COURT DIRECTORY .J DURHAM. H.AL 4.55 Graham Mrs. 7 Cambridge terrace Green Miss, 8 Union street, Hartlepool Grimes John,50sborne ter.SouthShields 'fatham street, Sunderland Green Miss, Westoe, South Shields Grimke Rev. John Drayten,Clergy house, Graham Mrs. sCiyde ter. Yarm rd. Stcktn Green Mrs. 10 Lorne terrace, Coniscliffe Castle lodge, Bishop Auckland Graham Mrs.16TheCrescent,Gateshead road, Darlington Grimshaw Charles Wood, I The Elms Gra.hamMrs.3I Georgiana st.so.Stockton Green Mrs. 10 \Vinchesterst. Sth.Shields north, Sunderland GrahamMrs.58Mandale rd.Sth.Stockton Green Robt. C. 8 The Avenue, Sunilrlnrl Grimsbaw Mrs. 7Esplanadewest, Stock- Graham Mrs. 57 Parliament st.Stockton Green Saml.3o Chichester rd.Sth.Shields ton road, Sunderland Graham Mrs. St. Thomas' terrace, Blay- Green Thomas, Nettlesworth, Plaws- Grimshaw Mrs. North Bridge house, don R. S. 0 worth, Chel:lter-le-Street Wolsingham, Darlington Graham Peter, 6 Lax terrace, Norton Green T. 10 Thornhill grdns. Sunderlnd Grimshaw Wm.6The Cedars,Sunderland road, N orton, Stockton Green Wm. J. P. Thornley ho. Lintz green Gripper Wm. H. 2 St. Bede's ter.Sundrlnd Graham R. W. 17 Seafield ter. S.Shields Green William E. 5 Raglan ter. Stockton Gro\·es C. 53 West Sunniside,Sunderland Graham Richard, Heighington R.S.O Green William Richmond, 10 Lorne ter- Groves John, 2a Alma street, Stockton Graham Robt. 5 John st. Barnard Castle race, Coniscliffe road, Darlington Groves Mrs. Billingham hall, Stockton Graham Thomas S. 13 Heaton terrace, Greene Rev. Henry M.A. Vicarage, New Grubb C. B. 25 Westoe par. Sth. Shields Bensham road, Gateshead Shildon R. S. 0 Grubb John Hogarth, 5 Thorney terrace, Graham Thomas, 37 Percy st. Stockton Greene Rev. Matthew lii.A. The Rectory, Laygate lane, South Shields Graham Thomas, 3 Rosslyn terrace, Blaydon R.S. 0 GrunhutJacques,s Ogle ter.SouthShields Yarm road, Stockton Greene Charles, Oakfield, Chowdean, Gruno Mrs. Quarrington, Coxhoe R.S.O Graham W.Esk ho.Bowesfld. ter.Stocktn Low fell, Gate-head Guest-Williams Rev. Samuel Black well Graham ·wm. E. 7 Spring st. Stockton Grcene Charles Robinson, Oakfield, llf.A. South street, Durham Graham-Barton Rev. Alexander, Ham- Chowdean, Gateshead Guest-..Williams Rev. William Seller M.A. sterley, Bishop Auckland Greene Mrs.Bloomfid.Durham rd.Gatshd Redmarshall, Stockton Grainger Chas. I6 Ba!aclava st.Stockton Greener Thomas, I7 Salisbury terrace, Gundry Capt. Henry B.R.A. 2nd Brigade Grainger Mrs. 2I Alice st. Sunderland Prince Consort road, Gateshead Northern division, Artillery Militia Granger A. Wm. 22 Old Elvet, Durham Greener William James, 2 Durham road, depot, Baltic street, Hartlepool Grant Jas. 26 Sea View ter. Sth. Shields Low fell, Gateshead Gunn Hugh, 275 Albert road, Jarrow Grant Jn. \Vest Boldon,E.Boldon R.S.O GreenfieldRev.Thos.4Princess st.Sndrlnd Gunn Mrs. 17 Ennerdale, Sunderland Grant Wm.6 Challoner gro. Sth.Shields GreenfieldThos.sWard ter.B,Sunderland Gunn Mrs. 6 St. John's road, Stockton Grass William Julius, sa Commercial Green how J. 9 Rowell st. East Hartlepool Gunn Scott,21 Azalea ter. nth. Sundrlnd street, Middleton, Hartlepool Greenwell Rev. Wm. llf.A., D.C.L., J.P., Guns Thomas, Lambton's bank, Tyne Grate Alex. S. Otto