GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY ABSTRACT Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Puducherry - Implementation of the Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for Poor Families, 2012 in the Puducherry district of the Union Territory of Puducherry - Payment through ECSto the beneficiaries - Expenditure Sanction for the current financial year 2018-19 with permission to disburse the amount on ECS- Accorded. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE& DISASTERMANAGEMENT G.O. Rt. No. 12/DRDM/2018-19 Puducherry, the READ: 1. This Department's G.0.Ms.No.14 dated 28.99.2012 2. This Department's G.0.Ms.No.15 dated 28.09.2012. OR D E R: The Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for Poor Families' 2012 notified vide order read above, is being implemented by the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Government of Puducherry for granting financial assistance to all the below poverty line family members in the Union Territory of Puducherry in the event of death or partial or permanent total disability of their family members in the age group of 18-60 years. 2. Accordingly, sanction of the Lieutenant Governor is hereby conveyed to incur an expenditure of not exceeding ~.1,84,20,OOO/-(Rupees One crore eighty four lakhs and twenty thousand only) towards the grant of financial assistance to 542 beneficiaries/claimant who have lost their family members due to natural and unnatural death, partial total disability and permanent total disability due to accidents in the Union Territory of Puducherry under the provisions of "Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for Poor Families, 2012" as detailed in the annexure. 3. Sanction is also conveyed to utilize the entire amount by way of issuing orders by the District Collector and presenting contingent bills to Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries, Puducherry. The Dte of Accounts & Treasuries may scrutinize the bills and make payment to the eligible beneficiaries through Electronic Clearing System (e-Payment) only. 4. The financial assistance in respect of minor beneficiaries shall be transferred to the Deputy Collector (Revenue) - cum - Settlement Officer concerned, who in turn shall make necessary arrangements to deposit the financial assistance as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank until the minor attains majority. 5. The expenditure is debitable under the Head of Account "2235-Social Security and Welfare - 60 -Other Social Security and Welfare Programme - 60/101(01) - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Below Poverty Line family members in the Head of Account 60/101(01)(01) Puducherry region - 50 Other Charges" in the budget of the current financial year 2018-19. 6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Puducherry vide their I.D.No. 1960/FC/F4/ A3/2018-19, dt.30.10.2018. //BYORDER// A I LV a1L;V.1 ~ 1(~IJlI/6 (ABHIJIT VIJAY CHAUDHARI, I.A":'S SPECIAL SECRETARY (REVENUE)-cum- \1'\ ~'DISTRICT COLLECTOR End: Annexure To The Special Officer, % the Special Secretary (Revenue), Puducherry Copy to : 1. The Finance Department, Puducherry. 2. The Director of Accounts & Treasuries, Puducherry 3. The Deputy Director, Pay Section VIII, DAT., Puducherry 4. The Senior Dy. Accountant General (Civil Audit), Puducherry. 