! 1944 The La w r e n t ia n VOL 63. NO. 2 Z 8 2 1 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, July 21, 1944 'o games Is season had pre- n of be* t a k e tb'S d own, Palm er Tells of Social ;ge boys, couldn’t Freedom Mfse Jorjes«/ am from Program (or Sem ester ans Val­ Í id third, All College Picnic istiansen he plate Picnic Is Set And Dance Initiate \ Social Activities I good For Tom orrow Don Palmer, social chairman, I Field with the aid of his social commit* vrence tee has mapped out the social cal­ ' two A t B i g G y m k field endar for the present semester. be got Games, Dancing Something has been planned for i w ere every weekend except those when le day Are Scheduled all Navy men have liberty. threw " K S J i , in the For Entertainment The activities are to be started ace to KELLV off this Saturday by an all-college crowd An all-college picnic has been picnic and dance with Tony Win­ Kibbe scheduled by the social committee ters' orchestra. All hands will havo ninth. liberty on July 29. A Mortar Board In the for tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at The Ideal Calculus Class the Alexander gymnasium. A dance pandemonium will be given August will follow in the evening. The 5. On August 11 there will be a 'reedom event will be strictly informal, and dance in the little gym with the est. , Deans Nam e dates are not necessary. Command­ Navy band. A Commander's Bull Nichols, Scribe Discusses Set-Up ing officer Angus Rothwell has Is­ will take place on August 19. id Eng« sued permission to the Navy men A sorority formal will be given :e will Honor Students to wear dungarees. However, Navy August 26. All hands will again lefeated O f Political Situation men may not wander about the have liberty on September 1. An­ other sorority formal is to be given Junior Class Leads BY BOB MORGAN streets of Appleton in this attire. Dungarees may be worn only to, at, September 9. September 16 is the The statement, “I am a Demo­ for Franklin Delano Roosevelt.” date set for homecoming. The Navy With 27; Freshmen It is not important to this discus­ and from the picnic. band will play for the dance. during crat,’’ or *‘I am a Republican” Special entertainment has been >cton in Second W ith 21 sion that these minorities can't, The Mortar Board follies is to be doesn't mean much any more. The themselves, elect a President. How­ planned to fill the afternoon hours. September 23. On September 30 ler was national conventions make us in­ A men's baseball team will chal­ ime the The complete academic honor roll ever it is important that they all the Prom will take place. Roller creasingly aware that all basis of exist in one party. Factions from lenge a team composed of college skating will be held on October flL from last semester, as announced women. The teams of fourth north one« our two-party system is gone. some of the above groups support An inter-house party is to be given b y the deans, is as follows: Seniors: and fourth south decks of Brokaw October 14. Exams begin October nly 2 Wednesday, July 18. Drew Pear­ the Republican party. There is lit­ hall will compete in a game of f 4-0. Jeanne Burke, Audrey Keller, Nan­ tle consistency in our two parties 21. son quoted Josephus Daniels, North touch football. Following this the The members of the social com­ con« cy Fischer, Howard Sauberlich, either in economic or cultural Carolina delegate to the Democrat­ civilian men's team will play the mittee are Kay Murray, Ed Nyo they grounds. Tern* for the star performance of Norma Crow, Robert Hlavacek, ic National convention as saying. The little business man and his and Jack Goodspeed. Ceorgiana Moore, Harry Batchelder, “We are a party of minorities. Tliere the afternoon. The volleyball courts ns, led most deadly enemy, the big corpo­ will be up. and the pool will be ity .470 Barbara Rosebush, Jaye Schoff, is the South, where the party is ration, sit together on the Republic­ strongest, yet no Southerner con be an bench. The Mid-weatern fanner available for swimming. Delta G am m a; 9. Dur- Marguerite Brown, Patricia Quay At 5.30 a picnic lunch will be at tho and Jane Brown. elected President. One of the big­ and the Eastern industrialist are on gest Democratic groups is the served on the lawn before the gym­ ill club Juniors: Virginia Bsrquist, Vir­ the same ticket. What a motley suit nasium. Miss Welch and Miss Matt :hedul- ginia Robie, David Corwin. Ann Catholics, yet no Catholic can be for one party to wear! Phi D elta Theta President. Another group is the Josephus Daniels is right when son have promised something spe z-Root Mitchell. Grace Pfiefer, Bernice cial by way of menu. Immediately