Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 37 No. 34 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE '10,00 PER YEAR Car, Rt, F.S, ^ PRICE 25 CENTS August26,19S2 Town Times Relocating To New, Modem Quarters 3.7% Drop In School Effective immediately Town Times' offices will be lo- cated In the Capozzi Professional BuUding-between Westbury Ford and Dunkln* DoDuts-at 1192 Main St. The modern, spacious offices occupy the second floor Enrollment Continues of the newly renovated complex, A ramp from the park- ing lot to the offices will negate the necessity of having to climb stairs. And, of course, off-street parking is available. Years' Long Slide Mailing addresses will remain the same...P.O. Box 1, Watertown, and P.O. Box S3, Oakville. The public school enrollment is expected to show a decrease of Due to the move, telephone service may ' J interrupted Dr. Ladd Guest Speaker 3,7 percent from June when stu- for a time on Thursday. 26, and Frida,, 27. AD dents return to classes Sept. 8. systems, however, should be back to normal by the end As of earlier this week, the of the day on Friday, For W-0 Chamber BanquetSchool Department had 3,327 The Watertown-QakvilJe students accounted for on the Chamber of Commerce will hold rolls, including last week's regis- Hey Kids! Schools Close its 19th annual banquet Friday, trants. The figure is 126 fewer Sept. 10, at Taft School. A social than the number closing out the hour, from 6 to 7 p.m. on the previous school year in June. For Summer June 24- '83 lawn, will precede dinner. Since 1975-76, the school sys- A full session of classes for all A month by month breakdown Guest speaker will be Everett tem has decreased about 780 pu- students will begin the 1982-83 of the calendar with the days off Carll Ladd, executive director of pils showing a steady decline in school year Wednesday, Sept. 8, is as follows, with the number the Roper Center for Public Opi- the school population. However, the School Department has an- of class days indicated in the pa- nion Research, an independent the continuing drop has been an- nounced. Lunches will be served renthesis: corporation affiliated with the ticipated by the Board of Educa- on the first day. September (17)--NQ school for University of Connecticut, Yale tion, based on a 1980 long-range The school calendar indicates students Tuesday, the 7th, (also University, and Williams Col- survey, the final day of classes to be June election primary day), but teach- lege. The 3,327 number is down 24, 1983, provided all three in- ers will report for orientation. The Roper Center conducts 149, or 4.3 percent, from the clement weather days are used October (19)"No school Mon- surveys on subjects such as ma- 3,476 returning to classes last up. day, the 11th, for Columbus Day jor questions of policy-foreign September. The current figure School closing Information will holiday, or Tuesday, the 19th, for and domestic-popular assess- will be updated in October, when be broadcast over Waterbury ra- staff workshops. ments of governmental perfor- last-minute changes have been dio stations WATR, WQQW, and November (19)--Schoo]s close mance and delivery of services, accounted for. WWCQ, WNVR of Naugatuek, after four hours on Tuesday, the partisan preference and electoral Only two schools will show an and WTIC of Hartford. 2nd, Election Day, and on Wed- choices, views on social Issues increase over June, according to Individuals should avoid call- nesday, the 24th, for the Thanks- and attitudes involving work and estimates. Watertown High giving holiday. Schools closed School's student body wil go up ing the school office for closing leisure, the family, religion, the Dr. Everett C. Ladd information, as a large number on Thursday, the 11th, for Vet- position of %vomen in society, by nine, from 1,082 to 1,091. and of calls cannot be handled, eran's Day, and Thursday and turer, and has presented numer- Swift Junior High's by three, ethnic group relationships and so ous research papers. A feature of the new school Friday, 25th and 26th, for on. from 633 to 636. Present works in progress in- All five public elementary calendar will be the noticeable Thanksgiving. Dr. Ladd is a native of Saco, lack of single session "half December (17).