Origins of Resistances to Rust and Late Leaf Spot in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea, Fabaceae)l P. SUBRAHMANYAM.V. RAMANATHARAO, D. MCDONALD. J. P. Moss, AND R. W. GIBBONS' 7'hcc~ulti~utedpc~a,r1~/(Arachis hypogaea. Fubaccac) is belic~vedto have orlginutcjd ulorrg I/?(,C~USIC~II slo/)c,s (?fihr ..lnrl(s in Bo111.iaund northerr1 Argentina. The crop 1s t~orcgroLt,tr thronghout iro~~ic~ulutid warm tonpiJralr regron.c. .4rnong diseases uttac.krn,q pc,ut~lrrs,rlitr cwlr.,c~/hjl Puccinia arachidis arid larr, Ieuf'spot cuuscd hj, Phaeoisariopsis personata urea flic r?io.sl rt?iportan/ and dcstrurttvc~on a ~,orld~,idr .\c,olc. noti? pa//iogc,tr~,rr,stric./cd rn host run@, to Arachis, prohahly originated and c,oc,vol\,ed irl .Siiut/r .,ltnrriiu alclt~y~i'ith thrir /~ost.s.In rcwnr years there has heen 1?11i(./r ~rtlphusr.\OIL .SC~(~CIIIII~c!f pcwn~rt gcrtnpla.\t?i fi?r rerlstuncp to thmr di,seases, :I/ tile It~tcrtiut~o~ldC~OIJX Rc,~eurc.h It~.sti/tttc~,J~r tho St7tni-.-lrrd Troprc,s IICRIS.4 T). Iticlra. .\ottrc7 10.000 i~cntt~tt,yc,rr)ipIa.s~~~ uc,c.c.~.sions u,crc .sc,rccnc,d fhr reslstuncc to rlrst and Iutcz I(,u/ .spot d~rrtn,y1977-1 4X.F u~idsourc,es (?fresi.vt~tii,(,inderiti/rcd,[i)r c,itltrr or both put1iogrtr.c. (If /lie t.r~.vistut~rg~~trotjpc:~, uboul 87% helon~erlto A. hypogaca rur. fastigiata utitl 1.?"0 lo vtrr. hypogaea: 84% origrtiarc~din Sorirh .-lt?ier- 11 u or liud So~irlt. Ittli~ric~atic.o?ltlc,c,troti.r. .4 high pc2rccntagc (75"/r,ihad therr origln 111 I'c2rrr ihc,lrc~~~c,clto /I(, ci tc7c~rjtrilug',qrvicr c.ctitcr,fi~r r,ur. hirsuta and var. Sastigiatai. sit,ygc.strtii: tlrul t~csr.cturic~~to rlrrt ant/ /arc Icaf\pot drscasc,s miiyhr hur'c cvolv~drn it1ut c~outltl.J*. Origine des Sources de RCststance h la Rouille ct a la Cercosporiose Tardive dc I'Arachidc (:lru~~lrrcIi\po,yucu, Fabaceae). 1-'aruchide cultlvk {Arachis hypo- gaca. I.irl~ac.c,clc~l.\rt.ui/ orrjitticirrc~tlu ~~e~r.satitoricnrul df~:ltidr.s, cw Bolrvic~ct 1.n .-lrgiJutrr~c1/11 .l?~rc/.C't,ttcz c~rrif~rt'c~ cat t?iurri~r~r~utitpratrqltPc duns toutfi Ics r6,qions ft.oprc~a1c.iPI tct~i~)(:r(:e\~C/U/I~'L~~?~C~II C/IIIIIC/~'Jdir ttiondcp .,I I'bchc~llctnondralr, la ro~rilic~.Puccinia arachidis. r.i lir c~c,rc~i~~~~orcos~~turdr,,c,. Phaeoisariopsis personata, son/ 1r.s deii.\- prinripcllcs txuladic,s ck, I hrac,hidc,. Le.r d~u.uugenls puthog$t~~s.don/ Arachis rsr I'licitcl rrtrtylic,. .cot11 prot~ul~Ic~r?r(~t~tuli.~eiorr,~inu~r~~ IjC I:.l~??(;riqii(, dti Sltd. oir 11s \(, cr.rii~c~tr/ilC~,c~loppk u~,cc 1c.urs ltcitcs. ,411 c,oirrs d6.s dc)rnihrcs annkc,.~, lo? cgi~riput~ttc~~rlrc~r u 616 ,fuit [~olircrthlcr ic7s rcssoitrccs gPtiPtiqur~spour lcrrr rP- sr.stur~c~c~ci c.(,.\ r?ruluriic~.v .I l'lt~.srrt~itItltcrt~utrot~ul d~, Rcc-hcrchc~s sur 1c.y C'ulturc,~ (A,.\ /~III(:\7'ri)/11c,u/t,\ .SCI?II-. 1rtdc,.s IIC'RIS 4 TI. cjn Indc, y~tc,lquc~10,Ooo g6norjper d'urac,l~rdci)trt 61; c~rtl~lC's,cJtrrrr 1977 1.1 lYS5. pour icitr r6.srsratic.e d la ro~rrllrcr lu c~c~ri~ospo~.ii~.~('turdr~'(p. L/(,.Y.c011rcc~.s ilr 1.6~1.stati~~~~a I'un ou I'uutr~,c7u uu.