:DOCUMENT RESUME 0 b CE 033" 187 ED 218'516 . ,- .4.. Q. s, .- c AUTHOR Domeck, Anne, Ed.; Konar, Art, Ed. 4 . 4 TITLE - Lifelong Career DevelOpment for Individuals .with -- Disabilities: A Resource Guide: Cerebral 'Palsy, , Epilepsy, He4ring, Mental, Orthopedic, Visual. to-ia-,-Coll ,of Education., . SPONS AGENCY Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, , - DC._Div. of Educational Services. i PUB DATE Jan 82 . OMIT : G007801844, a c""' NOTE 553p;.; For a'related-doCument see CE 033,186. 1 ,.. EDRS MF02/PC23 Plus Postage. !DESCRIPTORS Advocacy; Annotated Biblio4paphiei; *Career Choice; *Career DeVelopment; Career Educati-611-; Cerebral Palsy'; *Daily Living.tkills; Definitions; *Disabilities; Epilepsy; Federal Legislation; . Financial SuPport Hearing Impairments.; Individual ) Needs; *Interpersonal Competence r *Lifelong Learning; Mental Disorders; Mental Retardation; Models; Occupational Information;.Physical Postsecondary Education; Problem Solving; Program Descriptions; Records (Forms); Resource Materials' Resources; Two Year Colleges; Visual' Impairments; Vocational Adjustment IDENTIFIERS *Lifelong Career Development Model ' ABSTRIXT - - ''This resiwce guide, ,which was developed during the Lifelong-=Career Deplopment (LCD) Projec , provides'information and resources of .,professionals, and others concerned with disability-related issues. (Designed for implementation at the community. college .level, the LCD Nodelprovides a competency -based ,approactilito meeting the career ' develop ent needs 9f-disabled persons and provides for aggreater eff0 t networking or linking tpgethe services.) The guide is organ ed into five part which are further .subdivided into.35 --cha ers. Dealt with in, the five parts are the following topics: general 'information on disabilities (career development, medical aspects, myths, attitudes, and instructional and counseling ' techniques); daily living skillsf,Tersonal/social-skills; vocational/occupational resources;and, related resources 4 (parents/family; advocacy, legislationft program funding, national organizations and resources, and biblitgraphies). In addition to containing general information on disabilities, the guide prOvides specific information on different disability groups; including handicapped general, Cerebral palsy,. epilepsy, hearing. impairment, mentalretaraation, orthopedic handicaps, and visual, imgairment. (MN) ************************************************4:********************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the riginal document: ************.*********************************************************,** Ss ). O s O " ,- - Editors,ncle: The otlOwIng,pbbrevAttons' ,of the disabiliW6,645,s"clre used in The Re'soqrce 'Guidez - .araci, car?, be' Und' an' bb 'upper- right -hand .. ---darner . ' :: .:0'-'44. - A - ,.., ,,-, 0. : ':F1..°1-a rid icffpped General.._r 10 CP: CereValPaISV-- 6 - . , __ __A .. d --Efi:-Epitepsy:--: - : . -1:11::1-learingIrhpaiimeht ..,. - 'MR: _Mental Relardattor( , '-': OROOthopadicklandicapped_;- -VI: Visual. Icnpairl-nent 0 ti 4 I a. I. 0 ' r .. 4 ,. l . LIFELONG CAREER DEVELOPMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS WITHDp°ABILITIEST. : A'RESOURCE GUIDE k A - . ' O ON. 1 I . , ; . 1 Editors r Axle Domeck. 0 Art Konar *- a Departmen of Eduational and Counseling Psychology college of'EducatiOfi,, University of Missouri-Columbia A' '1982' J I .Donn E. trolin, Ph.D., Direttor LifOkong Career Development (LCD) Project ..) A. 7 / Developed and disseminated pursuantto Grant ,No: G067801844 for Research projectsBranch Division `df Innovation and Development Sp'ecial Educadon:Programs U. S. Education Department d t e Project Officer:Melville J: Appell . .7 . , The project presentedorreported herein was performed pursuantto a grant from the D.S. Education Department, SpecialEducation Pro- grams.The opinions expressed in this guideare those of the authors and do not nectsarilyexpress the policy or positibn.of ;he Education Department,No official endorsement .by the Education :;.Deliartment should be inIetigd.. * ( e. Information about the availability of additional copies of thisor its companion document, LIFELONG CAREER DE1/121. -OPMENT HANDBOOK:LINK- ING CO14fUNITY SERVICES FOR DISABLED ADULTS/4982),can be oktairied by writing the project's director,.Dr. Donn E.Brolin, 16 Hill' Hall. University of Missouri-ColuMbia, Columbia, MO; 65,211 . s e . .'.The Un'iversity of Ilis'sourAs an Equal Opportuntty/Affirmatiyeti Action institution and is nonaiicrirainatory refative torace, 25. religion, color, national origin, sex, ago,, and qualified I.. ., handicapped. I. le 4e $ O TABLE OF CONTENTS , . Page e . LIST OF FIGURES '. ... 1. ,. .. - ,LIST07 TAHLES . 0 .. V - . .. iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . a 0 d' 0 0 0 , . - - ''.... INTRODUCTION. ...... ... .. ... 