Jews, and no Jew can sit in the he claims a large Catholic following de on 11^11011, Joan Green, Thomas after supper, a community sing will Lead in G rades eached nn, Patricia Wheeler. Jean Smith, White House. Finally there are the for the Democrats; but in the South Negroes, and they are excluded be held. Tony Winters' band has ^Barbara Spickard,' Janet Ockerland, Democratic support is almost en been contracted to play for tho John Burke, Patricia Torson, Betty from being President. Thank God tirely Protestant. Tho Democrats Betas and Pi Phis have labor union support which dance which will follow. Dancing Fountain. Polly Durgin, Dorothy will take place from 8:30 to 11:30. Take Second Place Ruddy. Rita Schlinger. Faith Nel- favors high wages and racial equal­ ity. The Southern Dems are dead The success of this event depends •on, Doris Quentmeyer, Nancy Rose. upon tho enthusiastic support and In Scholarship Carl Valentine, Rosella Jeurgens, To Present against high wages and Negro suf­ frage. attendance of every college student, William Burns, Harry Smith, Wil­ both civilian and Navy. Delta Gamma and Phi Delta The« liam Chapman and Robert Weber. Party platforms reflect this divi­ ta led the sororities and fraternities Sophomores: Edward Roberts. Irish C om edy sion of support in the parties. The in scholarship at Lawrence college Martha Armitage. Richard Allen. Republicans have thrown every­ Luther Lyceum during the first semester of the Ruth Marie DeWald, George Mr. Voss-to Direct thing in the book to satisfy the dif­ present academic year, it has been Scholes, Dave Brooker. Dick Gallo- ferent factions. They propose farm­ To M eet Sunday revealed by Miss Dorothy Draheim, Way, Dorothy Spaulding, James "Whiteheaded Boy er aid; favor liberal labor legisla­ registrar. The Delta Gammas led the wom­ Strohm. Sam Berry, Nancy Bush- tion; and everything is to be done A t H am ar Union »ell, Phyllis Wirtz, Robert Cole, For August 18-19 to favor social equality. One plank en with an average of 1.817; Phi Barbara Brown, Helen Huebsch, is for international cooperation- Luther Lyceum, the Lutheran or­ Delta Theta, the men with 1.539. Joanne Morgan, Joseph Huber, The Whiteheaded Boy, by Len­ mediocre variety. ganization of the Lawrence col­ Mer bers of the Greek letter socie­ Janet Rike, George Grabot and nox Robinson will be the firs* ma­ The Northern Democrats favor ra­ lege campus, will have a business ties again had higher averages than Robert Haase. jor production of the Lawrence col­ cial equality; the Southerners are meeting and discussion group this the non-fraternity groups. Freshmen: Helmut Krueger, Bar­ lege theater during the summer se­ against it. Northern Dems want In­ Sunday at 7:00 P. M. FRATERNITIES: bara Harkins, Jean Derus, Joan mester. This satiric comedy of con­ ternational cooperation on a large The group will meet at the Stu­ Phi Delta Theta 1 539 6tldham, Betty Thompson. Fred­ temporary Irish life will be pre­ scale—low trade barriers, reciprocal dent Union which has been re­ Beta Theta Pi 1.520 sented August 18-19 at the chapel, trade agreements and liberal inter­ served for that purpose. All stu­ Delta Tau Delta 1.470 rick Thatcher, Robert Vader, Gladys Sigma Phi Epsilon 1.319 Osborne, William Dresser. Betsy with Mr. Lawrence Voss directing. national fiscal policy. Some South­ dents who are interested are The story of the favorite son of a cordially invited to attend inas­ Phi Kappa Tau 1.296 Bueth. Lois Harman, Dorothy erners want tariff protection and SORORITIES: .Thompson, James Wallman, Jane lovable family, The Whiteheaded are conservative in regard to inter­ much as the attendance is not re­ Boy, gives an accurate picture of national cooperation. stricted to members of the Lutheran Delta Gamma 1.817 (Young. Dorothy Kimball, Ray Kin­ twelve varied characters. Shirley church. Pi Beta Phi 1 666 der, Penelope Savoy, Carlos Rod­ The crux of the matter Is that Alpha Chi Omega 1.625 Foresman will be Miss Geoghcgan; there is little basis by which to This is ‘he second meeting of the riguez, William Oleson, Nancy Ros- Ted Roberts will be seen as George: Lyceum during the current semes­ Kappa Alpha Theta 1.590 endale and Margaret Turner. Dick Laursen will be Peter; Mary choose either a Democrat or Re­ ter. This semesters activities be­ Alpha Delta Pi 1.456 Merwin will be Kate; Jane will be publican for office. There are ele­ gan with a combined picnic and Kappa Delta 1.133 Storekeeper Miller played by Bonnie Johnson; Mar­ ments of practically all factions in record party which was held two garet Wood will be “Baby”; Cor- both parties.
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