shelter for casinos," Bowling Green, police caution Not using crosswalks can has a constant by Mike Wbodall, at-large sena- Woodall said. pedestrians not to assiune they add to the risk of an accident, flow of burn- LAURA WURNS tor, proposed lor USG to take an lason Sncad, at-large senator, have the right of way when they said Sgt. Tim Guthrie of the ing incense Sophomore. Social Work official stance — as the voice of slid he is for higher education cross and warn that jaywalking University Police.
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