Information on transaction, closed by IDGC of Volga, PJSC with state-owned companied in the 2nd quarter of 2018 In the 2nd quarter of 2018 tIDGC of Volga, PJSC, has closed the following transactions with the state-owned companies: Item No Counterparty name Предмет договора Executive body 1 Federal Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of Rent the Russian Federation for the Saratov region Administration of the Alexander-Gaysky municipal district 2 FSBI HE "Saratov State National Research Institution Rendering of services named afted N.G.Tchernyshevsky" 3 FGAOU DPO "PEIPK" Rendering of services 4 FBU "ITC FAS" Rendering of services 5 FGAOU DPO ASMS Rendering of services 6 FSBI "Privolzhsky UGMS" Rendering of services 7 FSBI HE "Saratov State Technical University named after Rendering of services Yu.A.Gagarin 8 FSBI HE "REU named after G.V.Plekhanov” Rendering of services 9 Center of special communication and information of the Rendering of services Federal security service of the Russian Federation in the Saratov region Branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC - Saratov Distribution Grids 1 Federal state institution "Federal road administration" Big Technological connection Volga " Federal road Agency" 2 Saratov Central research Institute NEISH of Rendering of services Rospotrebnadzor 3 FSBI HE "Saratov State Technical University named after Rendering of services Yu.A.Gagarin 4 FSBI HE "MSU named after N.P.Ogarev" Rendering of services 5 SUE Printing house №6 Rendering of services 6 State budgetary professional educational institution of the Rendering of services Saratov region "Krasnokutsky Polytechnic Lyceum" 7 OGU " State archive of the Saratov region" Rendering of services 8 State institution of the Saratov region " Management of Rendering of services social support of the population of the Romanovsky area" 9 Federal Treasury Department across the Nizhniy Novgorod Rendering of services region (Nizhny Novgorod branch of ASMS current account 30326Ц35400) 10 SUE of Saratov region "Oblvoodresurse" Technological connection 11 Federal Treasury Department across the Saratov region Rendering of services (Administration of Khvalynsk municipal entity,) 12 SHCI " Wolsk interregional psikhonevrologic dispensary" Rendering of services 13 SHCI "Balakovo psikhonevrologic dispensary " Rendering of services 14 SHCI "Krasnopartizansky regional hospital" Rendering of services 15 Branch FGUZ SMTS FMBA Rossii - MSCH №1 Rendering of services 16 FSBI "Management "Saratovregiongaz" Balakovsky Rendering of services branch of FSBI "Management "Saratovregiongaz" 17 State public institution of the Saratov region " Rendering of services Management of social support of the population of Volsk area" 18 MBI "Site improvemet" Rendering of services 19 State institution-management of the Pension Fund of the Technological connection Russian Federation in Pugachev district of the Saratov region (Interdistrict) 20 Saratov socio-economic Institute (branch) FGBOU VPO Rendering of services "REI named after G.V.Plekhanov " 21 Ministryof finance of Saratov region (State healthcare Technological connection institution of Saratov region "Pugachev regional hospital" current account 039030742) 22 Federal state budget institution "Educational and Rendering of services methodical study" of the Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision " 23 State budgetary professional educational institution of the Technological connection Saratov region "Ivanteevsky Polytechnic Lyceum" 24 IN FGBOU "Saratov state agricultural university" Купля-продажа 25 FGAOU DPO "PEIPK" Kamsky branch Rendering of services 26 Federal budgetary institution " State regional center of Rendering of services standardization, Metrology and tests in Krasnodar Krai" 27 TFM FSBI "Research Institute of labour" Ministry of labor Rendering of services of Russia 28 Branch of the FSUE Russian television and broadcasting Technological connection network "Saratov ortpts" Branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC - Mordovenergo 1 Administration of Klimovsky rural settlement of Technological connection Kovylkinsky municipal district of RM 2 Administration of Novotroitsk rural settlement Novaya Technological connection municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia 3 Novokurkinsk administration of the rural settlement of Rendering of services Krasnoslobodsky municipal district 4 Kabaevsky administration of the rural settlement of Rendering of services Dubensky municipal region of RM 5 GBOU DPO " Mordovian Republican Institute of Rendering of services education" 6 IN FGBOU "Saratov state technical University named after Rendering of services Y. A. Gagarin" 7 Gku " Management of highways of RM" Technological connection 8 Administration Ingener-Pyatinskoe rural settlement Technological connection Novaya municipal region of RM 9 