Residents Fled from Homes * 0 4 ! New Jeriey and New York Sen'es J Cliffwood !»V:Uh

Residents Fled from Homes * 0 4 ! New Jeriey and New York Sen'es J Cliffwood !»V:Uh

tWfcKM£ *«A IA vv aiv ;-;<;tUsia,rt :-.- ; % j ; I’ THURSDAY« . / V i a IJIfe. 1 ’ Home u s ' atiTAWAfti, jWA8L'Mto^(“ v::iT'' AU Week isoi.ividti '*i£.'i«iuasd!s-V-| v', ' J" ' ■ ISeft/oaf' . .Katiwfs^-, Asse-ttiiiuti .••MATAWAN, W J n THURSDAY, OCTOBSR 10, )?6f W 4Hr*x)r i?{ r>ifi iV»Bvy*A»i,«ji» . • Chiefs. /Appr&vm: . Mm: 'M^linguishers In .Tux Assessments iSSjsSiSs^^ : " " " '- JUenrv-^EiUs:. ' M w ? '•: :-the* j-. ' w V £ .K\ “ J ^ tv .ik jr , ito - E r a a v iT --M~v; M K V :;* : '*>-,■«??:-' T m .> v-i - icyussnHa Bv Uiws;:.S; Aikm , ,v/4u. hawc. s ti p d c q /* nVfifet *tjs*. tca’cl w o ' '.if ad I Et'tnc1) tN *-orBtigh.'.--’stw r»: :-e 'jt. i-ui.’c.? ‘.-.'iiiv ?v;J3SAT-'i^<i-'ha<iv;avi:an»ad^ •!.s«l?t$i&Jr-’thUtfw>S.v----i- , .cSa.ssrfiirsU'-ir••• > ■ , £•-?•«■;. A Iv *11 Vr fainri< ^ O u n I > vn *1 1 n,t PJt -J 1 1 ' 1 or the erjuijv ■ <:* -,i vou i .-f.pwir-'!!!>• .-an : PSire rt m I ■■«..*'* i-.--l)-«-i..n.u, ;->? Brocrs:;; - 9?- ; ^ V A r K:S5 o.m ,. • vibil.t».c;> AV: ri : , rU-;t? . • ,.r'' v-'.1" 5 ;iu fjiC'' AU-rux^ose-' roe??}. oii the ' . ihfl/t Busaite.v* W K r c tit w A . I . ■;!'■ • ! i- HV- *V)U;'« ; ’^xcayx. - tooim;H^‘Pw jU tfHeny a? ">rt<( « wrii i u t ■ t t C ,^ t U the j .r t>s rur t ?v»u . : A s £ i)d a t« i, . o-.m-rs. Ill ] pBysi(-:i! ^;.:;?‘rSp5jn5-.; nj, v^rfi rtcfrt hmeuoi u II ., .-. 1 - -1-??*;i 11-1:: ’..-.'d l'.f 1 ■;;IHT 'il’tlt a t n a ;'; Stptn'iiritiits ; oj; ' S w u m . Or. ;.:6 ii• ;- • iK'^SKiH , his; gshftyiiV: i[- w iiJSirtal: oiiivvys - f w r t c a i'r 'i k y O i r .ii niit^.iyv- th#7:- ■''S ■■■are-' 'InvValv- Township t'ss r-j (fie i,;iv:.|!tir;f;, i',,'. r^.i)-J: j*d, J r » AX,>ar*-i hf* sought rcd u c. : tijjB Jjl t'hailg!! trifc y ;^;1; tioh in {'A 'o 'jip i’, cto n o u tu ' 'SS- lni'ludc-j S ti1 L i ’ i u i ' jt>? .lavK K tm ent,- retkirtt. i.snt!:; Sells Bonds Mr. Luzs^ar saict !fe'; iite^ i.ay^.- dlSClimiaatiOll 111 tuuipardlili' is!*'- I tV.IRt j on; ai,;r, ir. Ke “ * •evaMi«rtv-.tJtc.-'^«W: !•-. i,' h u rB sa ;:-'-tv;:-/v/'jV’l'h^-Matn’vfinVTawnii'ilp C-.h i:w .U ’ VP- ^V.ickly j Moiifjay' night: sold ji J247.0fl() Brtiid j wire' fenCMtp RrviiniJ the.' p!^.! af. !'>r | ji/H ii; Iho ra ilro a d siU'.op, «ii $33,<. Jt--.l ihsiUi- u>" th£*: Niiw.'-.J^vst'y S.ijtiiiriili i Mvs-:*':B an k "arid TrustCii',"-AsBury Pa rk ;! ■ tk-1- W: ■' thi- - Oil, s iv ri.'a.v:; :;trAs.: a i 7 ¥,».