Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish The Member Churches of Sacred Heart ~ Kent St. Bernard ~ Sharon St Bridget ~ Cornwall Bridge Monsignor Vittorio Guerrera Pastor Parish Trustees Mr. Jerry Tobin ~ Mr. Marty Lindenmayer MASS SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and First Friday 9 AM SACRED HEART ~ KENT “Whoever SATURDAY VIGIL 4 PM SAINT BRIDGET CHURCH 7 River Road ~ Cornwall Bridge loves me SUNDAY 8 AM SAINT BERNARD CHURCH will be 52 New Street ~ Sharon SUNDAY 10 AM loved by SACRED HEART CHURCH 17 Bridge Street ~ Kent my HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE CONSULT THE BULLETIN Father, SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Before Mass or by appointment. and I will PARISH OFFICE Mrs. Sandy Papsin ~ Parish Secretary love him Monday, Thursday & Friday 9 - 4:30 860-927-3003 Mailing Address: and PO BOX 186 Kent, CT 06757 WEBSITE: saintkaterict.org reveal EMAIL: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION myself to COORDINATORS Martha Lane & Kathleen Lindenmayer him.” BAPTISM & MARRIAGE Registered parishioners are asked to make arrangements by calling the (John 14, 21) Parish office ALL THREE PARISH WORSHIP SITES SUNDAY MAY 17th 2020 A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE In today’s gospel Jesus prepared his disciples for his depar- ture. Family life is a series of departures. As we mature and grow older we constantly transition from the familiar to the SATURDAY MAY 16th new unknown. Today Jesus assures us we are not alone in Carl Henry “Hank” Seegers these transitions. “I will not leave you orphans. I will come to Requested by his wife Mimi Seegers you.” SUNDAY MAY 17th THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER PRAY THE ROSARY Charles Schmidt ~ Mass of Healing The Rosary prayed to Mary is a power- Requested by Marge and Vic Francis ful prayer as Mary intercedes for each of MONDAY MAY 18th us. Her Son never denies His mother. This Saint John I week our intention is for the skilled medical Elizabeth Wiwie professionals who care for the sick. Spend Requested by Fred Wiwie, Jr. twenty minutes praying the rosary with fel- low parishioners. If you don’t know how to TUESDAY MAY 19th pray the rosary, this is a great time to learn. Saint Theophilus of Corte Your prayers will be heard. Rev. Thomas W. Hickey MAKE YOUR TELEVISED OR ONLINE MASS A SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MAY 20th EXPERIENCE DURING THIS UNUSUAL TIME Saint Bernardine of Siena Rev. Evan Harkins 1. Sit in chairs to help you & your family/friends (if others THURSDAY MAY 21st are present) engage in the Mass & to keep you from pas- THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD sively watching from the couch or recliner. 2. Get dressed as you normally would when attending Mass. SATURDAY MAY 23rd Keeping this routine is especially helpful for children. SUNDAY MAY 24th 3. If you have holy water in your home, bless yourselves THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER before & after watching the Mass. John Buquicchio Sr. 4. Take a few moments of silence to prayerfully transition Requested by Porsh and John Boquicchio from the busyness of the home to the sanctity of the Mass. 5. Fully participate by standing, kneeling, sitting & respond- * Public Masses have been cancelled through May ing as you normally would when physically attending the 20, 2020 by the Archdiocese of Hartford. All sched- Mass. uled Mass intentions will continue to be honored 6. Set a Crucifix or sacred art in the close proximity of TV or and offered during this period as private Masses streaming device to assist in remaining focused. 7. Follow along with a missalette or lectionary when the Lit- urgy of the Word (readings) are taking place. The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal pro- 8. Light a candle to symbolize Christ, the light that shines in vides help to those in need! Together, darkness, to help your home resemble the Church we can and do make a profound differ- environment. ence in the lives of many individuals 9. Spread the GOOD NEWS... and families, in a way that exceeds any- thing we could hope to achieve on our The Catholic Church own. Please consider supporting this important initiative as has a long tradition of through the Appeal’s Vicariate Outreach program, our parish offering Masses for towns receive funding. special intentions and All funds contributed to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for the souls of the are used exclusively for the purposes outlined in the Appeal lit- faithful departed. erature, which can be found at: Masses may also be requested in thanksgiving https://archdioceseofhartford.org/appeal for health and blessing or other intentions such No Appeal funds are ever used for