Gender and Brexit the performance of toxic masculinity in House of Commons debates during the Brexit process Evelien Müller | 4688325 Radboud University Bachelor Thesis Prof. dr. Anna van der Vleuten 3 July 2020 Müller, 4688325/1 [door docent op te nemen op elk voorblad van tentamens] Integriteitscode voor studenten bij toetsen op afstand De Radboud Universiteit wil bijdragen aan een gezonde en vrije wereld met gelijke kansen voor iedereen. Zij leidt daartoe studenten op tot gewetensvolle, betrokken, kritische en zelfbewuste academici. Daarbij hoort een houding van betrouwbaarheid en integriteit. Aan de Radboud Universiteit gaan wij er daarom van uit dat je aan je studie bent begonnen, omdat je daadwerkelijk kennis wilt opdoen en je inzicht en vaardigheden eigen wilt maken. Het is essentieel voor de opbouw van je opleiding (en daarmee voor je verdere loopbaan) dat jij de kennis, inzicht en vaardigheden bezit die getoetst worden. 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Radboud University, Faculty of Arts, 2 June 2020 Müller, 4688325/3 ENGELSE TAAL EN CULTUUR Teacher who will receive this document: dr. Chris Louttit, prof. Dr. Anna van der Vleuten Title of document: Louttit_Mueller_BA Thesis_Final Thesis Name of course: BA Thesis Date of submission: 3 July 2020 Please read the Faculty’s Declaration concerning Fraud and Plagiarism preceding this cover sheet. By signing this cover sheet, you also acknowledge your knowledge of and agreement with its terms. The work submitted here is the sole responsibility of the undersigned, who has neither committed plagiarism nor colluded in its production. Signed Name of student: Evelien Müller Student number: 4688325 Müller, 4688325/4 Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which there is a difference in the performance of toxic masculinity in the House of Commons debates concerning Brexit with either Theresa May or Boris Johnson as PM. To do so, a discourse analysis is conducted. Two debates that were part of the Brexit process are analysed to investigate the extent of toxic masculine performance. In the end, the hypothesis that there would be more toxic masculinity during the debate Johnson was PM in than the debate May was PM in was confirmed based on an analysis of the used vocabulary, non-verbal communication and the content of both debates. Müller, 4688325/5 Table of contents Oke Chapter 1: Introduction 7 1.1 Historical, societal and cultural background 7 1.2 State of current research 8 1.3 Research question 9 1.4 Summary of methodology and theoretical framework 10 1.5 Thesis outline 10 1.6 Hypothesis 10 Chapter 2: Theoretical framework & methodology 11 2.1 Gender and Brexit 11 2.2 Theoretical framework 12 2.2.1 Toxic Masculinity 12 2.2.2 Gender and Politics 12 2.3 Methodology 14 2.3.1 Discourse analysis 14 2.3.2 Materials 14 2.3.3 Context 15 2.3.4 Analysis 16 Chapter 3: General data 18 3.1 Data on the debates 18 3.1.1 The May debate 18 3.1.2 The Johnson debate 18 3.2 Data on speakers: gender and party affiliation 19 3.2.1 The May debate 19 3.2.2 The Johnson debate 19 3.2.3 Comparison 20 Chapter 4: Discourse analysis 22 4.1 Vocabulary 22 4.2 Non-verbal communication 25 4.2.1 House of Commons conventions 25 4.2.2 Boris Johnson 26 4.2.3 Jeremy Corbyn 27 4.2.4 Ian Blackford 27 Müller, 4688325/6 4.3 Content 28 4.3.1 Male MPs 28 4.3.2 Female MPs 29 4.3.3 Discourse and militarism 30 Chapter 5: Conclusion 32 Bibliography 34 Appendices 37 Appendix 1 37 Appendix 2 40 Müller, 4688325/7 Chapter 1: Introduction Several popular media platforms have been addressing the connection between toxic masculinity and Brexit since the beginning of the Brexit process. “What Brexit means for men: A toxic situation” (The Book of Man, 2018), “Brexit is lost in toxic masculinity. No wonder women are turning against it” (Bennett, 2018), and “How leaders like Boris Johnson took toxic masculinity in politics to terrifying new heights” (Walsh, 2019) are the type of headings that are seen quite frequently these days. Like the popular media, academics have started to investigate all kinds of aspects of the dynamic Brexit process. One of those aspects is gender, specifically toxic masculinity – a term used in academic research that surrounded “gender-based violence, misogyny and the abuse of women in private and public life” (Daddow & Hertner, 2019, p. 1). The question that still needs to be answered is how toxic masculinity is displayed in British politics, and whether this differs depending on the gender of the prime minister (“PM”). Firstly, this chapter will be dealing with Brexit as a national crisis and the expected increase of toxic masculinity. Secondly, it will tackle the current research, especially paying attention to a) gendered effects on men and women and b) the underrepresentation of women in British politics, both PMs and members of parliament (“MP”). Then, it will look at how this thesis will investigate the way in which toxic masculinity plays a role in MP-PM interaction during times of crisis like Brexit. 1.1 Historical, societal and cultural background Historically, the EU and the UK have had a turbulent relationship. The outcome of the Brexit referendum in 2016 may have come as a surprise to some people. However, the lead-up to the referendum and outcome is quite visible in recent UK history.
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