5. The Accountant General, Chennai-35. 6. The Sub/Dy. Collector (Revenue) North/South, Puducherry 7. The Tahsildar, Puducherry/Oulgaret/Villianur/Bahour 8. The Bill Section, % the Special Secretary(Revenue), Puducherry 9. File Copy / Spare Copy. , ANN'EXU,RE to the G.O.Rt.No.12/DRDM/2018-19, Dt. rf3 NOV 2018 Name & Father Name & Addressofthe 51 name of the Relationshi Date of Depth Claimant Name of the Bank Account No MICRNo. Eligible Amount No Deceased Thiru/Tmt. p Thiru/Tmt. Form C No.001/DCRS/REV/RGSS/2016-17/TOV/15,DT.18.0S.2017 VILLIANUR TALUK Boobalan Ind ian Overseas Bank Chandrasekar 1 27-03-2016 #25, MariammanKoil St., Father Thirubhuvanai 170501000010008 605020007 75000 S/o Boobalan Kothampurinatham. Industrial Estate Vijayalakshmi, Muthukrishnan #51, PeriyaSt., Indian Bank 2 17-08-2016 Wife 721443411 605019080 30000 S/o Kalivaradhan LRPalayam, Thirukkanur Puducherry-605502. Priya, Nagaiyan S/o #21, MarianunanKoilSt., Indian Bank 3 03-07-2016 Wife 6452426780 605019080 30000 Duraisamy New Colony, Thirukkanur Kaikilapct. Valannathy, Kaliamurthy #1,MariammanKoil Street, Indian Bank 4 26-07-2016 Wife 6002020090 605019080 30000 S/o Erisan PudhuColony, Thirukkanur Kaikilapet. Mathi, Pushparaj Indian Bank 5 17-10-2016 #3, Gopalankadai, Wife 605019012 30000 S/o Raj 6174933309 Puducherry. Villianur. Jothi, Sekar #25, AriyapalayamRd., UCOBank 6 21-07-2016 Wife 04303211018544 605028005 30000 S/o Ariputhiri BharathiNagar, Villianur Villianur. Dhanam, Nagoorsamy Indian Bank 7 02-09-2016 #15, MettuSt., Wife S/o Kandasamy 502611205 605019012 30000 Villianur. Villianur. Vijaya, Sekar UCOBank 8 23-07-2016 #1, BeemaraoNagar, Wife S/o Malayappan 04303211018605 605028005 30000 Villianur. Villianur Padmini, Thiyagarajan Ind ian Overseas Bank 9 11-05-2016 #10,BharathiSt., Wife S/o Somasundaram 295001000003590 605020036 30000 Ariyapalayam. Villianur Sivagangai, Jeeva Indian Bank 10 22-08-2016 #8, 2nd Cross St., Mother S/o Mathavan 6474247048 605019099 30000 Pulianthope,Thondrnanatham. Koodapakkam. Amsavalli, Subramanian Indian Bank II 04-07-2016 #8, MainRoad, Wife Sio Manivel 544756343 605019100 30000 Keezhsathamangalam. Sathamangalam Vasanthi, Sivakumar #32, DrowpathiammanKoil Indian Bank 12 @Murugan 15-08-2016 St., Wife 605019050 30000 Katterikuppam 6092900465 S/o Thiyagarajan Katterikuppam Mathinabee, Syed Kapoor #10, 4th Cross sr., Ind ian Overseas Bank 13 05-09-2016 Wife 605020007 30000 S/o Syed Ali PudhuNagar, Thirubhuvanai. 170501000051630 Thiruvandarkoil. Selvi, Govindaraju Indian Overseas Bank 14 06-10-2016 #22, SecondCross st., Wife S/o Adhikesavan 170501000010473 605020007 30000 Chinnapet. Thirubhuvanai. karpagam, Murugadass Indian Overseas Bank 15 10-05-2015 # 10, ThoppuSt., Wife S/o Ramalingam 170501000008357 605020007 30000 Thirubhuvanai. Thirubhuvanai. Mahalakshmi, Segaran #3, RiceMill St, Indian Bank 16 25-04-2016 Wife 605019099 30000 S/o Sengeni Koodapakkam, Koodapakkam. 