legal fees or settlements. as an anniversary or wedding day. A $20 offer- ing is suggested for weekend Mass, and $15 for SACRIFICIAL GIVING FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER a Daily Mass. To schedule a Mass intention, please call the Parish Office. ENVELOPES: $ 2,980.00. ON LINE GIVING: $ 2,633.33. Thank you for your presence, your generosity Man's way leads to a hopeless end – and steadfast commitment to our Parish. May God bless you and your families. God's way leads to endless hope. THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Why do we make the three From signs of the cross before the Gospel? Certainly, many people go to Monsignor’s Desk... Mass or other devotions, doing and saying things out of habit or reverence and not really understanding the rea- Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak, I’ve been asked sons behind some of these things. But whether the pandemic is a form of divine punishment. I’m not sure everything we do has a meaning or such speculation is helpful, especially when we seek to apply it to purpose that helps us to worship better, the sins of others rather than our own particular sins with which we proclaim our beliefs, or focus the atten- tion of the people on something that struggle and to which we might be blind. has a greater importance or significance. A review of the mean- In addressing this question in a lecture, Fr. Dominic ing of various gestures and practices can help us have a deeper Legge, O.P., pointed out that in the Bible there clearly are in- appreciation for what we do. stances where God is depicted as sending plagues on the nations There is a little prayer that goes with the three crosses for their sins. The Egyptians and the Israelites both suered the before the Gospel: “May the words of the Holy Gospel be on my same kinds of punishments from the Lord. So, one cannot be cer- mind, on my lips and in my heart.” In standing to hear the Gos- tain that it’s not a punishment to some degree. On the other hand, pel, we acknowledge that Jesus is present, and the words of the in the Gospels, Our Lord says not all suering that people experi- Gospel are addressed to us. All of the gestures and special pos- ence is due to personal sin (Luke 13:1-5; John 9:1-3). The ques- tures we adopt before the Gospel are intended to help us prepare tion often asked is, ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’ for hearing the Word as well as act on it. The incense, the Alle- Perhaps the more mysterious question is, ‘Why do good things luia, the deacon or priest, and the special dialogue and an- happen to bad people?’ Jesus says: “Your heavenly FatherB nouncement that introduces the Gospel help us focus our atten- makes His sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to tion on the Good News we are about to hear. The three signs of fall on the just and the unjust” (Mt 5:45). the cross show our desire and good intention to hear and live the Is the Coronavirus a punishment from God? We cannot Gospel. know the mind of God. We do know that death was not part of God’s original plan for mankind. Suffering and death are the con- “If you love me you will keep my sequence of the sin of our first parents. Though God permits suf- commandments … and my Father will fering to happen, it does not necessarily mean that He directly love you and will come to you.” wants it to happen. Jesus Himself took on the suering of human- ity even to the point of death, so that it might be transformed into The Lord shows the way, just the path of life. ask Him. If you have asked and are discerning a vocation, May this time in which we are confronted with the reality of our mortality lead each of us to reconsider the way we are liv- Contact Fr. Michael Casey, Director of Vocations, Pas- ing, that we might repent and place ourselves more firmly under toral Center, phone 860-761-7456, the care of the Lord who is the way, the truth, and the life. e-mail [email protected]. or visit the website at: www.hartfordpriest.com. "HE ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN AND IS REGINA CÆLI LET US PRAY: SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE V. Queen of Heaven, FATHER" rejoice! Alleluia. O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of This Thursday, May 21st, is Ascension Thurs- R. For He whom you your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, did merit to bear. day, normally a Holy Day of Obligation. grant we beseech you, that through Please make every attempt to tune in to the Alleluia. the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Celebration of the Mass on one of the tele- V. Has risen, as He His Mother, we may obtain the joys vised sites listed here in the bulletin.
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