Administration of Babaevsky rural settlement of Technological connection temnikovsky municipal district 10 Administration of Murinsky rural settlement of the Rendering of services Kochkurovsky municipal district of RM 11 Federal budget institution "Educational and methodical Rendering of services study" of Rostekhnadzor 12 Administration of Chukal rural settlement of Rendering of services Krasnoslobodsky municipal district 13 FGBOU VO "REU named after G. V. Plekhanov" Rendering of services 14 Administration of Kachinsky Torbeevskaya selskogo Technological connection poseleniya municipalnogo R-na RM 15 Administration of Alekseevsky rural settlement of Technological connection Temnikovsky municipal district 16 The administration of the Tatar - Yunkinskogo rural Technological connection settlement of Torbeevsky municipal region of RM 17 Narovchat Administration of Tengushevsky rural Technological connection settlement of municipal region 18 State institution of the Republic of Mordovia "Special Rendering of services Department of civil protection" 19 Administration of Krasnoarmeysk rural settlement of Technological connection Torbeevsky municipal region of RM 20 Federal State Unitary enterprise "Main radio frequency Rendering of services center" 21 Administration of city settlenet Kovylkino, Kovylkinsky Technological connection municipal area of RM 22 Administration of Ardatov municipal district of the Technological connection Republic of Mordovia 23 Administration of Ryazanovsky rural village of Technological connection Staroshaigovsky municipal region of RM 24 Administration of Alekseevsky rural settlement of Technological connection Сhamzinsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia 25 MP g. o. Saransk "Gorsvet" Rendering of services Branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC - Orenburgenergo 1 Central Bank of Russia in Orenburg region. Rendering of services 2 FGUP "RTRS» Rendering of services 3 GAUSO "Orsk DIPI "Nadezhda» Rendering of services 4 State unitary enterprise of municipal electric networks Rendering of services "Orenburgmoloko» 5 JSC "Russian Railways» Rendering of services 6 IFNS Russia on the city of Orsk Rendering of services 7 Federal state unitary enterprise "Passport and visa service" Rendering of services of Federal migration service 8 GUZ " Orenburg regional clinical narcological dispensary» Technological connection 9 SAU " State expertise of draft documents of territorial Rendering of services planning of project documentation and results of engineering surveys of the Orenburg region» 10 SUE " Orenburgremdorstroy» Rendering of services 11 FGBOU VO "REU them. G. V. Plekhanov» Rendering of services 12 MBUZ "CRH Totsky» Rendering of services 13 FKU Uprdor "Priuralje» Technological connection 14 SHCI "Kvarkensky regional hospital» Rendering of services 15 FGKU combine "Free" Rosrezerv Rendering of services 16 FSUE "SK SU» Rendering of services 17 GKU "Employment Kvarkenskijj district» Rendering of services 18 Federal state budget institution "Educational and Rendering of services methodical study" of the Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision « 19 FSUE " Russian Post» Rendering of services 20 GU management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Rendering of services Federation in Orenburg 21 CCU "Kvarkensky forestry» Rendering of services 22 SUE Orenburg region "Kvarkensky forestry» Rendering of services 23 SEI Institution for children-orphans and children left Rendering of services without parental care S. Senchurin city Kuvandyk district of Orenburg region 24 FSBI "Privolzhsky UGMS» Rendering of services 25 SBEI HPE ORSMA Ministry of health of Russia Rendering of services 26 SBU " Emergency rescue service» Rendering of services 27 FGOU DPO "PEIPK» Rendering of services 28 GBUZ " Regional psychiatric hospital № 3» Rendering of services 29 Sue of Orenburg region " OIF» Rendering of services 30 PJSC "Sberbank of Russia» Rendering of services 31 FBUZ " center of hygiene and epidemiology for railway Rendering of services transport» 32 PJSC "Rostelecom» Rendering of services 33 GU " the Main Department of road economy of the Rendering of services Orenburg region» Branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC - Penzaenergo 1 SBHI "Nizhny Lomov regional hospital" Technological connection 2 FGAOU DPO "PEIPK" Kamsky branch Rendering of services 3 FBUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in the Penza Rendering of services region" 4 A branch of the "Military unit № 21222" the Federal budget establishment-military unit 70855 Подряд 5 GKU " Management of construction and road economy of the Penza region" Technological connection 6 Samara state University of railway engineering» Rendering of services 7 Branch "TSLATI for the Penza region "FBU"TSLATI on Rendering of services
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