■ t w 1000; the >vati>r s tw a g e ta n .u .'H a y ^ .'A p ic iW e 'l^ i. c o u Iil^il j on- its ijfiVr <>i 4.5$- f iv i .t:su!(. ill-1. criu- j S2-i,5UU'.-'wch; t h e .275,000' r ‘ to?estaBUsh:Ut;;;as^'tBts--.rejljifnton-J.tcresf' aW -'st' premium,7of.)*J'3.7fc'j Inc i! C7.W M m f l, cjf .-Vi ta^lj^»aWfe4.*y'-th«.\.lKaouBJt.-| aids -of- thrw,'. other". Bii»i«; ra»K^0 1 ‘ . ., . , ,,,. ■ ... • ... , , ,. , - . , ,, to tii*3 st,tc J (wrd oi In jr « 4 7C let i.r lu j p r t ' J-»» i UnJ llul f >' ' »* r <ipi>r -l will ht >. I wp SaliiMiv it tne Am i r md «( ( j coiii-rrfv 'w»ll55 at - pus M r)luB9tf> *ju id ois i.init i, ! ol the lirt t).t r,,i sicr lit i It M^l A ii I im h tli li s t < odiuwa in Milamii Io lh -ic ol t1 1 tl SMMr,** hf'pptr ai. -JSiOO; twuVcolil' m a t to- Ol M W ie t 'u r t a J » I ^ nn n „ , Wk »>«'*. »i ^>c«s-. dun»fe tin 1 <- v i> ntn-uihtrs ja ck 'Bias -if $5SW:-;»;'32;iH» Sf].‘ f t ,, lenpni!' iihprovemeni, oiu! tyntcr j fn jit red th'-rmsl Bin at:; ;. a)i(lt •a:r«atcd---».viMmpohtor •wa*.,:«etunR- ■Bym’s ii.uthorizft).w riter this year i th# pdvsntejie uf * lower tax ir- is units, oj -,ard -lisUUijj! at j.lSOniV we-.comBinetl. for the S^le.: . I T a k e n ; v k lt:i.'i!« .Sinur.'-S, ie;i2 d?-. "v"'- v ir C v v K Y ? P : ‘i } ' S . ; ■: -.'• ;;,;i t.f.-Cduac.*!: '.W tfo d U c«l :aii"o f?U n an ce j Ni laz-w- nked thc wnoh. prooiti ti<.i:V. ta'- thti- w'^rt'.boiiHfiV and.'- which v/ili Ban’ overnight-piukim* i 'SO^Years^Ago- \ Crash toni^pt uf Mr C jluB t i s a*, fiiaiHifaf.iitiiiii; r plant, M ?7; in,;r>jl(l/tntial »HW:? B y ..tru'ek.'s v.:iu\ | iis. found' his; researchers; Bt^ngh?; c tm iln ? h J i - g c I j is niora tton-tnxt-tons; rated capacuy: i <X i Ouii.dviJ.-rnr [ i j ' . U ~rl v-'-i. ba is ) o iW per ceit oc jaacv thurity Trans-HiKiS'jii (r'/Vftt) Cor iji-r , 35 am i C ix'i ry vUsmplaims had .ttfteiv .racetvod ; T h f apt>s:A:sor lo r M !d !a n (j '.:cn- HIV» M 13* 11? > 1 exr'*rlen-'c was IHir:iliciii, a inhsidinry of tho t’-.irt {Tree l;nmi ltd.- in Midiileti;sv:i Sat- j Out ISO per w r t rcntil >s a fict thnt , commercial .operators- .-were! eluded By '■'puuithB :• tho:7 C lift' Morgan Blast Flattened Area; A uthoi'ity, acq u ired Uie- o ld . H ’idson I ut'tlay^■ iiig lit resulted i'.v itsjurfas W >-wood Are., ptaul m s . , a :W Rfcjy,; ^kih^.traptor.^^ lr#Ucr:i on atrcuts ! h MorniuutH t o w v ai W fi in St.