Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-21-2004 The BG News January 21, 2004 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 21, 2004" (2004). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7219. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/7219 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University Wednesday January 21, 2004 READY FOR ROCKETS? I'M SNOW Women prepare for I IK ill 25 II.OU 15 rivalry with Toledo tonight; www.bgnews.com 'AGE 7 independent student press VOLUME 98 ISSUE 79 Most art saved at Sea Lion Studio Fire downtown "We lost some of the work and at this time we are working with adjusters, insurance people and contractors to figure out how much it will cost to fix the damage." NICK GORANT, DIRECTOR OF SEA LION STUDIO By David Schrag We lost some of the work and at ly, we had a very good showing of peo- CUV NEWS fOIIOR this time we are working with ple that attended the gallery." "After the fire had started we were adjusters, insurance people and con- After the showing ol the last gallery. very fortunate that the Howling Creeii tractors to try and figure out how Gorant decided to close the doors ol Fire Department received the call and much it will cost to fix the damage," the studio in order to assess the dam- was able to contain the fire pretty Gorant said, "luckily we have insur- ages and give time for repairs. quickly." said Nick Oomnt. director of ance on the building and that should "We are closed now. and will proba- Sea Lion Studios at 182 S. Main St. cover most of the repairs. Also, we are bly lie closed for a good, solid two liarly Saturday morning at 1:46a.m., currently working on cleaning the \ucks at the vet) least," (iorant said. a resident living above the art studio pieces of work that were saved so t bey Since we are a non-profit organiza- Git£ Baith BG Vv. reported the lire and the I ire can be restored." tion we have bad so many different RockitT: William Shttrk and Patty Falk. archivists in the music library, display the Department responded and con The day after the fire, a gallery of people help us. and with their help, we album "Elvis 2nd To None" It is the 100.000th tecotd in the library's online collection. tained the blaze quickly, stating the work from University students and hope to be opening our doors soon." cause to be an accidental electrical community residents was still shown Along with the damage done to the problem. even though there was damage to the building; picture frames, glass art and Some pieces ol artwork were lost, building and the artwork. hand-made jewelry were also dam- but most of the damage was done "These students worked bard on aged b\ the smoke and water. structurally to the interior of the build- their art and they wanted it to Ix1 Although the damage has put a bold ing as well as some smoke and water shown," Gorant said. "I commend on some of the galleries that were to Ix' damage to pieces ol artwork and the them for taking the lime to make sure building. theshow was put together, and actual- FIRE. PAGE 2 We've got music BGSU at the top of the list in libraries of Bush gives State of Union recorded pop music. galore him as the commander in chief, grap- By Terence Hunt pling with the nation's problems and By Greg Barth IHt ASSOCIMtD PRESS above politics while 1 )cmocratic rivals BfPOS'EB WASHINGTON — President Hush. for his office race around the cam- lake one look around the Universtr) Sound Archives, and from the slacks wrapping the themes of his re-elec- paign trail trading charges. and slacks of records, to the massive amounts of pop culture paraphernalia. tion campaign in his State of the The speech fell one day after the you'll see why ii's the nations largest academic library ol recorded popular Union address, said last night that one-two finish of Sen. John Kerry and music. America enjoys a growing economy, Sen. John Fdwards in the Iowa cau- Hie archives, which have been maintained and expanded In bead archivist but is still at war and must not "taller cuses threw the Democrats' race into William shurk since 1967, recently posted theit MKUXIIIIII recording online. and leave our work unfinished." a wide-open contest going into next The lOOiOOOtb record is an EMs Presley record called "EMs 2nd (o None," a After more than two years without week's New I lainpshire primary. two record set ol Ixith Presley classics and Itnreleased material. a terrorist attack, he said it was tempt- "America this evening is a nation The record was hand-picked by Shurk. although lie Is not a huge I.his fan. ing — but wrong — to think the dan- called to great responsibilities." the Ten what EMs did from the late '50s, he wasn't really tor king, he didn't have ger had passed. president said. "And we are rising to the edginess I was looking lor,' Shurk said. Bush said he was optimistic about meet them.... We have not come all However. Shurk chose the record to Ix- number Itlll.lKKI because of Phis', the reviving economy and urged this way — through tragedy and trial legacy and his contribution to popular music ((ingress to lake steps to make sure and war — only to falter and leave our "ft would be great to have |FMs] as the 10l).UtX)th album. Shurk remembers the recovery lasts. "We must respond work unfinished." saying. by helping more Americans gain the "Our greatest responsibility is the The ItKMKXHb recording was supposed lobe a 10-disc set of material performed skills to find gcxxl jobs in our new active defense of the American peo- bj a country group known as thet arters. However, the Carters were bumpet economy," the president said in ple." be said. "Twenty-eight months 10 99,999 in order to make room loi the King. excerpts of his speech released in have passed since Sept. 11, 21X11 — Shurk hopes to eventually have all recordings posted online, but acknow advance over two years without an attack on edges it will take a very long time, especially given the size i it the collection. Democrats were quick to take American soil — and it is tempting to "This is one operation, I'll tell you thai," Shurk explains. To help with the online cataloging effort Shurk has worked with Sped issue, noting that 2.3 million jobs believe that the danger is behind us. Eric Draper AP Photo have been lost under Hush, that That hope is understandable, com- Collections Cataloger Patricia Talk over the pas) eight years, and Bays she has been deficits are soaring and casualties are PRACTICE: President Bush teadies Instrumental in helping get the collection where it is today, including reaching climbing in Iraq, himself lor the State of the Union Bush's speech was designed to cast UNION, PAGE 2 Address last night. RECORD. PAGE 21 MEET AND GREET Financial Aid Fair to be held Student aid office hopes event will help students low on cash By Mintty VanHouten Scholarship Ian was created to Bontragei of LISA Funds |a non- REPORTER inform students about the avail- profit corporation that provides if tuition payments are slowly ability ol scholarship funds, pro financial sen ices to education dwindling your bank account and mine the new online scholarship Institutions, private lenders, stu you're wondering how to prevent guide and let students meet people dents and parenls] will lead the yourself from going into debt, there who create these scholarships. debt management session. Ginny are solutions to your financial At the fair, students can learn Pinkelman, account clerk at the headache. about Ovei 700 scholarships avail- Bursars office will teach the IPP Today the 2004 financial Aid and able IO University students and session and Celeste Robertson, Scholarship Hair will provide solu- attend one or moreol the fairs four assistant director at the Career tions for students in need of finan- financial aid sessions. Each session Center will teach the career sessloa cial assistance. The fair will run will run once in the morning and "There will be door prizes and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in 202B again in the afternoon. Session top- food.Well Ix- giving away coupons Lenharl Grand Ballroom in the ics arc tederal student aid. IAISA a to local restaurants, t-shirts and Union. dehi management, die Installment monopoly games The lair has a "This is definitely a retention Payment Plan, IPP and careers that monopoly theme." Cornell said. effort to show how financial aid can can Impact your financial aid. kendrick said the Office ol University faculty and other Student financial Aid ho|X's this support current BGSU students,'' event can be more successful next Dean Kendrick, assistant director financial aid experts will conduct year, [his is the first year for the fair of scholarships at the Office of these sessions Tina Coulter, assis- lor more information about the Student financial Aid said.
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