Where You Snow Read It First 35/18 THE TUFTS DAILY Est. 1980 VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER 38 TUEsday, MARCH 25, 2014 TUFTSDAILY.COM Community health program hosts forum BY JUS T IN RHEINGOL D at Tufts in which interdisciplinary Daily Editorial Board programs work,” Allen said. “In a lot of them, the way it works A group of students and faculty is faculty are tenured in depart- members from the Community ments but they teach courses for Health Program hosted an infor- [interdisciplinary fields such as] mal forum to discuss the state of political psychology or interna- the major. tional relations. We’re really differ- Community Health Program ent [because] ... we’re in a unique Director Jennifer Allen explained situation where we have dedicat- that she recently began her posi- ed faculty.” tion and convened the meeting to According to Martinez, because discuss students concerns on the the Community Health Program program’s health amid the loss of does not offer a tenure track, fac- several key professors. ulty would officially receive the “One of the most important title of “full-time lecturer.” This things that I feel I can do as the title difference impacts the fac- CAROLINE GEILING / THE TUFTS DAILY program director is to create ulty when they apply for research Tufts has withdrawn its proposal for the redevelopment of the Powder House Community School after it deter- opportunities for students to funding, Martinez explained mined it would be unable to meet the city’s time constraints. give us input on how things are “When you apply for a grant going, and [to] work together as a full time lecturer, you can’t Tufts withdraws from redevelopment of Powder to make things even better — I ... be a Principal Investigator ... would like to do this on a regular you have to ask for permission basis throughout the semester,” to lead your own research grant,” House Community School Allen told the Daily after the she said. “For people like me — BY JUS T IN RHEINGOL D the property would be delayed, for Proposals for redevelopment, meeting. “...I had this meeting I’m interested in health research Daily Editorial Board Tufts’ Associate Director of the Powder House Community because [Assistant Professor of [and] am applying for grants Public Relations Alexander Reid School has been vacant since it Public Health and Community [from] the National Institutes of The City of Somerville in a explained. closed its doors in 2004. The city Medicine Linda Sprague Health — that was concerning ... March 20 press release announced “Tufts University has reached had hoped to break ground on Martinez] is leaving and she is a When [former Community Health that it had ended negotiations an agreement with the City of the redevelopment of the prop- much beloved faculty member. Program Director Edith Balbach] with Tufts on the redevelopment Somerville to withdraw from erty within three years of select- Students were saying, ‘Why are was here as a director she did a of the former Powder House development of the Powder House ing a developer, according to the people leaving?’ so I wanted to really good job any time a hurdle Community School. Community School Project,” Reid March 20 press release, but Tufts have a forum where we could came up ... she did a lot of work The university’s redevelop- told the Daily in an email. “While officials told the city that they did talk about it.” in terms of getting us a blanket of ment proposal was selected by Tufts had hoped to make this not foresee starting the process During the discussion, Allen approval to write or apply for our the city last September, and Tufts project a reality, we have reluc- for at least 15 years. explained that the among Tufts’ own research grants.” had entered into an Exclusive tantly concluded that it is no lon- The City of Somerville will interdisciplinary programs, the In order to overcome this hur- Negotiating Agreement with the ger feasible given the many and retain the university’s $10,000 Community Health Program has dle, community health faculty are city. Over the past two months, growing demands on our finan- deposit according to the press major differences in its structure. however, the university deter- cial resources.” “There are a lot of different ways see COMMUNITY HEALTH, page 2 mined that its development of According to a 2012 Request see POWDER HOUSE SCHOOL, page 2 Dental school implements streamlined international service program BY DENALI TIE T JEN designed to do, the impact we want to have Daily Editorial Board and how we can do that in an ethical man- ner,” Morgan said. Tufts School of Dental Medicine recent- The first half of the 10-lecture series ly began the implementation of the new focuses on introducing students to the over- Global Service Learning Initiative, a pro- all process of global service learning. In the gram intended to streamline international second