"W* issued We«kljr. JTsntereS as Saeond-Cliuis Matter st tfce Poat- VOLUME LIII, NO. 1, offiea at Bed Bank, H. J., under tli» Act o* "Harcb f, 1S76- RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12, START SIMMER VACATHWi VISIT KOT_ PLANT. FLAYGHOUND BIBECTOBS, FOR YOUNG GARDENERS. SEEKS A SAFE FOURT2|f. Mtea Catherlno Itusspu" and Frank REP BANK MAN ARRESTED Police Chief Clayton Draws Atten- BREAK WJNDF0RHOIE DIPtOMASGIVfflfO 158. JOURNALISM CLASS SEE HOW Plngatore Have Been Engaged. ii—— tion to New I/Uws. PEOMENADE ENDS COMMENCE- JOHN KABNOFF HELD ON MAN- EXKS HOLD EXEBCISES AT SITE 'BESENTAMON MADE AX IMQH Summer playground activities will ANNUAL CONTEST TO BE HELD In an endeavor to make the Fourth MENT WEEK AT ST. JAMES. FAPEE IS PRINTED. 1 bo started at Red Bank on Tuesday, SLAUGHTER CHABGE. LATE IN AUGUST, of July a safe and sane one in Red OF NEW BXJELDING, 0CIIOOI/ COMMEIfOiiJSKN'i . July let, on tho new atliletic grounds Bank, Chief of Police Harry Clayton Awards of $163 in Gold Blade for High School Students Show Great He Has Been Sent to Jail for Fifty TJie Display Which Was to Have Augustus M. Minion, Chnlrmnn of Interest In the Mechanical Depart- on West Bergen place. Tho boys Been Held This Month Has Been this week issued a warning calling Honor Students Al«o Kueolva Awarte High Averages in Scholastic; ami who use the playground will be un- Days on a Charge of leaving an attention to tho laws regulating tho Trustees, IJtta First Shovoful of Offered For Beat Wotk-finul, Religious Education and tor Senior ment—Each I'upll Received a Sou- Accident In Which a Windsor Man Culled Off on Account of Unfav- Dirt—Speakers Tell of Progress "Tho Bulldem," Fleam* AuAtemm venir. der the direction of Frank Pingatore, orable Weather Conditions. sale of fireworks in thla state. Essays. \ who Is the physical training instruc- Wai Instantly Killed. The statutes designated last Fri- Made by Lodge. at Hlver Street School. { Commencement exorcises at St. Tho Journalism class of tho Redtor at the River Btreet school. The John karnoff, 45 years old, of Duo to unfavorable weather con- day as the earliest day on which The breaking of ground for the Members of tho graduating class of \ James's high school cnued Friday Bank high school paid a visit to The supervisor for tho girls will be Miss Shrewsbury avenue, Rod Bank, was ditions, the June contest for uchool fireworks may be aold. The law new Elks' home at the corner of he Red Bank high school received I night with a combination alumni Red Bank Register Thursday Miorn- Catherine Russell, daughter of Mr. arrested Saturday night charged with children gardeners at Bed Bank has forbids tho sale of fireworks in anyBroad street and Plnckney rood was ;helr diplomas Thursday night at tho dance and a reception for tho gradu- Ing and brought their year's Instruc- and Mrs. Alexander Ruaaell of Rector manslaughter and leaving the scene been called off. However, there will store where paints, oils or varnishes marked by simple exercises last Fri- innual commencement exercises held ates by tho junior class. The auditor- tion to a fitting close by learning place. Miss Russell 1B a graduate of an accident at WIndoor, in which be such a contest late in AuguuL It are kept unleaa they arc in tho orig- day night. Augustus M. Minton, In the auditorium of the River alreet ium resembled a large living room In flrat hand how a modern newspaper of Sargent school. She completed Conrad Staff, fifty years old, was in- will be under tho auspices of the inal unbroken containers, or .in build- chairman of the board of trustees school. Tho class, consisting of 138 Its green and gold regalia and about plant la operated. a courso In therapy and she took stantly killed. Woman's club of Red Bank, and the ings where matches, other than ap- of the organization, broke the pupils, la tho largest to havo been 150 young people were present. The embryo journalists wore shown a special course at Columbia college. Karnoff, was held on tho technical club will provide prlzcsijTor the chil- proved safety matches, rosin, gaso- :round and lifted the first shoveful raduatei from the local high nchool. The program included a tucker, In detail how The Reginter, their Mr. Pingatore and Miss Hussell were charge of manslaughter and ho wasdren who make winning exhibits. line, turpentine or other highly in- of dirt. favorite homo papor, is produced engaged by a committee consisting The club haa held these conteste for Tho presentation of awards to tha several upotllght dances, a lucky 1 sent to jail for fifty days on the flammable substances are stored. Mr. Minton in a short