THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 NOVEMBER, 1928. 7391 RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS. the County of Somerset, and Clifton May- GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. bank, in the County of Dorset." James PATON is granted a commission in (2) that the.benefit of the Scheme in con- Class B.B. as a Pilot Officer on probation. nection with the application of the income of 13th Nov. 1923. the Yeovil Free School Exhibition Foundation Francis Ernest Selby GROVES is granted a ehall be extended to such parts of the proposed commission in the Special Reserve as a Pilot added areas as do not at the present time form Officer on probation. 8th Oct. 1928. part of the Ancient Parish of Yeovil. Pilot Officer Frederick Henry DIGHT is (3) that the Scheme in connection with the promoted to the rank of Flying Officer. 3rd administration of the Yeovil Foundation of Nov. 1928. John Nowes shall be modified and amended, in Pilot Officer Douglas George ALLISON is the following manner: — promoted to the rank of Flying Officer in the (a) Clause 3 (6) to be repealed and the Special Reserve. 23rd Oct. 1928. following clause substituted:— Flight Lt. Herbert Victor STAMMERS, " One Additional Governor to be ap- D.F.C., is transferred from Class A to pointed by the Vicar and Churchwardens Class C. 10th Mar. 1928. of St. James' Church." The undermentioned Flying Officers are (6) Clause 14 to be repealed, such repeal transferred from Class B to Class 0: — however not to affect exhibitions that have William Waldron SAUNDERS. 6th Oct. 1928. already been awarded and are now being Sidney Hugh Hamilton SWANTON. llth maintained by the Governors under the pro- Sept. 1928. visions of that clause; William ALLAN. 7th Oct. 1928. (c) Clause 13 to be amended to read as Horace Charles NORMAN. 2nd Sept. 1928. Arnold Edward ANSELL. 16th- Sept. 1928. follows: — " After payment of any expenses of ad- Flying Officer Samuel Walter LUMMIS ministration, the yearly income of the relinquishes his commission on completion Foundation shall be applied by the of service, llth Nov. 1928. Governors of the area (in this clause called MEDICAL BRANCH. the privileged area) consisting of the Flight Lt. James Watkins HARPER Municipal Borough of Yeovil, the Parish is transferred from Class Dii to Class Di. of Yeovil Without and the Hamlet of 14th Dec. 1927. Alvington, as follows: — Flight Lt. Dumaresq Le BAS relinquishes (a) A part not exceeding one-third of his commission on completion of service, and the said income may, if the Governors is permitted to retain his rank. 1st Apr. think fit, be applied in or towards 1928. making arrangements for attending to the health or physical condition of LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTS 1888 AND 1894. children attending any Public Element- BOROUGH OF YEOVIL. ary School in the privileged area in accordance with rules to be made by the Whereas in pureuance of Section 54 of the Governors with the approval of the Local Government Act, 1888, a representation Board of Education signified by writing has been made to the Minister of Health by under their seal. the Council of the Borough of Yeovil that it (&) Subject to the foregoing provision, is desirable that the boundary of the Borough the said income shall be applied in the should be altered by a Provisional Order maintenance of Junior or Senior Exhi- under the Act so as to include therein parts bitions, to be awarded to boys and girls of the Parishes of East Coker, Preston Pluck- resident in the privileged area who have nett and Yeovil Without, in the Rural Dis- for not less that two years at any time trict of Yeovil: attended Public Elementary Schools and And whereas a Provisional Order for the have, under examination, shown a satis- alteration of the boundary of a Borough may factory knowledge of the doctrines of the deal with any of the matters mentioned in Church of England." Sections 54 and 59 of the Local Government Act, 1888, and Section 54 of the Local Govern- (4) that provision should be made for ment Act, 1894, and may also amend any Local differential rating in favour of the areas to and Personal Act or repeal alter or amend any be added to the Borough by authorising the Provisional Order made under the Public Minister of Health to make a further Order, Health Act, 1875, or made under the Sanitary on application being made to him within two Acts: months after the passing of the Act confirm- And whereas the under-mentioned proposals ing the provisional Order by the local authority are included, with other proposals, in the of any of the added areas, providing for an representation of the Council of the Borough abatement from the general rate levied by the of Yeovil: — Borough Council within the added area to which the application relates. (1) that the limits for the supply of gas by Notice is hereby given that M. G. Weekes, the Borough Council shall be extended by Esq., M.Inst.C.E., one of the Inspectors of amending Section 30 of the Yeovil Corporation the Minister of Health will attend at the Act, 1898, to read as follows:— Municipal Offices, Yeovil, on Wednesday, the " The limits of this Act for the supply of twenty-eighth day of November, 1928, at ten gas by the Corporation shall be the Borough o'clock in the forenoon to hold a Local Inquiry of Yeovil and the parishes and places follow- into the representation of the Council of the ing, viz. :—Yeovil Without, Bar wick, Borough of Yeovil and whether a Provisional Brympton, East Coker ancl West Coker, in Order should be made by the Minister for.
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