April 6, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5303 so they could explain to me how they VOTE Connie Mack, Craig Thomas, Jesse Helms, John H. Chafee, Thad Cochran, provided for gridlock in the last session The PRESIDING OFFICER. The so I would be better at gridlock this Mark Hatfield, Pete Domenici, Dan question is, Is it the sense of the Sen- Coats, and Judd Gregg. session. ate that the debate on the Hatfield You are now 6 days late on the budg- Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, let me in- amendment number 420 to H.R. 1158, dicate to the distinguished Democratic et. In the last 2 years, we have had the the supplemental appropriations bill, budget on time. It was due April 1. It is leader, who is on the floor, it is still shall be brought to a close? my hope that we can reach some agree- due out here, by both Houses, on April The yeas and nays are required. The 15. We hear all this moaning and groan- ment. It seems to me we are not that clerk will call the roll. far apart. We ought to be able to do it. ing and crocodile tears as it relates to The legislative clerk called the roll. we will not do that; we want to start I am certainly prepared to sit down The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 56, with the Democratic leader, or anyone saving; we want to start saving—but nays 44, as follows: we have a budget that is due to put us else, if there is a problem. But, just in [Rollcall Vote No. 127 Leg.] on the track to 2002 and you are 5 days case we cannot work it out, then I have late, and we are not going to get it YEAS—56 filed a cloture motion, because I do probably until May. Abraham Gorton Moynihan think it is important that we finish Ashcroft Gramm I say to my friend, let us get a budget Murkowski this bill so we can take up the defense Bennett Grams Nickles supplemental bill and some other out here. Let us really start doing Bond Grassley Packwood things. Brown Gregg Pell things after that. Burns Hatch Pressler But I am prepared and I think the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time Campbell Hatfield of the Senator has expired. Roth Democratic leader is prepared and, Chafee Helms Santorum Coats Hutchison hopefully, our colleagues are prepared. Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, if I could Shelby Cochran Inhofe proceed for 1 moment—1 minute? Simpson It seems to me we have one of two Cohen Jeffords Smith choices. Either we try to finish this to- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Coverdell Kassebaum objection, it is so ordered. Craig Kempthorne Snowe night with no votes tomorrow, or we Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I still hope D’Amato Kyl Specter will be here tonight and tomorrow and DeWine Lott Stevens maybe Saturday. But, that is up to our we can work this out. We were about Thomas Dole Lugar colleagues. I cannot believe any of that close, or closer. The Democratic Domenici Mack Thompson leader and the Republican leader Faircloth McCain Thurmond these amendments are so critical they worked throughout the day with other Frist McConnell Warner cannot wait until the next supple- Senators on both sides. We thought we NAYS—44 mental or until the appropriations bills start arriving. had an agreement. Akaka Feingold Leahy We thought we had an agreement. I Baucus Feinstein Levin I think there was a lot of give and still hope it is possible to get the Biden Ford Lieberman take on each side in good faith. I Bingaman Glenn agreement. If that happens, we could Mikulski thought we were almost there. But if Boxer Graham Moseley-Braun we make an agreement and everybody finish our work very quickly today and Bradley Harkin Murray there would be no votes tomorrow or Breaux Heflin Nunn says, ‘‘Well, I will make the agreement Bryan Hollings Pryor but I want to go back and offer an Saturday. But if not, then I do not Bumpers Inouye Reid amendment to try to undo the agree- think we have any other choice other Byrd Johnston Robb Conrad Kennedy ment,’’ then we do not have an agree- than to try to complete this bill to- Rockefeller Daschle Kerrey ment. Either we have an agreement or night with or without cloture. Sarbanes Dodd Kerry we do not have an agreement. So I still think there is a genesis of Dorgan Kohl Simon an agreement here. I would say to the Exon Lautenberg Wellstone I can agree, if you let me have 25 White House, I hope that you will help chances to improve on what I have al- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this ready agreed upon, but I do not think us reach an agreement, because, until vote, the yeas are 56, the nays are 44. there is an agreement, there will not be that is an agreement. Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- I hope that we can resolve everything any defense supplemental taken up in sen and sworn not having voted in the this body. so that, when it comes to the floor, I affirmative, the motion is not agreed can persuade the Senator from New f to. York to withdraw the amendment with Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest reference to Mexico. He has not done CLOTURE MOTION the absence of a quorum. that yet. We have the Jordan aid in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The PRESIDING OFFICER. The this package that I know the adminis- the previous order, the hour of 2 p.m. clerk will call the roll. tration is very concerned about. having arrived, the clerk will report The assistant legislative clerk pro- So I hope there would be some way to the motion to invoke cloture. ceeded to call the roll. bring it together in the next, say, 45 The legislative clerk read as follows: Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask unan- minutes to an hour. CLOTURE MOTION imous consent that the order for the I also remind my colleagues on this We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- quorum call be rescinded. side of the aisle, there is a Republican ance with the provisions of rule XXI of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without conference in progress in S. 207 which Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move objection, it is so ordered. will end, hopefully, at 3 o’clock. to bring to a close debate on the Hatfield f I am happy to yield the floor or yield amendment No. 420, to H.R. 1158, the supple- CLOTURE MOTION to my colleague from South Dakota. mental appropriations bill, signed by 17 Sen- Mr. DASCHLE addressed the Chair. ators as follows: Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I send a Senators Mark, Hatfield, Pete Domenici, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- cloture motion to the desk. nority leader. Rick Santorum, Larry Pressler, Mitch The PRESIDING OFFICER. The McConnell, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, as I Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Conrad clerk will report. said before the vote, it was not our de- Burns, Mike DeWine, Nancy Kasse- The legislative clerk read as follows: sire to hold up this bill. I will reiterate baum, Ted Stevens, Jesse Helms, Rob- CLOTURE MOTION my sincere desire to work with the ma- ert F. Bennett, Spencer Abraham, Dirk We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- jority leader in finding an agreement. Kempthorne, and Fred Thompson. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the What I hope we might be able to do, f Standing Rules of the Senate do hereby perhaps, is to maybe run two tracks, move to bring to a close debate on the Hat- get some debate and offer some of these CALL OF THE ROLL field amendment No. 420 to H.R. 1158, the supplemental appropriations bill: amendments. We could maybe work The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Bob Dole, Fred Thompson, Rick out some short time agreements and imous consent, the quorum call has Santorum, Alfonse D’Amato, Chuck have a good debate, rather than just been waived. Grassley, Trent Lott, Larry Craig, putting the Senate in a quorum call, VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:50 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S06AP5.REC S06AP5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S5304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 6, 1995 and then work simultaneously to see if aisle claim never to have signed it, and calls them reform. It reruns a lot of we might not be able to address some many Americans have no idea what it 1980’s political bumper sticker slogans of these concerns. is, much less any idea of its various and calls them a program for change. I agree with the majority leader. We provisions. The term ‘‘contract’’ is usu- The Revolution has come to Wash- are close and perhaps we can find a way ally reserved for binding documents ington! Rejoice all mad-as-hell citi- to accommodate many of the concerns which two or more parties have agreed zens! Well, if this is a revolution, it raised on both sides of the aisle. to and signed. But, not so with this so- must certainly be called the retread But perhaps at the same time we called contract with America. It is sim- revolution. Term limits, balanced might be able to accommodate some ply the wish list of the extreme faction budget amendment, line item veto, en- Senators who have been waiting pa- of one political party, packaged to sell hanced rescission, separate enrollment, tiently to be able to offer amendments.
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