half of the series, students focus on service opportunities for students. the specific community to which they’re The initiative, organized by a committee traveling — the dental treatments available of four dental school professors and univer- to patients in the area, topics of cultural sen- sity administrators, aims to maximize the sitivity and safety protocols, Morgan, who benefits of international service learning for directs the lecture series, explained. both students and the communities they “After the lectures, [students] have a visit by standardizing all stages of these pro- sense of where they are going, how to grams, including the application process, keep safe when they’re there, what they pre-service learning, on-site practices and can expect to see and what we expect of post-service reflection and reports, accord- them,” Mehta said. ing to the dental school’s Associate Dean of Upon returning from these trips, stu- Global Relations, Noshir Mehta. dents perform a retrospective analysis and “Before, we did not have an organized develop seminars to share their experiences, program,” Mehta said. “A faculty member Associate Dean of Admissions and Student would take two or three students to some Affairs Robert Kasberg said. place for about a week, they’d come back “Students report back to the school and that would be the end of that. There and host seminars for the rest of the stu- was no sustainability, no organization dent body, so hopefully other students and no safety protocol that we followed will gain from their experience, as well,” on a regular basis.” Kasberg said. Central to the initiative is the service edu- While the school has already streamlined cation lecture series students must attend its existing service programs in Zambia, the prior to their trip, John Morgan, a professor Dominican Republic and Haiti, organizers of Public Health and Community Service plan to continue to develop and expand who sits on the Global Service Learning the reach of the Global Service Learning ASHLEY SEENAUTH / TUFTS DAILY ARCHIVES Initiative committee, said. Initiative, Mehta explained. Tufts School of Dental Medicine is implementing a new Global Service Learning Initiative to “It’s important that both the students and standardize service opportunities for dental students. faculty understand what these programs are see SERVICE, page 2 Inside this issue Today’s sections Strong Women, Strong Mekhi Phifer and News 1 Op-Ed 9 Girls teaches young Maggie Q answer ques- women in Somerville tions from the Daily Features 3 Comics 10 and Medford impor- about their new movie Arts & Living 5Sports Back tant life skills. ‘Divergent.’ Editorial | Letters 8 see FEATURES, page 5 see ARTS, page 5 2 THE TUF T S DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Somerville to consider alternate redevelop- Organizers hope to expand ment proposals service opportunities POWDER HOUSE SCHOOL ommendations and to determine of office space. Both propos- SERVICE reservation in Winslow, Ariz. continued from page 1 the next steps in the planning. als met the city’s requirement continued from page 1 to rural clinics in Maine and release, and will use the money In an Aug. 19 report, the com- to maintain accessibility from “We want to expand the pro- Massachusetts and urban clin- for neighborhood improvements mittee recommended two pro- Holland Avenue to Packard gram so that every student that ics all along the coast.” around the school. posals in addition to the one from Avenue via the property. wants to go abroad and gain this According to Kasberg, while “Tufts University has been a Tufts. These proposals included This alternative proposal was sort of experience is able to do many dental schools have terrific partner for the City of ones from Diamond Sinacori Real initially rated highly, according so,” he said. international service learning Somerville in the past and will Estate Development and David to the city’s recent press release. Future service programs orga- trips, Tufts stands out because continue to be a great partner for Square Partners. If it is selected, the community nized through the Global Service of its dental student exchange us, especially in the realm of edu- “If the first alternate bidder, participation process in which Learning Initiative will not be program. cation,” Somerville Mayor Joseph Davis Square Partners, is deter- Tufts was involved will recom- limited to third world countries, “We have a very robust stu- Curtatone is quoted as saying in mined to still be eligible, prepared mence. A community meet- however, according to Mehta. dent exchange program that the press release. “Unfortunately, and willing to move forward, the ing will be held tomorrow eve- “We want to extend these goes hand in hand with what while Tufts was successful at process to negotiate the terms of ning at 6:30 p.m.
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