502647720 Puducherry. Devarajan, Pappayee #22, MainRoad, UCO Bank 17 20-10-2015 VallalarSchool, Husband 605028005 W/o Devarajan Villianur 04300110054505 30000 Mangalam. Arunachalam Jayakumari, 18 01-04-2012 #43, lIangoSt., Indian Bank S/o Selvabakkiam Wife 899232971 605019012 30000 Vadamangalam. Vilianur. SureshKumar, Rani Indian Bank 19 14-06-2015 #22, ErikkaraiSt., Son S/o Krishnan 871722208 605019012 30000 Mangalam. Villianur. Pazhanianunal Ramesh Indian Bank 20 19-02-2016 #8, MertuSt., Wife S/o Kuppusamy 6433277773 605019099 30000 Thondamanatham. Koodapakkam. ~~~ ~. \~ ~ Page 1 '.- Name & Father Name & Address of the 51 name of the Relationshi Date of Death Claimant Name of the Bank • No Deceased Account No MICRNo. H1gible Amount Thiru/Tmt. p Thiru/Tmt, Shahinabegam, Sulaiman #13,Muruguan KoilSt., State Bank of India 21 13-03-2016 Wife 605002021 30000 Sio Johnbasha ThiruvandarKoil, Thirubhuvanai 20204702250 Pondy. Jayalakshmi Datchinamurthy Vijaya Bank 22 15-05-2016 65, RagavendraNagar, Wife Sio Ranganathan 680901011000828 605029003 30000 Iyyankuttipalayam. Kurumbapet. Kalyani, Segar #First si, Indian Overseas Bank 23 15-03-2016 Wife 170501000010417 605020007 30000 Sio Janagirarnan SudhanaNagar, Thirubhuvanai. ThiruvandarKoil. Uma, Ravi #11, MettuSt., Indian Bank 24 29-12-2015 Wife 6418681095 605019099 30000 Sio Rarnasarny' Karasur, Koodapakkam. Katterikuppam. Suguna, Gnanavel #6, PudhuNagar, Indian Bank 25 23-04-2016 Wife 799274541 605019037 30000 Sio Samikannu NallurPet, Kariamanickam Mannadipet. Thatcbayini, Sivaperumal #23, HospitalSt., Indian Bank 26 15-05-2016 Wife 805011338 605019012 30000 Sio Parasuraman Ramanathapuram. Villianur. Kala, Selvadurai Indian Bank 27 22-09-2016 #6, First St., Wife 799598929 605019050 30000 Sio Munusamy Suthukeni. Katterikuppam Sarala, Gnanamoorthy Indian Bank 28 08-07-2016 #13, FirstCross St., Wife 6031013352 605019099 30000 Sio Sarangam Thethampakkam. Koodapakkam. Malarvizhi, Perurnal Indian Bank 29 08-12-2015 #98, MariammanKoilSt., Wife 797860479 605019099 30000 Koodapakkam. Sio Masilamani Pillaiyarkuppam, Lakshmi, Radhakrishnan Indian Bank 30 21-07-2016 #16, IndiraNagar, Wife 882320980 605019050 30000 Katterikuppam Sio Mannangkatti Sandhaipudukuppam. Kaliyarumal, Irisappan #26, SudalaiSt., Indian Bank 31 14-01-2016 Wife 6412231722 605019062 30000 Sio Karman Kalitheerthalkuppam Madagadipet Puducherry. Athilaksluni, Manjini #19, IyyanarKoil St., Indian Bank 32 17-06-2016 Wife 886282281 605019012 30000 S/o. Pichaigovindhan G. N Palayam, Villianur. Arumparthapuram. Lakshmi Nagappan #92, 2nd Cross St, Indian Bank 33 01-11-2016 Wife 6239295829 605019012 30000 Sio Arumugam NatarajanNagar Villianur. G. N Palayam Form C No.001lDCRS/REV/RGSSSI2016-17rrOV/16, DT.18.0S.2017 Rajalakshrni Subrayan Ind ian Overseas Bank 16-09-2015 #11/5, MariammanKoilStreet, Wife 170501000012598 605020007 30000 34 Thirubhuvanai. Sio Srinivasan Vadamangalam. Santhi, Padmanaban Indian Overseas Bank 13-01-2015 #24, MariammanKoilSt., Daughter 170501000007528 605020007 30000 35 Thirubhuvanai. Sio Govindasamy Tbirubhuvanai. Form C No.001IDCRS/REVIRGSSS/2017-18rrOV/I, DT. 23.10.2017 Usharani, Karthikeyan Indian Bank 25-11-2013 I I. KamanKoilSt, Wife 878310593 605019012 30000 36 Villianoor S/o. Krishnaraj Sankaranpet. Santhi, Balamurugan #32, VadamangalamRd., Indian Bank 37 01-03-2015 Wife 898848550 605019012 30000 Sio kanniyappan KamanKoilSt., Villianur Mangalam. Kiliyambal, Desingu Sio Indian Bank #8, ManavaliWest,
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