SEPTEMBER 29, 1958 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS - 29dM6,3 - B R O A D vraoi 9ÁÂ 14 sEBttIQ0 á I Á i£N a2ejjo3 apze2u;usog THE BUSINESSWEEKLY O IO Aftermath: Federal grand jury indicts Mack, Whiteside Page 27 Spearhead in VTR revolution: BBDO converts live to tape Page 31 Craven warns broadcasters to keep guard up on spectrum Page 52 Bullish about radio: Sales upswing seen for last half Page 80 Batting average (share of audience) up five months in a row. On any basis of measurable results-sales, cost -per -proof -of- purchase, or ratings - WMGM scores for advertisers at the lowest cost of any radio station in the Nevi York metropolitan area. wnngmRADIO NEW YORK CITY station in town liveliest 50.000 watts 6`tQ))l AID X1105 AVIie17 1F)2110"i ?,',11SnNI10-1nIA' WMGM -station of the champions-broadcasts the World Series The Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer Radio &tatlon In New York -1050 kc 400 Park Avenue Phone MUrray Hill 8-1000 Represented Nationally by George P. Ho//ingbery Co. NOW AVAILABLE NEW MERCHANDISING PLAN. DETAILS ON REQUEST. Territorial Governor of Alaska, Mike Stepovich, on the left, Compton, KVTV newsman, who was on hand, to record shown here accepting a film of Iowa's Governor Loveless personally, this history -making event of Alaska's becoming welcoming Alaska to the Union. Presenting the film is Dick the 49th state for KVTV viewers. WHEN THE BIG NEWS WAS ALASKA A KVTV NEWSMANWAS THERE Dick Compton's trip to Alaska is typical KVTV believes it has a responsibility to of the traveling KVTV newsmen do to the people it serves. A duty to keep them record and film news as it happens. A team intelligently informed on domestic and covered the "Peaceful Uses of Atomic world affairs. This is best done by sending Energy" conference in Geneva, Switzer- men to report and interpret the news as it land. Daily films were rushed back for use happens, when it happens. on KVTV. Channel 9 viewers saw last What does all this mean to you? People minute films of the Lebanon crisis. KVTV in the Sioux City area have come to de- was in Beirut when the news was made. pend on KVTV as the station with the im- Another team will cover South American portant things first. That's why KVTV is Bob Billman, left, and Charles Powell, right, along with Dick Compton, pictured above, comprise the KVTV news news next February. the most watched station in Sioux City - team. These are the men who bring to KVTV viewers the latest reports and films of the local, national and Why this on- the -spot coverage of news? why KVTV is your best buy in Sioux City. world news wherever it is happening. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION WGAR, Cleveland, Ohio WRFD, Worthington, Ohio WTTM, Trenton, New Jersey KVIV WMMN, Fairmont, West Virginia CHANNEL 9 SIOUX CITY, IOWA WNAX, Yankton, South Dakota CBS ABC KVTV, Sioux City, Iowa c tiwt C WJIM TV Strategically located to exclusively serve LANSING.... FLINT.... JACKSON Basic NBC. ...ABC Represented by the P.O.W. C.IOMI Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by Bnon»cnsrING PUBLICATIONS Inc., 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. DUTSTPkN NG Baseball's World Series, perennially capturing the enthusiasm and loyalty of millions of fans, is outstanding in the American calendar of sports. Equally outstanding in its field is WGAL -TV's unique multi -city coverage which costs you less by far than single -city coverage. Pioneer Channel 8 station WGAL -TV is first with viewers in Lancaster, . Harrisburg, York, as well as in numerous other \ cities including: Gettysburg, Hanover, Lebanon, Chambersburg, Carlisle, Lewistown. $6 2/3 billion income $3 3/4 billion retail sales 942,661 TV sets AL-TV CHANNEL 8- Lancaster, Pa. NBC and CBS STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. AMERICA'S 10th TV MARKET READING - 1 m. ..uu NERISRURG- / LANCASTER) . .._.._.._.. .._.. .._ ____ .._.. .._.._.._ ::.:,.. _-1,: Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Page 4 September 29, 1958 BROADCASTING closed circuit. END OF OVERSIGHT? Rep. Oren within six months. Assurances that legis- ROBOT D.J. Officials of Muzak's Pro- Harris (D- Ark.), chairman of explosive lation, along lines of blocked Potter Reso- grammatic Broadcasting Service Inc. are Legislative Oversight Subcommittee, has lution at last session, providing for jointly elated at reaction to first public showing notified staff that subcommittee expires appointed Commission believed respon- of new automatic radio programming Jan. 3, 1959. Rep. Harris, who would sible for delay, even though membership equipment and program package [Pao- prefer that subcommittee activities be of commission had been tentatively se- GRAM SERVICES, Sept. 15], unveiled last absorbed by parent Commerce Committee, lected. week at Oklahoma City NAB meet. They said staffers were