~dru.~ ugc7t1rs patiio,yi.rrc.s otrl 61; cdcnt~fiPcc.PrPs dr 87% dc7.\ g6notlpc.s rbsrslu?lls uppar- rc3tiuic,~7id A. hypogaea ~wrfastigiata ct 13'S1 u var. hypogaea; 840.0 d'c7ntrc eu.v prol~c~~lurrtitd:.1tr1Prtyite drr Sud, o~ipoiivilre7trf htre appurc.nt6.v d do., sourc,cs sud- ut~rc'ric~arnc,.r.1'11 fi1r.t po~irc~c~tifu,.i~c~1'75(~oi ~)ro\,rnair dl1 I'6roli icmfr~,gkniqrcc. sewn- darrc' ,qPn4ro/i~tt1c~t11r~cotit~~r ~f(' vur. hirsuta PI I'UY, Sastigiatai, sug~runlait1.c.r qrre 1c.s .SOLII.~~C,Sd~,~(:~.ISIU~ILI' ci ia rouilli~ c,r ia i,cbrc,osporro.stJ/urcli\,r'sc scruicnt d6veIopp6t~s durls ce pa~s. ' Reccived 12 Deccrnhcr 1986: accepted 10 Ma> 1988. Approved as .lournal Article No, 629 by the International Crops Kcscarch Institutc for thc Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). : Plant Pathologtst. Botanist. Princ~palPlant Pathologist. Pnncipal Cytogenet~c~st.and Principal Plant Breeder. ICRISAT, Patanchcru P.O., Andhra Pradesh 502 324. India: present address of last author: lCKlSAT Sahelian Center. B.P. 12404. Niamey, Niger (via Paris). Econom~cBotan,,. 40(4). 1989, pp. 444-455 Q 1989, by the New York Rotanlcal Garden. Bronx. NY 10458 19891 SUBRAHMANYAM ET AL.: PEANUT PATHOGENS 44 5 It is generally accepted that the primary and secondary gene centers of cultivated plants are the best locations to find genuine sources of resistance to common pests and pathogens (Dinoor and Eshed 1984; Leppik 1970). During the coevolution of host and parasite, both participants develop complementary genetic systems if they have long been associated in their centers of origin (Anikster and Wahl 1979; Browning 1974; Dinoor 1970: Harlan 1976; Leppik 1970; Segal et al. 1980). The evolution of new and more virulent races of the pathogen may be counter- balanced by the development of higher levels of resistance in its host system due to selection pressure in the coevolution (nor 1956). Gene centers of many cul- tivated plants have been well established, but the origin and evolution of the parasites of these plants are still unexplored even after Leppik (1 970) emphasized this point. Some investigations have shown that certain specialized parasites and their distribution on particular plant groups can serve as reliable indicators that help to trace back thc origin and evolutioi? of their hosts (Leppik 1966). Systematic exploration in the gene centcrs for sources of resistance to some pests and diseases has been carried out for a few crop species (Qualset 1975). Very little is known regarding the relationship between the gene centers of the cultivated peanut (Aruchis hypogacu L., Fabaceae) and sources of the resistance to diseases. Hennen et al. (1976) and Leppik (1 97 1) suggested that the exploration of gene centers of peanut in South America may provide new germplasm for varietal improvement and breeding for resistance to pests and diseases. Our report discusses evolution of resistances to two major foliar diseases on the basis of screening of Arat<hrsgermplasm collected from gene centers and maintained