0 0 0 4 . I I '. USE OF THiguIDE . .'" . ... ..... 0 01 0 t \ USE OF THE SUBJECT INDEX . .. .... ...c. ... r : 1. SUBJEdTsINDEX .e.... '. 1. afip PART I: INFORMATION ON. DISABILITIES , Chapt4r 1 Career Develpmentt . .. 1 . 'Chapter 2.. Medidal Aspects ,,` . N, : 15 Chapter 3MYths . '' . , ...., mk _43 . , \ Chapter 4 \Attitudes . 61 ...... 2 s-A" A, Chapter 5 ,What_Do You Do When . ,. 87 .... _ . Chapter 6' Instructi al Techniques . ., . k . ... 103 Chapter 7 Cound-eling Techniques.--..., 127 . PART II: DAILY LIVING ASPECT$ . Cliapter 8,Daily Living Aipects . a 0 L 155. Ckapter 9 Civic Affairs . :-. k '185 .. ..., Chapter 10 Family Living ..... '. 187 . .. - Chapter'110Financial-Managelent" .."111. 0 0 4 191. Chipt'dr.12 Hqusing, and Home 'Manage at . ... , 199 Chepte 13teisute'ahaRecieationJ.,. , 6 209'-4", A . Le miii VI A - 4 Page , -* ',Chapter, 14Mobility ' ' 231 . Chapter 15Personal hygiene Grooming 255 . - Chapter 16Sexuality 261 PART PEONAL-SOCIAL SKILLS ., Chapter 17 Personal-SOgial/General ,Infoimation 273 . Chapter.18 Communication Skills. .... .. 0 301 4 0 Chapter19 Interpersonal Skills 3 L5 Chapter20 Problem Salving .,...,,,, .. ` . .... ,. 319 Chapter21 Self-ConceptlAvarenesq . ;,- ... <. .... ,. .321 , PART IV: VOCATIONAL-OCCUPATIONAL RESOURCES.- A r22 Vocational-Occupaticinal Aspects cep 7 4327 Chapter23" -Career Opportunities and, DecisionMaking O ...0 339 441IL Chapter 24.Vocational Evaluation 47 Chapter 25 Vocational Training . 0 ...... 361 ; Chapter 26 C011ege and University Programs . I 367. Chapter 27Adult and ContintlineEducation . ... 381 . , Chapter, 28.'Work Adjustment O 0 .. ,44...... 385. ..... Chapter -29 Place cent . , ....... ... .- 389 . PART V:RELATED RESOURCES ' Chapter30 Parents /Family 431 'Chapter31. Advocacy '445 , Chapter 32 Legislation' 459 Chapter33Program Funding .491 -' Chapter 34 p at i on al Organizationsand Resources . 492 'Chapter 35 Bibliographies - .541 o t 7 ti . C 0. LIST OF FIGURES. , Page Figure -1. LCD Conceptual Model xi 071 ° 'Figure 2. LCD Program Model xti r% IP , Figure -'3.. Format For Title Half-Sheets , - , xviii . l Figure 4. Format For Item Half-Sheets I xix 9 .3' LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Career Development Competbncies, xv ( e o% 4 .o a .4. f o r r a . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . .... is virtually impossible to remember and acknowledge every individual who contributed to the .development, aid refinement of this ddcument. An endeavor of this magnitude requires the assistance and cooperation of .many dedicated.individuals from a great deal of differentr settings . and orientations. Listed below are°6ome of the major contributors to) our efforts, for which I am indebted. )( The- Project Staff- Mary Iou Abeln,Training Associate James Carver; Research Associate Ann Domeck, Assistant Director Breda Eastin, Secretary Malcolm Flanagan, Research Consultant Art Konar, Project Associate ° Diana Lynn, Rdsource Center Librarian Jodi Johnson, Training ConsUltant Mary Ann Price, Project Associate al .Rob Reynolds, Project Assittaqt JoAnn Schoepke,-Research Associate The University. of Missouri Project Advisors Gary Fox, Higher and Adult Education Gerald Hitzhusen, Recieation and Park Adminis tration Earl Moore, Educational and.doOn7eling Psychology ' The National Advisory Committee. Miles Beachboard, Director, Program's for the Disadvantaged and Handicapped, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Jefferson City, Missouri Charles Freeman, !ending Fac1lity ProgSam Specialist`; Rehabilitation ' Services.Administration, Washington, D.C. Robert Huskey, Assistant Superintendent for Speech and Language and Career Education, Special School District,oSt. Louis tiny, St.Louis, Missouri ) Jane Razeghi, Educational Director, American Coalition pf'Citiztns with Disabilities, Washing5n1,D,C. The =unity College lield Site Advisors and Coordinators Carl Larson, Assistant Superintendent fOr Curriculum and Instruction, Io CentralCommunity College, Fort 'Dodge, Iowa Luverne Bierle, Special Needs Coordinator, Iowa Central Community- . College , Curtis Murton, President, Bra inerd Community College, Brainerd, Minnesota ' Neva.Williaus, LCD CoordinatorBrainerd Community College MiChael Rooney; Director of Counseling, St. Louis Community College. at Meramec, St. Louis, Missouri -Canby Gallagher, Special Needs .Coordinator, M eramec Community College Stephen Poort, Dean of Instruction, Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa, Iowa .,' Roy Forgy,', Special Need s CoordinaL)r, Indian Hills Community College r vii eta f The LCD. Team 'Members from the 'Community College Sites , Brainerd Community College Iowa Central Comhunity Tom 'Chesle); Luvie Bierle Harry Heglund.. Joan Abram Peggy Larson . Pauline Olson Myrna Hammer; Wayne Goodno Inez Giles James Weires Chuck
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