-Schools close elude "The American Polity; The schools show decreases, led by Maine, and received his A.B. de- United States in Historical, Oakville's Griffin School, which days" of school. The Board of Thursday, 23rd, after four hours gree from Bates College, and Education followed through on to begin Christmas vacation. Re- Cross-National, and Societal Per- will plummet 66 students, down Ph.D from Cornell University. sportive," forthcoming in 1983. to 382 from 448 in June. School Superintendent Dr, Rich- open Monday, Jan.3. Besides his many professional ard C. Briggs' recommendations January (20)-Schools closed Reservations are available per The other schools' enrollments activities and distinctions, he is person and can be made by call- are projected to be as follows; the past year to allow for special Friday, the 14th, for Martin Lu- also a well-known author and lee- training and workshop sessions ther King, Jr., holiday. ing the Chamber at 757-0701. Heminway Park, 343 (down 32), in several educational areas, February (i4).-Schoo!s closed 9 Baldwin, 233 (down seven), Jud- thus eliminating the need for sin* Friday, the 11th, for Lincoln's son, 400 (down 2a), and Polk, gle session workshops in 1982- Birthday holiday, and Monday Swift Voting District s 242, (down five.). 83. through Friday, 2ist to 25th, for The School Department office Board members also engaged the winter vacation. A lignmeni Is A nnounced reported the projected enroll- in a debate over whether to March (23)-No scheduled ments Include 27 pre-kinderjar- shorten the school year a few days off or single sessions. The registrars of voters have Road, Melrose Avenue, Merri- ten youngsters registered days by eliminating or substan- April (15)— Schools closed announced the alignment of mac Street, Monteroso Court, throughout the system. tially reducing the winter or Friday, the 1st, for Good Friday, streets in the Swift Junior High Moreland Avenue, Motto Street, The grade by grade count is as spring vacations, or keep the tra- and Monday through Friday, the School (68-03) voting district. Mt. Vernon Avenue, Park Lane, follows; kindergarten, 178; ditional schedule. The tradition- 18th to 22nd, for spring vacation. Several streets and portions of and Phillips Drive. Grade 1, 219; Grade 2, 175; alists won out. (Continued on page 20) streets have been added from the Also: Plainfield Drive, Plea- Grade 3, 203; Grade 4, 196; Polk School area, which now is in sant View Avenue, Pond Street, Grade 5, 265; Grade 6, 289; the 76th House District with Prospect Street (Oakville), Pul- Grade 7, 313; Grade 8, 323; and Thomaston and parts of Ply- len Avenue, Radnor Lane, Rock- Grades 9 through 12,1,091. mouth. dale Avenue, Russell Avenue, Parents new to the community Exact information on the align- Saugus Avenue, Short Street, should register children at the ment due to reapportionment can Spring Street, Spring Hill Ave- school they will be attendng, be obtained by contacting Demo- nue, Sprucewood Avenue, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. crat Registrar Walter LeMay, Squire Court, Straits Turnpike prior to Sept. 8. Republican Registrar Alice Ma- (plus those from Heminway Park The. school schedules have deux, or the town clerk's office. School district), Sills Drive, To- been set as follows: high school, Final registration to vote in the wer Road, Van Orman Street, 7:50 a.m. to 2:10 p.m.; Swift, 8 November election will be held in Williams Avenue, Williamson a.m. to 2:38 p.m.; Heminway October, date, time, and place to Circle, Woodvlew Avenue, Park, 8:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.; be announced. Westview Drive, and Yale Polk, 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Bald- Streets remaining In the Swift Street. win, 9 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.; Judson, district are as follows.'Avalon Streets with some residents 9 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.; Griffin, 9 Avenue, Bessie Street, Barbara only voting at Swift are as fol- a.m. to 3:20 p.m.; St. John's, 9 Lane, Birch Meadow Drive, Can- lows; Bamford Avenue, even a.m. to 3:20 p.m.; and St. Mary dee Hill Road, Capewell Avenue, numbers only; Beardsley Ave- Magdalen, 8 a.m. to 2:38 p.m. Colonial Road, Colonial Street, nue, odd numbers only; Bunker Out of town schools or pro- Clermont Street, Delhurst Drive, Hill Road from Watorbury line to grams for special training and Delwood Drive, Edith Street, Middlebury Road, including all classes affecting local students Elena Drive, and Elmhurst from No. 35 to No. 795; Davis are as follows: Kay nor Technical, Drive. Street, all to Swift except odd 8 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.; Woodbury THE NEXT VOICE students hear at Swift Junior High School may Also; Evelyn Street, Everitt numbers No. 7 to No. 217 (to Vocational-Agricultural, 7:55 or may not be that of Ethel Handlewich, secretary, but whomever it Lane, Frances Ann Drive, Fran- Polk); French Street from River- a.m. to 2:20 p.m.; Lark (Torring- is will come across a lot more distinctly, thanks to a new public address cis Street, Hazel Street, Lancas- side Street to Tucker Avenue ton), 9 a.m.
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