terrace, Sunderland F.R.s., F.S.A. 27 North Bailey, Durham street, Blaydon R.S.O Gray Rev. John, 3 South Burn terrace, Greenwell A. I3 North Bailey, Durham Gurdon Hy. 2 Leeds st. South Stockton West Hartlepool Greenwell Anthony, I Cockton Hill ter Gurney Joseph John, Rodsley house, GrayRev.M.I7Ravensbourne ter.S.Shlds race, llishop Auckland Shipcote lane, Gateshead Gray Alfred, 13 Harold st. Sunderland Green well Fras.J.P.rSouthBailey,Durhm Gustard William, 28 Blyth ter. Gateshd Gray Geo. 10 Eastbourne gro. S.Shields Greenwell G. jun. 4a Old Elvet,Durham Guthe JuliusE.Churchsq.Hartlepool We Gray John, 7 Cockton Hill terrace, GreenwellHenryD.L.,.T.P.Elvetvil.Durhm Guthrie Thomas, 3 Thorney terrace, Bishop Auckland Greenwell Miss, 3 Cliffe terrace, Wood- Laygate lane, South Shields Gray John E. ro South Church road, land road, Darlington Guthrie William, 27 Salisbury terrace, Bishop Auckland Greenwell Mrs. 14 Croft terrace, W estoe Prince Consort road, Gateshead Gray Jn.Geo. 33 Suffolk st. Sunderland lane, South Shields Guttery Rev. Arthur T. 3 Brinkburn Gray Joseph, 9 Erskine rd. Sth. Shields Green well Mrs. rs Grange terrace, terrace, Stanhope road, South Shields Gray Matt. Grove ho. Greatham R.S.O Stockton road, Sunderland Guy Rev. Douglas Sherwood M. A. The Gray Matt. Toft hill, Bishop Auckland Greenwell Mrs. 3 Park pi. we.Sunderlnd Vicarage, Rectory lane, Gateshead Gray Miss, I Seymour ter. Gateshead Greenwell R. T.s Park pl. ea. Sunderland Haansbergen William Brewis Van J.P. Gray Miss, 3 South bailey, Durham Green well T .G. 12 vVoodside,Sunderland see Van Haansbergen Gray :Mrs. Westwood ho. Ryton R.S.O Greenwell Thomas William, Broom- HaddoekF.J.9Clarence stBishopAucklnd Gray Mrs. Wheatbottom, Crook R.S.O shields, Satley, Tow Law R.S.O Haddock W. T.25Murton st.Sunderland Gray Mrs. 51 Derwent road, Gateshead Green well Wm. a Poplar cres. Gateshead Hagger Rev. Watson M.A. St. Bede's Gray Mrs. Murray ter.Chester-le-Street Greenwell W.C.Io Claremont pl.Gateshd tower, Burdon road, Sunderland Gray Mrs.47 Stanhope rd.nth.Darlingtn GreggMrs.aSth.Church rd.Bshp.Aucklnd Haggie David, Thorn hill pk. Sunderland · Gray Richard, Beaumont ter.Spennymr Gregory John, a Argyle terrace, Westoe HaggieD.H.Seaforth, Ryhope rd.Sundrld Gray Rt.r2 Victoria st.Bishop Auckland lane, South Shields Haggie Frank, Saltwell Vale house, Dur- Gray Thomas, 25 Airey ter. Gateshead Gregory R. W.33Burbank st. \Ve.Hartlepl ham road, Low Fell, Gateshead Gray Thomas c.E. 9 Harewood terrace, Gregory William, 29 South Church road, Haggie Geo. A. 7 The Elms, Sunderland Mandale road, South Stockton Bishop Auckland · Haggie PeterS. Cauldwellhouse, Cauld- Gray Thomas, Thorn hill pk. Sunderland Gregson Col. Lancelot All good J, P. Bur- well, Harton, South Shields Gray W ..r.P.TheCottage,Greathm.R.S.O don hall, Burdon, Sunderland Haig Miss, a Chester street, Sunderland Gray Wm.J. 9 Tyne Vale ter.Gateshead Gregson Rev.FrancisSittwell Knight B. A. Haigh Samuel, Front street, Wolsing- Graydon Mrs. 19 Tatham st. Sunderlnd Selborne ter. Durham rd. Gateshead ham, Darlington Grayson Chas. 49 Brougham st.Hartlepl Gregson Miss, 6o Gilesgate, Durham Haile Mossop, Bishop Middleham, Ferry Grear Mrs. West end,Sedgefld.Ferry hill