" ! « ■ ■>■"■<,’ . ■ -'■: j'fN " '• (NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULATION THE WEATHER OP THE EVENING HERALD ' Forecut jbj F. 8. Weather BareM, for tile inonth of April, 1927 New Havea :,*A stly cloudy with slowly rising 4,984 ‘ J^rature tc^ght luad Friday. Conn• 9tl VOL. XLL, NO. 184. Classified advertising on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1927. XFOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS <?> AVOMAN 112 YEARS OLD, STATE RESTS RISES EARLY, WORKS HARD DRIVE WORKERS SCORES MAROONED ON BURIAL MOUND Jordanvllle, N. Y., May 5.— A big birthday cake, topped 16,000 Homeless with 112 candles, had the place of honor In the farmhouse home MAKING PLANS TONG TRIAL of Mrs. Dellna Haverick Fil- kins today as relatives , and Straggling Into friends came from all "over Herkimer County to -wish her j FOR ZERO HOUR CASE TODAY “ happy returns of the day.” She % was born on May 4, 1815. Forces In |50,000 Hospital Vicksburg Camps Surprise Development|j|J0RE CASH TODAY Campaign to Get Final Or- Comes When Loo Hoo U. S. REFUSES More Tban 16,000 Arriye FOR FLOOD r e l ie f! ders In War Council Sup< and SHII Thousands 'Mast Wing s Fingerprints Are __ j per Tomorrow Night. T O D I S O i^ Be Brought In— Problem Shown on Murder Gun. Manchester’s Total Is $2, Like the council of war that pre­ IIIELmN N()TE Of Food Becomes Press­ cedes a great battle will be a gath­ (Special to The Herald) 525— Money Still Being ering of all the workers in the big Hartford, May 5.— The first evi- j Hospital drive tomorrow evening Letters to President Hibben, ing-Business Given Up 'dence that Loo Hoo Wing was an Collected Here. when 'Eliey meet at a supper to be accomplice of Ching Lung in the held in the parish house of St. Of Princeton Was Purely As Merchants Aid In the murder of Ong Jing Hem in Man­ Mary’s Episcopal church at six chester on March 2^ was introduc­ Contributions amounting to o’clock. Rescue Work. ed by the state today in the trial $2,525 represent Manchester’s aid At that time the personnel of all Domestic Argument, Kel­ which has been underway all this to date for the Mississippi flood the ten soliciting teams will have week at the Hartford county su­ sufferers. Of this $2,000 has al­ been established and will be made logg Says. Vicksburg, Miss., May 5.— From perior court. A finger print expert ready been sent to the Natipnal known. The territories and numer­ north, south, east and west the Chapter of the American Hed o'.' Springfield, Henry Mar, testi­ als will be allotted. Every Httle de­ broken haggard lines of homeless fied that the print he found on the Cross. A drive has been conduct­ ed here for a little more than a tail for the coming week’s cam­ Washington, May 5.— The Unit­ and hopeless continued today to barrel of the revolver which was paign will be smoothed out and found in the laundry on Oak street week. ' V'<S ed States informed the world today converge upon historic Vicksburg. Even with the quota allotted to scheduled. From that time until the v.'as that of Loo Hoo Wing and that zero hour for going over the top that the matter of international More than sixteen thousand were It did not at all compare with that j Manchester over-subscribed, the war debts Is a closed book so far as in five camps about the city before ' contributions are still being receiv­ the business of preparation will be of Ching Lung, who is charged with in the hands of the team captains, Washington Is concerned. noon and still the motley fleet actually shooting Ong Jing Hem. ed by Lucius PInney, treasurer of A whi6h is Louisiana’s salvation rush­ the local chapter. He reported a each of whom, like a lieutenant In This is the practical effect of .'Vnother Delay the trenches, must arrange the sev­ ed back and forth across the Mis­ total of $58 received until noon to­ Secretary of State Kellogg’s curt sissippi’s Inland sea to bring In yet After the short recess today it day. eral duties and tasks of his individ­ note to the. British government, was announced by the court that ual soldiers. Probably this NEA airplane picture reveals the tragedy of the Mississippi floods better than anv nho- more from the levees, the housetops The campaign is not being con­ answering a formal communication and the trees. For ten days, Vicks­ H. S. Bidwell of Glastonbury was cluded lor it is expected that other Ten of the eleven team leaders ^ score of .people marooned on an Indian burial mound near from London which sought to make (II and the court would adjourn un­ have been named and have accept­ Green-ville, Miss., with the water steadily rising and threatening to inundate it. Hundreds of people were burg has been receiving flood vic­ calls for money may be issued by a controversy o u . of an exchange tims with open arms. She is yet til two o’clock. It was about 2:15 the National Chapter at any time ed, as follows: Frank J. Rippin, these tiny little islands in the great inland sea formed by the flood waters of the of letters between Secretary of the when the court was reopened and Mrs. Alexander Shearer (erroneous­ Mississippi. Note the live stock huddled on the islEud. calm and resolute in her purpose- for the relief of sufferers in the Treasury Mellon and Dr. H'bben, to care for all who come to her for iKe state called County Detective Mississippi valley. ‘ ly given yesterday as Mrs. James president of Princeton. M. Shearer), G. H. Washburn, Mrs. food and shelter. Hickey. Detective Hickey told about Domestic Discussion Harold C. Alvord, Arthur A. Knofla, Business, Given Up being called to Manchester by “ The government of the United Chief Gordon. He went to Manches­ Mrs. Ethel Davis, Mrs. Charles B. SCHOOL INCREASES The refugee registration at Red Loomis, Dr. R. J. Knapp, Mrs. El­ Gray Uses W^eight States regards the correspondence Cross headquarters Is only a little ter, and to the scene of the murder. SEN. HALL’ S MOTTO between Mr. Mellon and Mr. Hibhen Then he went to Hartford with bert Shelton, Miss Emily Cheney. short of the normal population of Mrs. R. J. Smith, selected to head as a purely domestic discussion, the city. Regular business for the Chief Gordon where the driver of and does not desire to engage In the “ murder cab” was found. one of the teams, declined to take REJECTED BY HOUSE most part goes by the boards while IS COMMON SENSE over a captaincy though willing to To Re-enact Crime any formal diplomatic exchanges on shopkeepers, professional and bus­ The party proceeded to New Ha­ the subject,” said Kellogg’s note. ven and at the police headquarters work In the ranks. This leaves one iness men. tradesmen and servants ' For brevity and bluntness, this there Sam Ong pointed out Ching team command to be supplied. Each devote themselves to their places in government’s, icy rejoinder to the Lung as the murderer saying “ You leader will report his or her team Debates on Minor Bills Slow A. I wouldn’t say that. the great relief machine which lias, British communication Is almost shoot my cousin! You shoot my New State Commissioner personnel at tomorrow’s supper Spectators Gasp As He Q. But you have testified that sprung up in the city. Housewivesi cousin!”' Sam did not know Loo meeting. you remembered everything/- You unprecedented in diplomatic ex­ are busy with their tasks of pro* changes between London and Hoo Wing. Upon the return to Man­ 4-Minuto Speakers. ing Up Action in Both remember crying yesterday on the viding clothing for the utterly des­ Says There Will Be No Chief Orator Verplanck has en­ Shows How He Dealt stand, don’t you? Washington. It is, in effect, a thin­ titute in the camps. Business men chester the gun was found and it A. I do. was left in Manchester, being plac­ larged his corps of four-minute Branches of Legislature. ly disguised rebuke to the British and tradesmen have taken over tha- ed in a Dox. That night, he got in Upsets In Departments. speakers'since yesterday, the roster Murder Blow— Calm Un­ Q.'You have'“ thd' sarn’e emotions foreign oflice for taking up some­ matter of supplies and shipments,. touch with the finger expert, Mr. of that Important branch of the now. thing that was not addressed to the professional men are looking after < Mar, and the next day they finger­ drive forces being as follows; F. A. A. No. British in the first place. sanitation and sickness In the Verplanck, Rev. Watson Woodruff, camps. printed the accused. Ching Lung Hartford, May 5.— A proposed der Cross-Examination. Not Feigiiing Diplomatic Slap Hartford, May 5.—A common W. S. Hyde, Rev. W. P. Reidy, Dr. It constitutes, as well, the second 10,284 Refugees , told them at that time that he was Edward G, Dolan, E. Watkins, increase in the amount given to Q. What were you doing yester­ sense administration is proposed by c. diplomatic slap that Washington Scores of servants are assigned a chef and he lived at 110 State AV. W. Robertson, Horace B. Che­ towns- for educational purposes by day, feigning emotion? to tasks about,,, the bustling Red street.
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