at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). IC'RISAT, 25 km northwest of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, has the world's largest collection of peanut germplasm: over 10,000 accessions (Ramana- tha Rao 1987). During 1977-1985 these were screened against rust caused by Yuccrnra arachidis Speg. and late leaf spot caused by Phaeozsuriopsls personata (Berk. & Curt.) von Arx; several sources of resistance were identified for either or both pathogens (Subrahmanyam and McDonald 1983, 1987; Subrahmanyam et al. 1980, 1982, 1983, 1985b). ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION OF PEANUT .,lrachis is confined to a region in South America, east of the Andes, south of the Amazon, and north of La Plata. The assumed center of origin of the genus is in the Mato Grosso of Brazil, close to the Gran Pantanal (Gregory et al. 1980). .4ruchis hypogaea is the only member of Arachis cultivated on a large scale. It is believed to have originated somewhere along the eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia (Gregory et al. 1980) and in northern Argentina (Krapovickas, pers. comm. 1984). Aruchis hypogaea is broadly classified into two subspecies, each with two varieties (Krapovickas 1969). Krapovickas (1969, 1973) indentified five gene centers in relation to the distribution of subspecies and botanical varieties of A. hypogaea (Fig. 1): (1) The Guarani region, which includes a large part of the basins of the rivers Paraguay and upper Paran6 bordering northeastern Argentina (Corrientes and Misiones, eastern Paraguay, and southern Mato Grosso and western S5o Paulo in Brazil): subsp. .fastigiata (var. fastigiata and var. vulgaris). ECONOMIC BOTANY as Gerais 1 Brazil Fig. 1. Centers of origin and diversity of the cultivated peanut. Arrows indicate the spread (adapted from Gregory and Gregory 1 976). (2) The regions of Goias and Minas Gerais in Brazil: subsp. .fastigiata (var. fastigiata and var. vulgaris). (3) The region of Rondonia and northeastern Mato Grosso of Brazil, which is part of the Amazon basin: subsp. hypogaea (var. hypogaea). (4) The Bolivian region including the eastern foothills of the Andes: subsp. hypogaea (var. hwvpogaea)and a few subsp. .fastigiata (var. fastigiata). (5) The Peruvian region: subsp. hypogaea (var. hirsuta) and subsp. .fastigiata (var. -fastigiata). Gregory and Gregory (1 976) identified the sixth gene center to include north- eastern Brazil: subsp. fastigiata (var. fastigiata and var. vulgaris). The Bolivian region is believed to be the primary gene center of A. hypogaea, and the other five regions are assumed to be secondary gene centers (Gregory et al. 1980) (Fig. 1). 19891 SUBRAHMANYAM ET AL.: PEANUT PATHOGENS 447 Fig. 2. Geographical distribution of peanut rust (based on Commonwealth Mycological Institute map 160 issued in 1980). The peanut is grown throughout tropical and warm temperate regions, approx- imately between latitudes 40 N and 40 S. Peanuts are known to have been cul- tivated in Peru ca. 2000 B.C.
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