address lonor students was also made. Tho , name danco and a balloon dance. from tho first stage of copy produc- of Richard Smith, Mrs. Walter charge of leaving an accident. Mrs. a number of years. The abnormal The chief declared that ho wouta hen gave a history of the Elks' Bruyero and Mrs. Charles A. Mc- dry cool weather during1 tho spring" greater part of the program was tak- Farewell gifts of leather bound pray- tion by tho ^reporters to tho finished, Karnoff, who waa said to be riding enforce all measures to tho limit so odge since its inception. He eaid en up with the presentation of a er books were presented to tho grad- product of the largest country week- Claskey. with her husband, was put under bail 1B responsible for the June contest that there might bo no disastrous that sixteen years ago when the or- being omitted. pageant, "Tho Builders," In which uates by next year'a acniora. Munlc ly newspaper In the United States. , of $1,000 as a witness. accidents in tho borough. ganization flrst took over Its present most of the graduates took part. WHO supplied by James Ladioo'u or- Particularly Interesting to • the Staff, who was a carpenter by There will be seven flrst prizes, quarters on East Front street the Tho diplomas vrero presented by chestra. young" folks was tho mechanical de- GRADUASMNSORS. trade, was hit by an automobile as he seven second prizes and seven third members were wondering where the Albert L. Miller, president of tho William Casler was chairman of purtmenl. Tho many pieces of waa walking along the highway at prizes. ThRBR awards will be made funds necessary for the maintenance ward of education, Thn Hires honor tho com,mltte,o and hlo asslstanto modern equipment In this part of Windsor. A license number was ta- for the best exhibits of one vege- READY FOR DOG SHOW. of the building were to come from. students, Bna Walder, who was tha were Marjorlo Seheupp, Helen Mass- The Register's operation were a reve- JUNIOR CLASS COMMENCEMENT ken on Busplclon and it turned out to table, the best exhibits of a basket Now, ho pointed out, the lodge la valedictorian; Sutphen Knott, who lation to every member of the class. of vegetables, the best exhibits of a about to begin the erection of a ey, Paul Homschoot, George Grnusc, HELD FBDBAT. bo tho number issued to karnoff. THIRD ANNUAL EVENT TO BE delivered the salutatory address, and Donald Reed, Joseph Blocklo, Mario Tho process of the reporters' copy The stato.. police at Hlghtstown single bloom, the best plants, given building, costing: $200,000. Ruth Eastmpnd, who presented tha Lange, Patricia Gibson, Anthony Tar- from tho typewritten stage, through Class of 168 TUPIIB Received Di- notified the Eatontown troopers, who by the club to children in previous HELD ON SATURDAY. The efforts of the late Dr. Edwin mantle of the class of 1030 to tha gonsky and Robert Buckley. tho editorial department to the me- plomas From Mrs, 3. Daniel Taller with several Red Bank policemen, yeare, the best three blooms, the best Field In promoting the success of class ot 1931, also received medals Bt" Rev, Monslgnor William X Mc- chanical typesetting machines, thence nt Exercises Held in Junior High arrested Mr. and Mrs. Karnoff as potted plants and the best mixed Entries' Now Total 650 Dogs, tho he lodge were recalled by the speak- donated by tho Rotary club. Kean of Bcrnardavllle Bpolio to thoto the page form and on to the stere- Auditorium. they alighted from their car in tho boquets. Previous to the exhibition Largest Number i'cr. to Have Been er. He said that many of the Ideas Two prizes went ,to George Wol- graduating class at commencement otyper, whero It is made ready for yard of their home. The front part the gardens of the contestants will Entered In a Local Show—Proceeds that the late paat exalted ruler had cott. Ono . was a solid gold watch Wednesday night. Tho salutatory the-main press operation was inten- Diplomas wero presented to 168 of Karnoff's car was bent and dented. be visited by a committee of members For Charity. devised had been carried out after chain, presented by Warren H. was given by Alexander John Mac- sely observed and many questions members of the graduating class of Part of a man's skull was on the carof the Woman's club. The chairmen his death. Smock for proficiency In the subject wero asked concerning tho workings the junior high school Friday morn- of the garden committee are Mrs. The third annual dog show to be Phee, who won second place in tho and the radiator and fenders were held by tho Monmouth county kennel Councilman Thomas M.
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