warned of expiration say 26 stations already have asked to see so they could look for new jobs. Several If satisfactory commitments are not re- contracts. Single unit ($2,745.75) can pro- other members of subcommittee are known ceived on joint executive -congressional gram for eight consecutive hours or, with to favor subcommittee's continuance in study group, it's reported that President clock unit, be set to cut off and on around 86th Congress. will name his own commission promptly. local programming. Local commercials Additionally, there was thought that com- are taped and inserted automatically into New owners of Mutual network are still promise "advisory committee", operating programming at points desired, while new in diversifying mood. Scranton Corp., on confidential level for President, would searching device reportedly can find any whose Hal Roach Studios bought MBS be named anyway so that time between given commercial in 60 seconds if for sub- two weeks ago for $2 million plus [LEAD now and convening of new Congress would stitution or other purposes it is needed. STORY, Sept. 15], was reliably reported Fri- not be lost. Taped programming is supplied for fee. day to be negotiating for acquisition of Waterman Pen Co. Scranton is owned by MERGER? Amalgamation of Broadcast Indictment of former FCC Comr. Mack F. L. Jacobs Co. of Detroit, whose various Pioneers, originally organized in 1942, and friend Thurman Whiteside has no subsidiaries make several consumer prod- and Television Pioneers, formally created serious significance in Miami ch. 10 FCC ucts including lace, plastic shower curtains last year, will be explored by committee proceedings, observers hold. Aside from and hi -fi phonographs. Acquisition of of former organization with officers of question whether Mr. Mack should have Waterman could add to Mutual's business latter group. Older organization was Radio voted or not in final decision (which may opportunities: A. L. Guterma, head of Pioneers but changed its name last year be answered by criminal trial) other issues Jacobs company and president of MBS, to make it all -encompassing. President relate to possible improprieties of appli- has said companies' various products Frank E. Pellegrin of Broadcast Pioneers cants and other commissioners and wheth- turally" would give their radio business to has designated committee to initiate ne- er grant to National Airlines should be Mutual. gotiations with W. D. (Dub) Rogers, prime voided. None of these are involved. mover and president of Television LOSS OF AN ARM Joseph M. Sitrick, Pioneers. ONE OR TWO Transfer of WCKR FCC Chairman Doerfer's right arm since Miami by Biscayne Tv Corp. (jointly he assumed FCC helm last year, shortly Another Broadcast Pioneers project - owned by principals in Miami Herald, will resign as chief administrative- legisla- creation of Hall of Fame and history proj- Miami Daily News and Niles Trammell, its tive assistant to return to private business. ect -may become all-industry enterprise. president and general manager) to Sun He is expected to remain at FCC until John F. Patt, last year's president who Ray Drug Co. (WPEN Philadelphia) for Nov. 1 to break in his successor and will spawned idea, has discussed project with $800,000 has been considered several join Blackburn & Co., station brokers, in NAB President Harold E. Fellows, and times in recent weeks by FCC but without executive capacity at Washington head- NAB Board has authorized latter to under- action. Reason is FCC has been unable quarters. It's understood his successor, take overall study. Broadcast Pioneers al- to make up its mind whether radio prop- an FCC attorney for past 18 months, al- ready has authorized $1,000 "seed" money erty is separable from ch. 7 WCKT (TV) ready has been selected. to explore project. since tv case is still in litigation. Sale, subject to usual FCC approval, was an- Resignation of Mr. Sitrick should not FM EXPANSION If advertiser interest nounced in late May. Ordinarily, routine be interpreted as indicating imminent de- warrants, WQXR Fm Network [NET - transfer case takes month or six weeks. parture of Chairman Doerjer, now in Eu- WORKS, Aug. 111 may jump boundaries of rope as chairman of American delegation New York state. Discussions are under- Richard E. (Dick) Jones, vice president - to international telephone- telegraph con- stood to have been held with fm operators general manager of KXLY-AM -TV Spo- ference in Geneva. Chairman has con- as far south as Virginia, with consensus kane, has resigned and is disposing of fided he intends to complete his seven-year being, "let's do it." But New York Times, his 10% interest in Spokane operations tenure which runs until June 30, 1961, parent of WQXR New York and its net- along with 20% interest in KELP -AM- barring unexpected.
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