Grey Rev. the Hon. Canon John M. A. Rec- Hill Station Greathead M. I Woodlands ter.Darlngtn tory,Houghton-le-Spring,FemceHouses Halcro Mrs. 2a John street, Sunderland Greatorex Rev. Edward lii.A. Rectory, Grey Capt. Watson, Healeyfield, Castle- Halcro William, 28 John st. Sunderland Sunderland bridge, Durham side, Black Hill R. S. 0 Hale William, 27 Moat street, Stockton Greatorex Rev. Edward Harcourt M.A. GreyA.Prospect ho.Fairfield,Ea.Hartbrn Hall A. II St. Michael's pl. Sunderland 4 Barrington street, South Shields Grey Henry, Easson road, Darlington Hall A. Bondgate ho. Bishop Auckland Green Rev. Aaron Asher, 3 Salem Grey Henry Binks, II Wentworth ter- Hall Charlton, Westbrook villas; High avenue, Sunderland race, Westoe lane, South Shields Northgate, Darlington Green Rev. Charles Richard M.A. The Grey Jas. 10· Dorothy ter. Sth. Stockton Hall E. 8 Vickers st. Bishop Auckland Vicarage, North Hylton, Sunderland Grey Joseph, Briarmede, Saltwell, Low Hall Edwd. Hebburn colliery, Newcastle Green Arthur, 2 Lambton st.Sunderlnd fell, Gateshead Hall Fredk. Jackson, Shincliffe, Durham Green Charles M.D. I Walker terrace, Grey Mrs. 21 Affieck street, Gateshead Hall George, 16 Bewick road, Gateshead Bensham road, Gateshead Grey Mrs. Gainford, Darlington Hall. George, 3 Collingwood terrace, Green Charles Henry, I South Hill cres- Grice Charles, 20 John street, Hebburn Bensham road, Gateshead cent, Durham road, Sunderland New town, Newcastle Hall H. N. I2 Croft avenue, Sunderland .Qreen Charles R. W estoe, South Shields Grice J. T. Mordon cot. Mordon, Ferryhill Hall Jas. 3 Clarence st. Bishop .Auckland Green Edwd. 2 The Crescent, Gateshead Grice Wm. Henry, 4 John st. Durham Hall James, 3 Harrogate st. Sunderland GreenFredk. W.4oTatham st. Sunderland Grier Jas. IRavensbourne ter.Sth.Shields Hall John, II Beech wood st. Sunderland Green G. Bergholt ho.35 Park rd.Jarrow Grieve Miss, Rectory row, Sedgefield Hall John, Brougham street, Hartlepool Green George,14 Tavistock pl.Sunderlnd Grieve Robert, 2 Salem ter. Sunderland Hall John, Front st Sedgefield,FerryHill Green John, 3 The Knoll, Sunderland Grieve Robert Sheraton, Rectory row, Hall John, 15 Gladstone terrace, Lay~ Green John Edwd. 52 Claypath,Durham Sedgefield, Ferryhill gate lane, South Shields Green J.F. Ketton hl.Brafferton,Drlngtn Grieve Wm. T.199 High st.we. Sundrlnd Hall John, 11 Joannah st. Sunderland Green Jn.Geo. 8 Woodhouse ter. Gatshd GrievesHy.TheCroft,Westoela.So.Shields Hall John, 6 Larchfield st. Darlington Green J. G. jun. 21 Grasmere ter. Gateshd Grieves J ohn,4o Charlotte st. Sth.Shields Hall J n. Low Spennymuor, Spennymo~r Green John L. 3 Atkinson st. Stockton Grieveson Jn.59 Galgate, Barnard Castle Hall John, I4 Rosslyn ter. Sunderland Green John Luther, 4 Park rd. Stockton Griftith Rev. Charles Edward Osborne Hall John, sa Winchester si. S. Shields Green John Smith, 14 Victoria terrace, M.A. Vicarage, Forest & Frith with Hall John L. 7 Ogle ter. South Shields Low fell, Gateshead Harwood, Darlngton Hall John L.jun.3oSeaView ter.S.Shields Green Miss,1Challoner ter.ea.Sth.Sh~elds Grigg R. Grey towers, Norton, Stockton Hall John T. 4 Larchfield st. Darlington .
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