■ Maiihattai: Kaiirojd then on ih? III. porioris,. Police-' ;itSenl®Ml'---'-thi I in';',;resiUem ial • ~aines. catisins■ ','a I speciaiized pfop;T‘v ^uinly laid ter«at "aU c tiave ait a “4 tfio m»\c v'et-Ri; ol aljflniiii<imtriit alter S-t.idrivers; as' S.e!?u, ILofoa, 39. .ot j'oll( .„,j fur--'(itf-msaV hazanl to nuiturisi.i ati« usaescn ( men to yuvitt. homes o e a p ji ir.i of uiH’.in.uous operation.. This |Woodward. Okla., ,atid.Stophf-ii I- I j^ctaro ; of :ansi‘ ttii^ .-scht^V'disit'Hcl j e> 1 1 hi Ut that to do i h tn i c :il tn-.u‘- : ; v . i - l ! : i k h e '» v iv .i'! i^ r m a im . 5U d i :l!l2 VViio.-l'r.sirK D r.. I i u bru n a '. mi » t of Vehicles - .si't - e;<fclaiic4.-iror.'., ti)'.'; Residents Fled From Homes * 0 4 ! New Jeriey and New York sen'es j Cliffwood !»v:uh. y , : ■ ] 0r,.w h-Mslinhons as'four S\> f\. oil inji ipemi nt facto into calcul B u i 1 ihi jOyur - jO.WW.'JIiu .passeiig-jfs a yi-ir. j : l.jifoit, hK .son,; Ray7 and j furoaccs,'; aK’ded ” 3 ly v-it!i tn? ttor \ lion as M r rilin had av A prote t * » ^ ist ltd B O hs’ ot ihi- - w orst d isiU icrs ever: | svas\ uloiii} at the XiVM chhoijrd >vh«\ w*v<?r heard of- ajivUn after Ml jt the outset o«!> replan Ausustilfi; UnUerv,-oo;| -of Cliifwoi;.;:* i& periei’i’i.d in this ariia o K«rred:-‘ tlic> . tiisi. b ia s;. wem :o !f: at . a'twuit, p h ^ iu h . ; " . I > Mr.. Mi'CiovVao twill' descriBe tiie j daughter Ch'-istin:'. ; lo'sether ’ wUh, • a w d f a vVist, ;sp r ir J; lef; pyn Io _ In- h'ev;v:.n-f M a U w , w ihti i ciiaipri'.he:i;;i‘,H .nvulti-inil'ioa': t!i--!hi( \ hi:>- ^‘jnL-vr^. t 1g K . Slwl.ei-, |'o'siried; thai-rfor .-it’d'- p tun;. to B a rut'i' oasa and j-Iijscil cfm i[ A\ Mr ttyi U( od v V> j a s W vtiJirs'-jijo" oiv;Friday, :O a ..;r x ilS 'p.tiC aud'ii;WS'ii>!;7the;i)uildv xiur.c.tWiu the set By U.n? ‘ i_ reiiaBiiilaiioa : and. lrioderui'mRm. _ . 5 - Ward Pi.,.-.... tiew Monniuui'n,. aad.i sold......... ami put.. to. ii'iiVatttatty^oUiet_ „.. _ ........... i c> \ \ j-cr > 3h^i U V u-i a :trwcK-'which would - b« Bmmej. l'jlS - v.-hsto : 'explosions .’ tiesiiuyuii i iiiss . i'i the; a|va, .,:nio ;i.aUJMi;4- pkiilij'tS .nUcMs w e re X 'le a riy v ^ iB lo \ yru^rHrtv Vniriv P/v l’H iw-'hiis't'n-nou- has tin-j j »*li/;th«th.t-Ui/aheth, Elaine.Eiii!ne.:.ahd -jncl Frai.klui ’ sart of rhaua^c;«re;,j.H^' \VouW"i-- ; '; i ; :*ldiv#6d/v?>.''■'■.-'•■'■V-Vt’.-.'j.y.'-^.'v,''■ * smd' hs-.and■.several-renKtents ilvim osi oi"ihti T,A, .OiiissiW.MiiJii.-- ISdtth..C5«lia6»,.,vvlK*•»»«• d^H- op\ a s nM ishf/jm -fihsipet! U lc r ‘w uy lie w i l l '■.•jppIririf tU h is \ Shui^'v.

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